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File: 25 KB, 400x562, witten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14625242 No.14625242 [Reply] [Original]

I'm in hep-theory and every single fucking relevant person is 6 sigma. They score 190+ on standardized test (if they even decide to lose their time on that). Look at fucking Witten. Strominger. Polchinski. Cumrun motherfucking Vafa. Even lower-tier stringists are fucking geniuses by the mensa standard. It's not the same for every field. You can be a star in climatology with 120 IQ for example. But how relevant is it really? Climate scientists are worse than CS in terms of jokes on their accounts.
The sad thing is we (string theory) need more people of the Witten calibre to advance further. I was measured at 4 sigma, string theory has been my life since 17 and i fucking don't matter. I did publish several papers that are cited by the geniuses, but that doesn't matter a bit. You realize that when you meet and talk to them. I mean they're nice and motivating, but at the end of the day, you just feel so fucking crushed by their intellect. The paper that took me a year, they would come up with that in few weeks. That's the difference between a low-key 3 sigma like me and them. No amount of work is going to change that, that's just how things are.
Tao is fucking blind if he can't see that or things are just different in math, which i doubt. Just look at Witten, he majored in history and still manages to be the best fucking theorist in century. That's the difference between us and them. We have to give everything to be average at best. I'm sad whenever i remember my friends that envy me, a fucking low-key theorist.

>> No.14625255

What would happen if a sun made out of Witten collided with a sun made out of Landau?

>> No.14625260

If you need more than two sentences to explain your point you are retarded

>> No.14625265

That's a long-winded way of saying the high-level sciences are out-pacing human capability. Why do you think eggheads have been pushing for AI shit so hard? Are only hope is to either develop a superhuman AI to do it for us, or to uplift humanity via genetic engineering.

>> No.14625268

>every single fucking relevant person is 6 sigma
every relevant hep-th faggot is more like 6 sugma, because of how much cock they suck to get ahead

>> No.14625269

>it's another narcissism thread started by Ed Midwitten himself
String theory isn't as deep as you think it is. Get over it.

>> No.14625334

Most theorist are retarded when in comes to practical aspects. Like can't turn a screwdriver level of retarded.

Experimentalist on the other hand, have firm a understanding of both the theory and practical aspects of physics.

Enjoy teaching braindead premeds in Gen. Physics your whole career.

T. experimentalist

>> No.14625371

I hear you bro. I'm doing stuff somewhere between string theory and non-perturbative QFT and it gets depressing how smart everyone is. I've always been a big fish in a small pond myself, but when I visit the east coast universities it's a wake up call. It's also discouraging that they talk to each other and share ideas and I'm trying to work out of the loop and only have hastily written papers to go off of.

>> No.14625394

Is there more room for a highly-driven intellectual to make a significant impact as an individual in physics vs. mathematics and other fields? I imagine ego plays a role here.

>> No.14625399

Yes there is. But highly-driven is key. You and me both are on 4chan right now and that doesn't bode well. And you might have to compromise on your definition "significant impact."

>> No.14625404

If physicists are so smart then why is the field so stagnate?

>> No.14625407

It's not

>> No.14625414

I wonder if high IQ predisposes people to uncomfortable levels of existential awareness. We're basically all disposable droplets of gasoline burning alive in god's internal combustion machination, and the only way to even stand a chance of making a blip on the radar of history is to conquer some unexplored intellectual domain. I imagine that appeals to 190iq chads better than golfing on plutonium yachts.

>> No.14625418

They use their smarts to come up with clever excuses for doing nothing good.

>> No.14625421

>I wonder if high IQ predisposes people to uncomfortable levels of existential awareness
embarrassing level of cope. most high IQ people are normal functioning. you think people like Witten and Thaler spend their days on this site?

>> No.14625427

dude witten lmao

>> No.14625431

I only come here because my brain is too fucked from neuropsychiatric disorders and sleep deprivation to process anything more complex than funny frog photos.

>> No.14625432

Once your IQ gets too high you become allergic to SEX like Tesla and Buddha. I am smart enough to breed the smartest SEX possible in consent. You need to smuggle your semen into vials for me so I can save the future generations and hire your cuck fathers.

>> No.14625440

I miss when this website was venerable erudite yet degenerate old fags who gave me this daunting feeling rather than todays stagnant boards. Recycled handful of memes. Average joe lurker spam phoneposter.

>> No.14625446
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>big fish in a small pond, small fish in big pond
This fucking feel

>> No.14625447
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didn’t he look great when he had a jewfro?

>> No.14625457

Ridiculously handsome. Looks: maxxxed
Fat and non threatening

>> No.14625483
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lrn2expostulate fgt

>> No.14625520

He's right, but his statement is so banal as to be retarded. Even the simpsons touched on it in one episode, and the saying "ignorance is bliss" goes back to at least the late 1700's.

>> No.14625538
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redpill me on the ADS/CFT correspondence.

>> No.14625542

I don't know, I used to think like this but then I spoke to a lot of well-regarded theorists and found out they were really quite normal.
Also, some of the guys I thought were extremely smart also ended up underachieving. It's not that they didn't come up with great ideas, it's just that those ideas didn't work out. They sounded great, but then a few years later people figured out it just didn't work.
You really don't need to be some 190 IQ dude to make it in physics, even hep. That's a total meme, although I admit that there are definitely some extremely intelligent people (like Witten) who can make you feel that way. But it is an illusion.

>> No.14625549
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look like Ben Stein

>> No.14625566

Also, the compounding effect is real. It's far far easier to quickly learn something at these universities where you can just walk down the hall and ask the guy who first thought up the idea what the point is, and it saves you a lot of reading.
I remember reading some complicated definition in a book which had like a page or two of calculations and wondered how you would ever come up with it, but then I spoke to the author of the original paper and he was like "oh the idea is (some simple geometric intuition) and you're basically just taking an exponential and working through some ugly details, I don't know why the book doesn't tell you"

>> No.14625570
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so why is Terrance Tao blind?

>> No.14625601


it is, name the most discovery in the past 10 years

>> No.14625625

You wouldn't understand anything I list. Take a look at all the papers put out *today* on https://arxiv.org/ in whatever subfield of physics you are interested in. This isn't a field like medicine and while any given paper might not be groundbreaking it represents real work being done.

>> No.14625648

Equations in String theory are equivalent to some equations done in QFT making them somewhat like mirrors of the same thing

>> No.14625654

Dimensions of operators in a CFT correspond to the masses of string states, certainly in a "large N" limit in which the central charge becomes large.

>> No.14625656

>You wouldn't understand anything I list.
You're terrible at communicating. This was evident in your OP, but you're furthering the point with every post you make.

It doesn't matter how "high level" a topic is, someone who understands it well can boil down the most important concepts therein at a conversational level, so a layman can understand.

Yesterday, there was a thread about really high level maths here (it might still be up) an Anon, in less than three short paragraphs, communicated what you should take away and how you should approach this form of mathematics.

You're poor in communicating, and most likely poor in understanding as well.

That's probably why none of your work is significant.

>> No.14625658

you got a fleshlight for your masturbating. cool, got anything to show for it other than cum? string theory hasn't produced anything of substance... ever.

>> No.14625660

No you don't understand.
1) I'm not OP, I'm the other guy
2) I don't care about communicating to you

>> No.14625662 [DELETED] 

Mitwitten btfo

>> No.14625666

My kow is towed senpai

>> No.14625672

Midwitten btfo

>> No.14625673

yes, we know, you only care about communicating with other string theorists. you know what you sound like? morons in the philosophy department. when someone asks what something like "the categorical imperative means", or tells you how hegel's work is incomprehensible nonsense with no utility, you just say
>these works aren't written for you
it's a silly shutdown tactic that sidesteps the point: what's the utility of your work? i don't care who it's written for. tell us what its use is.. that is, if such a use even exists and that you're capable of communicating it. but you know you can't, so you'll just continue with your sanctimonious crap.

>> No.14625696

>what's the utility of your work
Quantum field theory underlies statistical mechanics, condensed matter, and particle physics (the last one is getting less and less important). It is useful to study quantum field theory in an abstract way, certainly more useful than it is to study abstract branches of mathematics, although mathematicians never run into this criticism of usefulness the same way high energy theorists do.

I can gather from your posts that you do not know enough about physics to really appreciate the problems of the field today. Actually take a look at the papers on arxiv, do you understand the abstracts? If it took me years to understand these things why do you think it should be easy for you to understand? There were smart people who understood this before I came around, and if it were so easy to explain things, it would have been a hell of a lot easier to learn.

>> No.14625717

you were asked to justify the utility of string theory, not of QFT (not that you succeeded in doing the latter anyway).
>mathematicians never run into this criticism of usefulness the same way high energy theorists do.
mathematicians don't have the ego to assert their mental masturbation is reflective of reality. on the contrary, they readily admit their work isn't reflective of reality and is more a fun way to tinker with abstract systems. case in point:
> It is useful to study quantum field theory in an abstract way, certainly more useful than it is to study abstract branches of mathematics
got any evidence to back that up? what experiments have string theory predicted? what experiments does string theory explain?
>There were smart people who understood this before I came around, and if it were so easy to explain things, it would have been a hell of a lot easier to learn.
yet this seems to be something that uniquely plagues string theorists. why? ask any experimentalist at the LHC, or even a pheno guy, and they could explain their work on jet substructure in a way that even a high schooler could understand (and not falling back on pithy platitudes). yet, string theorists can't. you wanna know why? because they want to have their cake and eat it too. they claim it's too abstract to explain succinctly while simultaneously pretending it's reflective of reality. all the while, they're too dimwitted to understand the obvious implication: that they can't even communicate the structure of reality (which they pretend to know) to anyone outside of their narrow, narrow niche of expertise. absolutely pathetic.

>> No.14625734

i'm being too harsh on ST. this isn't a problem that uniquely affects string theorists, i'm sorry. it also affects philosophers who pretend to understand the structure of reality and fail to communicate such alleged knowledge

>> No.14625747

String theory = QFT. They are the same field of study and always have been. I don't really care to debate the usefulness of this with you. I've written expository posts on things like this in the past here.

>> No.14625759
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I apologise for assuming you were the OP. It's still important to communicate. Again, I'm sorry.

>> No.14625761

>String theory = QFT.
Gonna BTFO this bs once and for all. if string theory = QFT, then i never want to see the words "string theory" in any of your posts ever again. just say QFT. unless there's something ST offers that QFT doesn't?

>> No.14625777

I don't refer to myself as a string theorist. I say I'm a quantum field theorist or a high energy theorist. Again I'm not OP. I understand string theory and cite string theory papers when relevant. I do the same for statistical field theory, and condensed matter. When I apply for postdoc jobs I usually have to look at string theory jobs because that is what people understand "abstract quantum field theory" to be.

When you treat quantum field theory abstractly, considering different theories for their own interesting behavior, without necessarily being concerned about the experimental implications (although they do have some), then all of these fields are related. If mathematicians are allowed to consider things abstractly, and only occasionally find real world applications, why isn't that okay for a high energy theorist?

>> No.14625780
File: 122 KB, 483x280, doubt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>although they do have some

>> No.14625783

>Tao is fucking blind if he can't see that or things are just different in math, which i doubt.

Tao is a freak and not really a genius, and i can explain why. In his own biography, it's revealed that he struggles with mirror composition tests. he can't fucking imagine what the outline of a shape will be if mirrored across a phantom line.

Terence Tao doesn't use visual intelligence to do his work. he's some kind of weirdo who uses purely analytical methods, like turning the shit into a fucking crossword puzzle and back and then getting an answer instead of counting it or visualizing it. it's such a stupid way to think. why?

once your visual intelligence gets to a certain level, you just see the answer to everything you need in a split second. it merely takes you longer than that to explain it to everyone, and they psychologically abuse you and tell you that you're overthinking it, even though you saw it. it would be so natural, so innate, that you'd wonder how people drive a car or catch a ball without doing it. that's sort of the secret of course. at that point, you never have to analyze anything ever again.

>> No.14625784

Do you know what a CFT is? Do you know what Chern-Simons theory or the sin-Gordon model or the XY model etc are (I could rattle off the names of a dozen commonly studied abstract models that have multiple experimental applications).

>> No.14625786
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>that have multiple experimental applications

>> No.14625795

You are 17

>> No.14625796

Okay fine I'll bite. A CFT means conformal field theory. At any second order phase transition in real materials what happens is the correlation length grows so that the particular behavior of the material at small scales doesn't really matter and what you are left with is an abstract CFT. You can predict or explain real world observed things like correlation functions and critical exponents from operators in the CFT. These CFTs especially in one spatial dimension have a very rich structure the study of which was spearheaded mostly be string theorists beginning in the 80s. That is because a string theory can also be understood as CFT where the one spatial dimension is just the dimension along the string. I could go on but I won't. There are lots of rich experimental applications of these models (usually more than one per model, and not just CFTs) and lots of behavior that it is interesting for its own sake.

>> No.14625798
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>I was measured at 4 sigma
>3 sigma like
You can't even keep your shitpost consistent for two seconds.

>> No.14625802

>You can predict or explain real world observed things like correlation functions and critical exponents from operators in the CFT.
such as?
>There are lots of rich experimental applications of these models
such as?

>> No.14625811

>rich experimental applications of these models
>such as?
Correlation functions and critical exponents. Every second order phase transition is described by a CFT. So pick out your favorite one. Theories which are not CFTs like non-linear sigma models also pop up all over the place too.

If you are looking for an engineering application, I'm sorry but that is not what this is about.

>> No.14625823

>Every second order phase transition is described by a CFT. So pick out your favorite one
You pick your favorite one, homey. you're the one who keeps saying it exists... all i want is an actual example. got anything specific?

>> No.14625846

>"oh the idea is (some simple geometric intuition) and you're basically just taking an exponential and working through some ugly details, I don't know why the book doesn't tell you"
Literally modern STEM in a nutshell

>> No.14625850

Ising model. Heard of it? It's the paradigm example of magnetism and of phase transitions which every physicist graduating with an undergrad degree has heard of. The phase transition is CFT with central charge 1/2 and it has a dual description as a theory of free Majorana fermions. If you perturb the Ising model by an external magnetic field the Majorana fermions start interacting in a non-trivial way and the model has a hidden global symmetry given by the exceptional Lie group E8. This is manifested in the correlation functions in experiment and was figured out in the early 90s by high energy theorists.

Look up the tri-critical Ising model too if you're interested. It turns out that CFT is supersymmetric and yet it is realized in the real world.

I'm afraid I'm done answering questions for now though. You got your wish and I made an effort to communicate to you a little bit.

>> No.14625855

>ising model
not string theory, never was, never will be.

>> No.14625894

Was Edward Witten the basis for the Chud meme?

>> No.14626117


afaik conformal field theory is just a toy math model has little connection to reality

>> No.14626128

well I don't know what to tell you other than that you are very wrong. Look it up

>> No.14626179

>makes claim
>defends it by telling others to look it up

>> No.14626187

And yet physics laureates average 130. Have fun playing with your toy universes and virtual particles and trying to reality with whatever the latest abstract nonsense fashion trend in pure maths is while the rest of us do real physics.

>> No.14626193

does anyone happen to know why motl made his blog private? was hossenfelder threatening him again? i just want to read his blog

>> No.14626200


>It turns out that CFT is supersymmetric and yet it is realized in the real world.

but supersymmetry has been mostly disproved, so how does it say about cft?

>> No.14626201

The other guy is the one that made the claim about it having little connection to reality dumbass. I had already given specific examples directly below the post that was quoted, and this is something you can see for yourself if you spend two minutes.

>> No.14626209


Google want him to delete his politically incorrect posts, he refused.

>> No.14626212

>but supersymmetry has been mostly disproved
You need to distinguish the supersymmetric extensions of the standard model as a theory of particle physics in 4d from supersymmetry as a feature of physical systems per se. The theories I am talking about are condensed matter systems in either 1 or 2 spatial dimensions, and the supersymmetry shows up as a symmetry of their correlation functions.

>> No.14626214

what does google have to do with anything? he's on blogspot. and google allows more radical right leaning people on. youtube than him

>> No.14626221


blogspot is owned by google, you been living under a rock?

>> No.14626232

i love watching your ilk squirm when exposed to the reality that string theory is disproved

>> No.14626239

Still doesn't explain the fact that peterson, shapiro, crowder etc are allowed on youtube and he isn't when they have several magnitudes more followers

>> No.14626267


peterson and shapiro don't say women are too stupid to do physics

>> No.14626273

do you think he's still a virgin like most string theorists?

>> No.14626337

I dropped out of my masters because of this. Honestly when they were speaking to me, it must have been like talking to a child or border collie or something.

>> No.14626350

What's the point? I could say something like "swampland conjectures are pretty interesting" and you say something like:
>That's not a discovery
>That's too long ago
As if science follows the same trend of your cumsooomer gaymens or whatever. Its a pointless game, because you'll always weasel out of it like the spineless faggot you are.

>> No.14626369

dead field, Higgs kill it

>> No.14626493

swampland conjectures aren't very interesting imo. It's a dead paradigm. Nothing against cumrun vafa, he's a smart guy, but I haven't seen anything interesting come out of it, maybe I'm missing something

>> No.14626504

All uneeded.

>> No.14626519

Ego before learning. What a fucking state graduates and academia is.

>> No.14626660


you can still access some his posts on waybackmachine


>> No.14627977


>> No.14628047

>mfw did applied qmech research

>> No.14628061

Constitutional Law is higher IQ.
Rest is Stemcel cope

>> No.14628161

>Experimentalists have a firm understanding of the theory
That's only true sometimes. In my experience, half of the experimentalists forget all of the theory that is not directly related to their research. When it comes to the theory that's related to their research, they seem to understand the phenomenology a lot better than the theoretical framework. There are different experimentalists, of course, just like there are different theorists. I don't particularly care whether the idiots in theory or experiment are dumber; whichever is dumber is still retarded.

>> No.14628508

Good news lubofriends I just spoke with Lex about his situation and looks like he's going to reach out to lubos for an interview within the next 2 weeks. It will tentatively be titled string theory, climate change, ukraine, the culture war, californian education bill, and women's place in STEM

>> No.14628604


Lex is based jew? he just interviewed Douglas Murray, who is considered far-right


>> No.14628610

He interviewed Oliver Stone who is a big putin shill and the next episode brought on someone who's vehemently anti-Putin. He's just open to ideas

>> No.14629071

>190+ on standardized tests
You clearly don’t know what “standardized” means

>> No.14629080

Any theoretical physicist is like a monkey compared to any of our sages in Judaism

No physicist reads all the papers ever written in history about a particular subject before he writes his. This is precisely what a rabbi has to do before writing a legal ruling (read everything that has been written about the subject by other rabbis since the beginning of humanity)

>> No.14629694

>he doesn't know about THE PHENOTYPE

>> No.14629795

so 2017

>> No.14629798

Maybe her IQ dropped while writing the post? Many such cases. Sad.

>> No.14629800
File: 316 KB, 666x943, (((physics))).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can gather from your posts that you do not know enough about physics to really appreciate the problems of the field today
Because most of (((Physics))) today is just Philosophy.

>> No.14629813

why are you spamming this image? have you even read it? it doesn’t at all even relate to your brain dead point, which we’ve all heard as nausea before. i just need to understand the non-sequitur image with ridiculous more-than-half-the-entire-text underlining

>> No.14630372

Sociology is a protoscience in the language of of Kuhn. It will evolve to become psychohistory within the next few decades. Physics will become obsolete.

>> No.14630440

Is definitely not in the same class as Witten and Vafa

>> No.14630584

Dude ur actually mentally retarded.

>> No.14630647
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Reminder that physics is just for people who aren't smart enough to deal with the complexity of emergent phenomena so they prefer the simpler foundational laws.
Try getting a particle physicist to explain what happens to even a few atoms interacting via quantum physics (ie deriving from scratch without using chemistry models). He can even use the most powerful super computer if he wants.
It's like a neuroscientist saying they understand the genius of Mozart or Shakespeare because they got axons and dendrites figured out.

tl;dr midwits are attracted to theoretical physics because it's simpler

>> No.14630649
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Reminder that Rutherford came up with the stamp collecting quote after literally getting cuckholded by a chemist.

>> No.14630651

Don't waste your time on string theory etc anons

It has become literally too difficult for the human brain

Wait for brain implants / strong AI to pursue it

>> No.14630658

lmao we covered d'alembert's wave equation literally second year
is this really what the 'big brains' are doing

>> No.14631775

You do realize that condensed matter deals with even more atoms than chemistry right? And that condensed matter theory is deeply connected to high energy theory?

>> No.14632020

are you telling the truth or are you lying to me

>> No.14632237

More atoms sure but the same type of atoms.

>> No.14633136

Who gives a fuck about this shit faggot?
Life is not some mmorpg where youre minmaxing or something.
Just do what you love and enjoy life with your loved ones. Who gives a fuck if you're not the best ever at fucking string autism theory or whatever?
Jesus Christ

>> No.14633172
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Theoretical physics is the lowest IQ field bar pure mathematics. It's for midwit cringelets who literally fail the IQ test of figuring out the patterns of actual reality, so they retreat into a childish fantasy world of NPC-tier models and abstractions.

>> No.14633246

>Long rant about muh iq
Now tell me how the bumps in their skulls correlates with their genius. Also consider self-help.

>> No.14633278
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>String theory
Friendly reminder these guys were published, PhD holding string theorists

>> No.14633290

>working with 6-sigmas all day
>40 IQ retards
How does it feel to be an inner city schoolteacher?

>> No.14634310
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Fools admire the beauty of complexity.
Wise men admire the beauty of simplicity.

>> No.14634325

>The sad thing is we (string theory) need more people of the Witten calibre to advance further.
Considering string theory has had zero predictive quality, you need a LOT more than six sigma, you need a miracle.

>> No.14634335

this, they're the cancer of modern physics
some people just shouldn't be taught advanced maths

>> No.14634429

At least you are high up, OP. I peaked at masters level applied math. Im 110IQ at best.

>> No.14636394

>low iq

>> No.14636419
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Cope. G.W.F. Hegel had an IQ of 313.

One time while under the influence of DMT, smoked after intensively studying The Phenomenology of Spirit, I temporarily had an IQ of 1,128. Not only this, but I made contact with entities with IQs over 10,000.

>> No.14636436

depends on the dampening

>> No.14636456

someone knows more of this alleged 'secret' ?

>> No.14636471

Damn. STist try to whiff their own fart in fucking 4chan of all places and still get btfo'd.

>> No.14636484

Wow man IQ really rules the universe

>> No.14636503

what's this phenotype?

>> No.14638315


>> No.14638344

Too bad everything they come up with is just bullshit. Imagine if they applied themselves to finding the truth instead.

>> No.14638382

Higgs kill the field

>> No.14638463

Too bad that a high IQ does not prevent theoretical physicists from becoming retards when they are shown that they overlooked the simple obvious fact that 12000 rpm objectively falsifies COAM.