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File: 3.14 MB, 2493x2398, FieldsMedalFront.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14644182 No.14644182 [Reply] [Original]


is this a pity award?

37yo Maryna Viazovska won the fields medal last week for her work on 'sphere packing'. She's the first Ukrainian person to ever win the fields medal; what do we think about this lads? Considering all the media can talk about is the fact that she's a woman.

Any old mathfags know if she actually deserved it?

>> No.14644188

Second Ukrainian, actually. The fact shes referred as the first is interesting

>> No.14644191

>coincidentally one year after the board gets criticized for not choosing enough women for the prize.
>coincidentally after the whole Rusian invasion
hmm I wonder if it was deserved?

>> No.14644194

It's a political statement. She's a mediocre, insignificant mathematician, just as you'd expect from a woman.

>> No.14644200

Piss of to /pol/, faggots. This is fifth thread on that topic. Why don't you create a post about the other three laureates?
>what do we think about this lads?
"We" already said "our" thoughts 5 threads ago. Fuck off.

>> No.14644201
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>> No.14644203

Checked the catalogue with ctrl f and no results for fields medal.

>> No.14644205
File: 128 KB, 800x599, civil-war-cannonballs-stack-51286385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did she do with sphere packing? I have asked this several times in these clone threads. Nobody knows? I suspect is something in a high number of dimensions or maybe a general N number of dimensions, with hyperspheres, spheres in 3 dimensions are understood

>> No.14644207

I already made posts about the other three laureates but apparently /sci/ doesn't know enough about their research. This thread is about a particular laureate though, so it's legitimate to give a factually correct answer to OP's question. Go simp somewhere else.

>> No.14644212

All the top articles and the wikipedia article refuse to elaborate any further than that. I guess nobody really knows, just that woman + ukrainian.

>> No.14644213

>Believing jewpedia
Vladimir is forgotten. Look up the 1990 fields medal recipients.

>> No.14644214

First one I'm seeing. Spend less time online.

>> No.14644215

I suppose some were deleted because it's always the same shit? >>14627441 is still in the archive, but there were more.

>> No.14644216
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Eurovision, but math

>> No.14644217

Lurk moar

>> No.14644219

She proved spheres are shape for densest packing in dimensions 8 and 24. Hardly deserving of a fields medal imo

>> No.14644225

>She proved spheres are shape for densest packing in dimensions 8 and 24.
What does this mean?

>> No.14644227

Link them.

>> No.14644228

Really mah nigga spheres are the densest when packing spheres? Touch grass

>> No.14644229

She found the densest packing for dimension 8 and 24

>> No.14644231

I'll touch your mom's grass iykwim nigger

>> No.14644243

>E8 lattice
I fucking knew it

>> No.14644247

For example >>14633842

>> No.14644252

>n late February, just weeks AFTER Maryna Viazovska learned she had won a Fields Medal — the highest honor for a mathematician — Russian tanks and war planes began their assault on Ukraine, her homeland, and Kyiv, her hometown.


She got the medal before the invasion. Its not a pity award.

>> No.14644256

That's not a thread though. /mg/ is much more civilized than those /pol/ infested trolling attempts

>> No.14644271

>She got the medal before the invasio

>> No.14644275

>quantamagazine is lying just because it doesn't fit your world view in which a Ukrainian woman would never deserve this medal

Seriously, though. She got a professorship at one of the best universities in the world. Was that also because of the war?

>> No.14644287

>Hardly deserving of a fields medal imo
Good thing your opinion is literally worthless

>> No.14644298

back to lefty /pol/ with that insecurity projection.

>> No.14644300

Back to /pol/ with your gaslighting

>> No.14644306

>back to lefty /pol/
M8, your GPT bot was trained on the wrong dataset. You should fix that

>> No.14644325
File: 409 KB, 630x440, scilut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14644340

Pity should have no place in mathematics. Fields is dead.

>> No.14644342

I didn't know, GPT-3 could post pictures. Well, it's been fun, but I prefer talking to a sentient being. Posting AI generated /pol/ shit all over blue boards should be a bannable offence.

>> No.14644345

It doesn't, retard. >>14644252

>> No.14644368

>Why would a no-name internet website with no sources just make shit up?

>> No.14644390

For a blue board user you're slow. Wojak icon is /pol/ user, interviewee is lefty. Irony

>> No.14644395

Imagine posting on /sci/ and not knowing how to research the (fake) "facts" in that article. You must be a retarded kraut or some type of other kraut adjacent eurofag. You believe whatever you read in dubious sources. Kys

>> No.14644404

>the poltards don't even know about quanta magazine

>> No.14644408
File: 163 KB, 512x468, 564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It was founded by the former New York Times journalist Thomas Lin, who is the magazine's editor-in-chief.

>> No.14644413

Wow, you really think that proves something don't you? poltards are really hopeless.

>> No.14644415

Please do, so I can learn from you, based /pol/tard.
>You must be a retarded kraut or some type of other kraut adjacent eurofag.
Isn't racism outside of /b/ against the site-wide rules?

>> No.14644419

>Europe is a race
Eurofags get stupider every day.

>> No.14644428

>Kraut is not a racial slur
Keep telling yourself that you're not racist, racist. I bet "some of your best friends are black", so "you can't be racist".

>> No.14644431
File: 62 KB, 1x1, ICM_2022_statement.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Russia invades Ukraine Feb 24
>Committee can't even hold meetings in Russia anymore
>Yet before the committee met to determine the winner, the winner was already announced
>But the winners weren't ACKSHUALLY announced until July
You know why your source is nonsense? Because it cites no sources cocksucking NPC faggot

>> No.14644433

>Kraut is a racial slur
Fucking lol. So which race is kraut supposedly racist against? Whites? So if I call a Russian a kraut, that's racist? As if kraut doesn't also refer to the hajeebs in krautland. Top. Fucking. Kek. I think I nailed it. You're a retarded socialist kraut and are upset I identified to based on your faggotry. Kys.

>> No.14644451

You absolute fucking moron, just look at the header in her official interview

>Part of the interview was recorded before February 24, 2022, another part — after. In both cases, the interviewers were Russian mathematicians

>> No.14644458

No, that was because she's a woman.

>> No.14644462

Which parts? Which dates? Every other part of the interview is clearly labeled. Transcribed with exact dates and which questions were asked. And yet... Not a single transcript is provided for a single date before February 24th. Curious, don't you think? You're a mouth-breathing fucking moron. Obviously they added in that one line (without any facts) to pretend she didn't get the medal out of pity. Doesn't take a genius to notice that inconsistency. The reason why it's intentionally vague is so that it can't be deboonked. If it gave specific times and quotes, it could be deboonked from evidence.

>> No.14644464

It literally says Feb 18th and June 6th right there in the PDF. Go back to pol you illiterate clown.

>> No.14644472


>> No.14644477

I don't have time to waste with illiterate clowns like you. Go back to pol and come up with more conspiracy theories with your fellow retards.

>> No.14644479

Meant to quote >>14644472, but you're the same retard anyway

>> No.14644494

It's almost impossible than any woman would have been more qualified for a Fields than a man. Certainly it is impossible that it could have happened more than once in the short history of that prize. Giving it to women makes it worthless, which it is.

>> No.14644502

Its a random zine from the internet. Its not a scientific journal, it has no prestige. Its some random blog. Post some actual evidence that this woman got the medal before the invasion

>> No.14644504

What do you have time to waste on? Get back to work, lazy fuck. And you wonder why your country is inferior to USA.

>> No.14644517

Thats not evidence of anything. I want to see some dated statement from the fields medal corporation that states when the decision to grant the medal gas agreed on, something from their corporate board meeting minutes

>> No.14644519

>before the committee met to determine the winner
Are you retarded or trying to deceive people? The medal is awarded at the congress, not determined. The articles were published before the congress even started.
You know why your logic is nonsense? Because mathematicians cannot travel in time cocksucking NPC faggot

>> No.14644525

>I want to see some dated statement from the fields medal corporation that states when the decision to grant the medal gas agreed on
On February 18, they asked "how did you feel when you found out about the medal?"
Even a retard would deduce that the decision must have been made before that question, since the interviewer is asking in past tense. Not sure why you are pretending to be even more retarded than you actually are.

>> No.14644613

>The articles were published before the congress even started.

>> No.14644618

Got any time stamped document for that, such as meeting minutes?

>> No.14644620

Theres not any interview that takes a month, such a PDF is clearly doctored and i want to see an original source. Not some interview, but the original documents from the decision

>> No.14644622


>> No.14644633

What's the matter sweaty?

>> No.14644648

She proved the E8 lattice gives the densest possible packing of equal spheres in 8 dimensions and the Leech lattice gives the densest packing in 24 dimensions. This is a huge achievement since the only other known cases are for n=1,2,3. Her proof made clever use of modular forms and this has suggested deep interplay between discrete geometry and number theory.

The Leech lattice can be constructed using three copies of the E8 lattice, but whats really cool about the Leech lattice is that it arises in the orbifold and VOA constructions used to get the Moonshine module, a major part of monstrous moonshine that relates modular forms, finite simple groups, and bosonic string theory.

Basically she took really esoteric geometric objects and showed how they can be used to solve a very hard and famous problem. The proof itself is also very creative, which is an accomplishment in itself.

>> No.14644658

how do you explain the fact that a cool thing was done by a woman?

>> No.14644661

quanta is pure propaganda, notice how their "news" incidentally include for 30% math done by blacks, 30% by women, and the rest by jews

>> No.14644681

>complaining about secondary source when primary source was already posted
/pol/tards on suicide watch

>> No.14644726

Stop simping faggot, she found that sphere packing in 8 dimensions coincides with the E8 lattice. Wonderful, you could have left it at that.

>> No.14644728

>>complaining about secondary source when primary source was already posted
No primary source was posted. Some inteview is not a primary source. It was posted way after the war started. Post some primary source posted before the war started. Something official and not some random interview unrelated to the decision process

>> No.14644745

>Some inteview is not a primary source.
Yes, it is, if it is conducted by the people who awarded the medal. How much more primary can it be?
>some random interview unrelated to the decision process
Logic, motherfucker, can you into it? If Ann talks to Bob about a decision she made on February 18th, can we deduct whether Ann decided before Feb 24th?

>> No.14644749

I could post a source (written today) saying that I predicted the Field Medal winner back in March of 2020. Would you believe it?

>> No.14644760

If you don't believe the people who made the decision, who would you believe?

>> No.14644782

It's not about who, but about what.

>> No.14644785

>but about what
So you would only believe what you want to believe? Did you just say the quiet part loud? Awkward.

>> No.14644811

no, i believe sources that are time stamped. i entered a few search queries on google restricted to the time
>February 17, 2022 - February 22, 2022
Tried a few searches like "Maryna Viazovska" or "fields medal" or "fields medal 2022". Not a single hit showed up confirming she had been selected by then. Can you find anything?

>> No.14644825

What realistically happened is that she was among the candidates, she wasn't chosen first, but a few weeks after the war the committee decided to change

>> No.14644854

You already have proof, timestamped by the people who made the decision. What else could you possibly want? I have the feeling that you just keep asking for more and more sources, dismissing whatever someone delivers when he falls for your trolling attempts. You won't get more than proof from the IMU itself. I won't waste any more time or energy on you.
In case you are not trolling, you should seriously reconsider a lot of things. For once, that even in the age of the internet, not all information is immediately public and uploaded to the cloud. So if some council decides something today, you won't find it with Google tomorrow.
Then how come they called her on the 18th latest?

>> No.14644885

you don't know what a time stamp is, lol.

>> No.14644903
File: 39 KB, 1117x169, Screenshot from 2022-07-11 20-48-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you cannot forge timestamps
You would just doubt it anyway. A video of her with the Newspaper of February 18? Well, she could have kept it for a week and then taken the video.

>> No.14644967

>Well, she could have kept it for a week and then taken the video.
yes, that is the argument. people are asking for a source that was released prior to february 24th confirming she had won the fields medal by then. without that, there is no good reason to believe she was chosen before the invasion of ukraine.

>> No.14644973

>people are asking for a source that was released prior to february 24th
1. What stops your brain from understanding the fact that the decision was not public prior to that date?
2. What proof would you accept without any doubt? Everything could be fabricated.

>> No.14645004

any kind of record released prior to february 24th. awfully convenient no such record exists. even privatized research requires records. for example, what's to stop terrence tao coming out, saying he came up with all the work Maryan did back in March of 2020, therefore Maryna doesn't deserve the medal; Tao does. to corroborate his claim, he releases a notepad with the date "March 21st, 2020" written followed by the same proof Maryna wrote. well, it's private research yeah? guess we better just believe him. hmmm, i think i just found out how to get a fields medal. thanks man, see you in 2026.

>> No.14645019

>How much more primary can it be?
Needs to be published before the war and related only to the medal itself. No additions. A communication from the field medals corporation stating their decision to grant the medal with no irrelevant commentary over Maria's childhood in Ukraine

>> No.14645026

The document you refer to was published after the war started, It may refer to events before the war but it was not published before.

>> No.14645029

German / Austrian / Swiss

Because they eat sauerkraut

>> No.14645030

>What stops your brain from understanding the fact that the decision was not public prior to that date?
So you agree theres no documents published before the 24th?

>> No.14645035

Germans are a race, they are not white they are germans. The white race is a social construct invented in colonial Spain and later adopted by colonial anglos

>> No.14645074

There are documents proving that the decision was made before the 24th.

>> No.14645077

>related only to the medal itself. No additions
top kek, what a pathetic attempt this is to raise the bar even higher.

>> No.14645167


couple of things:
-war in ukraine + putler bad narrative started in 2014.
-western media started obsessing over russian troops on ukranian border since december 2021.

>> No.14645194

>-war in ukraine + putler bad narrative started in 2014.
So every award any Ukrainian got in the last 8 years is pure virtue signalling and not deserved?

>> No.14645303

No, but an additional political motivation was born on that year.

Just like we now have "inclusivity" as additional motivation for nobel prizes (see those 2 recent physics ones).

The fields lady happened to possess both motivations (in addition to a good research result, which however I'm sure is comparable to at least a few others from boring western white males).

But yeah keep believing that academics are pure innocent angels if that helps you.

>> No.14645337

You are legitimately braindead.

>> No.14645346

Post something published before the 24 that communicates the decision to give the award. That is all

>> No.14645352
File: 9 KB, 512x307, c35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post proofs published before the 24th

>> No.14645447
File: 7 KB, 218x231, conincidence kike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pure coincidence, the nobel prizes are completely unpoliticized, that why obama won the nobel peace prize for starting a bunch of wars, while president trump was the first american president in over half a century to go a term in office without starting a war and the nobel committee ignored him

>> No.14645526

what the fuck since when can you attach PDFs?

>> No.14645589

Post something even hinting at the opposite. You can't prove a negative, but so far the only hint is your schizo brain suspecting a great conspiracy.

>> No.14645631
File: 1.28 MB, 720x900, 1655574695444.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me sum up this thread
>it must be because she is woman and Ukrainian
>no I don't have any idea what she did and shay problem she solved
>no I don't have any idea about what other people they could of choose for this award instead for their work
I hate woman more then the next guy but I usually don't make claims like it must be because she is a woman unless I know a little more. I'm not a mathematician so I don't know anything about this garbage.
Once in a while a woman does stumble onto something.

>> No.14645690

after piper harron are there people that still believe in mainstream mathematics? lmao

>> No.14645726

ok fucking retard but know don't you know that there're many mathematicians who can win and the winner is decided by details? or are you a fucking npc?

>> No.14646059

So do you have the documents or not? Nothing from before the 24th?

>> No.14646084

A Jew lost his chance at a medal because of this cunt. Ukranians will pay

>> No.14646595

Yes, the interview is from before the 24th. If English is not your first language, I can try to explain it in Italian, French, Spanish, or German. With google translate, I could probably offer many more languages.

>> No.14647222

The nobel prize committee specifically said gender is now a factor in their decision. Not sure if the fields committee has done the same, but if not it's implied at this point.

>> No.14647565

That document is not from before the 24th.

>> No.14649959

We're not talking about a Nobel prize, brainlet