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File: 477 KB, 1x1, mco-12-03-0247.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14628927 No.14628927 [Reply] [Original]

The situation seems to be exactly the same as the tobacco industry one in the last century

Scientists aren't being heard. Associations with conflicts of interest are being taken as the important opinion by governments. I guess people will need to take down the towers on a massive scale this time.

>> No.14628945
File: 496 KB, 1x1, 10.1515_reveh-2016-0011.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another paper

worthy of note
>We recommend treating EHS clinically as part of the group of chronic multisystem illnesses (CMI), but still recognizing that the underlying cause remains the environment. In the beginning, EHS symptoms occur only occasionally, but over time they may increase in frequency and severity. Common EHS symptoms include headaches, concentration difficulties, sleep problems, depression, a lack of energy, fatigue, and flu-like symptoms.

>> No.14629001

I had a paper on the effect of microwaves depressing testosterone, don't know where it is though.

>> No.14629041

electric rainbow by arthur firstenburg

>> No.14629077

Sorry that should be Invisible Rainbow

>> No.14629085

5G schizos are back? It's 2018 again?

>> No.14629088


>> No.14629092

Don't ignore all the satellite transmissions

>> No.14629103

>5G schizos
Does any telecom CEO have 5G towers near his house or his children's school? what about the politicians approving this shit?

>> No.14629109

Probably. They're everywhere. Is that really your best argument, schizo?

>> No.14629118

If you put a phone near a beehive the colony will abandon it.

>> No.14629222



Next idiotic schizo talking point, please.

>> No.14629280

not what I said, learn to read

>> No.14629284


>> No.14629285
File: 104 KB, 920x664, follow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Give me everything you know on 5G
Follow the money.
More profits from it than they will pay off in health issues.
Government backs it, gives them immunity from any health issues that aris, since it is "for the public's interest and good that the newest communication methods be used" even though a keypad landline is the speed of light fast already.
5G requires many many more cell towers than 4G, so they can track your location and pinpoint your activity better. Has nothing to do with being better than 4G.
Idiots will use it and even pay $100 a month for their cell phone subscriptions.
Most people will remain oblivious and suffer the health issues.
Some people will sound the alarm about 5G effects and how it was tied to the scam-demic, but most people are more concerned about their latest TV series.

>> No.14629289


>> No.14629298
File: 54 KB, 670x955, cell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most birds avoid 5G towers also.

There was a mass exodus of squirrels in New Jersey when they first turned on the 5G towers. Squirrels were fleeing like lemmings over a cliff, getting squashed on the highways en masse.

>> No.14629387

Oh the irony. Read the article, not just the headline. And here's more:


>> No.14629391

>Most birds avoid 5G towers also.
>There was a mass exodus of squirrels in New Jersey when they first turned on the 5G towers. Squirrels were fleeing like lemmings over a cliff, getting squashed on the highways en masse.

>> No.14629398

A deadlink?
You shillfags are way out of date.

>> No.14629423

Relax schizo.


>> No.14629488
File: 95 KB, 486x330, 1599774751714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14629499

news articles about the incident

>> No.14629500

you should really understand the basics of electrodynamics and the electromagnetic spectrum before assuming that 5G is harmful because
>le evil corpos
even though, yknow, you give way less of a shit about all the synthetic hormones, pesticides, and fertilizers you regularly ingest in all your food that aren’t only legal but their production is LITERALLY SUBSIDIZED by the government.

5G is a narrow band of the EM spectrum, and it’s within the range of radio waves. now I want you to try something. grab an old battery powered antenna radio and go to the remotest place you can think of, and then turn it on. do you hear static? guess what, you’re literally being bathed in radio waves. the entire atmosphere is completely full of radio “radiation”, and if you were gonna shit your pants about it you should’ve done that when the regular radio transmitters were being built. before some smart ass comes in and talks about how 5G is millimeter wave which is technically a much higher energy level than typical AM or FM radio waves, then let me just counter with, uh, idk, the radiation from the SUN? if you bitch about 5G and don’t wear sunscreen you’re a fucking idiot. UV radiation is pouring into the atmosphere and battering your skin cells every single second that you stand in sunlight. but nobody talks about it. must be BIG SUN trying to cover it up!

man I hate it here

>> No.14629505

>synthetic hormones, pesticides, and fertilizers you regularly ingest in all your food that aren’t only legal but their production is LITERALLY SUBSIDIZED by the government.
Those are bad too.
So is 5G big-tech/gov shill.

>> No.14629510

if you want to attack the forces that are putting 5G in the air, might as well try and sabotage the entire electrical grid. all of it is bad juju imho. technology literally invented by sadistic sociopathic madmen

>> No.14629523

correct. DC current for the win.

>> No.14629749
File: 207 KB, 800x1422, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of related


>> No.14629751

>Is that really your best argument, schizo?
My best arguments are the links I gave in the op, which include back and forths between European agencies and associations of scientists against 5G

>> No.14629758

>5G is a narrow band of the EM spectrum, and it’s within the range of radio waves. now I want you to try something. grab an old battery powered antenna radio and go to the remotest place you can think of, and then turn it on. do you hear static? guess what, you’re literally being bathed in radio waves. the entire atmosphere is completely full of radio “radiation”

Please don't try to pull the retarded "non ionizing radiation isn't bad for you" argument, which physicists (not physicians) like to use a lot. Physicists, I will remind you, have no training in medicine or oncology, and only spout theories they learned in pop sci or textbooks


One such reference they give for non ionizing radiation being harmful js
>Belpomme D, Hardell L, Belyaev I, Burgio E, Carpenter DO. Thermal and non-thermal health effects of low intensity non-ionizing radiation: An international perspective. Environ Pollut. 2018;242 (Pt A):643–658. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2018.07.019

>> No.14629762

>you should really understand the basics of electrodynamics and the electromagnetic spectrum before assuming that 5G is harmful because
Why do you retarded physicists (if youre even that) pretend knowledge in electrodynamics gives you expertise in physiology, oncology, magnetobiology and medicine in general? Do you also pretend to know how to operate an x-ray because you studied particles in your physics course? It seems dunning Kruger after high iq people a lot (since supposedly physics has the highest average iq)

>> No.14629767

>then let me just counter with, uh, idk, the radiation from the SUN
That's the most common YouTube pop sci argument I saw against 5G wary scientists

Did you even know the sun radiation can indeed affect you besides the UV rays example your pop sci youtuber used?

>if you bitch about 5G and don’t wear sunscreen you’re a fucking idiot
You're already a fucking idiot for thinking this has any relevance to the discussion. I could use sunscreen and ALSO be wary against 5G being imposed. Is that a novel concept to you?

>> No.14629773

>if you want to attack the forces that are putting 5G in the air, might as well try and sabotage the entire electrical grid
Oh no, we just need to put some towers on fire like local heroes have been doing

But nick try though, what's the next attempt to dissuade from resisting?

>> No.14629803

Hey schizos listen up

5G: good
Flouride: bad but bacteria is worse
The Jab: bad
The Clamp: good
Global Warming: fake
9/11: Israel
Seed oils: bad
Sandy Hook: real
Vegas: false flag
Moon landing: real

Any questions?

>> No.14629814
File: 331 KB, 2170x1562, 5G-Kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14629887
File: 84 KB, 645x770, chudjack_slap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the entire atmosphere is completely full of radio “radiation”
and thats already reality, with or without 5G
so the 5G discussion is really futile
schizos cant explain what supposedly changes with 5G respective to previous generations and why these changes are supposedly dangerous

these threads and posts are made by people who completely lack fundamental understanding of the topics they deem themselvest to be "experts" or knowledgable
>don't try to pull the retarded "non ionizing radiation isn't bad for you" argument
take meds schizo
>Physicists, I will remind you, have no training in medicine or oncology
you have no training in any of these fields
>only spout theories they learned in pop sci or textbooks
while you spout schizo nonsense some even bigger retard farted into some online forum
now you can feel special and extra smug, as you pretend you know better than actual experts and knowledgable people

dont cry to hard as i assrape your deluded worldview, Mr. gigafaggot