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File: 1.98 MB, 615x850, TradMennoniteGf.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14637471 No.14637471 [Reply] [Original]

In what field has science gone too far?

>> No.14637521

Damn, she's pretty. Lucky guy.

>> No.14637528

This is something I will never have and it pains me on an existential level

>> No.14637532

Chick looks like some kind of loosely-practicing amish/mennonite, probably fucks like a starfish.

>> No.14637534

>loosely-practicing amish/mennonite
Mennonites are basically loosely-practicing Amish. They mostly live in modern homes, have cars, etc. But they still keep it traditional in many respects, social and family, relative to the rest of society.

>> No.14637572
File: 148 KB, 722x1162, 1656694636700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>probably fucks like a starfish
>thank science i'll never have to have SEX with a woman that loves me and has only ever had sex with me and is willing to do anything for me. what if she... what if she, oh science im gonna puke- WHAT IF SHE DOESNT FUCK LIKE THE GIRLS IN MY PORN VIDEOS!

>> No.14637581

If you ever fucked a girl who fucked like a starfish you'd know how godawful it is.

>> No.14637584

I've never had sex so jokes on you

>> No.14637612
File: 51 KB, 780x639, 1656539794785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont give a shit about your limp dick or your fat fucking wife that re-enacts your favorite brazzers scene, or your job at officemaxx anon.
you came to a non-sexual video of an innocent lady and began your vile reddit tier sex monologue about how women you arent able to get actually suck cause they are boring and wont fuck you in the ass with a strapon.

>> No.14637635

What I said is literally the opposite of reddit, it's standard 4chan fair. Meanwhile your post is a basic bitch reddit complaint of not fawning over le wholesome trad woman. Get your head checked.

>> No.14637651

kek, well stated

>> No.14637712

im far more attracted to the fact she doesnt know who batman is

>> No.14637714

this but unironically

>> No.14637761

You are a non based coomer please control your dick you sex obsessed creepazoid

>> No.14637770

this may shock you, being a 30+ year old wizard, but sex is as normal of an activity as grabbing a cup of coffee or going to see a movie. it only seems weird to you because you've never had it.

>> No.14637779

>drinking the caffeine jew
>seeing a (((movie)))
Enough with the degeneracy

>> No.14637783

>bashing coffee
what are you, a nazi?

>> No.14637785

You're right.

>> No.14637877

Had a GF like this until ~ 2 years ago.
Extremely attractive, very endearing, "not attached to vague shit of life"
But then...she was always so fucking dumb. No interest in movies. No interest in the internet. No interest in shows, comics, books, nothing. Starfish (alluded to in the thread) in bed. Just...totally blank. Can't talk to a fucking wall. Home alone with her and just read a good book? Who cares, she doesn't read and thinks "wow you read book! great on you.". I can't explain the dullness of life I became depressed. Met a girl (yes fuck off I emotionally cheated) who actually was into....fucking life. Read, saw movies, I could actually talk to her about shit. We never worked out, but It led me to my now GF who's not like OP "trad while has lukewarm 75 IQ and does cooking", but instead someone I actually enjoy being around when my self esteem is above that of a turnip.

>> No.14637889

So you didn't teach her, and you couldn't get deep enough is what I'm hearing.

>> No.14637891

I dabble

>> No.14637898


>> No.14637934

Obvious incel poster

>> No.14637939

Porn eyes typed this post, I can tell because you couldn't read what I wrote

>> No.14637964

I impregnated my wife twice. People who get salty about my post are just seething retards who are mad that other people are actually living life and have relationships.
>>14637877 is on the money. A girl doesn't need to be exciting but you should at least be able to enjoy her company. People like >>14637889 have never actually fucked

>> No.14638017

>wife not a whore but fucks like a starfish
>wife is awhore but fucks like a fighter jet
As much as I like fighter jets I absolute despise whores, so the choice is obvious

>> No.14638039 [DELETED] 

Very Based. People who care about sex for only pleasure are the ones with the most unhappiest lives. Get bored of their significant others quickly, want increasingly degenerate sex something "new" and "exciting", sexually maladjusted and neurotic, etc., etc.
Would rather have sex with a girl who is a "starfish" in bed then, a whore if it means she will love me and her children instead of focusing on herself.

>> No.14638041

Very Based. People who care about sex for only pleasure are the ones with the most unhappiest lives. Get bored of their significant others quickly, want increasingly degenerate sex something "new" and "exciting", sexually maladjusted and neurotic, etc., etc.
Would rather have sex with a girl who is a "starfish" in bed then, a whore if it means she will love me and her children instead of focusing on herself.

>> No.14638058

obvious micropenis

>> No.14638068

Mad because called out

>> No.14638108

Fuck I want to pound her doggy style. I will never have a trad wife like that sadge

>> No.14638114

>I'm totally normal, that's why I'm spending my days posting in 4chan
You molest your kids.

>> No.14638402

this, but "ironically"

>> No.14638443

You guys know this is fake right. She is wearing makeup first off not something mennonite typically do definitely in their homes in privacy. Mennonite can use computers and watch TV. Even the oldest of the oldest rural granny in the middle of Philippines in a jungle knows who batman is.

>> No.14638452

>You guys know this is fake right.
>She is wearing makeup first off not something mennonite typically do definitely in their homes in privacy.
Mennonites vary greatly in their customs and beliefs.
>Mennonite can use computers and watch TV.
Weird that you just tried to claim they aren't modern but a line later, you claim they are.
>Even the oldest of the oldest rural granny in the middle of Philippines in a jungle knows who batman is.
Myopic thinking. You'd be surprised how many things you believe are common knowledge outside your culture actually aren't. I've met university educated people from both Canada and the UK who thought California was a city rather than a state. Urbanites in Ecuador who had no idea what Ramen noodles are. English speakers in Argentina who have never heard of numeric expressions like "seventeen hundred". To them it is "one thousand, seven hundred" and seventeen hundred doesn't make sense.
While I know who Batman is, I see ads for comic book movies all the time filled with characters I've never seen before or heard of but the average Zoomer probably knows better than they know their own grandparents. You're stuck in a cultural bubble and have no idea how many people are outside of it and don't have the same cultural context as you.

>> No.14638453

>incels wouldn't even be happy with fictional women made exclusively to appeal to their fantasy in TikTok content

>> No.14638458

> they are boring and wont fuck you in the ass with a strapon.
Then why even bother?

>> No.14638484

You're massively overcorrecting. I don't want to nitpick the examples you gave, but they're tiny cultural minutiae compared to batman. You could Google "batman [country name]" to explore outside your bubble. It's true that there are things that are as big as batman is in America which are unknown outside their own cultures, but batman's not like that, the girls who faked this video chose a really bad example.

>> No.14638487

Sorry to hear that you're such a miserable fuck, incel. gb2r

>> No.14638488

I can already smell your armpits from here and guess the length of your chin. I can almost say how much facial hair you got and your monthly income. I can also know how many lux emits your room's light bulb and the concentration of carbon dioxide in your room's air.
Your browsing history of the last hour is taken for granted and your weight too.

>> No.14638490

You're as much cringe as the people you are parodying.

>> No.14638495

oh the seethe, lord, the seethe. I can almost hear the screeching. He BTFO'd you and you still reply.

>> No.14638627

>wanting non-shitty non-starfish sex is degenerate
If you eat anything other than corn flakes and unseasoned crackers, you are a hypocrite.

>> No.14638659

No one here has fucked that woman so all of the talk of her being a starfish in bed is pure copium by those who can't obtain a woman with the attributes that can be seen in the video.

>> No.14638697

I could cut myself on her knees, 0/10, try to not be a starfish while we have the sex

>> No.14638749

Since no one has actually answered the question, I’ll say AI in general, especially the ones that specify advertisements based on online behavior.

To be honest, computing power has gone far enough, and any farther will just bring us closer to losing our humanity

>> No.14639345


>> No.14639373

Genetic engineering
Sociology (we're at Peak Dunning-Kreuger)

>> No.14639393

I would die for her

>> No.14640366

>Genetic engineering
we haven't even started except for crops.

>> No.14640384
File: 59 KB, 382x384, j8yucgxz97a21[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im far more attracted to the fact she doesnt know who batman is
protip: This is the main indicator that this video is fake.

>> No.14640386

To everyone here debating whether this lady can fuck: she obviously has seen every farm animal fuck including the weird ones. These girls fuck like its harvest time all year long.

>> No.14640925

shes too flat

>> No.14641454

You're fat and retarded

>> No.14641623
File: 86 KB, 405x720, 193438530012348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14641700
File: 834 KB, 1080x1489, queee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are yuo talking about, starfishs does not fuck

>> No.14641725
File: 143 KB, 335x440, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14641917

Are there more of these? With sound?

>> No.14641998

>This is the main indicator that this video is fake.
Your post is an indicator that you think everyone is in the same capeshit bubble that you are.

>> No.14642010


>> No.14642022

>Those comments
It's really weird how angry it makes people that someone doesn't know who Batman is.

>> No.14642027


>> No.14642078
File: 44 KB, 532x373, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pure defensiveness, kind of creepy to see honestly.

>> No.14642092

Perverts used to have their heads bashed in in the caveman days. She's attractive. You can't have attractive. So you cope and seethe and replace optimal attractive woman attractive man procreation with debased sexual acts and fetishes with a fat goblina of a girlfriend. Hope you get a a clot from the vax.

>> No.14642179

>uhh aktchually, I'm not like those incel retards, I'm actually even more incelish retard
ok, buddy, I hope you get your pornstar gf you wish for

>> No.14642210

>wife is awhore but fucks like a fighter jet
How does a fighter jet fuck like?

I imagined woman opening her mouth grotesquely wide and making 140 dB noise while farting and flying away through the window and also making evasive maneuvers whenever you try to dock your dick back

>> No.14642224
File: 77 KB, 500x593, 26e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i hate her because she don't identically match the stereotypes about christians that the jews showed me on tv and in the movies
warped mind, cleaning separated from reality by jewish media magic, almost certainly an amoral atheist. amoral atheists resent people who have moral standards because people with moral standards make atheists look like filth in comparison

>> No.14642243

>innocent lady
Eh, anon...

>> No.14642258

Who the fuck are you responding to? I don't hate her. I think she's beautiful.

What the fuck is your damage?

>> No.14642277

>my only interests are mass media
>my personality is participation in pop culture
Sounds like YOU were the boring one in the relationship.

>> No.14642357

I doubt that considering how big their families tend to get and not having much else in the way of entertainment other than fucking. With that much fucking, you start to learn how to please the partner, learn their quirks, etc. And this:>>14640386
>Obsessed with consooming
>Has the cheek to call others dumb.

>> No.14642401

That's stormfront for you.

>> No.14642407

And we've already gone too far.

>> No.14642410

All your hobbies are consuming media other people made. Pathetic.

>> No.14643571

I wish I had a gf to talk about video games and obscure films and photography with while travelling the world

>> No.14643573

I love she

>> No.14643647

All your hobbies are consuming media other people made. Pathetic.

>> No.14643653

I wish I had a gf to tell me that

>> No.14643785

dock your cock*

>> No.14643800


>> No.14644223

I live in a city with a large population of Mennonites.
Nice people, they are the only place I can get a liter of maple syrup and fresh mini donuts in my town.

>> No.14644233

Impossible since psychology isn't science.

>> No.14644656

>old girlfriend fucked like a filthy pornstar and could drain the cum out of me like a waterhose
>current girlfriend and fiance was a virgin when we met, mostly starfishes
I still prefer my current girlfriend, you cant put a price on knowing your woman was used and nutted in before you

>> No.14644668

you are a literal retard, enjoy being turned into onions after death to keep your beloved consumerist dystopia running smoothly

>> No.14644680
File: 321 KB, 600x584, 1653408810643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she doesnt CONSOOOOM like me, what a fucking IDIOT!!!!
you're such a faggot retard
women are for making babies, love, and sex
if you need someone to bond with over star wars or other gay nerd shit then find...male friends
if you need someone to engage with in /sci/ topics, then get a real job in stem that has a normal workplace setting where people dont hate each other and you can talk about shit like that all day as friends
expecting her to be your real life Reddit is as retarded as expecting your male friends to bear your children

>> No.14644704

It really hurts to know that girls like her exist but I'll very likely never even meet one. Let alone get to marry one.

>> No.14644718

don't lose hope brother
and if things go bad we'll get waifu robots at least

>> No.14644734

You dont deserve one because you're not a Christian like them.
If you went to church then you'd know hundreds of them.

>> No.14644775

>You dont deserve one
I know.
>If you went to church then you'd know hundreds of them.
I live in a godless Nordic country. Very few go to church here. Those who do get to listen female priests preach about loving immigrants and homosexuals.

>> No.14644787

>I live in a godless Nordic country
Damn that sucks, maybe try getting a Slav mail-order bride

>> No.14644841

i agree with this post

>> No.14644846

>women are for making babies, love, and sex
Literally misogynist. Women can have interests in common with men. Why would you date someone who didn't share your interests? You only see women as sex dolls and cloning machines?

>> No.14644847

sometimes food that doesnt taste good is better for you, tubby

>> No.14644870
File: 67 KB, 976x549, _102875820_5cb8b203-79c9-4ae1-84bc-0a377d121828[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone is a hermit who hasn't even heard of an 80 year old popular series and one of the most popular fantasy heroes in modern times, even in passing.

If you want that closed in of a wife then I suggest taking a look at some of these hot ankles right here. Even they even dress like Batman.

>> No.14644894

>You only see women as sex dolls and cloning machines?

>> No.14644993

Your hyperbole is refuted by the post that started this thread. Sorry your consumer bubble has you convinced that everyone is into the same consumer trash you're into but that's simply not what the wider world is like. You should get out and see more of the world and not just the world on the rails your bubble rides on.

>> No.14645143

Women with brains will inevitably slut around and divorce you

Plus they will always be terrible mothers

>> No.14645227
File: 169 KB, 1440x1533, 1519450101865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes a simple statement can give away a complete lack of integrity. improve yourself

>> No.14649778

Gender science

>> No.14650778

kek at the seething replies

>> No.14650890

>I don't want to nitpick the examples you gave, but they're tiny cultural minutiae compared to batman
thinking you can judge this is yet another indication of your being in a bubble.

>> No.14651248

You do realize that at this point you're the one bringing all of that shit up, there's no need to blog about your trad waifu

>> No.14651285

>these replies
you should obviously go for someone with similar interests and personality afterall you are spending a huge amount of your life with that person

>> No.14651430

No, you should go with someone with complimentary traits. Depending on your own traits, that might be someone with similar traits or they might be completely different.
Plaid pants and a plaid shirt don't go together very well but a solid color shirt and a pair of pants in a complimentary color (both meanings) do. Solid pants and particular striped shirts go together. Simply putting together things with the same traits doesn't guarantee anything, good or bad. It depends on what the traits actually are.

>> No.14651823

Nigger you put a baby in her and talk about that.

>> No.14651851

Medical, specifically sex change operations.

>> No.14651853

>guy who has actually had sex blows the fuck out of virgins.

Many such cases.

>> No.14651869

In no field it went anywhere far enough.

>> No.14651875

>I will never have this
and people wonder why violence exists
because god prompted us to commit it

>> No.14651888
File: 378 KB, 683x540, 1622563170724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Humping is my pinnacle of interacting with someone

>> No.14651900
File: 6 KB, 207x244, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's standard 4chan fair

>> No.14651903

He should have asked her what hydrogen was. Or light. Shit could have been hilarious.

>> No.14651968
File: 41 KB, 612x526, timeline_1582787767_00032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basedposter dabbing on the redditors.

>> No.14651976

why do roasties always bellitle women who arent whores by
>she probably sucks in bad
as if that is the only thing that matters?

>> No.14651981

>all women are whores!
>but not this one! she doesn't know who batman is!
