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14633720 No.14633720 [Reply] [Original]

Is reality really real?

>> No.14633723
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>Here's my conclusions: Sleep Paralysis, Astral Projecting, and NDE's are all the same thing. Except NDE's are the most permanent type of OBE. The intelligences responsible for UFOs sightings today, are the same intelligences who appear to you as religious figures when they send you back. The idea is to keep people as many people as religious as possible, and therefore, controlled.
>We live in a prison/farm/simulation/amusement park of sorts. For what purpose, thats harder to know. But Im 99% sure thats the case.
>I recommend the book The Case Against Reality, and Our Mathematical Universe.
>My understanding is that they are higher dimensional beings, and as such, they have abilities that appear to us as magic, and god-like. Such as moving in time at different speeds, or slowing it down, and even completely stopping it.
>They can also read your mind, as thoughts and mind is nothing more than electrical signals, or a radio signals to them. How are they torturing you? I had hardcore poltergeist in my house.

>> No.14633773

All we really know is that there is something. We call that something reality. I don't think it makes any sense to consider if it exists or not because to entertain the idea that 'is' is actually nothing requires such an abandonment of any sense making processes we have we wouldn't be able to continue a thought. It might be reality is just your mind eternally thinking in a void and there is nothing to existence and all realities but an infinite subjective but still that just would be reality.

>> No.14633780

Local realism went out the window with bell inequalities. The aspect experiments started the process of experimental verification.
>Aspect's experiment was the first quantum mechanics experiment to demonstrate the violation of Bell's inequalities. Its irrefutable result allowed for further validation of the quantum entanglement and locality principles. It also offered an experimental answer to Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen's paradox which had been proposed about fifty years earlier.
Then there were a series of loophole closing experiments including this one

>> No.14633782

>Donald (((Hoffman)))
>your reality isn't real

>> No.14633784


Significant-loophole-free test of Bell’s theorem with entangled photons

'Local realism is the worldview in which physical properties of objects exist independently of measurement
and where physical influences cannot travel faster than the speed of light. Bell’s theorem states that this world-
view is incompatible with the predictions of quantum mechanics, as is expressed in Bell’s inequalities. Previous
experiments convincingly supported the quantum predictions. Yet, every experiment requires assumptions that
provide loopholes for a local realist explanation. Here we report a Bell test that closes the most significant of
these loopholes simultaneously. Using a well-optimized source of entangled photons, rapid setting generation,
and highly efficient superconducting detectors, we observe a violation of a Bell inequality with high statisti-
cal significance. The purely statistical probability of our results to occur under local realism does not exceed
3.74 × 10−31, corresponding to an 11.5 standard deviation effect'

>> No.14633788

>Is reality really real?
reality is really a real bitch

>> No.14633791

Then the non-local loop holes have started closing

>The Leggett inequalities,[1] named for Anthony James Leggett, who derived them, are a related pair of mathematical expressions concerning the correlations of properties of entangled particles. (As published by Leggett, the inequalities were exemplified in terms of relative angles of elliptical and linear polarizations.) They are fulfilled by a large class of physical theories based on particular non-local and realistic assumptions, that may be considered to be plausible or intuitive according to common physical reasoning.
>The Leggett inequalities are violated by quantum mechanical theory. The results of experimental tests in 2007 and 2010 have shown agreement with quantum mechanics rather than the Leggett inequalities.[2][3] Given that experimental tests of Bell's inequalities have ruled out local realism in quantum mechanics, the violation of Leggett's inequalities is considered to have falsified realism in quantum mechanics.[4] In quantum mechanics "realism" means "notion that physical systems possess complete sets of definite values for various parameters prior to, and independent of, measurement".

>> No.14633796

You have to be a truly deluded NPC to think perceptions don't tell you something about reality. They are the only manifestations of reality that are undoubtedly real, unlike midwit pseudphilosophical ramblings that revolve around abstractions that are themselves products of the reality under attack.

>> No.14633798

>sóyence doesn't check out
>therefore reality is matrix

>> No.14633804

This is not a refutation this is scoffing.

>> No.14633808
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>> No.14633811

NTA but that actually is a conclusive refutation that you can't recover from. You're just too low-IQ to see it.

>> No.14633817

Nice schizo containment thread but all of you have to go back to >>>/x/

>> No.14633933

He's saying because a shit application of science doesn't add up it must be muh make belief larp world. That was not a difficult idea to parse. Still not a refutation. Maybe you're more suited to talking about the IQ tests you took online rather than applying the intelligence you claim to posses to something productive, retard.

>> No.14634021

He's saying that the abstract wankery in your head is not real one way or another, and he's indisputably correct.

>> No.14634031
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>you can't just draw conclusions from your le heckin' senses
>they're just le evolootionary tricks meant to make you survive
>you should totally trust abstract, purely imaginary models based on deductively invalid logic applied to observations gathered from your le heckin' senses, though
Modern soiece is a mental illness.

>> No.14634056

>muh faith is better than your faith
I know that's what both of you are saying. You're replying to the comment illustrating my understanding of that concept. Still not a refutation.

>> No.14634061

>Normie cover

>> No.14634078

You and your science priests are the only ones promoting a religion. Sense experience is the only true and indisputable aspect of reality you will ever have access to. Your low IQ quantum mysticism is merely a 10th order consequence of it that you get to by applying logically invalid reasoning over and over again. Your cult is laughable.

>> No.14634101

>Sense experience is the only true and indisputable aspect of reality you will ever have access to.
Through qualia, just like you .Best we can do is bring our subjective experience together to Frankenstein a common reality. If that's sufficient for you, more power to you. Still not a refutation, only marinating IQ insecurity. I am sorry you feel like you're a dumbfuck but that's not my problem to address..

>> No.14634110

I'm glad you fully concede that sense experience is the only reality you have, and quantum wankery is the result of the evolutionary adaptations that make us indulge in logically invalid forms of reasoning because "it werks" well enough in pragmatic contexts. Broken mathematical models are not reality. Sense experience is reality.

>> No.14634114

You sense experience is subjective and at best you can do is come together and create a common reality, but I don't buy that as objective reality. We still have a core disagreement regardless of whether or not your acknowledge it.

>> No.14634117

>You sense experience is subjective
This phrase is completely meanigless in the context of this discussion. Sense experience is reality. Quantum fantasies are not reality. You have not disputed this.

>> No.14634124

You're experiencing a subjective reality. By definition of subjective you're experiencing not a reality and it's just as much of a fantasy as any quantum interpretation the only difference being quantum is backed by math while yours is backed by your sense of self and whatever wiring is provided to you via your evolutional journey. I am going with math, go fuck yourself.

>> No.14634130

>You're experiencing a subjective reality.
Again, meaningless word salad. You will prove this by failing to define exactly what it means in your next post. You are severely mentally ill for thinking quantum fantasies and other broken mathematical models will somehow outlive observations like "there is a chair here".

>> No.14634134

You're too stupid to have this conversation. I understand now.

>> No.14634138

You were unable to define exactly what your meaningless word salad meant, just as predicted. You lost. Walk away.

>> No.14634156

>I don't have the capacity to perceive you standing over my pond and you failed to explain it using physics because I don't believe in physics
>I win screeched the koi fish the pond is the only thing that exists
Okay, congratulations on all of your success.

>> No.14634158

Notice how for a second time you utterly fail to substantiate your meaningless wordshart. I guess spouting teenage tropes is a lot easier than having a coherent thought process? Let's see if you manage to do a better job in your next post. (Unlikely)

>> No.14634207

obviously, by definition

>> No.14634340

Reality is just an illusion

>> No.14634348

If reality is an illusion you're experiencing the illusion, but the mere fact is you experiencing it means the illusion is real, which therefore makes it a reality

>> No.14634351

buddhism destroyed

>> No.14634609
File: 80 KB, 850x400, quote-i-regard-consciousness-as-fundamental-i-regard-matter-as-derivative-from-consciousness-max-planck-105-61-65 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>therefore reality is matrix
The reality is the consciousness interfacing with the physical world, The experience of the player who's consciousness is outside of space time and who is rendered a spacetime screen data stream (a calculated, virtual reality) in a mind and given a 3rd person shooter point of view to interface with through immersion. So consciousness is fundamental, not matter. As planck already knew 100 years ago. The matrix has a base model material world with stand alone observer independent status. such a world does not exist and could not exist. Consciousness is the real, non-simulated substrate in my (potentially our), if you are not simulated human software (bot NPC). No offence if you are a non-simulated ACTUAL other mind and not a simulated one. Your post reeks of NPC though. Or maybe just plebbit. Very similar views held by both.The physical world is rendered only when which way data becomes available in such experiments as wave particle duality experiments or in every day rendering to consciousnesses who are uncertainty resolvers (information creators). Qualitative information by the way.

This is different than the matrix. The matrix still had a matter based world with stand alone existence as the model system. There is no such world. This is how it works. This will tell you why there is wave particle duality. Comes down to compression and optimization and processing limitation. This is why the dis-continuity of the collapse postulate.

On testing the simulation theory
