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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 35 KB, 500x263, 325c55e8bf1ec8ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14655447 No.14655447 [Reply] [Original]

Are people really losing their minds about the fact that they had to spend approximately 30 dollars during a time interval of over ten years? Am I missing something?

>> No.14655470

>Am I missing something
Yes, /pol/tards are not people

>> No.14655475

>are people really upset that the kikes incessantly nickel and dime them to death using any and every excuse that can be invented no matter how ridiculous and pointless
one day, no reason at all

>> No.14655485
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>> No.14655494
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>> No.14655506

So /pol retards aren't even white?


>> No.14655528

Capitalism trends towards monopoly and oligarchy. The Jews are just particularly good at the game.

>> No.14655598

That isn't the game they are playing.

>> No.14655605
File: 88 KB, 500x765, d3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black kids died for this

>> No.14655612

Thats britanny venti. I refuse to believe these are poltard meetups, the whole point of 4chan is anonymity. Meeting some 4channer would be extremely embarrasing

>> No.14655624

This is the most evil picture I ever saw.

>> No.14655637

All these orbiters...
And she's barely a 5/10.

>> No.14655661

She did a "fuck normies ree" thing during hwndu, those are all the non-offenders of /paul/

>> No.14655978

>I refuse to believe these are poltard meetups, the whole point of 4chan is anonymity.
You sound very retarded

>> No.14655986

>Am I missing something?

The dumb antiscience conspiracytards religious nuts coming from /pol/ for the most part.

>> No.14656002
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>> No.14656003
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>> No.14656006

Damn you really obsessed with /pol, You need take your guanfacine. that board seems to have effect on your mental state

>> No.14656015

This was a reddit meetup

>> No.14656028

You're a master at gaslighting, I have no proof so this discussion remains neutral

>> No.14656029 [DELETED] 

No, just that Nasa is grossly incompetent and the retarded premise of throwing more money at something will result in the desired outcome.
>what aboot military and entitlements and foreign aid?
Yeah those should be burned to the ground. Doesn't logically follow that you shift it towards the space bureacracy for a more bloated administration

>> No.14656036
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>> No.14656045
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>> No.14656437
File: 326 KB, 1398x730, ripKingTerry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you ""Le ScIeNcE"" niggers are losing your minds about the fact people are waking up to all the $TRILLIONS you've been stealing from the public for decades.

Thanks for stealing that money and preventing actual White people from doing legitimate Scientific Research.

>> No.14656462

Thats rich asshole, you must be a banker. We are going to rip your brains out with our bare hands

>> No.14656522 [DELETED] 

You won't do shit chair-bound nerd.

>> No.14656527

It was /lit/.

>> No.14656539

Blow it out your ass maggot

>> No.14657789

Ignore Americans. It's some politics bullshit.