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14664112 No.14664112 [Reply] [Original]

Two years ago the same consensus was the best of the century and rising rapidly, what went wrong over the past two years?

>> No.14664130

Boomers fell for the grooming meme

>> No.14664133

>Consensus opinion of US public education dips to 2nd lowest all time
>Two years ago the same consensus was the best of the century and rising rapidly

nothing went wrong, americans are retarded.

>> No.14664484

>be me in uni
>statistics is awful, i`m close to 8
>turn yout*be because why not
>understand everything
fucking clowns

>> No.14664535

At the start of the pandemic, people were trying to come together (with appropriate social distance) and make it through the perceived looming deadly threat. Schools were closed down for in-person instruction. The quickness with which schools were required to adapt to remote learning gave them a huge amount of leeway with the public.
As you can see, by the next year, that was squandered. What's worse for the schools is that parents monitoring their children's lessons became aware of many controversial topics schools had been teaching, some teachers going as far as to tell children to keep what they learn secret from their parents. The parental reaction to this caused a kneejerk reaction from those who were using schools for their ideological goals. And now there's a spiral of both sides, parents and ideologues, fighting for the hearts and minds of children. Of course that's going to have a negative effect on public perception of schools.

>> No.14664541

It's weird that this is happening while schools are going hard on Common Core, Critical Race Theory, Trans education for 4 year olds and other such awesome things. Shouldn't everyone be liking education more now that we teach these great things?

>> No.14664579

No one is actually teaching CRT or trans education in public school systems at the high school level. Get Tuck's dick out of your mouth and stop guzzling that right wing propaganda. It's old tired talking points that any normie with 2 brain cells will see past.

>> No.14664582


>> No.14664620

Luckily none of us can read that graph.

>> No.14664628

Same thing is happening with churches, they're becoming more woke. Of course I personally believe that wholeness is a symptom of decline and not a cause. Schools are leaning into CRT because it attracts at least some attention, which is better than no attention at all. Just a symptom of decline.

>> No.14664635 [DELETED] 

Meant for>>14664579

>> No.14664637

Are you pretending to be retarded?

>> No.14664640

Two years ago was an anomaly, the trend has been right we’re at now

>> No.14664643

Meant for>>14664541

>> No.14664648

> No one is actually teaching CRT or trans education in public school systems at the high school level.

So you won’t mind us making it illegal to teach in schools then?

>> No.14665140
File: 135 KB, 1024x950, fisl9jwxiamxbvh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

half a century of progressive leftism has it's consequences.

>> No.14665440


education might be indoctrination? :troll face:

>> No.14665543

>No one is actually teaching CRT or trans education in public school systems at the high school level
My brother literally had racial privilege bullshit inserted into his classes this year

>> No.14665566

public education is shit and that's the way the government wants it. If they wanted you to have good education you'd have good education.


>> No.14665623
File: 281 KB, 828x714, 1630499954204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kind of self-reported data, with an extremely weak apparent effect I might add, is completely meaningless

>> No.14665745

This. Leftism destroys everything it touches. Leftism has utterly destroyed society, culture, economics, politics and education.

>> No.14665758

Cope you childless retard. You have no stake in the future so don't comment on social issues.

>> No.14665802
File: 23 KB, 574x534, Social_Depression.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American society is sick and toxic, just visit a random public school, and you can see just how disgusting it is, these sort of public institutions are reflection of larger society itself, schools in US have become haven for corrupt psychopaths, radicals and perverts who only want to abuse children, eventually turning them into depressed freaks.

Most families in US are broken due to a mix of social and economic reasons, as a result children grow up alienated, it has been proven in research that close knit families care most for the education, health and thus future of children, due to less number of such families, few care about children and education in US hence the absolute garbage state of government policy.