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14661551 No.14661551 [Reply] [Original]

When are we gonna admit there are different subspecies of homo sapien?

>> No.14661560

my CA english class in HS taught that race was made up and didn't exist despite the fact that niggas clearly look different from one another. something about the patriarchy. as long as jew is in charge the mainstream will stray further and further away from obvious and objective truth rip

>> No.14661573

I get that it’s not all the Jews but I really do fucking hate these goddamned kikes man

>> No.14661586

Why should we? All races are capable of producing offspring with other races, which are just as healthy and fertile, if not more so, than those of only one race.

>> No.14661592

Because maybe ignoring obvious differences in behavior and biology correlated with race might be doing more harm than good? Look at race relations right now.

>> No.14661601

It's cultural not genetic you retarded faggot.
Hold on

>> No.14661607

And by that I mean mental/overall personality differences among different racial groups. There must be small physical differences, but those are mostly negligible and the differences you're referring to ARE PSYCHOLOGICAL. UPBRINGING N SHIT

>> No.14661609

read a book

>> No.14661612

There are dumbass they all went extinct

>> No.14661614

you get banned for raising the sickle cell question.
rename this place to 4goys

>> No.14661632

Get off /sci/ and go outside poltard

>> No.14661639
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>> No.14661672

>what is evolutionary psychology

>> No.14661766

Wolfs and dogs are different subspecies, and they can produce fertile offspring. Lions and tigers are different species.

The "fertile offspring" definition just isnt used in practice. If two groups look different and are genetically separate they often get counted as different species.

>> No.14661769

Psychology comes from biology, and it varies with differences in biology.

Dogs can't talk, and that is a psychological factor that is due to biology. Different dogs breeds have different behavior, and those differences are due to biology.

>> No.14661799

If nature was really relevant for human personality then why wasn't every white ethnic group at the same level of success?
Why didn't the Polish contribute as much as the French did?

They're both superior, white aryans, aren't they

>> No.14661801

look in the mirror, troglodyte

>> No.14661822

>why wasn't every white ethnic group at the same level of success?

Why would they be?

Different white ethnic groups have different ancestry and different DNA. So it is no surprise that their phenotype is different too.

Core NW Europeans like the English, Germans, and French behave really differently from other European groups. You mention polish people. Slavic people are very different from core NW European people.

>> No.14661857


>> No.14661875

So, the differences are "that" big? Even tho a pole looks indistinguishable from a french, internally, the French is superior to his Polish counterpart?
God you're stupid. Don't bother to reply with your ridiculous bullshit.

>> No.14661880

>a pole looks indistinguishable from a french

>> No.14661881


Well, and since you asked, you've got me (>>14661799) autistically sperging on this now. So I will now dump my knowledge on the biological history of NW European people.

3000 years ago, Europe was mainly full of celtic people. Sometime between 3000 and 2000 years ago, German people sprung into existence in the NE part of what we now call Germany. They generally kicked butt and migrated in many directs. Scandinavia became populated with them. The Franks, the original French, were Germanic. Around year 800 they even conquered England (then Scandinavians conquered England around year 1000, then the French conquered England around year 1100). In all these regions celtic people were driven extinct and replaced by Germanic people.

Slavic people on the other hand, came into existence around year 400 in what is today the balkans, and they migrated north and east into Russia.

So at the very least, you can see that NW europeans and slavs simply come from different people at different times.

This is just their genealogy. There are big and interesting phenotypical differences too. Which I will get to in another post..


>> No.14661893

Poles definitely do not look indistinguishable from the French. Have you ever been to Europe? I used to live in Europe. An amazing thing about Europe compared to America is how different all the nationalities look. In the US all the white people are some kind of English/German mutt. In Europe they are really really distinct, as they have been distinct for thousands of years.

>> No.14661900
File: 25 KB, 471x651, images (16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh do tell me about facial differences among different European nationalities

What nationality is pic related
Which facial features gave it away

>> No.14661904

Continuing from >>14661881

Celtic people, and most every kind of people, including the early Germans and Slavs, were basically a tribal and clannish people. They lived in very large family units and they worshipped their ancestors. Ancestry to these people matters a lot, and people treated each other differently based off ancestry. People in these societies memorized their ancestry much like how modern people memorize street addresses, and they would know who were their friends and foes by comparing ancestry. People lived with in close contact with their extended family too, like their cousins and grand parents.

Another feature of clannish societies is the tendency for people to marry their distant cousins. Since your cousins are your allies, and your evolutionary team mates, people preferred to marry them.

For Germanic people, this changed radically starting around year 300. After the roman empire fell Christians migrated north and christianity was adopted. Early christians brought with them the knowledge of Roman law, and their religion preached universal brotherhood. It was forbidden in both Roman law, and against the spirit of Christianity to marry extended family members like second cousins. Romans did not like cousin marriage, because when people marry their cousins large family clans would emerge that would cooperate with each other against wider society. Christians did not like cousin marriage for similar reasons, stressing that one should bond and cooperate with all people and not just close family members.

So, starting in France but spreading out, cousin marriage was made illegal, and as a consequence the clans of Germanic society were destroyed along with their ancestor worship (indeed, how can you even have identifiable ancestors if every generation is legally forced to marry genetic strangers?).


>> No.14661917
File: 239 KB, 522x336, Screen Shot 2022-07-15 at 02.29.55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure. She doesn't look French imo. She looks slavic to me. Her lips and eyes look slavic. Kind of like pic related

So, in my years living in Germany. I came to appreciate that Germans have square heads, and often have big cheeks, kind of like how people might look in a cute German christmas cartoon or something.

French people have really pointy hook noses. Often narrow faces.

British people have pretty round heads.

Those are some of the stereotypes I have developed about European features.

>> No.14661924

>She looks slavic
Thats a swiss. Either you're shit at identifying these mysterious caucasoid facial discrepancies or everything you've said till now is bullshit. I am going to go with the latter.

What a shitty thread

>> No.14661948

Of Coarse French look like poles, Hitler sent millions of "ost" troops (czechs, Poles, lithuanians, Slovaks, etc) to guard France. And french women being sluts fucked.

>> No.14661952

I point out cousin marriage, because this literally bred NW European people into a new kind of people. Literal evolution occurred, where it used to be advantageous to be highly preferential to ones own family, to an outright disadvantage.

We see the consequences of this evolution today. NW European societies have the lowest rates of people living with their parents. People move out at 18 and they don't return. Versus in slavic societies (and most societies frankly) it is way more common to live with your parents in your 30s. It is fairly common to have three generations in a house hold, or for adult siblings to live with each other. That just doesnt happen in NW Europe.

Another unique environmental feature to NW Europe was a system of fuedalism called "Bipartite Manorialism". In NW Europe they had a unique system of land allocation and private agriculture. People lived alone and had private land to grow food on. This is in contrast to communal land systems in the rest of Europe, where basically one large family would share a farm. Inheritance laws were different too. In most of the world the oldest son inherited land, but in NW Euro land was broken up and shared among all siblings.

The combination of this form of fuedalism plus the abolishing of cousin marriage bred highly individualistic autistic and enterprising people. This system lasted up until around ~1500 I believe.

I also forgot to mention in >>14661904 that around 1200 I believe, Germanic people in France began to migrate east and "smear" across Europe, spreading Germanic ancestry as far as slovakia. Even today there is some small amount of Germanic ancestry in slovakia and Poland. This huge eastward migration came from the high population growth and prosperity of the christian fuedal society in NW Europe.

>> No.14661955
File: 306 KB, 384x617, Screen Shot 2022-07-15 at 02.42.47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well shoot. Fwiw something German would have been my second guess.

There are definitely facial feature differences between these European groups. Look at this picture of average faces from these regions. They are not identical

>> No.14662290


>> No.14662313

>The combination of this form of fuedalism plus the abolishing of cousin marriage bred highly individualistic autistic and enterprising people. This system lasted up until around ~1500 I believe.
What lasted until 1500, cousin marriage or the system that followed it? The rest of your text is also ambiguous

>> No.14662459

There are not

>> No.14662813

actually braindead. Im not even racist, i couldn't give a fuck about phenotypes or arguments of whos got the biggest wang but to say poles and frenchmen are indistinguishable just highlights how lacking your knowledge is. youre the sad fucker who keeps insisting "I cant tell the difference" in a nice colourblind way but wouldn't dare suggest all of one people look the same. absolutely pathetic at least do research before you talk.
source: french hating pole living in the uk (like every other pole)

>> No.14662824

Top three look based. Bottom two look like racist caricatures. What's the scientific explanation for this?

>> No.14662886

So can a fuckton of different animal races. What's your point?

>> No.14662904

>i dont like looking at reality so it must be wacist

>> No.14662907
File: 55 KB, 622x618, E4VIpF1XwAEBRyU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the person that made it was racist

>> No.14662909

>being this autistic

>> No.14662966

That its the same species

>> No.14662973

your argument doesn't seem to support that

>> No.14663011

OP says subspecies. Learn to read.

>> No.14663013


>> No.14663206

Subspecies are not real. Theres only species.

>> No.14663298

until we know what a "subspecies" means exactly, maybe we can preliminarily
agree to define this term so that each human becomes its own subspecies?

>> No.14663299

Sorry, I meant the fuedalism lasted until 1500.

Cousin marriage was eliminated and then has never really returned. But the severity of the law regarding cousin marriage has varied. For example, I think the most restrictive cousin marriage law banned even 6th cousins from marrying. 6th cousins are very unrelated, and even today people who get married often end up marrying their equivalent of something like a genetic 6th cousin just on accident. I think I read once that in latin america, couples are on average the genetic equivalent of 4th cousins.

A ban on 6th cousin marriage is essentially forcing people to marry the most genetically different person in their village. It was a policy that mixed up and homogenized NW European people resulting in no one having distinct ancestry anymore.