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14636737 No.14636737 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck, I hate psychiatrists. I was in a mental institution/psychiatric ward for two year, put there wrongly by idiots who thought I was suicidal, depressed, had halucinations (which I didn't have and wasn't) until they figured out there was nothing wrong with me.

Just stop with the bullshit assumption I am in an asylum, it's wrong.
My family is fine but a bit controlling. I honestly can't do anything without my parents' permission, even today though they let me do whatever I want and buy whatever I want so long they have the bill.

For example, one time, I bought a daki of my waifu and my parents wondered why I was buying a 160$ pillow after they received the bill on my credit card but never said anything about it. Then when the delivery got lost, my mom personally called people in China she knew and got HobbyHeart to get them to mail me a new one free of charge and I got it within the week. That was pretty sweet.

I'm told not to go outside and drink since, like my mother said ''I don't want you to bring back a whore and get her pregnant'' so I just drink at home. I'm not really allowed to do anything though I can still do whatever I want. It's hard to explain.

When I was sent to the mental ward, my mom thought it was the best thing for me since the doctors said so, so she never really bothered with finding out how I was doing.

>> No.14636741

I was stuck a full fucking two years in there. Full of actual insane people.
Weird fucking faggots too, a lot of people who really just wanted to kill themselves, weirdos who kept screaming and shit, one guy who was gay and couldn't stop talking about his fucking dick, one girl who was raped by her dad and kept talking about how we would all die and it would be better if we let her kill us (all while she kept telling suicidal people how to kill themselves with their shoe laces or stab themselves with plastic knives and shit).

I can barely remember the damn two years I was there.
The drug they gave me just made me zone out and I couldn't think much of anything.

After I got out, my parents didn't give a fucking shit.
My imouto was insanely happy to see me again so it made me feel better but I just wanted to be left alone.

After that, I said I wanted my own apartment and started university.
My parents paid for everything and I was happy. Got into a funny relationship with a dumb as fuck girl who just stayed with me for a year because her parents told her to marry me. After dumping her ass, I came back home, finished Uni, got a good job with the RCMP and have been working there for awhile.

Three years ago, the family held a family conference and they wanted to know how I was doing and they got pissed at how they weren't informed that I might be insane and even more when they found out I had wasted two years doing nothing only to be found normal.

So that's why they want me deported

>> No.14636753

>one girl who was raped by her dad
was she hot?

>> No.14636768

you definitely belong in a mental ward

>> No.14636791

I've met psychiatrists basing their diagnosis on wether the patient looks insane or not, you probably had one of those.

>> No.14636832
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Op is an impersonator. Don't believe anything that fake pax's say. There's also floating around fake allegations that I've worked for the RCMP, abused women, and children including fake screenshots trying to implicate me as a pedophile.
^This post confirms my innocence and there's others in the same thread which confirmed that the screenshots have been fabricated and stories about deferoxamine causing liver fibrosis and sterility are fabrications which i've demonstrated to be not possible mechanistically based on the research available. The op in that thread when pressured for proof that they had indeed bought deferoxamine redirected people to kekma.net which is a screamer type shock site.

>> No.14636839

Initial diagnosis? Probably schizophrenia?
Were you covered by your parent's health insurance. I know that psychiatric wards often deliberately lock up people until their health insurance stops covering them.

>> No.14636843 [DELETED] 

I'm beginning to think that this is was just a long game to discredit the fact that iron is toxic in the amount we are told to eat it.

>> No.14636853

Oh. I thought you did use a tripcode.

>> No.14636854

While in Highschool, I was getting bullied for various stupid shit while dated back to elementary school with bullshit rumors. Anyways, I changed schools and people left me alone.
But in my class, there was an annoying as fuck girl who drove me fucking insane. She kept whistling in a low fucking piiiiiii sound with her mouth and I couldn't concentrate. So after about a week of being unable to concentrate in class, I went to see her and told her to stop fucking doing it but she just pretended I said nothign and kept doing it.

Anyways, she didn't stop, I started getting violent on her ass.
I told her ''if you stop, I stop'' and it sort of stopped but she kept doing it from time to time so I sometimes kept beating her up, pushing her around and stuff. Anyways, I was pretty shitty on her.

Near the end of the year, I started getting tired of her shit and thought of a brilliant plan to steal the classroom key, make duplicates and steal her notebooks, workbooks and textbooks and throw them into the garbage the day before garbage day.
She lost everything, wasn't able to properly study and flunked the year. After that, people somehow found out and starting beating the shit out of me. The school psychologist thought I did it and kept asking if I had but they had no proof.

Afterwards, people started following me from school. The distance is like about 10 min and I started getting paranoid. I told my parents who didn't believe me and the school psychologist. He refered me to another psychologist who thought I was suicidal, delusional and needed to be institutionalized in a psychiatric ward.
After I was sent there, I tried to get out and people thought I was insane and violent.

They gave me a shot to calm me down and my parents just ignored me afterwards.
It was literally a fluke that I asked a doctor nearby how long I was going to stay and he did some test a week afterwards and found I was normal.

>> No.14636859

Why do you focus so much on the deferoxamine thing, rather than the fact that we are being seemingly deliberately poisoned with iron?

>> No.14636862

Look up the first few threads. He ignores a lot of criticism.

>> No.14636869

Tgat is not really a criticism. Iron poisoning is implied. I'm asking why he's focusing so much on a specific treatment, rather than the actual fact that we are being poisoned.

>> No.14636884

I know this is just an autistic work of fiction, but well done, it was entertaining.

>> No.14636919

I understand that, to me it often just seems like blaming everything on imposters allows him to evade criticism and really just elaborating by shifting the focus. I succinctly remember a post with his tripcode appearing but the IP count not going up.
I wouldn't be surprised if he and this bgpharma guy are the same person, trying to sell a random substance to people, since that site also just happens to be the only one selling DFO. Combining that with Pax's refusal to look at other iron chelators makes this focus on DFO look even more suspicious.

We also still lack concrete psychometric data. Pax, for some reason, also refuses to provide any on himself. He claims that someone claims to have increased their IQ by one standard deviation after taking DFO, yet doesn't elaborate, by telling us which IQ test they took, how many they went through to make sure it's not just noise, etc.
All of this just seems highly suspicious to me.

>> No.14636927

Not reading this but what's the deal with schizos always namefagging? Seems like a really common connection

@Pax, hey bro why did you feel the need to use a username?

>> No.14636933

he also loves talking about himself. Whenever he's not plagiarizing studies he's doing exactly that.

>> No.14636936

When I was in the psychiatric ward, they diagnosed me with schizophrenia. Put me on drugs, which made me numb. But I couldn't really sleep either.

That's all because of that stupid girl that made that low piiiiiii sound. I made up a brilliant plan to duplicate the classroom key and steal her books. She lost everything, couldn't study and had to repeat classes. That made me happy, but then people found out and started beating me up. The school psychologist thought I did it but they had no proof.

Afterwards, people followed me from school. I started getting paranoid. Told my parents about me but they didn't believe it. Couldn't believe what was happening. But these guys were clearly there, waiting for something like 10 min then followed me. They did that every day. Parents sent me to a psychologists who thought I was suicidal and delusional. I tried to get out but it didn't work.

>> No.14636937
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>> No.14636943

hope they put you on it again. Anti-psychotics usually have pro-cognitive effects in schizos like you. They are not the devil

>> No.14636958
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/sci/bros, how do we get women to donate breast milk to us so we can snort it with DFO? I tried getting one today but failed. What did I do wrong? I attached the video

>> No.14637057

Nice one

>> No.14637061

I'm curious, do you troll or is it self promoting?

>> No.14637151

They think they're important.

>> No.14638320

lol and people wonder why japs hate foreigners

>> No.14638365

I was in a mental hospital for about a week and there was three weirdos but the rest were normal. One had severe autism, another stole papers from a folder on a desk and threw them everywhere then layed on the ground singing "lalalala". A 64 year old dude went bat shit crazy about not getting his coffee and started screaming at the workers for an hour. I myself had schizophrenic episodes in there and thought some people were following me around everywhere with radio signaled walking talkies in which they could telepathically talk to people inside the mental hospital with and could soul possess you and claim your body as property but no one seemed to care. I told the staff to call the police multiple times but im sure they just looked at the reasoning for why i was there which was calling the cops on myself for the same things and didn't bother. Glad i was able to put myself back together and realize that it was all fake. Kind of nostalgic thinking about it now so i can relate OP

>> No.14638368

meds Now

>> No.14638378

I'm starting to think no one is imitating Pax and its just Pax pretending to imitate himself.

>> No.14639590

because he's a larper

>> No.14640111
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Man I wish the smear campaign was actually intelligent so it could be at least entertaining or funny. We can see your bullshit clear as day.
Pax discovered an incredible usecase for an overlooked medicine and other's from the nootropics community are full of jealousy want to tear this man who has done nothing but give to the community and literally save lives for nothing other than desire to help.
Your smears are low IQ and poor taste. The train has left the station long ago and you can stop it. The word is out.

>> No.14640126
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>> No.14640822

>I posted le frame from le cheese pizza

>> No.14640831

You look like you smell bad my boy

>> No.14640894

is that picture pax?

>> No.14640909

I think so too. I think hes done a little too much meth this time

>> No.14642827

Psychiatrists are glorified drug dealers. Glad you realised.

>> No.14643737

plagiarizing a few studies isn't discovering anything.