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14638761 No.14638761 [Reply] [Original]

>11 dimensions? what do you need 10 dimensions for goy? there are only 9 dimensions! oy veyyy muh plank constants!

what did he mean by this /sci/?

>> No.14638783

In my previous criticisms of Witten's lack of original ideas, I forgot that M-theory is his. Adding one dimension to string theory is an original idea.

>> No.14638791

Midwitten BTFO

>> No.14638813

Is there anyone who knows current status of M-theory?

It's known for:
UV completion of 11D supergravity
consisted of M2-brane and M5-brane
dual to ABJM superconformal theory
5 superstring models are some limit of it

It seems current string theory researches mostly focus on application of gauge/gravity duality or swampland conjectures, not M-theory itself.

>> No.14638855

that's a stretch.

>> No.14638907

>adding a dimension to a 10 dimensional theory
Surely that counts as 1/11th of an original idea.

>> No.14638967

I used to hate jews, then I learned more about them. Now the people I find the most based, the people I admire the most, are the religious jews, aka Israelites. No white religion or institution can even be compared to Judaism in terms of organization, order, and more importantly, self-improvement and soul refinement in general.

Catholics of course spread all over the world, created Europe, this covers the organizational part. The problem is that this organization doesn't work like Judaism does, as the latter has a distributed patriarchal leadership, which can form a nation any time, no matter if it's in power or not. Moreover, catholic saints, the epitome of catholicism, are always separated from society, whereas the epitome of Judaism almost always live among society, share the ssame problems as us mortals, etc.

Speaking on the average religious Catholic compared to the average religious jew, the latter is also much more impressive. Catholics put emphasis on empty prayers, confessions, but outside of it they are losers their entire lives, they never try to perfect themselves. The jew on the other hand always try to perfect himself and has a very rigid routine, which instills discipline.

To put it in other words, God in Judaism is the Lord of the Armies, in Christianity God is a hippie.

>> No.14639287


>> No.14640342


He himself said he doesnt even know what the fuck M-theory is

>> No.14640407

what really put M-theory in bad shape, imho, was the BFSS (Banks Fischer Susskind Shenker) theory of a “Matrix model”. this is how you can tell I’m not Ron Maimon btw since back when he was active he thought it was the cat’s meow.

BFSS theory claimed to be a “realization” of M-theory and swept the field for quite a few years after it came out. even Witten changed from saying
>M stands for “Mystery, Master, Mother, or Membrane”
>M stands for “Mystery, Master, Mother, or Matrix
which not only swept away membranes but also granted credence to the stupid matrix models.

BFSS models and all matrix models were dead around 2010 because they are obviously not deep at all. the people like Motl and Maimon who tried to claim that they were deep basically had arguments that amounted to “this model is so so deep because it reveals that the fundamental theory is basically so incredibly simple that it’s just at its core nonrelativistic quantum mechanics at its core; the true nature of reality is basically what you learn as a sophomore undergrad in QM class!!!” even at the time it was obvious that this was not deep and not going to lead anywhere.

and polo and behold Matrix models indeed went nowhere; Motl and Maimon have no job, the field moved onto AdS CFT, and M theory is forgotten. and it’s pretty clear that there is still an M theory waiting to be discovered but the earth is salted and dead thanks to the failure of Matrix theory

>> No.14640479

Thanks for elaborate post. It looks like hep-th have gone toward more practical way.

BTW, Motl's blog seems to be blocked. What do you think of it?

>> No.14640486

i posted before that even though Lubos claims some “censorship” thing that really he took it down because he embarrassed himself by being consistently wrong in most of his last blogposts (which incidentally had next to 0 physics posts) about covid and about the ukraine invasion. he made a serious of utterly wrong calls on both, particularly embarrassingly about ukraine, that if anyone were to see them today he would look like the best source of political commentary out there to bet against since he was consistently 180 degrees from what happened within a couple of weeks of every prediction.

i sympathize with his whining about supposed Google wanting for him to be less controversial and supposedly demonetizing him—that would be a clear injustice—but the timing is off. he was controversial for years, even during 2020 at the height of the censorship frenzy. the timing is too close with the ukraine thing to be a coincidence and he was just so wrong so often that obviously he would have good reason to get very embarrassed

>> No.14641604

his head lives in 10 dimensions

>> No.14641652

His brain can't be contained to mere 4 dimensions

>> No.14642145


So what exactly is a membrane anyway?

>> No.14643307
File: 193 KB, 750x432, 6ABDCFA1-331C-404B-BC78-1BB42FD5BDEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it’s pretty much what it sounds like

if you want details see picrel, citations are
> [ 1] P.A.M. Dirac, Proc. R. Soc. A 268 (1962) 57.
>[2] P.A. Collins and R.W. Tucker, Nucl. Phys. B 112 (1976) 150.
>[3] P.S. Howe and R.W. Tucker, J. Phys. A 10 (1977) L155.