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14625525 No.14625525 [Reply] [Original]

Why would young people with a >99.99999% survival rate be afraid of getting a covid vaccine?

>> No.14625534

Fear fetish.

>> No.14625539
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Why would young people with a >99.99999% survival rate be afraid of getting covid?

>> No.14625739

Why risk their health by exposing themselves to a novel vaccine over a virus that to them is of complete insignificance?

>> No.14625770

Mods. We've got the same thread twice.

>> No.14625774

Young people are afraid of getting a covid vaccine? What are you talking about?

>> No.14625814

Look at all those antivaxx threads here

>> No.14625816

What PERSONAL reasons RELEVANT to the individual, does a young healthy person have in getting a covid vaccine?

>> No.14625848

Nearly 90% of Americans above the age of 18 got at least one of the injections. Why are you so obsessed with the remaining 10%?

>> No.14625870

The greater the percentage of religious conversion is, the more ardent the fundamentalist will be in trying to speed run the rest.

>> No.14626031

Because they keep shutting in my /sci/

>> No.14626046 [DELETED] 

Maybe they believe COVID doesn't exist at all and that, therefore, the vaccine is nefarious, whatever it's effects may or may not be.

>> No.14626047 [DELETED] 

Maybe they don't believe COVID doesn't exist at all and that, therefore, the vaccine is nefarious, whatever it's effects may or may not be.

>> No.14626055

Maybe they believe COVID doesn't exist at all and that, therefore, the vaccine is nefarious, whatever it's effects may or may not be.

>> No.14626083

>Why would young people with a >99.99999% survival rate be afraid of getting a covid vaccine?
There is a massive incentive for all parties involved to conspire to hide or underreport adverse reactions

There is a massive incentive for all parties involved to conspire to invent and over report covid damage

You have to be brain dead if you haven't realized this

>> No.14626088

How can adverse effects be underreported in the whole world?

>> No.14626105

>How can adverse effects be underreported
Just label it as long-covid or regular covid. Do not require autopsies. Put people with a religious belief in vaccines and/or institutions (not a small number) in the right places (health associations, hospital boards, etc.), or just use crooked people in general with skin in the game (Pfizer shareholders, FDA directors, etc.).

If any damage is found, label as psychogenic (it actually happened in my country with the HPV vaccines, dozens of girls hurt but it was all in their heads according to the "official experts")

>in the whole world
Appeal to ignorance detected. Some countries indeed questioned things before the vaccines, some refused to buy them but the president of all of them were murdered and replaced (Haiti, Tanzania, etc)

Big tech and the media which you get your information from all have stakes on the vaccine side, so obviously you won't see information that doesn't help their narrative in general.

All the actual cases in other countries will never reach your country due to language barrier, your media won't speak about it (have you ever heard of Bruno Graf, or the name of the exam his mother had to pay to prove his death was caused by the covod vaccine?). All eeventual deaths are labeled rare. Side effects and deaths can't be verified by the public. VAERS and similar databases that are somewhat open get their reputation destroyed by the media. Cooked up catchphrases to defend or attack anything are planned with social engineering

>> No.14626122

By the way if you think I'm inventing anything, I'm just saying what I and others observed, no need to lie about anything

>> No.14626223

Every single government in the world? Not the Germans, or the Swiss, or the Danish, or the Singaporean, or name a place, did. thorough checks? But you know the truth?

>> No.14626242

Well, most vaccine injury reporting systems, such as VAERS, UK Yellow Card, and US DoD data showed the covid vaccine as having high rates of side effects than other vaccines, but were dismissed.

>> No.14626248

Why do governments literally bribe their populace with donuts, lottery tickets, and cash to take a vaccine that is supposedly safe and effective?

>> No.14626388

>Every single government in the world? Not the Germans, or the Swiss, or the Danish, or the Singaporean
You need very few people compared to the general population to run a ditactorship

>But you know the truth?
I already gave enough argumetns and links to dismiss your fallacious appeal to ignorance

Good question, they tried this in my country too. All measures were very coordinated in fact, the one that closed "non essential businesses and activities" came around the same week as in the rest of the planet. They managed to enforce the one that fired and discriminated the unvaccinated here unfortunately, for the most part.

>> No.14626400

Because when I caught it my sense of smell and taste disappeared for 2 weeks. It was horrible. I'll take the vaxx over that.

>> No.14626443

>afraid to accidentally win a lottery

People win lotteries every day. Why risk it?

>> No.14626458

wrongthinking population groomed by glowing african americans to die out

>> No.14626463
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>Because when I caught it my sense of smell and taste disappeared for 2 weeks. It was horrible. I'll take the vaxx over that.

>> No.14626477

You were deficient in zinc, depleted from the infection
Taking a zinc supplement would be much safer and effective than the clotshot

>> No.14626894

Fuck off. According to VAERS, the vaccine creates zombies that reported their own deaths

>> No.14627014

Seems unlikely, I take multivitamins every day.

>> No.14627411

>much safer and effective than the clotshot
Got a study showing that?

>> No.14627708

long covid

stupid question

>> No.14627711
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>> No.14627724

So because photoshop?

>> No.14627730

Why would they be afraid of not getting the vaccine and getting covid? Same thing

>> No.14627731

>it's inconvenient so it must be fake!

go back to your containment board pls

>> No.14627740

Back to >>>/pol/, nigger. COVID is not science-related.

>> No.14627744

I think we solved the "conspiracy" right here with this post.

>> No.14627748

yes it is

>> No.14627753

Impossible by definition. Now go back to the place where COVID propaganda belongs: >>>/pol/

>> No.14627768
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the n word is racist

>> No.14627777

>According to VAERS, the vaccine creates zombies that reported their own deaths
or perhaps other peopel reported their deaths?

>> No.14627783

Nope, it was self-reported.

>> No.14627793

The opposite is true. Diseases and viruses are not politics-related. They are science-related. But crackpots sounds stay in their containment board.

>> No.14627797

lol mald