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14643741 No.14643741 [Reply] [Original]

How can I trick my brain to invert this

>> No.14643814

add rewards?

>> No.14643831
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Man I wish I was still like this
Now I'm getting tired of both after one hour

>> No.14643848

kind of based

>> No.14643855

Top image shows a better posture than the bottom image, I don't get what your point is

>> No.14644050

If you regress into neet mode you'll be able to play the entire day and night in fear of facing reality

>> No.14644054
File: 20 KB, 588x521, 1634778274481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are addicted to short-term dopamine driven gratification; look for ways to reduce this

>> No.14644059
File: 348 KB, 1332x1949, rr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just reset, but most don't have the willpower for it.

>> No.14644260

Hey, don't define me

>> No.14644315
File: 83 KB, 1024x1024, e42a57ad5659ea5f5b977aa0a75871f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically study while playing video games
I'm reading a book on algebra while playing cookie clicker in the other tab to great success

>> No.14644364

amazing post, thanks for sharing
I'm wondering, in my mind it's absolutely impossible to not fap in one week, I don't know if my mind saying 'it's a physiological necessity' is a sad excuse, but I actually think so, is that a sign I should actually focus a big part of the reset to that? (I don't even know what would happen if I don't do it in one week, I've been doing it daily for like more than a decade)

>> No.14644697

get a better chair

>> No.14644786

Interesting stuff. I totally second this anon. I've done it once myself. Though I went only through 5 days.
I get that idea to it, like half a year after I went on a vipassana 10 day course. You basically mediate most of the time, u don't talk, only same gender. It's not so severe in killing any dopamin source like this method but it opened my mind for that idea.

I remember how after the phase I made a 15m voice message to a good friend of mine explaining my 'degragmentation' process. This guy basically stopped listening when I said get off your music haha.

I think a lot of people couldn't make it through.

But hey there's is also another thing which is, I would argue in the same league of potentially changing your life.

It is the fact that you can start to produce your own internal dopamine circuit.

Though it's very important, that you don't connect it to the rewards. That can be even sometimes firing back. I mean thi k of it: Everytime you accomplished X, yes it's awesome, there's this eternal bliss ... for longterm projects at least ... and so on, but earlier than you think, you'll long for the next thing. It's better to create that internal dopamine circuit to the hunt itself.

So yes it sounds so obvious and also plain dumb, but you just really consciously narrate your action/behaviour - how well you do, how good your following the path you're set yourself on, 'yes, x is done. Amazing im the best and cultivating myself' ... etc.

Yes it's really that simple, while you watch out to cut of the external chained dopamine cues you start creating your new neuronal circuits which you cater with your consciously narrating.
And ofc everytime you rock it successfully that technique, that way of thinking gets solidified likewise as all the other activities in your life. So you strengthen the circuits the more you successfully do it.

You can check this out in the huberman lab podcast. It's a neuroscientist (stanford) doing easy to apply videos.

>> No.14644798

>in my mind it's absolutely impossible to not fap in one week
If you've been doing it for a long time it became a deep seated habit, and as such you'll feel a sense of emptiness, like something important is being taken from you for a while when you stop doing it, but that's not real, that's just the habit, or in worse cases, addiction speaking. Basically if people can quit drugs, tobacco, alcohol, then one can easily quit masturbating. I used to do it every 2nd day for years, but when I put my mind to it I managed months without doing it a single time, I failed the first 3-4 times, only managing 5-6 days at a time, but after about 10-12 days it exits your mind and you stop thinking about it, that's how it was for me at least.
Here's a guideline on what to expect, it's a little different for everyone but it should be similar to this for most: https://thuletide.wordpress.com/2020/07/30/nofap-timeline/

And yes, not fapping is important if you want to reset yourself, but it's also important to adhere to everything else on that post if you want to do it properly, it's hard, but in the end it's worth it, as it will save you from yourself if done right.

>> No.14644799


Breaking bad habits through habit stacking is aswell a very applicable technique.

Everytime you are aware of doing the bad habit, you instantly do a good one.

These stacking of habits will lead to create a new overshadowing habit. A new circuit based on the older one.

It's way easier to create new neurons than to abandon old ones, or let's say it like this: you can fall back easily into old ones, because the neuronal paths, if strong enough will likely never really perish.

With this stacking technique you'll be surprised how well after some time you can control the bad habit, because actually you're just controlling the new one.

These two things basically changed my life. Cheers and enjoy.