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14628062 No.14628062 [Reply] [Original]

don't fall for the "le plant-based substances" or really the nootropics meme in general, you'll never become more productive. The only ones which work are prescriptions drugs for obvious reason. Spending $100+ a month on some plant extracts that do 5% of what Ritalin does all while destroying your liver and being far less studied on is retarded

>> No.14628225

Why do you conbine LDX and MPH?

>> No.14628261

Can I use speed paste as a substitute if I do not have access to Ritalin or Adderall in my country?

>> No.14628271


>> No.14628465

The single most helpful Noootropic I've tried is literally fasting
Bye bye evening fatigue

>> No.14628468

i laugh out loud everytime mentions modafinil as a nootropic

>> No.14628521

Yes but dose carefully

>> No.14628557
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why speed up a brain and body full of garbage? mental bloatware, societal shovelware, but faster?
You wouldn't need to run faster if you were more efficient. For this you require only fasting and meditation. If you really have a boner for drugs, do psylocybin with the intent of learning to fast and meditate properly.

You could climb over the mountain, run around it, maybe charter a helicopter, or you could dig a tunnel right through the base and be set for life.

>> No.14628699

Based. Please tell us more how meditation helped you.

>> No.14628701

The duality of man

>> No.14628732

Ritalin is for boomers bro
Vyvanse and Addy is where it's at

>> No.14628737
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Profound reduction in mental signal to noise ratio. Dampening the urge to relentlessly guess in the face of the unknown. The power to enjoy being wrong, and the counter-urge to falsify even deeply held personal hypotheses. The experience, separate from the knowledge, that all of this is connected. The ego should not be killed, or ignored, or abused, or mangled in any number of suggested ways. It should be pruned and provided for so it can do its job of interfacing you with reality with as clean a fit as possible. A polished mirror.

>> No.14628744

I don't understand anything of what you said.

>> No.14628747

>Profound reduction in mental signal to noise ratio.
What does this mean?

>> No.14628818
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less worry and conjecture, more direct interaction with reality as it is
pic related is for you. As you can see from my word salad, I am far from mastery at the moment, so go to the masters.

>> No.14629015

Ritalin and amphetamines just make me fap.
I use 100mg atomoxetine, 300mg luvox, 4mg brexpiprazole and nicotine gum

>> No.14629186


>> No.14629245
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>prazosin (a1 adrenergic antagonist) prevents memory deterioration in Alzheimer's
>a1 blocker reduces risk of parkinson's
>5ht1a agonism increases dopamine and acetylcholine in the PFC
>5ht1a agonism raises striatal dopamine
>cognitive benefits of a2c adrenergic antagonism
kys filthy dumbass. schizophrenia is associated with HUGE cognition impairments so the newer antipsychotics are designed to improve cognition.

>> No.14629247

what's better, adderall or ritalin?

>> No.14629250

epic cope dude
and yes it is neuroprotective for schizos, even old antipsychotics like haldol are
but for everyone else lol no

>> No.14629251

If you take too much of the wrong drugs, you'll end up like >>14628737

>> No.14629255

Highly subjective. Some react really well to ritalin, others don't. Try it out with your psychiatrist.

>> No.14629259

I bet you believe ADHD meds make non-diagnosed people CRAZY. Suck a nigger dick you pathetic excuse for human

>> No.14629265

dude it can make people crazy both adhd people and nonadhd people
however, it xan also be helpful

>> No.14629268

ritalin is neuroprotective by redistributing vmat2 in a way that leads to decreased ROS generation but there is still a comedown from ritalin. atomoxetine is the best if you ask me, but it strangely takes awhile for it to take effect so alot of retards say it's useless

>> No.14629286

>don't fall for the "le plant-based substances" or really the nootropics meme in general, you'll never become more productive. The only ones which work are prescriptions drugs for obvious reason. Spending $100+ a month on some plant extracts that do 5% of what Ritalin does all while destroying your liver and being far less studied on is retarded
Great way to get grifted. Antidepressants and mood stabilizers have tried and failed for decades with any other than disingenuous self-reporters, meanwhile millions succeed with cannabis, millions more succeed with coffee and tea and in all of the latter three cases this has been done for centuries. OP is a nigger.

>> No.14629287

Ritalin comedown made me suicidal
Dexamphetamine comedown makes me comfy and relaxed
Atomoxetine made me feel disassociated and my dick tingled weird

>> No.14629297

>meanwhile millions succeed with cannabis
Fuck off. Cannabis send me down the worst mental health spiral of my life for 2 years, smoked it, had a bad trip, felt dissasociated and depersonalized for 2 years straight. Nothing worked right, no memory, no concentration, panic 24/7

I only got out of that hell by doing steroids. Absolutely FUCK cannabis and Stoners

>> No.14629648

stop relying on pills you brain damaged autists.

>> No.14629757

>had a bad trip
everything else is spot on though

>> No.14629777

Racetams work too

>> No.14629879

Some people really do have that response to weed. A few years ago I smoked for the first time in probably ten years (after stopping because I kept having panic attacks high) and had a full blown ego death psychedelic trip that ended in a seizure so violent I bit part of the way through my tongue and broke a finger. Literally the worst night of my life. I'm still fucked up from it.

>> No.14629919

because I cant buy ritalin online legally

>> No.14629970

I take Vyvanse 50mg but the effects are don't work as well anything else that's better? I think Vyvanse is better than adderall but adderall has a better "high".

>> No.14629972

I want to into nootropics but am scared I'll fry my brain for medical school or become dependent on em to learn.

>> No.14630457

holy mother of schizo

>> No.14630484

Yeah, you are correct to fear. Cold showers, green tea/coffee, aerobic exercise, perhaps a little bit of meditation.
The Nootropic industry is just a big scam, like most industries out there. People invest a lot of emotion and their own identity in these products, so speaking ill of their fav supplement is a bit like attacking the only thing keeping them from experiencing existential anxiety.

Their business is selling you the dream their products can make you better and achieve your dreams. All absolute garbage. Stay away. If you look at it objectively, there is no difference between your average cult and Nootropics.

>> No.14630486

>but adderall has a better "high".
Are you trying to get high or to function like a normal human being? Have you already tried Ritalin or Concerta?

>> No.14630488

green tea is a shit alternative to Tropisetron and NSI-189, Caffeine is just a garbage stimulant. Normies taking it doesn't mean it's good. Cold showers also don't show anything beyond placebo. You are clueless.

>> No.14630497

Nootropics work, but the industry is full of scammers. So let me tell you one thing: Avoid r/Nootropics. It's run by NootropicsDepot and they heavily regulate discussion in favor of them, r/NooTopics, r/Peptides and r/NootropicsFrontline are better alternatives, even the 4chan archives are better for genuine experience reports.
Secondly, peptides are more or less the strongest noots. Don't waste your time with herbal extracts for cognition boosting, something like Semax, HA-P6 or intranasal insulin is far superior. Fasting is another thing that is pretty potent by increasing insulin sensitivity in the brain. As for stimulants, Bromantane, BPAP, and PPAP are the best by far. The rest has too many side-effects.

>> No.14630508
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Ah yes, a member of the exclusive ''Rare experimental chemicals'' cult. You must be right because you don't follow the mainstream, normies are always wrong so therefore you must be right.
Plus you pay extra, and skim the info on clinical studies with dubious sources for funding. It basically makes you the smartest motherfucker on the planet, bar none.

I am sure you have plenty of anecdotal stories on how NSI 189 and Tropisetron changed your life in such amazing ways you still somehow find the need to waste your time shitposting on /sci/.
Go on, tell us your beautiful copes.

>> No.14630521

you're a brain-damaged caffeine addict, that's all. Never talk to me again. NSI-189 stimulates hippocampal growth all while utterly BTFOing green tea in the antidepressant, anti-anxiety department as it only rather moderately targets the depressant receptors. Tropisetron is also cheaper and better in the cognitive department. Caffeine is just a shit stimulant that'll make you anxious in the long run with basically no cognitive benefits.

>> No.14630536
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>you're a brain-damaged caffeine addict, that's all. Never talk to me again.
You are just another fragile Narcissist with zero control over his emotions seeking refugee from anxiety in dubious research chemicals. Another one from the endless pool. Your hyper emotional reaction is proof enough no one should ever take you seriously.
>NSI-189 stimulates hippocampal growth all while utterly BTFOing green tea in the antidepressant, anti-anxiety department as it only rather moderately targets the depressant receptors. Tropisetron is also cheaper and better in the cognitive department. Caffeine is just a shit stimulant that'll make you anxious in the long run with basically no cognitive benefits.
Wrong, simple as. Good luck with your dark triad issues, they seem pretty serious.

>> No.14630559

see >>14630521
caffeine causes A2A overexpression which in turn causes anxiety and depression. Illiterates like you have no place on /sci/. Go back to /fit/.

>> No.14630571

>Never talk to me again
Narcissists often demand you never speak to them again before continuing to speak to you, its a definiting trait actually. It is called Bait and Switch. You feel your sense of control has been threatened, and you cannot help but lash out like a menstruating woman desperately trying to claim it back.

I am afraid you are not smart enough to pull it off. Ah, jeez dood.

>> No.14630573

see >>14630559

>> No.14630577


>> No.14630582

Well, NSI 189 and Tropisetron won't take you from taking the bait, thats confirmed now

>> No.14630585

do you use 4chanX?

>> No.14630600

only have 1 ritalin pill left lel
then i gotta wait like 1 month before I get new prescriptions.
i have been taking way too much lately 120-200mg a day.
I know I will suffer starting tomorrow
i will be completely demented & exhausted for quite a while. I know this because I have been through this many times before, and each time I try to do better and NOT overuse (read:abuse) the medication.
Ritalin and other amphetamine-like substances can be very addictive, even if you have something like ADHD. it's the reality.

>> No.14630608 [DELETED] 

>i will be completely demented & exhausted for quite a while. I know this because I have been through this many times before, and each time I try to do better and NOT overuse (read:abuse) the medication.
>Ritalin and other amphetamine-like substances can be very addictive, even if you have something like ADHD. it's the reality.
Its your genetics, I've been on Adderall and Modafinil for years, I always end up accumulating so much can I only take half my prescribed dosage, sometimes none at all.
I got 8x30 modafinil boxes because of that

>> No.14630609

Is NAC a nootropic?
I heard it has stronger antioxidant effects than garlic, but without as bad of a smell.
Also what specific version of NAC is the right one?

>> No.14630612

snort it for increased benefits

>> No.14630614

it all started with - sometimes - heavy cocaine (combined with alcohol) use to be honest. Then I tried to replicate the feeling with other things, the things I already had. It's a sad thing, because before this I could take my meds as prescribed.
I have to find a way to reset this mechanism.

>> No.14630615

snort deferoxamine to lower tolerance

>> No.14630621

What have you tried so far?
There's some talk online about 9 me bc helping with that, but I am not going to sell you cope since I've never tried or had your issues

>> No.14630625

I am not spending 140$ to snort research chemicals cause some schizo in his manic phase told me so on 4chins

>> No.14630633

nothing. i think behavioral changes are the key when it comes to this
it's not so much a problem of tolerance as it is of fiending and cocaine memories
Cocaine is a bastard and I would advise against using it if you have aspergers or ADHD.

>> No.14630655

more focus

guys idk if that anon sounds too mystical but yes meditation works it's an actual mental exercise that your brain adapts to

>> No.14630657

sorry buddy, I could've warned you
of course the weed addicts will say it does nothing wrong

>> No.14630660

green tea and nsi 189 work stop being asshats

>> No.14630671

Unironically the best thing I have done is organizing my shit. When my apartment is clean and organized I am able to focus and get shit done. I did not learn this until I was 28 and moved out of my hoarder parents home....so much potential wasted

>Likely wouldn't have done much with it anyway, fuck it

>> No.14630683

The thing is things like that we should have learnt way earlier. Like, at adolescence or late adolescence. But emotionally stunted people who sit behind a computer all day every since they were a young child have difficulties with those things.

>> No.14630729

damn the more i see this comment of mine the more i'm filled with dread about tomorrow

>> No.14631027

Reading this led me to clean my room, and now I feel good about myself
I think I am going to get an air puifier with esential oil scents

>> No.14631085

I'm just going say one thing: don't completely fuck with your dopamine shit for days and days on and at extremely high doses. The feeling you will experience once you run out of the substance, especially after a long binge and even more so if you have been dependent on it for a long time (just for daily functioning, which is different from binge use), is horrible. In particular, for intellectual types who depend on the acquisition of knowledge/info for their personal happiness. If you add to that being someone who cares a lot about competence and performance and efficiency, then it's over man. The inescapable hell you will end up in, you will have to suffer through. It's what it's. And it's what will come.

>> No.14631127

This is very true, I once took 20mg of Dextroamphetamine as a teenager. I had the best time of my life, I could see vivid (I mean genuinely vivid, like they almost felt like pictures) in my mind.
I've never been able to imagine/visualize like that ever again, even after taking more at higher dosages.

Seems I fucked up something permanently in my brain doing that

>> No.14631137

>white people need drugs to function, to be "productive" bugmen
>claim to be the superior race

>> No.14631149

you only took that once? lol don't worry
I'm talking about at least a decade of extremely high doses of prescribed amphetamine-like substances (combined with regular sleep deprivation) and occasional - often more than occasional- cocaine use. I also have done speed paste many times, but that's not really the issue here.
Right now I'm drunk and have taken 90mg of Ritalin today, a dose way lower than what I have taken the days before (210mg+). I already feel like shit but I know tomorrow, even this evening, will be a whole different ball game when it comes to feeling like shit.

>> No.14631170

I wish I could steal those pill bottles from you

>> No.14631843

Theoretically, street speed is super similar to Adderall.
In practice, it's way easier to abuse a substance when you have a whole pile of powder than when you have pills with precisely measured small doses.

>> No.14631845

Which meditation path did you use? TMI? MCTB? Something else?

>> No.14631849

Not that anon, but aripiprazole and brexipiprazole have an extremely diverse spectrum of action that's far from typical antipsychotics. I was prescribed one of them for depression and it somewhat worked, for example.

>> No.14631855

Depends on your personal brain chemistry. On average, people rate Adderall as slightly more effective but it also has a bit more side effects and addiction risk.

>> No.14631860

Yeah that's definitely true. You're supposed to use small doses for focus, not large doses to get euphoria. With powerful stimulants, less really is more.

>> No.14631937


>> No.14631946
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Neither of those are nootropic you retard

>> No.14632076

True. Nootropic fans take all kinds of weird Russian shit and dozens of vitamins and it still doesn't even come close to the effects of stimulants. They are the only real performance enhancers, whether it's lisdex, MPH, IPPH or plain old nicotine (don't smoke though).