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1466075 No.1466075 [Reply] [Original]


who believes this shit?

>> No.1466079

>use science to prove the inferiority of niggers
>nobody believes it
>everyone claims you are racist

Fuck this all to hell.

>> No.1466088

I guess they forgot to test the descendants of vikings.

Who DID they test? Some offshoot thousand-year long inbred hippie commune?

>> No.1466091

>council of conservative citizens

Yeah, I'm not believing anything those bastards say.

>> No.1466101


One of the C stands for Conservative. Code word for racist religious dipshit.

>> No.1466106


I believe we already knew of that and I believe it's acceptable given the context and environment this people come from. It's no basis for prejudice.

>> No.1466113
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>> No.1466120


As_PrEVIoUsLY mEnTIoNed, TheSE mEsssAGEs_will_cONtINuE UntIL_yoU_pERMaNEntLY stoP atTACkiNG_and FucKinG_wiTH_www.aNonMoooOtALK.Se (remOve_ThE cOw_souNd),_REMoVE all ILLeGAL CLoNeS_oF It and liES ABoUT It AND_doNATE at_LEAst_a mILlIoN_uSd_To sySop AS COmpensaTIoN_FoR ThE_MASSive damagE_you_reTArds havE_cauSed.
tam mznr i mf abg cbss f u jfm s h jsubvist k auqi

>> No.1466124

>Liberals: picking and choosing when science is more important than multiculturalism.

>> No.1466125

Pointing out the obvious.

>> No.1466130
File: 35 KB, 879x879, ____.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

James Watson, a Nobel Prize winner for his part in the unravelling of DNA who now runs one of America's leading scientific research institutions, drew widespread condemnation for comments he made ahead of his arrival in Britain today for a speaking tour at venues including the Science Museum in London...

"Dr Watson told The Sunday Times that he was "inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa" because "all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours – whereas all the testing says not really". He said there was a natural desire that all human beings should be equal but "people who have to deal with black employees find this not true"."

my face when I realized how powerful political correctness was, and how even as pure as science is not except from its scrutiny

>> No.1466131

white guy with criminal record here, been to 3 county jails. one was mostly whites and mexicans, while the other two were mostly black.

ffffffuck black people. I know that liberalfags like to sit at their computers and say "everyone is equal, no matter what" and shit is really nice and sounds super compassionate and all but most of those people have never really had to deal with black people.

My favorite is their opinion on gay people and islamfags lol. For a minority group who was discriminated against for so long you would think they would sympathize with other minorities that face discrimination. But nope.

>> No.1466134

Welcome to the real world, junior.

I'm sure that many more dream crushing realizations await you.

>> No.1466138


I don't think so, Tim.

>> No.1466139

Implying being a brilliant scientist somehow makes you immune to racial bias.

>> No.1466143


I don't hear many liberals spouting off with the "everyone is equal, no matter what".

I do hear liberals spouting off with the "We really aren't equal, lets try to fix this" though.

Big difference.

>> No.1466154

>let's fix evolution
>with affirmative action
Liberals are the ultimate trolls.

>> No.1466163


Evolution, affirmative action, what?

>> No.1466170


Yes they do, that is the exact opinion. Making everyone equal was a political decision, not a scientific one, and anybody questioning this decision has extreme consequences.

Just look at Stephanie Grace or James Watson or any any of a number of similar stories. If you even *suggest* that *maybe* we should do studies about race and intelligence to find a *possible* genetic correlation, you are racist and you have just destroyed your career. Every one is equal, no matter what.

>> No.1466179


I don't give a shit about politics most of the time but when it gets in the way of my science, FUCK YOU.

>> No.1466185



You mean everybody who worked on this lost their careers?

Oh wait, it isn't biased and junk science so it's actually respected by the scientific community.

>> No.1466192

This is why we should just randomly breed. Every race has some bad genes. Most are recessive, so it's best to just dilute them out of existence.

>> No.1466195


>> No.1466197



>> No.1466208

also if you wanna buy this paper


($34 I think)

You can see that the prevalence of the 3 allele repeat version in various ethnic populations.

I think it has a 60% prevalence among niggers.

>> No.1466215


>don't bother read article or souces

stay enlightened /sci/

>> No.1466216


Go here, read, learn.

>> No.1466246

>buy this paper

Fuck paying for knowledge.

from your friendly neighborhood college student


>> No.1466280


I love reading papers, even outside my field, and this one makes so little sense to me I think :<

But offering papers. /sci/ dont ever change.

>> No.1466291

I'm in physics so almost everything is on arxiv, thats been published.

Whenever I deal with these super secretive fields like molecular biology I just rage so I try whatever I can to fuck over their retarded little secret club.

>> No.1466303

>implying race exists

>> No.1466335

>Social issues that affect racial groups (e.g. racial inequalities on health or education)
>The study of cultural production or cultural representations of particular racial groups
>The history of particular racial and ethnic groups
>U.S. based historical or subject oriented comparisons of racial groups
>The study of comparative process of racialization
>The formation and history of diasporas and/or transnational communities

This is not science. This is bullshit sociology.