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File: 279 KB, 1166x996, Current State of Sea Ice Cover Earth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14677375 No.14677375 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14677378

let's talk about how the ice increased in 2014...

>> No.14677380
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>> No.14677631

What do we need then? Fusion? Global bans on greenhouse gasses? Carbon capture at the source for industry? Panic will solve nothing.

>> No.14677634

The things have been clear since the late 70s: emit less CO2

>> No.14677637

Fusion. The world needs fusion. ITER is not being publicized enough. The world should be watching with bated breath and putting pressure on those scientists to do their job right. And we need to fund efforts like that more.

>> No.14677641

20 more years

>> No.14677668
File: 3.27 MB, 4032x3024, 4B9F9980-B257-4C44-A4BE-78C3177CAF87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a bullshit response.
A. We don’t know the composition and distribution of particulate matter in the atmosphere
B. Particle size determines whether it settles in the troposphere or the stratosphere
C. The troposphere and the stratosphere are not thermally coupled. If a particle settles in the stratosphere it COOLS the troposphere.
>Source: Bohren and Huffman 2004 edition, as well as conversations with many atmospheric scientists who concede these facts
You might as well suggest that we emit more ammonium sulfate into the atmosphere to counter our CO2 production

>> No.14677698

>This is a bullshit response.
If you think so, were you trying to one-up me?

>> No.14677701

>no refutation of the argument
Thought not.

>> No.14677708

Yeah why didn't you refute my argument?

>> No.14677715


>> No.14677733

You've been spamming this all over this board.

>> No.14677738

And still no one can argue against it. Goes to show how dogmatic the climate change community is.

>> No.14677757

What does atmospheric particulates have to do with CO2?

>> No.14677767

It's a ridiculous idea to combat the environmental destruction from one pollutant with a second pollutant with potentially unforeseeable consequences. Haven't you learnt from Australia and China? We must stop polluting, not trying to find the right mix of pollution.

>> No.14677774

>what does a tree have to do with plants?

>> No.14677789

Reducing CO2 production could have “potentially unforeseeable consequences” too, smoothbrain. Just because a solution is unpalatable to you doesn’t make it invalid or ridiculous. I happen to agree that we shouldn’t solve the problem by polluting more (on aesthetic grounds which are often discarded in the name of progress, e.g. 5G towers), but that’s assuming that:
A. The problem exists
B. Mankind can have any effect whatsoever on the problem
I have seen sufficient evidence for neither A nor B.

>> No.14677861

>Mankind can have any effect whatsoever on the problem
Hmm how about the fact that for the last million years CO2 fluctuated by 100ppm and in the last 100 years we have added 150ppm on top of the interglacial high.

>> No.14677867

>Reducing CO2 production could have “potentially unforeseeable consequences” too, smoothbrain.
You mean the stable equilibrium of the last 10,000 years could have surprises?

>> No.14677895

Assuming you’re right (show a study), let’s dump some ammonium sulfate in the stratosphere to cool things. Why do we have to reduce CO2?
The earth and its other inhabitants respond very quickly to change. Reducing CO2 could have a dramatic effect on plant life, which requires it to survive. Think of it like this:
>let me feed ducks in my local pond
>more ducks come
>I can’t afford to feed all these ducks!
>Oh well, they have gotten along for millions of years without me feeding them, nothing will happen if I stop

>> No.14677927
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Geoengineering without stopping the root cause of the problem won't accomplish much

>> No.14677944
File: 22 KB, 696x701, 8af.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think... I think I'm gonna... I think. IM GONNA TROOOOST

>> No.14677957

Lots of other factors to consider (pic rel is from the paper you cite).
Questions for you:
A. How do we know these core samples reflect atmospheric CO2 when we don’t have comprehensive in-situ atmospheric surveys?
B. Why does the study only extend 1 million years (a very short time in the Earth’s lifespan)?
C. What evidence is there that the man made CO2 content is sufficient to alter the troposphere’s temperature?
>Geoengineering without stopping the root cause of the problem won't accomplish much
D. Why not? That’s like saying “treating cancer without curing it won’t accomplish much”, when we don’t have a cure.

>> No.14677959

>The things have been clear since the late 70s: emit less CO2

You first, KYS.

>> No.14677963
File: 976 KB, 1125x1198, 69A999D4-072F-464F-B191-39306A16B5A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

>> No.14677968

I'm biking to work, haven't flown in 10 years, buy most things second-hand and I'm virtually vegan (sometimes I sneak a piece of cake if a colleague brings it).
Now you.

>> No.14677970

You're a malnourished lanky faggot with a BMI of 19. Lmfao these are the faggots who are climate shills

>> No.14677981

>I'm biking to work, haven't flown in 10 years, buy most things second-hand and I'm virtually vegan (sometimes I sneak a piece of cake if a colleague brings it).
>Now you.

You're still producing more CO2 than if you were dead. Is this a crisis or is it not a crisis?

Or are you a 'special person' who will, like a little climate-reducing transistor, get other people to give up their lifestyle to "offset" your CO2 emission?

>> No.14677987

A: air doesn't travel through ice. So the air bubbles can be correlated with the time they were encapsulated.
B: that's how old the ice at the bottom of the longest ice cores is. To get to a 800ka, you need to drill over 3km deep.
C: has nothing to do with ice cores and is so vague that I'd like you to be more precise with your question. Otherwise I'll probably answer a question you didn't mean to ask.
D: the cure is stopping. If someone is throwing pebbles at you the best solution is to make him stop and not think about throwing snowballs at you hoping that they absorb the pebbles

>> No.14677991

Actually I just passed 24 because I've neglected my workout for work, but what's it to you?

Well the planet would obviously save more if you killed yourself. So why don't you start? You're obviously the lower hanging fruit.

>> No.14678002

A. Doesn’t answer my question. How do we know that the quantities settling on the ground reflect what remains in the atmosphere without seeing in-situ studies confirming that hypothesis?
B. How have we found 500million year old fossils, if that’s the case?
C. Okay, I’ll be more specific: What evidence is there that the man made CO2 content in the atmosphere is sufficient to alter the troposphere’s temperature?
D. Without answering C you cannot make that assertion convincingly.

>> No.14678019

>A. How do we know these core samples reflect atmospheric CO2 when we don’t have comprehensive in-situ atmospheric surveys?
There are studies that have historical in situ readings from the core location and from the ice core below and they overlap.
>B. Why does the study only extend 1 million years (a very short time in the Earth’s lifespan)?
That's the depth of the antarctic ice cap where we can get direct CO2 from
>C. What evidence is there that the man made CO2 content is sufficient to alter the troposphere’s temperature?
Satellite and in ground measurements of oncoming and outgoing radiation together with spectrographic reading showing the CO2 signature

>> No.14678031

None of these constitute an in-situ measurement, and satellite studies of albedo are notoriously poor.

>> No.14678036

I really don't get your question A. An air bubble that was trapped x years ago obviously consists of the air that was there x years ago.
B: they were not in ice
C: the CO2 content has increased by 50% over the past 150-200 years. At the same time, the ratio of C13 to C12 in the atmosphere has decreased. Plants have less C13 than the atmosphere, so this is in good agreement with us burning liquefied plants/fossil fuel. Additionally, the oxygen concentration has decreased matching exactly what's needed to get the increase of CO2 from burning and not from a volcano or something. And the additional amount in the atmosphere is pretty much exactly the same as our emissions. So yeah, we can be sure that the CO2 is ours. And that an increase of 50% has a measurable effect can be seen in the change in the infrared spectrum emitted by CO2 in our atmosphere

>> No.14678043

>None of these constitute an in-situ measurement,
What do you define as in-situ? That a scientist travels back 800,000 years in time?

>> No.14678044
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There are in situ records of the overlap of CO2 in the air and in the core.

>> No.14678049

No, I want to see a study where we send a fleet of balloons up with CO2 counters, which is something the atmospheric science community has been begging for for a long time. It would go a long way to supporting climate science claims, so why isn’t it funded by climate change alarmists?

>> No.14678053

Instrumental where? How many? Is it representative of the global levels? You are measuring CO2 in a region where there are no plants to consume it!

>> No.14678057
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CO2 is rapidly well mixed in the atmosphere. This has been known for decades

>> No.14678058

What the fuck would those balloons prove or even measure? That at a certain height we have the same CO2 concentration as on the ground?

>> No.14678062

WHERE the CO2 settles is an extremely relevant question as my first post showed: >>14677668
The distribution determines the thermal effect. If the CO2 settles in the stratosphere, the effect is the complete opposite of that which it would have settling in the troposphere. The two are not thermally coupled!

>> No.14678065

Kek faggot. Imagine being overweight on a vegan diet! You definitely engorge on processed foods, and yet you're climate shill. Ahahahahahahahahahaha

>> No.14678070

>WHERE the CO2 settles is an extremely relevant
It's a gas. What do you expect? That it settles at the bottom? That gases separate by density? That's not what gases do.

>> No.14678078
File: 287 KB, 602x642, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those studies have been made many times. If you don't know about the topic why can't you do some research beforehand?

>> No.14678079

>tfw you realize you’ve been arguing with someone that doesn’t understand archimedes’ principle
Anon, everything in both the troposphere and the stratosphere is a gas. The gases settle in different distributions at different altitudes according to particle size/density. We don’t know where the CO2 is settling and in what distribution because an in-situ study has never been done.

>> No.14678082

>We don’t know where the CO2 is settling and in what distribution because an in-situ study has never been done.
so fucking clueless

>> No.14678084

>The two are not thermally coupled!
What's that even supposed to mean? Heat transfer from greenhouse gases works almost exclusively by radiative transport, not heat conduction.

>> No.14678089

What was the scope of your study? How can we know it was representative of global levels across many years?
When most of the foliage on earth is dead? Show me the studies! Send links! I have asked atmospheric scientists for a long time for them and they have come up short. Maybe you know something they don’t.

>> No.14678094
File: 5 KB, 150x145, 64021665-6C14-48B4-9471-198FD4206422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, troll. There's absolutely no reason all the CO2 of the atmosphere should clump up in a corner in December or May. Gases mix. The concentration variation as a function of altitude is extremely small compared to the overall changes.

>> No.14678097

This stuff has been studied for the past 20 years
Read some literature then come back

>> No.14678101
File: 2.74 MB, 3024x2649, 32715C53-4369-4296-A539-6178D0F4E0FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there’s no reason CO2 should be reduced when plants are around to consume it
Show me the links!
Pic rel is from a textbook on Mie scattering.

>> No.14678105

Next you're going to ask about the profile above Kiribati on Christmas? The CO2 gets everywhere, gases are not like liquids that settle according to their density.

>> No.14678110

This is talking about particulates not gasses… two completely different things are you having a stroke?

>> No.14678111

>1st study onboard a CO2 emitting aircraft
>second says this:
>This reconstructed CO2 product is based on a Lagrangian backward trajectory model driven by ERA-Interim reanalysis meteorology and tropospheric CO2 measurements.
Try again!

>> No.14678121

Mie scattering has absolutely nothing to do with the greenhouse effect. Mie scattering describes scattering (duh!) on particles of similar size as the wavelength. CO2 is a factor 2000 times smaller than the light were talking about. We're talking about absorption and emission. Are you trying to muddy the waters here? Must be, otherwise you wouldn't have a book on Mie theory at hand. You know that gases mix. You know that there's no Mie scattering on CO2. Fuck off.

>> No.14678122

Of what do you think gasses are comprised?

>> No.14678124

>Ice cover decreasing
>Heat waves across the world
>Droughts of unheard-of severity in the Western US
>Wildfires on multiple continents
>All resulting from a century or so of nonstop fossil fuel use
>Retards STILL don’t believe anthropogenic climate change
You guys deserve to be gassed. My only solace is that when collapse really kicks into high gear you guys will suffer just like the rest of us.

>> No.14678126

It is in a textbook from a course I took on Mie scattering. Bohren and Huffman, I welcome you to read it and educate yourself.

>> No.14678128

I know Mie scattering, it is even mentioned in my dissertation you clown. Who do you think you can fool by throwing in random physics processes that have nothing to do with CO2 or the greenhouse effect?

>> No.14678131

Gases mix to some extent but anyone who’s studied thermo knows about distributions. The distribution is what matters.

>> No.14678135
File: 139 KB, 360x357, örrörröö8D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14678136

Illiterate nigger, it is simply in the book we used for a Mie scattering course. You can cry and bitch about what to call it some more, or you can read what the argument says and try to refute it.

>> No.14678137

Individual, free, unbound molecules. Not particulate matter.

>> No.14678139

So CO2 is a particulate then! C is bound to two Os!

>> No.14678140

Mie scattering has nothing to do with anything here. Why even bring it up, faggot?

>> No.14678146

Kys, independently of whether you're trolling or actually retarded.

>> No.14678148

>SSA isn’t discussed in scattering courses
>SSA isn’t relevant to global warming
I only mentioned Mie Scattering in passing to provide context. You are the sperg fixating on it. Are you possibly… an affirmative action PhD?

>> No.14678149

>ignoring the balloon dataset
>thinking that the team put their instrument on the plane exhaust
You’re being purposely dishonest or completely clueless. In thinking the latter since you didn’t know vertical co2 profiles have been a thing for decades

>> No.14678153

In the textbook cited, CO2 is counted among particulates (rightfully so):

>> No.14678155

Greenhouse effect is not scattering. End of discussion. Do you have questions regarding the greenhouse effect or do you just want to annoy people?

>> No.14678161

It says carbon, not carbon dioxide. Tiny difference.
I'm starting to think you're really dumb. Respect if you're trolling.

>> No.14678164
File: 458 KB, 1076x984, D839E211-3710-457B-8232-E0C57484ECD0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the balloon dataset, presented without source
Yeah, I’ll ignore it.
>greenhouse effect is not scattering
Anon… I’m sorry to inform you we must revoke your Mie Scattering PhD (probably some worthless measurements anyway kek)

>> No.14678166

Do you have dementia? There’s no carbon dioxide listed anywhere there unless you think carbon combustion particulate is CO2 in which case you do have dementia

>> No.14678171

The carbon in CO2 is included in “natural carbon”. Read the book.

>> No.14678172
File: 17 KB, 400x326, 74C37479-1D50-4A05-B3AB-8BB942C2E1FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn’t even bother to read the methodology or the references

>> No.14678177
File: 3.55 MB, 480x312, E711B32A-FCF3-4CD2-B6C0-DC620CA60FB1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See: >>14678171
I love that climate alarmists have to fixate on irrelevant things like “what is a particle” and “that’s not real Mie scattering!!!1!”
How about you justify some of your dogma for us? We are all still waiting.

>> No.14678178

Come on, let's leave it be. 80% sure he's trolling, 20% that he's actual Dunning-Krugering here and just goes from fallacy to fallacy with the occasional obnoxiousness "you didn't show the CO2 concentration at 17km above Burma on March 4th". No idea if anyone would actually think of that as a good point. Either way it's a waste of time to interact with him.

>> No.14678181

Yeah, make it 95% sure he's trolling.

>> No.14678182

Point me to it: >>14678078
all I see is a pic with 0 citations

>> No.14678192

You’re conflating two completely different things. Particulate (aerosol) distributions and CO2 (gas) distributions. You don’t even bother to read the papers and claimed that vertical CO2 distributions were unknown when they have been studied for decades. Looks like you’re the one hitting that crack pipe

>> No.14678193

>when climate alarmists can’t prove their arguments they simply give up
K. Even if we grant that your fallacious CO2 arguments are reliable, there is no evidence of the contribution it has to tropospheric temperatures. Even if we granted that, again without evidence, there is no evidence that reducing CO2 emissions is the only solution or even a tenable solution.

>> No.14678197

Don't. I shift to 100% sure he's trolling. I mean, you have to be a literal mongoloid to not see the source.

>> No.14678198

See: >>14678193

>> No.14678207

I’m waiting on a mass spec to run some samples so I have time to call him out on his blatant lying

>> No.14678208

Still waiting on that source bud.

>> No.14678210

Yeah, of course everyone gives up if you talk complete nonsense and pretend you don't see the links posted here: >>14678097
I mean, no one believes you honestly have trouble clicking on it and scrolling a bit down. And if you do, you need some other kind of care than we can offer. So either you're pretending to be retarded, or you are. Why would anyone interact with you then?

>> No.14678216


>> No.14678218

I hope you're not in Europe, otherwise you should go home soon. Have a good day, I'm getting dinner now.

>> No.14678219

You don't even know what a molecule is. LOL

>> No.14678224

I *saw* your links and found them unconvincing. You’re pretending you don’t see my problems with them, here:>>14678111

>> No.14678226


>> No.14678228

>Yeah, I’ll ignore it.
Thanks for admitting you have no argument.

>> No.14678230
File: 39 KB, 349x642, db0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're pretending that there are no sources when you saw them. Why? Seriously, why? Is it picrel?

>> No.14678231

Pretty arbitrary definition for particulate matter you have, and one which conflicts with the author of the book cited. Use his definition if we’re to have a conversation.

>> No.14678235

There are direct measurements of increasing radiative forcing by CO2 but Why should I bother to post links when you don’t even read them?

>> No.14678238

Who cares? Address my issues or admit you can’t: >>14678111

>> No.14678241

The book quite literally does not define CO2 as an aerosol because the author isn’t a dishonest liar like you are

>> No.14678245

I read enough to see the flaws. If the setup is flawed why should I care about what results they got?

>> No.14678249

Read the methodology and you’ll see that they use aircraft measurements and balloon measurements. Your argument is nonsensical because the aircraft is not affecting the CO2 readings

>> No.14678256

>still fixating on irrelevant parts of the argument
>still can’t prove me wrong

>> No.14678258

Are you still talking about the Fall study? When most of the foliage on earth is dead (CO2 is left unconsumed)?

>> No.14678260

>measurements are wrong because I say so

>> No.14678261

We're talking about wavelengths of 14μm and you're talking about 200pm. You don't have a point.

>> No.14678271
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>(CO2 is left unconsumed)
What difference does it make? I mean, there's a seasonal effect in the concentration (picrel), but what do you expect to be different in spring or summer?

>> No.14678272

>measurements are representative of all seasons because I say so

>> No.14678274 [DELETED] 

Since the crazy carbon tax shill is probably in this thread as well...
>i claimed exactly the opposite
You claimed there is some unknown negative feedback preventing the water vapor from being part of a feedback, in response to being told water vapor amplifies warming from CO2. Remember?
I didn't make that claim either you idiot. My only claim from the start was that the effects of irrigating formerly dry land may be underestimated.

>> No.14678279

Since the crazy carbon tax shill is probably in this thread as well...
>>i claimed exactly the opposite
>You claimed there is some unknown negative feedback preventing the water vapor from being part of a feedback, in response to being told water vapor amplifies warming from CO2. Remember?
I didn't make that claim either you idiot. My only claim from the start was that the effects of irrigating formerly dry land may be underestimated.

>> No.14678282

Again, not reading the source. The more recent study includes balloon data spanning 20 years and different locations and seasons.

>> No.14678284

I expect the seasonal effect to be more thoroughly studied and accounted for. I expect better than some Lagrangian model based on tropospheric measurements alone. You want people to upend their lives and abandon luxuries they’ve become accustomed to, you’re going to have to do a damn sight better than this to convince them.

>> No.14678294

So you think that in spring all the CO2 moves elsewhere after it's been super well mixed? Because.... why exactly? The concentration on the ground varies by 5ppm due to biomass? Seriously, do you expect an effect >5ppm anywhere?

>> No.14678307
File: 200 KB, 1125x220, 44F1D833-316F-4EA7-BDAE-D867F7BE09FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>super well mixed
Read your own source dipshit

>> No.14678319

How big is the difference?

>> No.14678326
File: 411 KB, 1284x1057, A7B06DC5-4E1D-499F-829B-DF251426B6A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again you show how clueless you are because there’s observational data of radiative forcing changing along with seasonal CO2 variability

>> No.14678327

The question you should be asking is this: how much does it take to increase the temperature of the troposphere? If there is no answer, then we can go in circles about CO2 levels all we like and never answer anything about global warming.

>> No.14678329

>no source
Where you pulling the graph from bud?

>> No.14678331

So radiative forcing increases directly with the CO2 concentration in the air? That was one of your questions wasn't it? So you provided proof yourself

>> No.14678335

No because the difference is 5-10ppm, which is our emission in 2-4 years. Whatever minuscule effect you might find is completely overshadowed after 4 years. Same for your seasonal variation.

>> No.14678337

So tell me how much CO2 it takes for us to see appreciable temperature changes in the troposphere.

>> No.14678338

IIRC, it was first proven in 1942, so not much.

>> No.14678349

Actually, the answer is in your own plot: >>14678326
a difference of 5ppm has a clearly visible impact on the radiative forcing.

>> No.14678350

Why should I bother doing your homework? You’re not going to read it anyway. These are well known data. The fact that you didn’t know there were balloon datasets of CO2 shows you have little knowledge of the topic

>> No.14678354

You’re confusing the clueless denier with me. I’m proving him wrong

>> No.14678355

Not an answer.

>> No.14678366

>why would I bother convincing people of saving the world?
If you really believed the stakes were so high, you’d bother. Also >>14678354
radiative forcing =/= temperature. What’s the equation relating the two?

>> No.14678369
File: 207 KB, 968x518, 0A3D967E-C7FE-4E25-992B-3C5ECBFE6E36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least what was emitted between 1970 and 1996. Next question.

>> No.14678377

Brightness temperature =/= temperature, much less does that give any indication of biologically appreciable temperatures.

>> No.14678380
File: 45 KB, 252x696, 0BB32403-41FF-412F-B6F8-0C8D95A84F7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In fact we see no change in this part of the spectrum!

>> No.14678384
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>> No.14678390

Wow it’s truly a mystery how increasing energy reaching the surface from the CO2 greenhouse effect has an effect on surface temperatures

>> No.14678393
File: 183 KB, 593x637, 43AFB677-0912-46CC-BC43-243D46C5ED87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Answer the questions, climey.

>> No.14678399

No one will deny there’s a relation, but how drastic is it? It’s possible you’re crying about something trivially unimportant. Prove otherwise.
>you won’t, and now you realize why the dogma shifted from “global cooling” to “global warming” to “climate change”

>> No.14678419
File: 45 KB, 500x500, F45AF14A-1420-4273-B883-D8CC800E92A8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we went from "is there proof" to "how much is needed to find it" to "ok we can prove it, but how drastic is it"? Did I get this right?

>> No.14678425
File: 38 KB, 751x484, 8784987F-5750-446B-8AA4-383A049564F2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm I wonder why temperatures have been increasing 20x faster than in the onset of the interglacial period in the Holocene

>> No.14678427

Why do we pretend to care about all these tiny changes in temperature? Really?

>> No.14678429

No, I am still not convinced that the CO2 studies are reliable. Less so now that I’ve seen more studies showing the inhomogeneity of the CO2 distribution ITT. I am, for the sake of argument, suspending my disbelief of your argument and allowing you to take it to its rational conclusion. You claim CO2 is causing global warming. Show proof of the degree to which temperature changes with changing CO2 levels. When you fail at that, I’ll suspend my disbelief again to counter the third and final part of your argument: that we should reduce CO2 emissions.

>> No.14678434

Zoom out nigger

>> No.14678439

>confusing instantaneous CO2 distributions and ignoring the fact that the gas is well mixed in the atmosphere within a year

>> No.14678441

>the inhomogeneity of the CO2 distribution
By 5-10ppm. If that causes "doubt" then I really don't know what to say.

>> No.14678445

Not cool.
Are you gonna tell us that 500 million years ago everything was hotter again?

>> No.14678451

Again, you haven’t convinced me and you won’t with what you’ve shown. Let’s move on to the CO2 vs Temperature relationship. All I’ve seen is >>14678369
which actually shows no change at one of the CO2 wavelengths >>14678380
(which would refute your first argument, but let’s ignore that). Explain to me how much CO2 is needed to change the Earth’s temperature appreciably.

>> No.14678455 [DELETED] 

>muh racism
Downvote me if you don’t like it, nigger.

>> No.14678458

You did:

>Just because you can't name any negative feedbacks preventing runaway warming caused by a small increase in water vapour doesn't mean they don't exist.

>> No.14678467
File: 158 KB, 760x920, 6E34021A-9667-4309-A536-1456A0FD1B49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lying again
Increasing greenhouse forcing has been directly measured. You just have no ability to even read a graph

>> No.14678468
File: 37 KB, 1140x852, 1C1DDE80-25EE-4153-87F5-A3E8A2EB11E9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, just click through skepticalscience.com yourself.

>> No.14678473

That is a negative sign anon. Are you saying it causes cooling? Either way, you’re ignoring my questions about this graph: >>14678377

>> No.14678486

Maybe I should be more specific: What is the mathematical relationship between radiative forcing and surface temperature? I want to know how much radiative forcing has to change before we feel an appreciable temperature change.

>> No.14678487

>before we feel an appreciable temperature change.
We already do. Does that not answer your question?

>> No.14678496

No, it doesn’t. Your graph >>14678425
is a terrifically short time span and doesn’t even establish correlation between temperature and radiative forcing / CO2 levels. How can we possibly claim that >>14678425
is proof that CO2 is the dominant factor?

>> No.14678509

>How can we possibly claim that >>14678425 # is proof that CO2 is the dominant factor?
Yeah how can we possibly? I bet this was never proven, so I better ask the billionth time

>> No.14678520

Okay, you’re not proving your assertion so let’s move on to the third part of your argument: that we should reduce CO2 levels. Why do you consider this the only solution, when we could simply add aerosols to the stratosphere to cool the earth? It wouldn’t force us to abandon an industrial way of life, upending our society. Why is your approach better?

>> No.14678541
File: 960 KB, 930x1913, 0ABC4A3B-6835-4BE6-AA05-5A22B2D01354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok since for once you were not an annoying little shit, I even reward you with picrel.
>Why do you consider this the only solution, when we could simply add aerosols to the stratosphere to cool the earth?
Because that's ridiculous. Even if you could match the exact emissions, what's the plan? Let's emit aerosols while we keep burning dinosaurs? Until when? Until we're covered in smog? Seriously? And how do you ensure that the radiative forcing is perfectly balanced?

>> No.14678546

>you haven’t convinced me
Non sequitur. You ignore any evidence that would convince any rational person.

>> No.14678555

Until we can get fusion technology which, as I said >>14677637 is the ultimate solution. THAT’S our cure. Taking oil from a society that runs on oil is like taking the blood from a person to “cure” them of some illness. Yeah, they’ll be cured, but they’ll also be dead. Such would be the case for society. If, on the other hand, we accept temporary remedies/treatments like controlled stratospheric pollution until we have fusion (the cure), the society can survive and continue to thrive.

>> No.14678558

I don't get it, but I'm saying right now that I'm not eating any bugs

>> No.14678567

>how do we tune the pollution right
A subject for further research I suppose. It seems a lot easier to pollute than to reduce pollution at this point. The costs of reducing CO2 emissions are tremendous and would necessarily decimate human populations. Reduction of CO2 is the misanthropic approach.

>> No.14678568

>the ultimate solution
No, fusion is not the Endlösung. It's just the icing on the top of your idiocy.

>> No.14678573

>he doesn’t want limitless clean energy
We have come closer and closer to breaching Lawson’s criteria with every attempt. You truly are a misanthrope if you don’t want that for humanity.

>> No.14678591

if i admit defeat at this little word game we're playing is it going to make you feel good about yourself? fine. i admit defeat. savor your "victory".

>> No.14678593
File: 196 KB, 544x306, 4593AA5B-93E2-4434-BFFE-346FF14342AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People like you have been preaching “the end is near” for fifty years. Humanity will survive another fifty years or so on its current trajectory while it figures out fusion, the more so if it takes precautionary measures like controlled stratospheric pollution.

>> No.14678596

I'm not against fusion, I'm against holding my breath the next 20 years. Also, the transition to electricity is necessary either way.

>> No.14678602

>controlled stratospheric pollution
This sounds horrible, like adding a different color of poop to a toilet and pretending the poops cancel out. What the fuck dude,

>> No.14678623

See >>14678593
20 years is not going to doom us. There is a clear political agenda behind such fearmongering. There has been since 1973 at least. We need to look at ways to alleviate the pressure of the situation without abandoning our way of life altogether. You’re right about electricity, 100%. But we need to get that energy from somewhere. A vast majority of it will continue to come from fossil fuels until fusion is here. The answer is not to unplug our society altogether, live in pods, eat bugs, and abandon all modern comforts, though.
That’s how a lot of people feel about cell towers, satellites, street lamps, even roads. In the name of progress we put up with such things. If it’s a matter of survival then we should do it, even if it’s unpleasant. I can assure you there are many that would prefer to try that over “eating the bugs”.

>> No.14678632

It's been 20 more years for 60 years already. If you don't believe the clear evidence of global heating but believe that we'll have fusion power in 20 years, you're the ultimate midwit.

>> No.14678643
File: 396 KB, 709x475, 0B09638F-D755-44F5-BA37-8D3C1931689E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The difference is that we have tangible evidence of progress toward fusion, while there is no tangible evidence that continuing to use fossil fuels will result in irreparable global catastrophe any time soon.

>> No.14678646

Nuclear it is then.

>> No.14678649
File: 67 KB, 590x682, antarctica-south-pole-froze-over-coldest-winter-record-climate-change-global-warming-3684842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>last year
>record cold in antarctic for months on end
>science: "i see nothing"
thats why the rest of us see nothing when the scientists chimp out over warmer than average weather, they're just a bunch of greedy charlatans who willfully abuse logic and reason in order to try to justify gibes and other free money for themselves

>> No.14678655

We have comparable data going back 400k years and such a high rate of temperature change has not been observed

>> No.14678657

>thats why the rest of us see nothing when the scientists chimp out over warmer than average weather
You literally are doing the thing you accuse scientists of doing (which they aren't). Global heating is about global effects, not "it was warm/cold once in that location"

>> No.14678658

A. Show me the data
B. How does this = irreparable global catastrophe
C. Why can’t we reverse this with controlled stratospheric pollution instead of eating bugs?

>> No.14678665


>> No.14678685

Read the thread
>what are tipping points
Are. You. Serious?

>> No.14678704

omg it's elon bezos in the thread
posting horseshit rationalizations for gluttony and consumerism again
so fun!!

>> No.14678713

tell. this. to. chyna. india.

>> No.14678728

we don't speak chinese. and anyway why would they listen to some gwailo? better chances of conveying an idea to someone of your own culture, no?

>> No.14678733

The average pajeet and cheng emit less than you.

>> No.14678736

A. I’ve read the thread, I’ve written half the thread. Try to keep up
>what is evidence?
Are. You. Serious?

>> No.14678738

Geopolitical average is the dumbest possible take. It's only the assholes and actors who travel to climate conferences in private jets that matter.

>> No.14678742

>my "workers" can live off the bugs in a pod when they're not working to provide me with the stuff i need to CONSUUUUUUUUME
>its all about the per capita, you deplorable little bigot

>> No.14678751

>Geopolitical average is the dumbest possible take.
Well, individually. You're to pajeets what jetsetters are to you.

>> No.14678753

Nope, not even close.

>> No.14678771

>/pol/ buzzwords and memes

>> No.14678773

The greenhouse effect, which again has been directly measured

>> No.14678785

t. climate cultists who typed this on his plastic keyboard while wearing polyester clothes

>> No.14678800

I approach the climate problem like I approach most things; I try to imagine just how corrupt/ignorant/malicious/institutionalized climate science must be in order for most of it to agree on an issue and that issue to be not in at least some part, an issue.

My conclusion? It's probably an issue.

>> No.14678974

>if i admit defeat at this little word game
That's funny since all you've done is make up strawmen about "runaway warming" and ignore that water vapor isn't even a radiative forcing.

>> No.14678982

Go ahead, tell me YOUR solution to climate change.
You’re on /sci/, you have to post proofs

>> No.14679028
File: 71 KB, 700x690, 1641944864371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts endless bait
>wh...wh...whyyy wont they keep taking it??? WAAAAHHHHHHH! YOURE THE RETARD FOR NOT SPOONFEEDING ME!!!!
log off and read a book, faggot. dont bother asking me one of your retard questions, I won't answer because it's a waste of my time. nobody is "saving the world" by entertaining a summerfag on /sci/

>> No.14679038

>nobody is “saving the world” by answering reasonable questions about climate change alarmists
Okay, but you see how that sort of proves my point.

>> No.14679043 [DELETED] 
File: 166 KB, 1746x1016, 1654620369330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14679053

>water vapor isn't even a radiative forcing
yes, of course. whatever you say buddy. i already admitted defeat. so now you can run along and tell all your friends over at reddt how much of a hero you are

>> No.14679057

The first two covers are about cold weather in the US. You're a fucking hack.

>> No.14679061


You know we're still in an ice age, right?

>> No.14679075

>irreparable global catastrophe any time soon.
Look at all these weasel words. Almost anything can be repaired, the question is at what cost.

>> No.14679089

Let me know when you're done with your tantrum and have anything substantive to say.

>> No.14679090


>> No.14679094

You competent failed to respond to anything he said. Look at the last post of the graph. Notice how it's warming 20x faster than the last interglacial warming. Explain.

>> No.14679108

>water isn't even a radiative forcing
you've won. you're a real winner. ive admitted defeat so you can now go off to enjoy relishing your victory here in this huge internet debate.

>> No.14679113 [DELETED] 
File: 133 KB, 423x190, ESA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On Mars, the European Space Agency measured nearly 0 greenhouse effect and Mars has 2000% more CO2 in it's atmosphere than Earth does. CO2 can't be a greenhouse gas on Earth if it do the same thing on Mars.

>> No.14679118
File: 510 KB, 580x480, frod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cue him posting a smug reply like he actually out-argued you... in fact i wouldnt be surprised if I get beaten to the punch while typing this because he's sniffing this thread's ass like a crackhead looking through his carpet for the last crumb of rock

>> No.14679121

Still having your tantrum, just let me know when you're done.

>> No.14679122

yeah and much less actual atmosphere in the first place. try looking at venus instead, einstein

>> No.14679130

Oh, look. The same retard who posts the same nonsequitur paper he hasn't read in every thread lol.

>> No.14679134

>On Mars, the European Space Agency measured nearly 0 greenhouse effect and Mars has 2000% more CO2 in it's atmosphere than Earth does.
Because Mars gets less every from the Sun, or has no water vapor, and it has a thin atmosphere so no pressure broadening effect. But you already know this.

>CO2 can't be a greenhouse gas on Earth if it do the same thing on Mars.
It does the same thing, just with less energy and less pressure broadening. It produces exactly the amount of warming expected from the greenhouse effect when you consider all relevant factors.

>> No.14679137

he's a staple around here.
his passion in life is winning debates on the internet.
i don't know what we'd do without him, or what he'd do without us.
god bless his special soul

>> No.14679140

>cue him posting a smug reply like he actually out-argued you
Any argument is out-arguing no argument. You gave up and decided to throw a tantrum instead.

>> No.14679141

CO2 output =
(number of people) x
(economic prosperity per person)
Chose what combination of the two you want to reduce.
Then realize that it's not enough, because of already active positive feedback mechanisms.

>> No.14679143

Why are you talking to yourself, samefag?

>> No.14679145

Explain how the paper is a non sequitur. (You won't)

>> No.14679158

>Explain how the paper is a non sequitur.
The paper qua paper isn't a nonsequitur. Your posting it is.

>(You won't)
Thanks for proving you lie in every post.

>> No.14679162

no. the frodo poster seems to be a casual observer in awe of your awesome and impressive internet debating skills.

>> No.14679174

Particles reflect light before it turns to IR

>> No.14679179

>Your posting it is.
Exlain how. For example, you could describe what the paper says and explain how this is different from the greenhouse being measured. But you won't. Because you just post bullshit that you never are able to back up. Your disgusting behavior is so predictable that I can easily say you will never explain your claim, and you'll just prove me right in every subsequent post. lmao

>> No.14679180

>oh me oh my I AM GOING TO DIE
Well, of course we are all going to die. The way we die is almost beside the point.

>> No.14679184
File: 2.54 MB, 320x240, 1655338761452.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frodoposter here, yup spot-on assessment my friend

one silver lining of this thread is I now have some great joke arguments to troll my lab coworkers with tomorrow. thank you for your dedicated service, spamtard anon!

>> No.14679187

You're as terrible at samefagging as you are at climate science.

>> No.14679191

>The world needs fusion.
Absolutely not. All that would accomplish is an impetus to further unchecked population growth which anyone with a brain knows is the root problem of all environmental ills.
The real solution is a series of massive wars, catastrophic diseases, mass starvation, societal collapse which results in a reduction in population by 90 to 95%.
Then you need the rise of a new technology orientated civilization that practices true sustainability, limits population growth, and ruthlessly exterminates anyone who does not. Only then would fusion reactors be okay. Only by such drastic events is Humanity ever going to survive and escape this gravity well before the Sun burns out.

>> No.14679195

Yes. Because the best climate science is being done as we speak, right here, by shitposters like you, right on this very internet messenging bored.

>> No.14679196
File: 7 KB, 266x257, 1656898946806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the divination rod tells me you were horrified at the damage to the georgia guidestones and routinely pick up pennies off the sidewalk

>> No.14679197

CO2 is transparent to sunlight but not to IR.

>> No.14679202

Another idiotic strawman. No science has to be done here for you to misrepresent it terribly.

>> No.14679205

My friend once glued a quarter to the sidewalk and watched and laughed as people would try to pick it up to no avail. This was before inflation. I miss him.

>> No.14679214

Your sentences are disjointed. I don’t even know what you are trying to say. Punctuation is your friend.

>> No.14679221
File: 32 KB, 128x128, 1619416366244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rip a real bro, sorry to hear that anon, that's hilarious

>> No.14679227

>now have some great joke arguments to troll my lab coworkers
what like
>water vapour isn't even a radiative forcing

>> No.14679234

>Exlain how.
The paper you haven't read (but continually link to for no reason) has no logical connection to any of the posts you reply to by linking the paper.

>> No.14679237

I think its weird how there's all this babble but still no proof that climate change is caused by humans. It's like a big marketing campaign.

>> No.14679246
File: 27 KB, 446x357, stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lay off the amphetamines buddy, youve posted thrice in a row now with no other interaction from the crowd and youre like 80% of this inane thread. jannies, cleanup in aisle 4!

>> No.14679251


>> No.14679285
File: 128 KB, 285x324, munkie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i imagine you as this strange little twitchy tweaker outcast freak with an extremely dysgenic face. does your little juiced-up heart spike your pulse and blood pressure every time you see that new post notification go off on this thread you evidently keep up and pay attention to constantly? does the anxiety eat at you so bad you need to repetitively post every minute or two to keep it on page one and ensure your racing thoughts continue to get vomited onto the internet? do you also sperg out like this every time you try (and fail) to talk to a real person, scaring them away with your spaghetti? how ass-mad are you right now reading this? i bet you're already crafting a snarky reply in your head to pretend i'm not spot-on. you're in this thread for kicks because it's the only way you can interact with others. you can hide behind a screen and cope yourself a throne of autism. keep spamposting and wasting your life on here, little schizo, at least this zoo cage of a thread is keeping you quarantined from the rest of us irl

>> No.14679330

You replied to the same post twice. Or is that the joke? Anyway climate change is fake and we all know it.

>> No.14679430


>> No.14679496

I agree, we need more talking about actual solutions rather than debating the origins of the problem.

>> No.14679505

>it's a non sequitur
lmao, you're so predictable.

>> No.14679509

There's plenty of proof, including direct observation. See >>14679090

>> No.14679518

No it's the literal billions of people who consume fossil fuels every day you stupid fuck

>> No.14679530

>Russian shills still trying to convince people it's not real

>> No.14679551

>Your sentences are disjointed.
How so?

>I don’t even know what you are trying to say.
Then you're retarded.

>Punctuation is your friend.
There's no punctuation missing, retard.

>> No.14679553

I'm going to post that link too since it seems to trigger you so much and you can't even explain why.

>> No.14679872

Correlation is not causation.

>> No.14679972

>Then realize that it's not enough
And then we start killing off the largest emitters.

>> No.14679975

Why do the good people always fall for the same bait?
Why do the jannies tolerate violations of global rule 3?

>> No.14680042

In situ study has never been done?
What, like.. In the clouds??

Ay ay ay dios mio, get some four eyed gringos in a hot air balloon right now and go and measure that shit

>> No.14680055

They even did. Links to such papers were posted. But first the denier didn't like the month the data were taken and then pretended that no link was ever posted.

>> No.14680117

No evidence proving causation in a planet size model has ever been presented.

>> No.14680121

You first kike

>> No.14680142

>Imagine being this retarded

>> No.14680385
File: 150 KB, 1440x960, uw-polar-bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lowest is 2022
>highest is 2014
so that's what happens when you compare individual years to decade averages uh?
>literally no secular trend when you compare decades
Gretabros... look at this fat polar bear... we got too cocky...

>> No.14680580

The paper says nothing like that. What correlation are you talking about?

>> No.14680586

But that's wrong. See >>14679090

>> No.14680587

Read the paper.

>> No.14680591

I did. The paper says nothing like that. What correlation are you talking about?

>> No.14680593

What part of this are you not getting? Correlation is not causation. Post evidence to support your climate change theory.

>> No.14680622

Even though you saying the correlates with the proof presented to you that doesn't mean it's true. Correlation of GPT-4chan showing up and scientific evidence being discussed doesn't mean that the causation of the spambot lies in the falsehood of said evidence.

>> No.14680626

Keep parroting this for all I care. It has nothing to do with whatever is presented to you.

>> No.14680629

>What part of this are you not getting?
I'm not getting what correlation you're referring to you've avoided the question twice now. If you don't answer, you're admitting you're just making shit up that has nothing to do with the paper.

>> No.14680633

The correlation of him being a retard and parroting "correlation is not causation" doesn't mean that there is causation. Maybe he's a retard and has different reasons to parrot this.

>> No.14680646

Or: reflect the sunlight with humongous amounts of low-altitude clouds with cloud machines powered by renewable energy

>the high thin cirrus clouds tend to enhance the heating effect, and low thick stratocumulus clouds have the opposite effect, while deep convective clouds are neutral. The overall effect of all clouds together is that the Earth's surface is cooler than it would be if the atmosphere had no clouds.

>> No.14680649

Could just be a shill. Either way, he's making shit up.

>> No.14680652

We need sunlight to grow food.

>> No.14680654

There's no proof that this works.

>> No.14680663

Nobody has avoided any questions. Just accept you have no evidence to suggest manmade co2 is causative of temperature change.

>> No.14680678


>> No.14680679

>Nobody has avoided any questions.
Lie. You've avoided the question "What correlation are you talking about?" three times now. Thanks for admitting you're just making shit up.

>Just accept you have no evidence to suggest manmade co2 is causative of temperature change.
Lie. The evidence was already provided to you. See >>14679090

I think this shill is trying to make deniers look even more retarded than they are. That's the only possible explanation for lying over and over again. That or mental illness.

>> No.14680685

Not above the oceans.
The information reflects the best current knowledge.

>> No.14680692

There are no studies proving anything, so why should we rely on that? Let me guess: troost the aerosol scoience

>> No.14680700

Correlation is not causation

>> No.14680707

That's why I sent you a link that proves causation. Go ahead, open it, it's not a virus.

>> No.14680724

>Not above the oceans
Ever heard of phytoplankton? They are the basis for the entire ocean foodchain.

>> No.14680725

Shillbot is broken.

>> No.14681008

>260+ responses
>the climate alarmists ignore how the ice increased in 2014
curious, dontcha think?

>> No.14681017

The basic molecular properties of CO2 means it absorbs and reemits IR back to the planet. I don't understand what's so hard to understand about this

>> No.14681200

It increases every year Anon, that's called winter.

>> No.14681210

Not an argument, thanks for continuing to lie in every post.

>> No.14681212

>says he's going to post the link
>doesn't post the link
Another proud liar and/or retard, nice lol.

>> No.14681221

Just like all deniers. It's simply what they do, being retarded and lying.

>> No.14681256

it decreases every year, anon. that's called summer --- so what's the problem?

>> No.14681277

Correlation is not causation.

>> No.14681403

Show one lie. The only one who lied is you since you claim the paper is a non sequitur but can't explain how. Thanks for proving me right, again.

>> No.14681435

Let me just focus on the lies that can be uncovered by just the information in this thread. No need for external validation.
Here, you claim that CO2 is listed in your book, when it clearly says carbon.
Here, you were lying and pretending that the other anon did not post a source, which he did earlier: >>14678097

>> No.14681665

None of those posts are me, schizo.

>> No.14681722

Then use a fucking tripcode if you want people to recognise you.

>> No.14681803

How about you read the thread instead of claiming posts with no connection to each other are made by the same person.

>> No.14681822

How about you stick your finger up your butt and lick it?

>> No.14682031

>you claim the paper is a non sequitur
Thanks for lying again in the very same post you asked me to show a lie. Saves time.

>> No.14682758

Not a lie. Here's the proof:
>Oh, look. The same retard who posts the same nonsequitur paper he hasn't read in every thread lol

Thanks for again proving me right. Loser.

>> No.14682997

Proof of your intentional lie right here:
>The paper qua paper isn't a nonsequitur. Your posting it is.
Thanks for being unable to write a single post without lying.

>> No.14683031

Ice extent doesn't mean an increase of ice, it just means that more ice spreads over the sea. The continental ice is literally spreading outwards as it melts away.

>> No.14683036

Why are climate alarmists so unreasonable and disingenuous? It's outrageous, really.

>> No.14683038

>>The paper qua paper isn't a nonsequitur. Your posting it is.
Irrelevant. No one said the "paper qua paper is a non sequitur." You said the paper is a non sequitur. Not only have you continuously failed to explain how, as I predicted, now you're lying about it.

>> No.14683046

See >>14683031

>> No.14683047

You lied and you're tripling down on your lie. Thanks for always being the most consistent liar in these threads.

>> No.14683050

Who are you talking to?

>> No.14683159

His next words will be: we can't measure the volume directly so it's fake data.

>> No.14683182

why would he say it's fake data? wouldn't he just he it's useless data? i mean for example i could measure how long it takes for a shit to swirl down a toilet drain on the same day every year and it's not like my data would be fake

>> No.14683195

you two literally have no idea what i'm talking about, do you? look at op's image. from 1979-2012 ice is decreasing and
then in 2014 the ice INCREASES and suddenly it's
>but muh ice is just covering more area
then in 2022 the ice decreases and suddenly it's
dishonest fucks.

>> No.14683197

Because I literally had this exact same conversation yesterday. I noticed during a binge of making fun of tards on /pol/ that they all repeat the same arguments. And when they're cornered, they'll dispute the method used to derive the data while uncritically presenting misleading graphs. That popular one showing the CMIP5 predictions don't match the measurements? It doesn't even use the same baseline temperature. God it's so tiresome. Some of them aren't even trolling.

>> No.14683203

>the climate alarmist shill who's always whining about /pol/ posters invading /sci/ literally admits to browsing /pol/
fucking lol. you can't make this stuff up.

>> No.14683205

Or they'll just ignore everything you say. Not even considering a steel-man for the sake of discourse. Pathetic.

>> No.14683209
File: 739 KB, 750x500, Climate_told_ya!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i gave up steel-manning you retards a long time ago when it became clear all you do is project. seethe and cope, alarmist idiots.

>> No.14683210

I don't regularly browse either board because both have degenerated into wastelands. I came here because the inevitable heat wave climate threads might be fun. Please consider that your faculties of pattern recognition may be giving false positives.

>> No.14683213

You have a low IQ.

>> No.14683217
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>> No.14683225

why did they group together 9 year intervals? what hapens when you try to do the same graph but in reverse? (group starting from 2021 using the same 9 year interval)

>> No.14683229

wait, where are the 2019, 2020 and 2021 data?

>> No.14683244

>You lied
Prove it. (You won't, just like you'll never explain how the paper is a "non sequitur")

>> No.14683252

all polar bear deaths for those years were reported as covid instead of ice displacement

>> No.14683263

>I don't know the difference between a trend and an outlier

>> No.14683270

Not an argument. Climate change is fake.

>> No.14683275

>2014 is an outlier but not 2022
so you don't understand statistics.

>> No.14684694
File: 144 KB, 1080x803, Screenshot_20220617-085624_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is an argument. You're conflating two different things. Climate change is proven.

>> No.14684702

Correct, 2022 is consistent with the recent trend of antarctic sea ice decreasing over the past decade, dropping to its lowest levels since measurement began, even though 2014 was a peak. This is extremely worrying.

>> No.14684712

Um sweaty? Look at Op again. The trend is ice increasing. Zoom in if your too blind to tell. Why do climate shills lie so much?

>> No.14684738

It's not unreasonable to wonder how, if the planet is warming, Antarctic winter sea ice can set record highs. Antarctica's sea ice growth spurt may be down to stronger winds and slightly fresher sea surface water around the margins of the continent’s melting ice shelves.

Much of 2014’s sea ice growth occurred late in the winter season, and weather records indicate that strong southerly winds blew over the Weddell Sea in mid-September 2014. Antarctica is a continent surrounded by open ocean. So unlike the Arctic, where surrounding landmasses constrain how much sea ice can expand, Antarctic sea ice can spread out over a bigger area. Winds blowing from the land toward the ocean encourage ice growth in the waters north of the continent.

Winds probably did not act alone to spur so much sea ice growth; melting land ice may have played a role. Most of Antarctica's ice lies in the ice sheets that cover the continent, and in recent decades, that ice has been melting. Along the coastline, ice shelves float on the ocean surface, and much of the recent melt may be driven by warm water from the deep ocean rising and making contact with ice shelf undersides.

How does the melting of land ice matter to sea ice formation? The resulting meltwater is fresher than the seawater. As it mixes with the seawater, the meltwater makes the nearby seawater slightly less dense, and slightly closer to the freezing point than the ocean water below. This less dense seawater spreads out across the ocean surface surrounding the continent, forming a stable pool of surface water that is close to the freezing point, and close to the ice onto which it could freeze.

So as counterintuitive as expanding winter Antarctic sea ice may appear on a warming planet, it may actually be a manifestation of recent warming.

>> No.14684750

>Warming causes more ice
Kek. Kys retard.

>> No.14684762
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>The trend is ice increasing
Wow, such a strong trend!
You are technically correct, although your deductions are probably wrong. At least if "climate shills" doesn't mean the lying oil lobbyists.

>> No.14684767
File: 10 KB, 500x246, Southern_Ocean_Temp2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, it is warming. Are you denying that?

>> No.14684773

There are several contributing factors. One is the drop in ozone levels over Antarctica. The hole in the ozone layer above the South Pole has caused cooling in the stratosphere (Gillet 2003). A side-effect is a strengthening of the cyclonic winds that circle the Antarctic continent (Thompson 2002). The wind pushes sea ice around, creating areas of open water known as polynyas. More polynyas leads to increased sea ice production (Turner 2009).

Another contributor is changes in ocean circulation. The Southern Ocean consists of a layer of cold water near the surface and a layer of warmer water below. Water from the warmer layer rises up to the surface, melting sea ice. However, as air temperatures warm, the amount of rain and snowfall also increases. This freshens the surface waters, leading to a surface layer less dense than the saltier, warmer water below. The layers become more stratified and mix less. Less heat is transported upwards from the deeper, warmer layer. Hence less sea ice is melted (Zhang 2007).

Antarctic sea ice is complex and counter-intuitive. Despite warming waters, complicated factors unique to the Antarctic region have combined to increase sea ice production. The simplistic interpretation that it's caused by cooling is false.

>> No.14684813

>same lie four times in a row
You just can't help yourself, can you?

>> No.14684844

>The trend is ice increasing.
Not since 2014, no. Antarctic sea ice was at its highest point and now keeps dropping to its lowest points.

>> No.14684854

Abs now you've proven both of my predictions correct. lmao

>> No.14684873

Thanks again for proving you lie in every post.

>> No.14685475

See >>14683244

>> No.14685549


>> No.14685660

No proof. Thanks for admitting you lied.

>> No.14685669

>No proof.
See below, and thanks.
>Thanks for admitting you lied.

>> No.14685747

You failed to provide any proof of your claims. You lied.

>> No.14685849

I never claimed I did. Lying is what you do, I just point it out. Thanks for yet another example.

>> No.14685903

>I never claimed I did.
I didn't claim you did.

>Lying is what you do
See >>14685475

You again failed to provide proof of your claims. You know you lied.

>> No.14685912

Thanks for confirming you lie in every post.

>> No.14685964

See >>14685903

>> No.14686088

Fucking bots are getting out of control.

>> No.14686119


>> No.14686891

Fission until fusion is viable

>> No.14687057

See >>14685964

>> No.14687277
