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14620926 No.14620926 [Reply] [Original]

>average sci retard claims that psychology is an useless field
>he doesn't read books on female evolutionary and female sexual psychology as well as teenager psychology as well as books to manipulate psychologically people into doing what I want as well as books on sales psychological techniques, books on how charisma work and books on marketing and neuro linguistic programming and hypnosis

>> No.14620931

>an useless

>> No.14620936

>Not being able to do all of these things without having to read about them
Peak midwit.

>> No.14620944
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>Doing something grants the same level of understanding as reading the last 70 years of scientific psychological research
ok low IQ mouth breather.

>> No.14620951

Reading about psychological manipulation is a trap for idiots. Sure, you might get one over on people who are especially dumb, but you're far out of your depth when dealing with career sociopaths.

>> No.14620955

If psychology fascinates you, you may be prepared for a career as a salesman.

>> No.14620958

>scientific psychological research

>> No.14620959
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>he thinks I'm trying to become a glow nigger or make money
>he doesn't know I'm just trying to psychologically manipulate 15-25 year old girls at anime conventions in my city to give me their phone and eventually groom them to give me their C and not feel guilty about it later

>> No.14620964

Not only are you an idiot, but you're also a pedo. Congrats.

>> No.14620965

Looks like your game is weak since you aren't doing a good job at convincing others

>> No.14620970
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No, I just live outside that garbage shithole in a country where 14 year old girls are legal, unlike in the united states of mutt land.

don't care, lol.

>> No.14620973

>an appeal to local authority justifies my creepy and shitty behaviors
See ya on the next gore thread on /gif/

>> No.14620992
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>having sex with 15 years olds is creepy when they're basically ready in biological terms ready to carry babies and likely would have been taken by their parents in history to be married and likely have their first kid by this age to a 25-30 year old male
>even if we use religious arguments both mahoma and christian god had sex with likely girls of age 12 (Jesus was more likely to be born to a 15 year old mary)
>most women brain usually end up maturing by age 18 which indicates that there's evolutionary pressures for a woman to finish development by age 18, simply because most women died having some kids by that age
>most primitive societies marriage 14 year old girls to 30 year old males so the wealth of the male can be transfered to the girl family when he works
Americans are trully the most retarded shit, on both historical, religious and scientific grounds.

>> No.14621022

All of these arguments are an appeal to authority based on how primitive societies decided to operate before modern enlightenment. The population explosion during the last 20th and 21st centuries show that this isn't necessary at all. Besides, you aren't looking to to establish intergenerational wealth, you're seeking purely carnal desires. And considering that's your motive, in the those same primitive societies, you would be publicly stoned/executed for damaging goods.

>> No.14621053 [DELETED] 
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>damaging goods
>when being a whore is being labeled as a mark of cultural progress by western liberalism
>when women have no social bounds to be loyal or monogamous
>when they're already whoring themselves by age 8-10 when they tweerk in social media
>when is not uncommon for them to have dozens of sexual encounters by age 16 with dozens of diferent guys, a lot who are 30+
>when is not uncommon for girls to have at age 18 a suggar daddy college relationship with a close to 40 year old loaded with cash suggar daddy
>when is not uncommon for them to have a sex tape filmed by the guy phone by age 16
>trying to push women virtues in a civilizational collapse stage

Is not even scientifically accurate, since by age 12 they have their first period, and likely by age 15 they're just 3 years from reaching the age where their brain stops developing.

a 15 year old girl is neurologically ACORDING TO SCIENCE having the same brain development stage a 25 year old male has.

any other incel argument?

>> No.14621093

>psychologically manipulate 15-25 year old girls at anime conventions in my city to give me their phone and eventually groom them to give me their C
i can assure you if you got that you would become bored out of your mind in 1 week. moreover, you would get a headache depending on where you live since any girl you got any relations with could sue you into paying her pension

>> No.14621132

Female evopsych is trivial. Females want a hot alpha chad and despise ugly beta manlets. There, I saved you hours of reading books.

>> No.14621157

>he doesn't read books on female evolutionary and female sexual psychology as well as teenager psychology as well as books to manipulate psychologically people into doing what I want as well as books on sales psychological techniques, books on how charisma work and books on marketing and neuro linguistic programming and hypnosis
Do those books help you cope with the fact that the people you would win over are not interested in you, but find amusing the techniques you parroted?

>> No.14621166

not really, I just like to read non fiction.

doesn't mean that you shouldn't learn what are the rules of the game, to properly play it.

also, most people are socially manipulated anyway by the powers that be.
It helps to learn their manipulation tactics to avoid being also manipulated by (((media))) and (((4chan)))

>> No.14621237


>> No.14621256
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you're likely too retarded to even know what shit the govemernt does today using mass media and internet social media to socially engineer YOU and your friends.

It's not diferent from using border collies to guide the sheeps into the direction you want.

They have been perfecting this shit since WWII and even since machiavelo wrote his book.

>> No.14621273

>scientific psychological research

>> No.14621277

Most mass manipulation is designed to pacify you so you won't either speak out against the government or commit crime. If you are truly the former, we wouldn't be speaking and you would be in a gulag/blacksite; if you are the latter, I hope you are good evading the law. Outside of those possibilities, you are being manipulated just like everyone else.

>> No.14621296
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doesn't matter, there's 50 years of development of psychological theories of social manipulation and dark psychology.

where you're basically just a small pet in a jail to likely just consume products, get fat and likely just produce enough taxation for black projects of the goverment and likely just repeat this in a anti natural lifestyle where you have to follow a very specifically crafted wagie life to waste your days as those cows in milk factories producing economic GPD to the world conglomerates to function, while they have specifically engineered a system you will likely perish right when your age makes you unable to keep being a tax producer, and likely because of enviromental pollution you die a few years later, before you can enjoy the promised retirement utopia of your last days.

Also, they also dominate and craft religion as well, religion just happens to be the pre modern industrial era form of social manipulation they had to keep the serfs happy and just produce wealth and produce cheap soldiers for their wars.

It's also likely every major religion would be basically written and crafted by those people since the summerian era.

I have no fucking clue why they need so much tax and wealth, who the fuck knows.
Maybe they need resources from a farming planet like earth for whatever shit war the have on the galaxy with the other galactic empires.

Who the fuck I know.

Also killing yourself is not the solution, since they likely also run this simulation and will likely punish you for not being a good pet in their farming videogame.

>inb4 meds
no, you're simply iliterate on how reality works.

>> No.14621314

Thanks for informing me of things I already knew. With your wisdom, you should be giving lectures on basic arithmetic to PhD mathematicians.

>> No.14621336
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academia is not the path to enlightment, is more likely the old Oxford medieval academia to only exist in paintings.

modern academia is just nepotism to outsource the training on employees to the educational industry where young adults will waste their young fertiles years instead of having genetic healthy offspring, just wasted on liberal lifestyles, and drugs, and sex, and basically just be indoctrinated into liberal blue state marxist values, and likely offset their reproductive potential to their 30+ age when they're unlikely to produce more than 1 baby, lowering the country birth rate and causing the newer generations because of the woman age to likely have autism, or another mental illness, or just be a homosexual or tranny.

Which weakens the potential of the nation for a young revolutionary conservative force, and replace them with weak soft milenials and just 1/2 of the parent demographic pyramic number.

Which creates incentives for the political class to implement massive inmigration from poorer nations to offset the lost of young workers of the native race, to basically cause an ethnic replacement over at leat a century, using basic demographic trends.

Because browner races tend to be lower IQ and easier to manipulate using religion and more traditional methods than the more smarter kind of eurasian light skin races.

Because the lighter skin caucasians, are more likely to have the DNA genetics of the survivors of atlantis and the hyperborea kingdoms, as well as the blessed angelical source divine Adamic family lineagues of the Nazareans where jesus was born.

It's more likely the old war between the offspring of the Esau and his brother, who are jealous his father lost the divine right to conquer other tribes when their ancestor sold that right for fucking lentils.

So they're just likely jealous they're the cursed cannanite offspring that racemixed with the Cain bloodlines.

>> No.14621348

>you're likely too retarded to even know what shit the govemernt does today using mass media and internet social media to socially engineer YOU and your friends.
Ah yes, the genius propaganda of dehumanizing the unvaccinated and scaremongering of a chinese flu, so hard to spot it

>> No.14621356

the average human on this planet is no diferent form a dog, they're just simple smarter.

average pol retard is likely to be in the top 5% of the inteligence distribution of their country.

>> No.14621359

Psychology is useful to subtly rape fatherless girls, not actually help anyone deal with the existential rape that life itself is
Proves point with faggot Shrek reactions

>> No.14621361

>Also, they also dominate and craft religion as well, religion just happens to be the pre modern industrial era form of social manipulation they had to keep the serfs happy and just produce wealth and produce cheap soldiers for their wars.
>It's also likely every major religion would be basically written and crafted by those people since the summerian era.
Oh yes, that's why (((they))) have been trying their best to infiltrate and subvert those religions based on the Torah, as well as socially engineer people into not believe in it and do the opposite.

This isn't something recent too, read the book of the Maccabees for example just so you know what the Greeks used to do to discourage "the wrong religion".

>Because the lighter skin caucasians, are more likely to have the DNA genetics of the survivors of atlantis and the hyperborea kingdoms
OK you're retarded. "Hyperborea" and atlantis were nephilim kingdoms of man eaters, punny humans like us were slaves and food there, literal cattle. The controllers are all nephilim employees and you would know that if you read the genesis 6 conspiracy book.

>> No.14621368

>actually help anyone deal with the existential rape that life itself is
That's what middot (jewish character development) is for. Problems are always there, but Judaism gives the solutions book to how to deal with them.

>> No.14621380

again, I'm not an expert, and likely I'm not tha old to have acquire a deeper understanding of reality.

It's more likely humans are just a slave cattle species the owners of this world use to generate some resource for whatever shit they need for their galactic empire.

Also they seem to keep humans under a samsara kind of reincarnation wheel to just recycle their cattle population.

Makes sense they would code humans to have just enough intelligente to be good slave biological machines and smart enough to keep a certain population as the smart managers and scientist to produce technology for the AI the empire of whoever created us use in their empire.

It's also likely a side effect of truth seeker humans to be more a glitch caused by a certain level of self awareness.
It seems that they have perfectly crafted humans to be smart enough to be a slave species, work for them, and have an smart manager class, as well as not being smart for the self awareness curse to cause major issues for their population and under a certain quality assurance thresshold where the glitched humans are just an irrelevant minority.

It's more likely I'm just a young unit of those glitched units.

>> No.14621427
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Keep posting Shrek so I can report you for avatarfagging, anon

>> No.14622167
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ok then smartass gimme some example of these uhhhh books you got. for research purposes obviously