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14640428 No.14640428 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14640438

I think given enough time any mentally normal person could rationalize and psych themselves into doing it.

>> No.14640441

What if we didnt specify and we pay you in Zimbabwean dollars? Would you still be happy with the outcome?

>> No.14640443

Yeah the whole operation sounds shady so I'd be happy to get any money for it.

>> No.14640446

I would step on the puppy for $1,000, provided no one knew about it. If everyone knew, $100,000

>> No.14640454

1000 thats pretty nasty. :)

>> No.14640460

for me it has to be enough to at least resurrect it and give it a 80 years long happy life. if no one knows it.

>> No.14640503


>> No.14640529

No. Money cannot purchase virtue and life is finite anyways. People pose the same question to acts of sodomy. I wouldn't do it if I was given the world.

>> No.14640539

i feel like if i was drunk i would do it for 500$ if no one knew

>> No.14640541

But why can't you rationalize not doing it? For starters 18 B is a meaningless amount of money, once you have all your needs covered, a few thousands of extra millions do very little to improve your quality of life. Since you'd do anything for money, Would you let the puppy's dad fuck you in the ass for 180 Billion bucks?

>> No.14640545

A utilitarian would have to as the money could save many puppies. Thats just another sign utilitarian ethics are probably the wrong way to go about things.

>> No.14640550

Well duh
>step on puppers
>get 18 billa
>become god of save-puppers-from-euthanasi
while rich as fuck aka won at the game of life
It's so damn easy. X number of puppies die every day, some in gruesome ways. I sacrifice one for the rest. It's no contest.

>> No.14640556

Depends on the puppy and the dollars. I'm not getting eaten by wolves for worthless Zimbabwe bucks.

>> No.14640565

It didn't say I had to kill it. Just don't put all your weight on it

>> No.14640590


>> No.14640604 [DELETED] 

Yep, the typical justification would be that they could then use the 18B to save a million puppies from being murdered.

I just don't think most humans can be trusted with this sort of reasoning. It's a slippery slope and eventually you're justifying all sorts of bad behavior with some dubious promise of doing future good.

>> No.14640606

Yep, the typical justification would be that they could then use the 18B to save a million puppies from being murdered.

I just don't think most humans can be trusted with this sort of reasoning. It's a slippery slope and eventually you're justifying all sorts of bad behavior with some dubious promise of doing future good.

>> No.14640618

People do acts of sodomy for free because there's no God.

>> No.14640619

genie logic supreme

>> No.14640632

I like to think humans are not influenced by absurd scenarios involving puppies. But yes you could use the same ends justify the means logic to murder pedophiles or do genocide.

What we have in this thought experiment is a clear-and-simple do A and get consequence B. Even people who don't believe ends justify the means can do action A because they've determined the pros of B far outweigh the cons of A. When you look at a genocide for example it's not clear what good is being accomplished. The motivation for genocide is usually some emotion or some abstract bullshit goal like strengthening the nation rather than a $18B reward per kill. You probably think I'm a bad person. But if you got $18B for every redhead you killed I believe there would be very few redheads.

>> No.14640696

Thousands of dogs are Euthanized every year. I would have the puppy humanely killed, then step on the body.

>> No.14640792

no. any other questions?

>> No.14640802

if we can use this logic then yeah there's no question but if it has to die then I'm instantly donating 17 billion to causes for protecting animals. I don't need 18 billion dollars, I can't even think of what I'd do with 1 billion dollars, but it'd be retarded not to take the money. If someone came up to me and said "Look man these aliens said they'll give me a trillion dollars if I kill you and it HAS to be you" I'd be like "fucking go for it"

>> No.14640812

>enough time
I'll do it to spite moralfags.

>> No.14640872

I'd do it for $500, provided there is no way I get charged with animal cruelty.

I don't understand the concept of this thread. There are very few things a rational person wouldn't do for $18B.

>> No.14640917

Depending on what kind of dog it is, I might do it for free.

>> No.14640929

We eat pigs and cows for food. How is stepping on a puppy any worse? Pigs are smarter than dogs, so it’s worse to kill a pig than to kill a dog.

>> No.14640981

18 billion Zimbabwe dollars are still 49,737,496.55 US Dollars, so it still nets you a significant paycheck. I still wouldn't do it. It's evil to make something suffer for your own selfish gain.

>> No.14641023

yeah 18b is meaningless but it's more than the meaningful amount of money that you want for all kinds of practical reasons.

eh, i'd feel bad about it but I'd probably do it. Puppies aren't worth stepping on for no reason, but we eat animals all the time. That's my rationalization, anyways.

>> No.14641030

Maybe we should replace all the pork we eat with dog meat and just keep pigs as pets .

>> No.14641042
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>> No.14641044

>Thats just another sign utilitarian ethics are probably the wrong way to go about things.

>> No.14641050

How is it selfish you retarded moralfag? Do you even realize that the computer you're using was made by literal slaves?

>> No.14641053

Nah, most people couldn't do it

>> No.14641070

No. I will not be bought.

>> No.14641156

It's the wrong thing to do, but 18 billion is a shitton of money. You could invest 14 of those into dog shelters and still be set for life.

>> No.14641167

Obviously. I eat meat from more cruelly slaughtered animals all the time.

>> No.14641215

Because logically you know the money would lead to more humane acts. But this does nothing towards making you kill the weak thing under your power. Utilitarianism would say to save the greatest pain is to not breed in the first place, but a deep drive, a deep burning ache tells us to both not crush the puppy and not discontinue all of humanity.

Why? Drive? The selfish gene? What is the gene working towards? What is it running from? Maybe we're idiots lulled into sleepwalk by our chemicals. Reason doesn't stop us. It never has. So maybe we're just these biorobot fools, or maybe, logic, like the utility wagers, isn't the whole story. A big game of value, but maybe we really don't have the final word on value.

>> No.14641224


>> No.14641230

is the bacon you buy from the store made from stomping pigs to death

>> No.14641236
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Yeah. I could save thousands upon thousands of animals from much worse fates with that money. Doggo's gonna have to take one for the team.

>> No.14641259

Pretty much everything that is currently produced is worthless trash that is not worth buying. Having a moderate amount of money is pointless as there is nothing to buy. Having billions makes it possible to develop and produce products which are actually worth buying.

>> No.14641305

I think the average adult male, weighing 200 pounds, could reasonably kill the dog instantaneously with a single step by aiming for the head

>> No.14641380

For all the puppy worshippers talking about how they may not do this, just keep in mind how many humans would torture you alive just to get 0.01% of that kind of money.

>> No.14641385

Y'all a bunch fucking pussies. I'd do it for free.

>> No.14641394

Never do anything for free

>> No.14641409

I'll do your mom for free too.

>> No.14641415

It’s gonna cost you to exhume her grave, bud

>> No.14641418


I wouldn't kill a human for any money though, unless they gave me their permission.