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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14620013 No.14620013 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14620016

pseudo intellectuals seeking validation from neets and lurk professionals

>> No.14620019


fuck it I can't type

>> No.14620048

Schizphrenia is for fags. Delusions are for chads.

>> No.14620052

Are these "schizos" in the room with us right now?

>> No.14620544

Why would mentally adjusted individuals spend their time on 4channel?

>> No.14620548

you got any facts to back that up?

>> No.14620608

Because I've of their symptom is a Dunning-Kruger singularity. They feel like they are the only ones to see through the matrix. That must make them a science god. So they come to the most scientific community that doesn't ban them in sight and pollute it with their mental faces. After all, the world needs to learn what they just discovered. It needs to learn that balls cannot spin at 12000rpm, it needs to learn that the Covid vaccine kills everyone in 2 weeks, or that the government lied to us. The world needs to learn how many Nobel laureates are Jewish, or that climate change has always existed and is just a fluctuation in the sun's power.
Imagine you were convinced that you are the only human that discovered such a big thing. Wouldn't you want to share this with scientists rather than the morons on /pol/?

>> No.14620616

>on /sci/

>> No.14620631

That's the only thing I described on the minds of the schizos that you find odd?

>> No.14620634

Okay but can you explain the over representation of jews in the powerful institutions?

>> No.14620640

if you have two places where similar things are talked about, but in one of them you get kicked out for being stupid, then the place with no rules accumulates idiots

>> No.14620647
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