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File: 332 KB, 600x583, 1656603939097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14678330 No.14678330 [Reply] [Original]

>uni wants to turn mens toilets into toilets for all (((genders)))

>> No.14678340

my uni already did that and it's fucking weird

>> No.14678342

I couldn't care less who's shitting next to me. I'd feel equally awkward.

>> No.14678353

>piss at the urinal
>cock hungry sloot goes next to you and stares at your dick

>> No.14678356

Shitting isn't awkward, that's just your sociocultural programming. Native Americans would routinely hold important conversations while shitting openly

>> No.14678359

>Native Americans would routinely hold important conversations while shitting openly
That's just their sociocultural programming. Shidding and farding is awkwrd.

>> No.14678368

You've clearly never seen women's toilets. There's blood, piss and shit literally everywhere. In the men's toilets occasionally some drops of pee land on the floor. That's it. But women weirdly squat/hover above the seat and splatter their pee and diarrhea all over the cabin. Then they seemingly throw their used tampons randomly into a corner, expecting some toilet wagie cleaner to pick it up. It's disgusting and it smells disgusting.

>> No.14678373
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Clean it, wagie.

>> No.14678388

Where are they supposed to put their tampons? In their purse?

>> No.14678396

In the heckin trash bin maybe? There's one in every cabin.

>> No.14678401
File: 50 KB, 600x894, 3524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where are they supposed to put their tampons? In their purse?
This is why femgroids should be stripped of all social, political and economic power.

>> No.14678408

Why don't we just get rid of urinals and make men pee into trash cans too?

>> No.14678412

why dont we make you our piss slave like your mom(lol)

>> No.14678418

How does that even help? Won't trannies still demand to enter the women's toilet instead of the unisex one?

>> No.14678421

Only gay fags use urinals. Like lmao, why do you want to expose your penis to other men?

>> No.14678426

>pee into trash cans
Isn't this how you're supposed to do it in the subway?

>> No.14678430

I prefer them separated because it's easier to reach my target audience with cameras.

>> No.14678446

trannies are also allowed to enter the womens toilet(not men though)
I fear that will make women even more likely to come to the mens toilet since they might want to escape the troons

>> No.14678448

>It's disgusting and it smells disgusting.
What were you doing there?

>> No.14678584

>Native Americans
>important conversations

>> No.14678592

That makes it easier for me and Stacy to have sex on school hours!

>> No.14678708

>he doesn't want women in his toilet
Are you gay?

>> No.14678712
File: 219 KB, 483x470, 2344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women in his toilet
>in his toilet

>> No.14678716

At the start of uni every year the RAs of my dorm would say "you can use whichever toilet you want, but if even one person is uncomfortable with it, we go back to gender exclusive bathrooms".

For the three years I lived on campus, not one person gave a shit and everyone always just used whichever bathroom was closest to them. It just works. I'm not gonna walk to the opposite side of the hallway just to pee because there's a woman taking a shower in the same bathroom.

>> No.14678760

Wait a minute - a place of higher learning, being run by and infested with, a bunch of Woke faggots? That can't be right.

>> No.14678877

Yeah like who to rape next

>> No.14678882

Sounds hot no cap

>> No.14678891

>uni wants to turn mens toilets into toilets for all (((genders)))
just say it's against your religion, provide that quote from Deuteronomy, say you practice Judaism

>> No.14678898

>Where are they supposed to put their tampons? In their purse?
The trash can...

>Why don't we just get rid of urinals and make men pee into trash cans too?
What is your point? Men peeing in a thing projected to be peed on is equivalent to throwing bloody cotton in the floor?

>> No.14678900

>say you practice Judaism
although if they are the wrong type of lefty this might backfire

>> No.14678923

>although if they are the wrong type of lefty this might backfire
Just call in the reinforcements (muslims) and say it's islamophobic as well

>> No.14678930

>believing any left is truly against the Jew instead of being an easy controlled opposition strawman

>> No.14678967

Why does this keep happening to me?

>> No.14678990

Mine already did. You have Womens restrooms and gender neutral ones.

>> No.14679146

Based urinals will be replaced by individual cubicles like a hotel.

>> No.14679155

The point is that men designed bathrooms to have special unnecessary fixtures for them to pee on, but did not do the same thing for women