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14676433 No.14676433 [Reply] [Original]

How will we deal with the increasing droughts? This is in Switzerland, so desalination is not really an option. Do we need to build new reservoirs in the mountains?

>> No.14676449

>Ice sheets created during the last glacial maximum are slowly used up
>We can fix this with reservoirs
Water supplies that depend on rainfall are fine. Water supplies that depend on something else are not.

>> No.14676456

Just burn some coal tar in order to create micro particles in order to create microscopic condensationcores for the rain to form.

>> No.14676471

It hasn't rained for weeks in Switzerland. Without melting glaciers or reservoirs, there's simply no water. If the glaciers that used to melt in summer and regrow in winter don't act as reservoirs anymore, we need alternatives.

>> No.14676485

Isn't Switzerland one of the richest countries by far? Don't worry about the droughts, just enjoy all your wealth

>> No.14676488

Glaciers regrew in winter?? Wasn't it all the snow capped mountains, not glaciers was it???

>> No.14676489

Wealth means nothing if you don't have a dozen yachts to rub it in the goyim's noses.

>> No.14676549

Where do you think, river water in the mountains comes from in summer? They have always been melting and regrowing.

>> No.14676558

Why would there be a drought, global warming is suppose to make the tides rise to nuseen level.

>> No.14676567

>How will we deal with the increasing droughts?
Mass migration and rationing. Increased desalinization. Probably lots of places won't try to deal with it at all until it's too late/won't have the resources to deal with it and we'll see localized societal collapses w/ some large scale die offs.

Oh and certain industries are going to just be summarily told to go fuck themselves.

>> No.14676570

Oh and unfinished meme canals. Unfinished meme canals everywhere.

>> No.14676571

how is the sea level rising a few feet going to help mountain dwellers? besides the ocean is all salt water anyway.

>> No.14676574
File: 539 KB, 609x1017, p2rn76.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

refill the reservoirs with african semen

>> No.14676587

LOL I've been living here for 30 years and I've never heard that. Keep living in your fantasy world, /pol/tard

>> No.14677240

take a picture when the tide has come in, drought over!

>> No.14677249

>>Just drink your money bro

>> No.14677284

We're gonna need a lot more sea level rise until then

>> No.14679091

>won't try to deal with it at all until it's too late/won't have the resources to deal with it and we'll see localized societal collapses w/ some large scale die offs.
>Oh and certain industries are going to just be summarily told to go fuck themselves

When do you think we'll start seeing spikes in eco terrorism? Or, is this not a viable possibility.

>> No.14679208

Probably not. Eco-terrorism biases people against ecologists and distracts people from environmental issues.

>> No.14679345

just pump it from Colorado

>> No.14679433

its just a dry year. it happens. jet stream pushed further north this year.

>> No.14679581

Who gives a fuck about Switzerland? The mountains are nothing but hermits and hicks, civilization is always on the coasts

>> No.14679585

>It hasn't rained for weeks
Nothing burger, unless it hast rained for months its not a drought.

>> No.14679593
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Holy based, about to increase my carbon emission as much as possible so that the Netherlands sinks and Switzerland becomes a barren wasteland ASAP.

>> No.14679649

If climate change wipes out the Swiss then it all worth it.

>> No.14680132

Au contraire mon frere. The mountains have always been the home of freedom loving strong, indomitable tribes, whereas the lowlands were filled with effeminate bugman civilizations led by despotic tyrants.
>t. Jew who is mortified of the mountain competition

>> No.14680275

No. Its just you smug fucks are the most uptight uppity assholes west of the Urals. Absolute cunts, the lot of you. Admittedly the Dutch come a close second but at least they didn't buy German ME109s to shoot down crippled Allied bombers who were trying to limp home over a small piece of your airspace. Yes, that all happened a long time ago, and yes the USAF then bombed a couple of your towns to make you cunts quit your Captain Nazi behavior. Yeah, that brought you stupid fucks to heel real fast. But the whole sordid tale perfectly represents the sort of cunt attitude and fucked up values you unbearable assholes retain to this day.

>> No.14681755

Wtf are you even blabbering about like a mad schizo cunt? Don't go and invent history.
The last time there was a proper air battle between allies and Swiss was in September 1944, which was way after the bombing of Schaffhausen. The next allied bombing incident was half a year later, when the war was almost over.

>> No.14681809

>civilization is always on the coasts
>second highest GDP per capita of Europe
>highest is a small place consisting exclusively out of shell corporations
>both are landlocked

>> No.14681856

Switzerland has some of the spring water on earth, it is one of the few places I would emigrate to from the US if I could
Anyway, the solution to unlimited cheap clean water is to have unlimited cheap electricity, which we could obtain from nuclear power

>> No.14681858

>if I could
Assuming you're a scientist or mathematician, it's actually easy.

>> No.14681866

>Anyway, the solution to unlimited cheap clean water is to have unlimited cheap electricity, which we could obtain from nuclear power
Damm bro, you were so close. Switzerland generates most of its electricity from hydropower.

>> No.14681955

There is no evidence that the world is heating up in a way that will negatively influence humanity.

>> No.14681967

Looks like the goalposts have moved yet again.
>There's no proof the earth is war—
>There's no proof it's CO—
>There's no proof it's manma—
>There's no proof it affects us negatively

>> No.14682014
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Anyway, it looks like the old Celtic and Germanic gods still watch over Switzerland, as we are currently having heavy clouding and thunders (no rain yet, we could still be cucked out of it) in my pre-alps town.

Picture unrelated.

>> No.14682069

We die. Wasn't this obvious?

>> No.14682706

Switzerland is just a global money laundering center. They used to be as poor as afghanistan as late as 1912. They are criminals and scum, good to hear they will die of thirst soon.

>> No.14682729

>How will we deal with the increasing droughts?
We won't. We'll be waging water wars by 2030.

>> No.14682799

Perhaps, but it also may have the side effect of causing deinvestment from certain companies depending on who or what is targeted and the size of a given operation. Bin Laden specifically targeted the world trade centre, and that almost caused a global recesion if memory comes to mind.
Finacial markets for safe dividend or steady growth assets don't like instability, and depending on who or what is targeted and at what capacity I could see such acts as creating a public backlash but also adding a fear factor on the markets (am I going to loose money here, or will working here jeopodise me in some way). I'm saying this based on comedy central's refusal to portray muhammad was primarily out of fear they would get bombed. It does have an impact on the psyche of people and impact buisness descisions to some extent. I don't think enviromentalist activists would do this however, as they have no incentive to do this. If the goverment started clamping down on the current modes of enviromental protest, then maybe because the current forms of protest are permitted because they contain more radical elements from emerging. However, I don't think that will ever come to pass as it is useful to have a light approuch so as not to alienate the wrong people.

>> No.14682803

That predicted?

>> No.14682817

I live in Switzerland and never ever in my life have I seen or heard about anything like that. Like the other swiss anon said:

>> No.14682820

Yes, I predicted using my predictotron 3000

>> No.14682823

That's due to the fact that you are a stupid fat fucking swissy

>> No.14682840

If you can see water on the surface then it means there is still plenty of it underground. You should only need to start worrying if underground water aquifiers deplete which is rather unlikely to happen in Switzerland.

>> No.14682850

Ironic, Ameriard, because we have the lowest fat rate in the Western world.
> Switzerland 112 19.50

>> No.14682852 [DELETED] 

Very cool more /pol/ in every thread yes

>> No.14682858

if you don't like the weather where you live, move. what level of retardation is this where you expect the fucking weather to change to match your needs, holy shit.

>> No.14682870

To be fair, every fucking thing is always uphill and the most popular hobbies are hiking and skiing.

>> No.14683053

We also have a culture of telling people "dude, you need to lose weight, you literally look like a and smell like filthy pregnant sow, which is burning my retinas". Admittedly, only at the strength of like a third of Japan, but this makes this practice still 300 times more developed than in the US with their PC coddle culture of fatass women being stunning and brave.

>> No.14683065

Least retarded man on /sci/

>> No.14683080

Best thing that could even happen to that arrogant shit of a place inhabited by a pack of Germans, French and Italians so far up their own asses they larp as a separate country.
After the place has turned into a barren hellhole they should bulldoze it.

>> No.14683109

Why don't you buy some water? Haha

>> No.14683125

just watch as next year is a very cold summer with floods and shit and it will not be reported on anywhere

>> No.14683129

absolutely based
FUCK the swiss

>> No.14683134


>> No.14683139

Do a rain dance? They're guaranteed to work if you do it right

>> No.14684525

>How will we deal with the increasing droughts?
You could import millions of unskilled workers who pump water from the next sea.

Look out for your cat. Otherwise the Swiss anon might eat it.

>> No.14684617

Not him, but I am strongly considering Switzerland after I am done with my masters here in Germany.
I like Germany but I am 100% a mountain boy, plus the money looks real nice, and I already know decent german, would have to learn swiss german tho.
Would you suggest moving to say, zürich? i am in applied mathematics btw

>> No.14684698
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>Would you suggest moving to say, zürich?
You can't move to Zürich. It's impossible to find an apartment. You might be able to move a ring 1 or ring 2 suburb, in which case your commute is 30min+ if you don't mind.
But yes, obviously the money will be better. You don't NEED to learn Swiss German, since everyone will accommodate you, if you don't learn to understand it within a few weeks your social life will just be shit.

>> No.14684701

>i am in applied mathematics
Go to where the banks and insurance companies are. Zurich or Geneva mostly. The mountains are reasonably close from either place.

>> No.14685377

This is why I'm moving to the coast. Solar desal tech has come a long way, and aquaculture/saltwater cultivation is slowly improving as well.

>> No.14687181

One way or another people are going to reduce in numbers until the water that's there is enough to go around

>> No.14687188

Import water from Germany floods