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14659593 No.14659593 [Reply] [Original]

Pollution accumulates up the food chain. Consume meat or milk or eggs: everything that the animal consumes is concentrated up the food chain. This is why the Inuit have the shortest lifespan in NA: they consume so many wild-caught arctic fish. Their breastmilk is considered industrial waste by the EPA because it's so fucking high in PCBs.
Glyphosphate intake from dairy is way beyond what could be obtained from a plant-based diet.
Endotoxins are the lipid cell lining of gram-negative bacteria. These include Ecoli and related bacteria. Consuming meat promotes inflammation by adding endotoxins to our diet and by saturated fats disrupting the gastrointestinal barrier allowing endotoxins to spill into the blood stream
we are literally eating dead shit bacteria and allowing shit from our digestive tract to spill into our bloodstream whenever we eat animal products and saturated fat
Tumor necrosis factor which is increased by endotoxins that activate TLR4 and tlr2 within the body directly contributes to neuronal cell death by inducing microglial inflammation through activation of kv1.3channels. This also promotes neuronal insulin resistance and contributes to hypothalamic neuroinflammation which is the root cause of all metabolic and neurodegenerative disorders
The doctor that pioneered the endotoxin theory of inflammation was named Roy Swank. He hypothesized in the 1940s that the reason why Norwegian fishermen suffered a lower occurrence of multiple sclerosis than the surrounding population was that their intake of saturated fat was much lower.
Roy swank then did long term nutritional interventions that lasted decades
Those that went on the diet which included a much lower intake of saturated fat and emphasized a high intake of plant foods did not have a progression in their MS diagnosis or relapse.
The endotoxin model of inflammation is now one of the most understood models and contributors to inflammation throughout the body, not just within the brain

>> No.14659618

tl;dr + namefag + didn't ask + won't stop eating meat + OP is a faggot

>> No.14659660
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>> No.14660401

back to twitter

>> No.14660411

you first faggot

>> No.14660472

>Pollution accumulates up the food chain.
Sometimes, like with fat soluble pollutants. On the other hand, kidneys and livers of animals can lead to some pollutants being lower in meat than in produce.

>> No.14660476

What if you eat the liver?

>> No.14660498

I wouldn't know, liver tastes like shit, which is a signal to me that it should be avoided.

>> No.14660828
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Yeah sure thing boomer Fuehrer Schwab.

>> No.14662379

I found a self assembling 3D nanogel peptide scaffold for the seeding of cell adhesion sites and this has been bound to short IKVAV to form a nanogel encapsulating stemcells
This increases the viability and outgrowth of stemcells while also significantly reducing the antigenic response to stem cells. So this means a significantly stronger neurogenic response to short IKVAV+ stemcells which leads to the outgrowth of neurons over that of astrocytes.
Rad16 promotes the reversion of the oncogenic phenotype in breast cancer cells
Coupled with laminin derived peptides such as short IKVAV, intranasal/systemic administration of deferoxamine, intranasal insulin, and stem cell transplantation we may have a compelling treatment for cancer
This would also promote neural transformation at a foundational level while improving cell morphology in all cell lines.
This will be the water of life

>> No.14662384
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>Pollution accumulates up the food chain.
You mean pollution is bad. You mean your eat-ze-bogs technocratic dystopia is bad. You mean you and your vagoonism promoting handlers need to be culled and Ted was right. Eating meat is good. You are bad,

>> No.14662455

Why would the EPA test Inuit breastmilk? That’s the dumbest shit I have ever heard.

>> No.14662473

If I feel its appropriate to share my thoughts with people on /sci/ on a certain subject I will make a post about it. Take some initiative to learn for yourself what all of this means before you think its appropriate to share my insights on everything. There are some nice people on this board and other boards that are tired of seeing the same low effort pasta every day.

>> No.14662538

kys schizo tripfag

>> No.14662549

Then you get high amounts of bioavailable micronutrients, which is excellent. You understand human beings use the animal form of vitamins, right? For instance we use retinol, not beta carotene for vitamin A. Beta carotene has to be converted to retinol before it can be used by humans because it is a vegetable form. Nutrient content is lost in the conversion. Enjoy your micronutrient deficiency.

>> No.14662565

This has nothing to do with the discussion, why are you shilling your manuscript here?

>> No.14662574

that is a imposter using a fake tripcode. I'm the real pax.

>> No.14663219

take your fucking meds

>> No.14663285
File: 57 KB, 645x729, brainlette-bottomless_pit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Animal protein and fats, within healthy portions, are brain food. It's why our direct ancestors, over two million years ago, experienced a rapid growth in brain capacity. The vegan diet was designed by the elites to turn the plebs into docile brainlets so they are easier to control.

>> No.14663291

>Animal protein and fats, within healthy portions, are brain food.
Your brain cannot metabolize protein and fat, it can only metabolize carbohydrates.

>> No.14663305

Today i am going to attempt to make meat sushi.

It's not a well formulated idea.

I just bought a pound of pure beef fat. I cut it up into strips. I'm going to cut thin strips of ribeye, give each side a sear so it's nice and crispy on the outside, and then wrap it around the fat sticks and then slow cook it until the fat is soft, and then eat the meat-fat rolls.

If it's a stunning success i'll call it something like a fat cock. Because i'm a /b/tard at heart.

>> No.14663318
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Please let this be a copypasta.

>> No.14663329


>> No.14663331
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'Fraid not.

>> No.14663582

Oh my god...

It wasn't awful.

>> No.14663606

Today for breakfast i had 2 pieces of bacon, like 5 ounces of ribeye strips, 4 small pieces of pure beef fat, and like 2 tablespoons of cream cheese.

I have either created keto heaven or i'm going to die in 10 seconds.

>> No.14663611

I've seen this thread before.

>> No.14663617

you will eat ze bugs

>> No.14663857

Are you still with us Anon?

>> No.14665135


Yep. Had more fat sticks for dinner and i functioned perfectly well. I have to say, i preferred the fresh fat to the cooked and then chilled version i use for my dinner.

But now that i know it's not complete nonsense i'm going to try a bunch of different ways to prepare fat and see if i can find some unambiguous way to demonstrate that others can find it delicious.

>> No.14665222

>wild grass grows
>cow eats it
>eat cow

Wow, what a high-tropic food. It didn't even involve the healthy dose of glysophate or pesticides

>> No.14665253
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there's nothing bad for you

screw these (((glowsch(((ticks))) le not mkultraing you in all time space dimensions realities simulations

>> No.14665261
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nothing is bad for you.
your mind makes it real.

>> No.14665264
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>> No.14665275
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>> No.14666455


Why did you post these?

>> No.14666510

There is no evidence whatsoever that vegetarians or vegans live longer than meat eaters. Quit this stupid misinformation game.

>> No.14667212

Liver can carry nasty shit. I also think the Vitamin A can be excessive if consumed frequently. I'd personally be very careful about choosing what liver I eat. Supermarket chicken liver is probably not a good idea.