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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1464069 No.1464069 [Reply] [Original]

/Sci/, tell me stuff about organic chem I and II. I'm taking it next year but I think i should start studying early because so many people have trouble with the class.

>> No.1464072

protons are positive

>> No.1464081

Electrons are negative

>> No.1464082

neutrons are neutral

>> No.1464085

carbon has 4 valance electrons.
because of this it makes it easier to bond to alot of other atoms :)

>> No.1464088

protons and neutrons are commonly believed to be in the center of the atom.

>> No.1464089

methyl before ethyl

>> No.1464091

buy a model kit.

>> No.1464092

atoms are mostly nothing

>> No.1464094

meh you'll be fine as long as you paid attention in G chem and did well. Just make sure that at least at the end of every week (preferably every couple days) that you get caught up and make sure you understand everything that has gone on so far. If you fall 2 weeks behind it can get really ugly.

If you took AP tests and therefore are skipping G chem, prepare your anus.

>> No.1464095
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If you're going to study early for Ochem just try to learn the nomenclature and know the functional groups.

>> No.1464101

OP, you should be. Unless you're some kind of genius, you better be ready to dedicate a decently amount of your waking life to studying and understanding ochem. The material is hard, but if you view everything in terms of polarity and how it works, dissecting what group or atom will "attack" another, this can help you understand. Good luck OP. By the way, what is your major?

>> No.1464107

alkanes are hydrocarbons which have all 4 carbon bonding locations taken up, and are thus refered to as "saturated".

They can attach into rings, but when they do there is often a strain or torsion on the molecule, which is partially relieved by "buckling" of the molecule, and certain configurations have lower potential energy than others.

all alkanes are named according to IUPAC rules, such as 2-methylhexane or 3ethyl 3 pentyloctane

>> No.1464111

Oh jeez that's hilarious xD

>> No.1464121

by the way, I learned all of that from 1 chapter, which I randomly flipped to in an organic chemistry book and read last weekend. im not even a science major, im a business major.

>> No.1464123

What if it's been a while since I've done gen chem? Not OP but I took gen last year and am taking organic this fall. It's been a year. I got As in gen chem but am still scared of organic. What are the most important concepts?

>> No.1464135

I got a program just for that. :)

I took AP chem but I'm retaking the classes so I have a year to study future subjects.

I started on that today.

Chemical engineering.

Thanks for the info guys.

>> No.1464140

and i have only ever taken high school chemistry.

shit can't be that hard if i can just jump into a random chapter and not have any difficulty at all.

>> No.1464143

You should still buy a model kit, it helps to be able to hold something in front you when learning R-S and E-Z configurations

>> No.1464162
File: 524 KB, 1424x1792, Organic Chemistry 1 of 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a set man. 1/8

>> No.1464164


lol I'm sure you'll get someone but you are being pretty obvious dude

>> No.1464171
File: 479 KB, 1424x1792, Organic Chemistry 2 of 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1464176

When in doubt, say the answer is aromaticity.

>> No.1464177

I'd strongly recommend having a physical model kit. Having the molecule in your hands should be a tremendous help in visualizing other molecules in 3d.

>> No.1464179
File: 501 KB, 1424x1792, Organic Chemistry 3 of 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1464182


Good job you can rewrite stuff you read in a book?

Now go understand the theory behind it and apply it.

>> No.1464186
File: 547 KB, 1424x1792, Organic Chemistry 4 of 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1464191
File: 501 KB, 1424x1792, Organic Chemistry 5 of 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1464201
File: 425 KB, 1424x1792, Organic Chemistry 7 of 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1464196
File: 522 KB, 1424x1792, Organic Chemistry 6 of 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1464208
File: 410 KB, 1424x1792, Organic Chemistry 8 of 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There you go, first 4 pages are Organic Chem 1. Last 4 pages are Organic Chem II.

>> No.1464214

can someone please answer this?

>> No.1464216

Alright then, I'll get the kit.

Whoa, thanks!

>> No.1464225


Its all about the electronics.

>> No.1464230


Are these for a 2 course O chem?

I'm not OP but I'm taking it and my school does quarters so O chem is 3 courses here.

>> No.1464242

Model kits are good if you have a hard time imagining shit in your head.

But you shouldn't need one for entgagen-zussumen nomenclature as the molecules in question are by nature planer and can be determined simply by looking on the paper.

Anyways, nomenclature is at most about 10% of organic chemistry. The rest is understanding the peculiarities of each functional group and learning general synthesis/decomposition routes like through reduction of ketones to alcohols through the grignard reaction.

>> No.1464246


brush up some but you should be mostly fine. G chem you usually barely deal with carbon at all, while O chem carbon is the only thing you talk about pretty much so there already isn't as much overlap as you might think.

Also O chem starts out with a bunch of naming thats really hardly even chemistry at all. Just what to call all the shapes of carbon basically, so there is time to get up to speed on other concepts while you are in the class.

>> No.1464277

shit is easy & gen chem doesn't fucking matter lol