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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14674745 No.14674745 [Reply] [Original]

Thanks to Settled Science, even skeletons will now be censored. Thanks, Science! You are so true and correct that you have to be based on censorship!

>Other scholars are calling for researchers to stop identifying race as a practice because it fuels white supremacy. One of the academics objecting to this effort to stop gender identifications, San Jose State archaeology Professor Elizabeth Weiss, is currently suing her school. Weiss maintains that she was barred from access to the human remains collection due to her opposition to the repatriation of human remains.

>University of Kansas Associate Professor Jennifer Raff argued in a paper, “Origin: A Genetic History of the Americas,” that there are “no neat divisions between physically or genetically ‘male’ or ‘female’ individuals.” Her best selling book has been featured on various news outlets like MSNBC.

>Professors Elizabeth DiGangi of Binghamton University and Jonathan Bethard of the University of South Florida have also challenge the use of racial classifications in a study, objecting that “[a]ncestry estimation contributes to white supremacy.” The authors write that “we use critical race theory to interrogate the approaches utilized to estimate ancestry to include a critique of the continued use of morphoscopic traits, and we assert that the practice of ancestry estimation contributes to white supremacy.”

>> No.14674758

>Science demands

>> No.14674771
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at most it would be some scientists with a social agenda

>> No.14674778

You missed the part where certified high priestesses of Science called it White fucking Supremacy. No Scienceist is going to stand up to this.

Additionally, big media (MSNBC) has approved it and is publicizing them.

Ergo, it is SETTLED SCIENCE. You are literally a Science denying fascist if you disagree.

>> No.14674783

powerful sciencism

>> No.14674784
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>> No.14674786
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wow that line in the ynbarw pasta really got to them

>> No.14674812

>tfw we were the last generation to learn the forbidden truth about X and Y chromosomes

>> No.14674824


>> No.14674840

Jagonga! Uh! Uh! Big Bantu-man now rulings Science! Onga! Onga!

>> No.14674914
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holy shit spaghetti spilling monkey baby poopoo peepee
what the fuck is a high priestess of science

for the record Weiss's arguments against Origin (which are very valid and well-founded) draw in large part from the fact that the book peddles accidentally racist and inaccurate shit. She makes no argument against the idea of diverse gender identities, she just points out the inconsistency of having pandering and accidentally insensitive shit at the same time in the same book.

Plus, when Raff makes that argument she actually says this:

"we have no idea whether the biological female in question had considered herself female, or whether she would have seen herself as belonging to some other category entirely, since Indigenous cultures have diverse concepts of gender"

this is true. They did and do have that. it's where the idea of 2-spirit comes from. maybe you don't like that, but unfortunately facts dont care about your feelings.

stop sensationalizing. diverse gender identities are not scary and trans people are not coming to rip up your science. Raff referred to a biological female the whole time, everyone present is just trying to form a more complete picture while remaining inextricably part of their societal environment.

tl;dr sage this bullshit its right wing reactionary diarrhea

>> No.14674990

>don't identify skellies, they might have identified as transoids
Thanks for proving my point about Sciencists

>> No.14675001

you literally must be replying to the wrong post

>> No.14675112

fuck this gay world fuck science

>> No.14675443

They are literally "coming for our science" by trying to push shit like this. You are either male or female. Whatever your mentally sick mind identifies as has no bearing on your *actual* biology. You are either male or female.