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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 77 KB, 800x532, 800px-Fountain_of_Eternal_Life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1465027 No.1465027 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ becomes a city. We all move there. Whats it like?

>> No.1465034

Empty, most of the time. ANd probably a shithole.

>> No.1465035

we all die from mustard gas because a bunch of idiots try to make the world's largest diamond

>> No.1465037

A hygienical nightmare who is overruned by /b/-tards from time to time.

>> No.1465040

everyone drives a magnet car.

>> No.1465043

Churches and magnets everywhere.

>> No.1465044

It would be just like a highschool calculus class.. OH WAIT

>> No.1465048
File: 323 KB, 1600x1053, Koichi_Kamoshida_Pfolio02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just like those japanese hotels, living spaces consist of massive arrays of tubes...
a bed and computer... all anyone here really needs anyway. maximum efficiency

>> No.1465057

i wonder how someone masturbates in one of those with out waking up their neighbor....

>> No.1465059


>> No.1465064
File: 137 KB, 559x348, vertical_farm_project_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

city is self sufficient due to skyscraper farms. indoor crops require no pesticides/chemicals, immune from weather, controlled indoor high co2 environment producing maximum yield.


>> No.1465066

our only crops will be marijuana

>> No.1465078

Knowing Japan, the hotel probably provides onacups and the other guests do not care.

>> No.1465081

>There are many buttons and knobs in the capsule. One turns on the light and a knob dims the light. One turns on the TV, another button flips through the channels. There is a big red button that costs Y300 to press. That's the porn button. There is a radio and an alarm clock built in. At the end of the capsule there is a screen you can pull down to "lock" yourself in. The entire capsule was about 6 to 6.5 feet long. I am 6 foot 3ish and I had to lie diagonally, but I was able to sleep. The building was slightly warmer than I prefer. I wish there were individual heaters/coolers in each capsule.

>> No.1465083
File: 10 KB, 200x200, uberman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vast majority of population operates on uberman sleep schedule. 4 hours awake/20 min asleep. cycle is followed rigorously by the entire society. maximum efficiency of schedule gives everyone 6 extra hours in the day for fapping.


>> No.1465087

Don't forget a gay bar for all the engineers!

>> No.1465088


>> No.1465090

so...we'll have bigger tubes, individual climate control, and free-er porn.

>> No.1465091

>i wonder how someone masturbates in one of those with out waking up their neighbor....

Japanese don't care. They excel at blocking out anything and everything being done by the person next door to them. You can jerk off and jizz in your own face on the train and nobody will pay any attention to you.

>> No.1465094

that shit doesn't actually work. 8 hours of sleep is biologically necessary, unless you are in the 3% of the population which can function normally off of 6.

>> No.1465096


>> No.1465097

lol'd. but srsly, no problem... we could do a bulk order of mail order brides... im sure theyd have discounts. that or sexbots.

>> No.1465098

>You can jerk off and jizz in someone'sface on the train and nobody will pay any attention to you.

Small fix.

>> No.1465101

prove it. fucking prove that negative.

>> No.1465102

I sleep 9-12 hours at a time but I stay awake for 28-36 hours at a time. My body is not on earth time.

>> No.1465104

>Single transient wandering around yelling about engineers and shoving pages torn from gay porn magazines in peoples faces as they walk the streets.

>> No.1465108

IB4 Rapture

>> No.1465112

it works fine, so long as you never EVER miss a nap. REM sleep is the reason for sleep... the other phases are just foreplay.

>> No.1465119

>My body is not on earth time.


>> No.1465128

this thread needs more real ideas for a city. like those transit tubes in Futurama... redonculous,but could it work?/

>> No.1465130

naw, he just works for the MIB.

>> No.1465134

Except studies have shown that if people are left to their own devices that their sleep schedules can range anywhere from 20-30 hours in periodicity

>> No.1465144

I vote for a conveyor belt of chairs attached around every city block

>> No.1465158

this, and I elect myself the mayor

>> No.1465162

I'll vote for airplane guy

>> No.1465164
File: 27 KB, 590x448, Roomba530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

small, single-purpose robots do all menial labor

>> No.1465167
File: 4 KB, 150x124, waterslide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

airport conveyors fuck yeah! also, conveyor belts get successively faster and faster... by picking long distance routes you end up walking up to 80mph.

also, all the skyscrapers are connected by elaborate tube waterslides. puts schlitterbahn to shame.

>> No.1465172

yes, we can call the city fatfuckopolis.

>> No.1465177

mayor is HAL. srsly. city is run by AI. we're all just kinda there.

>> No.1465189

everyone is magnets

>> No.1465200

ITT: Manna

>> No.1465208

well, it will be good until someone says "I'm Christian" then he'll be killed and we'll bathe in his blood.

>> No.1465216

Very smart, very lazy, very male.

>> No.1465227

>I'm Christian
>That's nice, you're welcome to believe your superstitions, as long as you don't try to push them on us or our children.
How Science City works.

>> No.1465237

Every corner has someone shouting about how there is one true god, the christian god,,, or someone shouting about magnets.

>> No.1465248

when have you ever seen a religion thread turn out that way?

>> No.1465256

Never :(

>> No.1465258

those are more like plans for a space colony...

>> No.1465279

The buildings are amazingly efficient, all the building are the same hight/shape, all with mirrors covering the roofs that are all aimed at the one building in the center of the city thats really tall and has one of those sodium heat energy thingys.

90% of rainwater is collected, cleaned, and tapped.

Trash/recycling cans are easily accessible everywhere.

>> No.1465286

Every single time the tripfags get together to actually get something serious done, everyone comes from all corners to tell the engineers building whatever device is required that they're unhelpful and practitioners of non-science.

>> No.1465305

we're gonna need a non-racist reason to keep black people out... ideas?

>> No.1465321

why? why not go fully nuclear? no one else in the world has the balls, i think scicity would.

>> No.1465328

Well, this being /sci/ty.. Some troll would purposely cause a nuclear reactor to have a melt down.

And then noone would ever have the balls to do it ever because "that city that tried it died!"

>> No.1465331

well if we have the ability to go Nuclear then we should, but if the sun is pouring down free energy onto us, why not throw out some solar panels and hook em to the grid? we would have more than enough power for everyone.

>> No.1465335

NASAs new HQ is located here with a hypervelocity railgun derived rail line connected directly to KSC down in florida. A massive mural of Carl Sagan hangs in the local botanical park amidst the scientific walk of fame with Plasma Televisions playing the symphony of science music videos.

Immediately surrounding the city is a small lake giving the city an island city feel. The water is pure blue from the sand bottom. There, massive coral experiments are ongoing to replicate and save endangered species. On the west end, the lake eventually meets the tropical ocean stretching off into an endless blue untainted by pollution.


>> No.1465338


>> No.1465345

Why not build a giant artificial waterfall with turbines hooked up, and the water is looped.

I just invented perpetual motion. Feels good.

>> No.1465346


No we wouldn't, we'd be a racist nation.

What's anybody going to do? Send us a letter?

>> No.1465350

sounds nice

>> No.1465369


How are the nerds suppose to fight a war against physically-superior jocks?

I mean, Revenge of the Nerds was just a movie.

>> No.1465372

We will pray unto God for deliverance and He will smite them with the allmighty magnets. PRAISE THE LORD!

>> No.1465373
File: 33 KB, 600x450, massdriver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the city is surrounded by a vaccuum enclosed circular mass driver, powered by the cities reactors. city becomes the worlds cheapest most efficient space port.

>> No.1465387

You know damn well that wouldn't work

>> No.1465395

no i don't. its fucking brilliant... too bad the navy already built one.

>> No.1465398


>> No.1465402

The G buildup alone would kill someone. Furthermore, you would have to launch something at 25000 mph at the least at a low trajectory.
FURTHERMORE thermal damage.

Unless if the barrel goes up to 100km, then it will be useless.

>> No.1465409

Public guy on guy action 24/7. As an engineer, this is something I'd like.

>> No.1465413

who said we'd be launching people?

>> No.1465418

also, small payloads would be no problem, provided the heat shielding was something epic...

>> No.1465425

Why not?
This planet is too fucked up for a /sci/ city to exist on its surface...

>> No.1465426

The city will be filled with morons and failed spaceflight experiments

>> No.1465430

Idiots. Idiots everywhere.

/sci/ is a terrible retarded board.

>> No.1465432

>/sci/ty to exist on its surface...

So what your saying it, that we must either grow wings and fly, or DIG?

>> No.1465435

>a city
/sci/ would probably terraform Mars and call it it's own.

>> No.1465438

sounds good... imma builda lego slingshot spacelaunch

>> No.1465448


>> No.1465451

samefag here
I meant this one...

>> No.1465465

>Implying those varsity football players at your high school went on to careers that gave them the expertise to design nukes

>> No.1465471

city would have absolutely no laws against genetic/cyborg modifications. I could finally genetically engineer the tentacular umbrella penis i've always wanted...

also, everyone would have brain implants to converse on the city's public channel. which is like 4chan on steroids.

>> No.1465478

this is starting to sound like singularity city

>> No.1465481

sauce pl0x

>> No.1465487

Uplifted crows and fat morons as far as the eye can see.

>> No.1465490
File: 38 KB, 440x330, alien_city_440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1465506

>Implying we'd be able to nuke an army of for example, the size of the U.S's, without either destroying our own environment or ourselves due to retaliation.

>> No.1465509
File: 386 KB, 1500x895, 1231384158642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

home sweet home...

>> No.1465512
File: 38 KB, 361x193, yotsuba_overjoyed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uplifted crows
>somebody else remembers those threads

>> No.1465520
File: 574 KB, 1680x1050, 1238640438100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1465536


>> No.1465541

Thats a pretty picture, where is that?

>> No.1465551

I demand sauce.

>> No.1465552

I would not want to live in a city with a bunch of creationist trolls, thank you very much.

>> No.1465561
File: 21 KB, 304x304, zzsauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There you go, have a nice day.

>> No.1465564

Holy fuck I'm rubbing it all over my steak. Fuck you faggots with no sauce and dry steak.

>> No.1465566



>> No.1465656

Man, I wish /sci/ was a good enough board that I'd actually want to live in a city with all of you. ;_;

>> No.1465661

What is this anon, you don't love us anymore?

>> No.1465671

No thanks.

Full of racists and egotistical fucktards.

Some are really nice and helpful, and some are really insightful and modest, but seldom do I see those individuals.

The city has to be selective. Not all /sci/ducks are welcome.

>> No.1465673
File: 205 KB, 674x975, 1279426154404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>city would have absolutely no laws against genetic/cyborg modifications

I support this.

>> No.1465693

>less than 100 people

>> No.1465772

Lets start a technocracy! of Scichan!

>> No.1465782

Trolls. Trolls everywhere.

People getting shot over God vs. Evolution arguements

And we'd all be fighting over 2 and a half vaginas.

>> No.1465821

I'd like to think that the pursuit of science would lead us all to incredibly reckless behavior.

>> No.1465843

solution: copying and re-bodying of uploaded minds

>> No.1465849

Samefag will take an entire new meaning.

>> No.1465857

Fuckin-A, we've got to start making some of these.

>> No.1465860


That .5 vagina is mine!

>> No.1465862

someone drawfag this

>> No.1465930


You're on the wrong board.

Although it would be interesting as shit.

>> No.1465951

It'll be in Antarctica because we are all lonely.

>> No.1466021
File: 24 KB, 257x253, oh look, its this thread again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1466028

Hey, at least there would be absolutely no traffic

>> No.1466760

Wouldn't work, because we'd all be engineers.

Without a girl in sight, we'll display our homosex in maximum overdrive.

>> No.1466785

Churches would be full of morons arguing about faith vs. theory

Streets would be full of morons arguing about faith vs. theory

Businesses would be full of morons arguing about faith vs. theory

Nothing else

>> No.1466800


>> No.1467786
File: 427 KB, 1280x1024, fractalcity965323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1467792

bulk order russian brides. every female in russia. dr. strangelove's ratio ftw.

>> No.1467796

like a fucking nightmare...

>> No.1468039
