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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 455 KB, 1536x1073, fauci_two_masks-1536x1073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14654604 No.14654604 [Reply] [Original]

>Anthony Fauci
>had his gain of function research denied by the DoD for being blatantly illegal
>enlists Peter Drezek and his Eco Health Alliance
>Fauci gives them tons of money to work with the CCP in order to carry out his illegal gain of function research
>email leaks showed he knew exactly what he was doing, so can't even claim he didn't know
All of this was confirmed years ago.
I do not believe that you have, in good faith, been screaming "IT CAME FROM DA BAT SOUP" this entire time, which begs the question as to why you're trying to run cover for the person responsible for the covid-19 pandemic.

>> No.14654774

it was bat soup
trust the science

>> No.14654785
File: 613 KB, 1536x1073, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was missing a few labels to be a real Garrison

Also, this is /sci/ and not /pol/ piss off. Covid is over, nobody gives a shit anymore, and so should you. If it helps you come to peace:

>Don't wear a mask
... we don't even have enough to supply frontline health workers, the PPE we do have should go to them, not to Karen for when she goes shopping

>Now wear a mask
... because we ordered and produced enough for the frontline workers that we can now afford to give everyone the mutual protection masks offer

>Now wear two masks
... because we found out that it improves the fit significantly and reduces exposure: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7007e1.htm

If you don't understand supply and demand, or have a problem with changing your behaviour in reaction to scientific findings, then you definitely don't belong on /sci/.

>> No.14654803

None of that is based on science.

>> No.14654807

I linked a scientific study, you moron. And "They don't have enough for the people who need it most" isn't exactly science, but common sense. Like when they ask the population to not fill their pools in the middle of a drought. That's simply how you treat situations in which resources are sparse

>> No.14654819

Were you under a rock when they announced a shortage of PPE for hospital workers?

>> No.14654821

>l-lets just call it even, okay?
Why do you think anyone will ever forgive you, or even forget what you've done?
There's no moving past this, and the next time you inevitably try this again, you'll be butchered in the streets, since we already know where you're going with it.

>> No.14654868

You linked the CDC, which has slightly less credibility than Natural News at this point.
The rest of your post is gaslighting.

>> No.14655180
File: 437 KB, 1x1, An appeal for an objective, open, and transparent scientific debate about the origin of SARS-CoV-2 - The Lancet.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're too stupid to understand the the discussion, and you're obviously not someone who is very informed or follows the news. There are two major flaws with your argument, and they would be completely obvious if you had actually been following these issues:
(1) Back when they said not to wear masks, they never mentioned anything about needing to save them for healthcare workers. At the time, the were claiming, without evidence, that masks are uneffective and that they could even be harmful because to use Fauci's own words they collect a lot of "schmutz" from your nose and mouth. That narrative that they were needed for healthcare workers was only presented several month later, when they changed their recommendations and had to account for why they were recommending against masks just a few weeks prior. There is nothing wrong with saving masks for healthcare workers, but if that's what they were doing they just should have been transparent about the real issue rather than lying and claiming, without evidence, that masks are not effective.

(2) Even if 3M masks were not available for sale to the public, they still could have advised citizens to either stay inside, or to make improvised masks. Even if there was not enough PPE for everyone, almost everyone in american would have access to spare shirts, towels, napkins, and other cotton and paper textiles that could be used to make makeshift masks.

>> No.14655408

>Why do you think anyone will ever forgive you, or even forget what you've done?
What have I done? Nothing that needs forgiveness. Fuck off, you're living in the past. You lost the election, you were wrong about the vaccine and you were wrong about the virus. By some coincidence, a most of your misconception actually became true. The virus evolved to dodge the vaccine immunity and the virus evolved to be much less lethal. That doesn't mean you were right. I forgive you, can you move on now?

>Back when they said not to wear masks, they never mentioned anything about needing to save them for healthcare workers.
>Some people in the streets are even wearing the N95 and other professional masks that healthcare workers need. “If you see the normal civilian market flooded with N95 type masks and you see doctors and nurses who don’t have those, there is a problem,” he said.

>Sexton says wearing a surgical mask is a good idea if you have a respiratory illness and need to see the doctor. But that's really so you won't infect other people. Otherwise, she says, don't rush out and buy a mask. Leave them for the people who need them — like health care workers and ill people — so as not to contribute to mask shortages, she says.

Do you have dementia or were you successfully gaslighted by /pol/? Or are you trying to gaslight us?

>> No.14655425

reddit moment

>> No.14655440
File: 125 KB, 1024x1003, Reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14655464

indeed, that is where (you) belong

>> No.14655584

Gaslighting faggot.

>> No.14655597

Retard. You don't wear masks to protect yourself, you wear masks to protect others in case you might be an asymptomatic spreader. That's still how it is seen today. Otherwise, why would there be mask mandates? You were forced to wear a mask to protect others from you, not to protect you from others. How on Earth did you go through the past 30 months without understanding this?

>> No.14655603
File: 349 KB, 598x711, 1597751769163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Retard. You don't wear masks to protect yourself, you wear masks to protect others in case you might be an asymptomatic spreader. That's still how it is seen today. Otherwise, why would there be mask mandates? You were forced to wear a mask to protect others from you, not to protect you from others. How on Earth did you go through the past 30 months without understanding this?

>> No.14655613

Oh no. He greentexted my commend and posted an angry basedjak with it. That makes me the angry basedjak. This makes me sad.

>> No.14655620

yes it is all true.

>> No.14655631

I don't wear a mask, ever.

>> No.14655646
File: 413 KB, 1600x1500, 1633345839739.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh no. He greentexted my commend and posted an angry basedjak with it. That makes me the angry basedjak. This makes me sad.

>> No.14656392

yes, yes, and the clotshot wad never supposed to stop the spread, amirite?