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14606180 No.14606180 [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize that going into an Ivy League is the most important thing?

>> No.14606194

MIT and Caltech are better than all the ivy leagues except maybe Princeton

>> No.14606206

A buddy of mine went to MIT, dude is a literal genius. Currently works at a hedge fund.

>> No.14606260

How do I get in for a CS master's?

>> No.14606271

I mean, I guess it is if you plan on being in academia for life where it's just credentialist scamming until you get tenure. In the real world it's not that important.

>> No.14606282

I got into Cornell for an MBA but chose University if Texas. Did I fuck up bros?

>> No.14606308

Why pursue MBA?

>> No.14606310

Lmao fucking delusional. There are companies that only hire from Target universities.

>> No.14606333

I'm guessing you work in Finance?

>> No.14606347

I went to one of the universities in your picture for my undergrad. It went downhill fast due to rampant liberalism and diversity quotas. Not even pol memeing. It's just a name anymore.

Plus, fuck the east coast. It's overpriced, filled with assholes and uppity nogs.

If I could do it all over again i'd just go to a top state school in STEM like U of M or Purdue.

>> No.14606359

Dont they get some of the brightest minorities though?

>> No.14606374

Are they objectively better companies or does a sense of exclusivity nurture their validation for their tribe's sense of superiority?
That's so tragic. The fate of genius in this world is to be a fucking hedgie.

>> No.14606376

just recently made news with 3 of their selected candidates getting jailed for murder. I dont know how this works but the dumbest motherfucker i saw was a black harvard kid. Literally ran around in hood gear going ey yo im havad im smarta than you. My original ghetto school every single black kid was smarter than him.

>> No.14606378
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>> No.14606382

I don't go to an Ivy so what I'm about to say doesn't inflate my ego. The reality is that Ivy's have a more rigorous academic schedule, secondly another great benefit of an Ivy is the social aspect of it. When you go there you're expected to network so you are more sociable and able to communicate effectively.
So yes on average Ivy League students are better than their counterparts, however if you have a fire in your ass you can outwork them but you have to demonstrate that to employers.

He makes a TON of money at 22, can work anywhere in the world and has loads of vacation time.

>> No.14606395

It isn't important at all unless your life goal is to work as a shabbos goy soientist and have the best career in that. Even then you're usually indebting yourself for life.

>> No.14606455

Haha fuck no they weren't. They were painfully average, and literally leveraged race and oppression into every conversation. Also Jewish nepotism is rampant. They also looked at me - a straight white male - as the enemy and responsible for all the problems in the world.

I went to an Ivy and I got redpilled.

>> No.14606460

The Ivies are mere shadows of Oxford and Cambridge.

>> No.14606494
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>> No.14606566 [DELETED] 

Back to >>>/pol/

>> No.14606866

>Are they objectively better companies or does a sense of exclusivity nurture their validation for their tribe's sense of superiority?
FAGMAN actively looks for interns at my Uni (not IVY but highly ranked public).
Your Uni literally determines your job opportunities bro.

>> No.14606886
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>i am determined to be a servant

>> No.14606909

Calling someone else a servant when you will work in a shitty retail job for the rest of your life because you are too retarded to take a loan and get an engineering degree.

Congrats bro! You are in a much better situation that me!

>> No.14607011

The most important thing is being personable.
You could be a savant and if you're annoying or difficult to deal with nobody will put up with you.

>> No.14607022

it isnt

>> No.14607034

Not many. Not even FAANGs. That's only really true for business schools, which wouldn't be here on /sci/.

>> No.14607097

I am a finance bro to be fair

>> No.14607181

>get a loan!
nice try, jew

>> No.14607238

There are no such companies, you get hired for your skills and experience, not for your alma matter.

>> No.14607242

For being a top finance bro, you need strong referrals, preferably from close friends or relatives, in fact that's what lands you in top unis in the first place.

>> No.14607243

d-do little ivies count

>> No.14607247

Read this

>> No.14607262

UT Austin?

Just as good of a school as Cornell if you want to do investment banking, consulting etc. they place really well

>> No.14607271

>you get hired for your skills and experience, not for your alma matter.
false, nepotism and bribery are more important to hiring than undemonstrated rumors of technical capability and easily purchased university certificates.

>> No.14607280

Georgia Tech is a better STEM school than the Ivies. All the ivies have is rich family networking and impressing rubes with the name on the diploma.

>> No.14607354

pls dont mention them, Im still getting over the trauma of being rejected

>> No.14607360

I might be able to list at least 50 American universities on top of my mind, but I've literally never heard of Dartmouth

>> No.14607371

Passion to do more can fire up or die at any time. Kiss my ass. Faggots.

>> No.14607374

Dartmouth is remotely located as a way to isolate the schoolchildren from bad influences and/or as a way of shunning the misbehaving children. Rich kids with drug abuse problems get sent there.

>> No.14607379

Idiot needs purpose. Then he can fly high. Otherwise, work, is fucking work. Not born to work. Rather die and enter a dimension that isn't suited for the devourment of my soul. Cya gremlins.

>> No.14607386

2 years to reorient myself since I hated my job. Working for a finance startup, life is better but it was not a magical fix.

Yea I know. UT was decent but the ego sort of me still likes the idea of ivy. It was an extra ~$50k or something to go to Cornell and school happens during the shorty cold months. I don’t think it would’ve made me a better person.

>> No.14608534

I'm from a European country where most of the popular universities are still in the top 100 best but there are either no or very light selection criterea. As long as you get good grades you will probably do well later in life. Feels good man.

>> No.14608567

Do they go to your Uni based on proximity and convenience because they need fresh blood or because they really think your Harvard history major is worthwhile? It makes a difference.

>> No.14608622
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>I've literally never heard of Dartmouth

>> No.14608635
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Lately, it has felt like even "Ivy" has fallen off. Seems like Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Stanford are the last and only schools that matter any more.

Also, Cornell. Jesus. Imagine getting your reputation so utterly cucked by some dumbass tv show that you now have to spam people's inboxes with bullshit ads for a Master's Degree in Middle Management program.

>> No.14608644

There is no ivy league university for my degree
technically I am already in the ivy league for my degree
yet they don't call it ivy league but elite university

And I'm not really that glad about it my previous uni was much nicer and accommodating to study at.
>LIterally hebrew script in the coat of arms
No thanks

>> No.14608756

>mottos in Latin and (((Hebrew)))
>no Greek
Not gonna make it.

>> No.14608761

I always knew Dartmouth was the least pozzed of the bunch.

>> No.14608803

I go to ColUMbia aka CUM university in the city of Jew York
I love it though

>> No.14609126

When I chose to go to Duke instead of Columbia because the cost of living was way lower, and later realized that regardless of it being ranked higher and being more selective than half the Ivies, no one outside academia gives a fuck and it's all about name recognition.

In which case, really only Harvard, Yale, Columbia, and Princeton are important. Stanford if you're on the West Coast or MIT too.

This means that if you're an American you're also probably better off with Oxford than Cambridge.

>> No.14609141

It can seem that way because so many fields have many of their big figures as folks who went to top 10 schools and then only taught at those schools.

However, it also seems like every field has a handful of top luminaries who went to some low reputation school and kept teaching at low reputation schools their entire career but nevertheless have risen to the top in esteem. And then for the big paradigm shifting folks it seems almost like a majority drift around and actually have shit reputation at times in their career, probably because they work on problems no one else thinks are important and are stubborn, and then they get rapidly lifted to luminarie status when their work is finally discovered. They may or may not be alive to enjoy this.

>> No.14609222

Why did you fail to get in?

>> No.14609233

Which country do you mean?

>> No.14609248 [DELETED] 

na shut the fuck up retard. most of the top 100 schools are located in the USA.

all the smart Europeans come to the US for university. you were just too retarded to get into a top school.

also, please learn proper English. you sound like never even graduated high school (secondary school)

>> No.14609262

na shut the fuck up retard. most of the top 100 schools are located in the USA.

all the smart Europeans come to the US for university. you were just too retarded to get into a top school.

also, please learn proper English. you sound like you never even graduated high school (secondary school)


>> No.14609875


>> No.14609919

This only applies to ambitionless faggots, not us anons. We want more than just the paper pusher faggot lifestyle. Ivy or not, our universities won't shackle us nor free us.

>> No.14609923

>all the smart Europeans come to the US for university. you were just too retarded to get into a top school.
Literally bullcrap unless they plan to stay in the US. Otherwise maybe as an exchange student but not to go in 500k debt kek.

>> No.14609953

Never, because I went to MIT

>> No.14609963
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MIT spends a lot of time on 4chan, MIT faculty and staff comes here seeking wisdom from me.

>> No.14609971
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it was for a phd. I am not sure why I got rejected. I talked afterwards with the professor whose lab I was super interested in joining, and who was also part of the admission committee, and he told me my experience was relevant, but they had too many strong candidates for just a few spots in his lab. I think I needed either more top publications than I already had (1) or recommendation letters from more reputable professors. The guy that got in this professor's lab didn't even had top publications according to his CV, but had rec letters from very renowned researchers. I had hopes of being admitted because they took a lot of time to announce my rejection, I only got it in mid may.

>> No.14610032

That sucks anon, I strongly question whether holding ref letters in such high regard is wise when it comes to such admissions
As someone who's looking to enroll a master's programme and maybe wants to later pursue PhD, are there any tips that you could give me on how to make myself a strong candidate for a PhD? (In CS if that's relevant)

>> No.14610085

not how it works. there's plenty of financial assistance available, and if you have the grades to get into a top school, you'll more than likely win a scholarship

I live near an Ivy League school and there are PLENTY of international students here.

>> No.14610091

This is retarded. You get interviewed for your resume and your CV.
That's when you start doing magic.

>> No.14610093

International wealthy students
>and if you have the grades to get into a top school
Shows how little you know about the topic, 4.0/4.0 GPA doesn't mean shit, having good grades is a baseline requirement to be even taken into consideration, think knowing English

>> No.14610103

Stanford is better than all those schools put together.
Harvard, Yale, Columbia, these are good for what? Humanities fags?

>> No.14610121

So when I make it on the next crypto run, I should be sure to get my retarded kids into Harvard so we can larp as old money?

>> No.14610135

Heh. I worked at a counter terrorism think tank. Academic research plus DoD and DHS contracts mostly.

They had a whole paper on various /pol/ boards across different chans. I wasn't involved though. But I recall and RA saying something to the effect of "maybe these are clever bots, because people can't actually be this dumb and repetitive..."

>Oh but they can be.

>> No.14610137

It's not. Got into Dartmouth and Princeton for grad school, went for the visit, realized they were both full of the worst kind of pretentious upper class cunts who will make it their mission in life to tear you down, panicked, found a comfy research school in the South. No regrets - I would have been fucking miserable at either of those places for 6-7 years.

>> No.14610140
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Reminder - the UN funded a million dollar study of 4chan that ended with most of the researchers unable to wrap their brains around basic concepts like flag memes and shitposting, and one of the researchers going full native and dumping his rare pepe collection in the appendices like a fucking sperg.

>> No.14610148

The Stanford compsci department recently announced that the popular social media website Gab needs to be shut down immediately, they published this comprehensive document detailing why, 13mb, slightly too fat for 4chan's upload limits.
Given that their document avoided peer review and the listed references include NPR, Twitter and Wikipedia, is it safe to say that the Stanford compsci department is not to be taken seriously on this issue?

>> No.14610152
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Papers coming out in 2022 still refer to/pol/ types as "the alt-right," lol.

Still, I think it's a phenomena worth studying. For one, a number of terrorists carrying out indiscriminate, mass fatality attacks, the type of attacks that used to be associated only with radical Islamist terrorism, have explicitly cited /pol/ as a key motivator/indoctrination point.

Second, propaganda outlets on both sides use the seedier, anonymous, internet cesspits that attract their hyper partisans to vet and pick off talking points and generate content. It's entirely not shocking that a Tucker writer got outted as a regular poster on an explicitly supremacist site with tons of /pol/ memes on it. There is a bidirectional flow of ideas there. Memes undergo natural selection and big mass media outlets pick up the ones that reproduce best, while also selecting for things that aren't too offensive or far from the truth.

I've also seen this shit rot people's brains. A guy I went to high school with was fairly nonpolitical and even leaned liberal. He worked on an ambulance and wanted a union. He went to Occupy Wall Street protests.

With the Trump fever explosion he went more and more down the rabbit hole, eventually using /pol/ as a main source of information on current events. He fulfilled his persecution conspiracies by showing Holocaust memes to the grandchildren of Holocaust survivors, who oppressed him, showing Black people are animals memes to someone on a circle of friends who had a half black sister, etc.

Having lost most of his friends he now has a life that fits the message of how he is oppressed. From what I understand now, he still lives with his parents in his 30s and spends all his income on his "Boog loudout." Pretty sad, almost as bad as the people I've seen in heroin.

>> No.14610159

What pisses me off is I had to learn fucking Arabic to do this sort of bullshit and you had to get accepted into a lot of the old forums and make a cover. Now new kids get to do their work in English.

>> No.14610160

Which minority group do you belong to?

>> No.14610171

Something cool

>> No.14610177


>> No.14610179

>That's so tragic. The fate of genius in this world is to be a fucking hedgie.

gonna hazard a guess that if you're using the word 'hedgie', you probably don't really have any problem with the capitalist incentive systems that lead MIT kids to finance instead of labs

>> No.14610183

7/8 people in that picture are (apparently) jews, but 8/8 are white. but you're never going to see /pol/tards getting angry about the latter even though it fits the data even better

>> No.14610185

go back to >>>/reddit/

>> No.14610200

hey, my year! what was his name, I probably know him

>> No.14610215

This is ironic since I am an archoldfag /b/tard who first saw /b/ in 2003 or 2004, while I have never had a Reddit account. The obsession with Reddit and /pol/ leaking into every board didn't really get started until everyone's favorite reality TV star, an obese old Boomer, somehow became the avatar of righteousness and strength to millions.

>> No.14610219
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/pol/ is so flooded with glowniggers and their useful idiot stooges these days that there is practically no "alt-right" content or sentiment left on the board at all. those who were key in the events that took place on /pol/ 7 years ago have long since moved on.
it was 7 years ago practically to the day that /pol/ decided to start spamming public internet polls on local tv stations in early primary states in order to create the illusion of a groundswell of broad public support for President Trump over Jeb! and the rest of the GOP primary challenges. Trump was a dark horse candidate at that time, but his repeated victories in these unofficial contents and his strong debate performances translated to excellent showings in early primaries and the eventual elimination of all rivals.

>> No.14610229

I know a nigga (literal black person) who went to Dartmouth for ug, ended up in a relationship with a multimillionaire trust fund woman. Perhaps it’s not such a bad option if you are 6’2, black, and semi muscular.

>> No.14610258

Got accepted at Yale, from a lower-class White family - the thing I remember most about the graduate student visit was that fucking everyone pretty much did whatever they could to make me feel unwelcome once I let it slip that I wasn't from money. The other students from my group actively avoided me at the hotel (including collectively leaving the dining area when I walked in for breakfast the morning of the tour), the grad students we talked to dismissed my questions, and even the faculty who we were introduced to snubbed me.

If you're in the rich boy club or you're a minority they can pander to for good boy points on social media I'm sure they roll out the red carpet - but if you come from a blue collar family you're treated like a fucking untouchable caste, like accepting you was a fucking clerical error or something and they've just realized their 'horrifying' mistake.

>> No.14610263

Stanford, MIT, and Cal Tech aren't IVY LEAGUE

>> No.14610437

Stanford, MIT, Cal, and some others (Chicago, Duke, Johns Hopkins, Cornell) are better known and ranked than half the Ivys. Really only Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Columbia have the super prestige, and Harvard and Yale more than the others.

>> No.14610455
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>> No.14610462

Good post. The University controls the thoughts of the world. They select heads of state, they select think tank members, they select politicians at nearly every level. They define truth. They are Science. Their members end up appointing people to anything you can think of. Your proposal to merge your business with another? Blocked by the government, unless of course you can convince a graduated member from the University that it's for the best. Writing a news article? Guess who hired your editor. That's right, the boss, who is from the University. The CEO? University. The President of your nation? University. The body of laws of your country, which defines which actions you are allowed to take? You guessed it. It comes from legal experts, who are from the University. Low IQ individuals may not understand The University. That's fine. Just know that there is a reason why the Ivy League schools have so much influence. That's what the University is. They set themselves up to control all culture and information. You've been under their power since your first waking moments. It starts long before baby's first classroom.

>> No.14610466

/pol/tard logic:
8/8 whites running shit: based, proper meritocracy
7/8 jews running shit: evil conspiracy

look in the mirror and recognize that you are literally as far from a master race as a human can be

>> No.14610471

>muh meritocracy
I support my own interests. Jews support their own interests which are in contrast with mine.
My interests are best served when Jewish power is minimized and White power is maximized. You oppose this because you are not White and thus this is not in accordance with your interests.
Minorities rely on the majority believing in equity to keep themselves alive.

>> No.14610503

at the very least, I can give you a little credit for being completely truthful in identifying as a braindead tribal moron.

other folks really feel a need to intellectualize it and write long-ass books, cite bad science, measure shapes of skulls, etc. but you're completely honest that you're just an ape trying to keep the other bands of apes out of your banana tree. gotta respect a candid person

>> No.14610506

Bear in mind that if you have a master's, more achievements will be expected of you probably because you would have had extra time. I was also in CS, in AI to be more precise. I was told that for top AI programs in the US, a top publication is basically a requirement to even be considered (don't know if that's the case for all CS fields). Some professors told me the recommendation letters are the most impacting factor. Many are waving GRE, so I guess you shouldn't focus on that. I guess the most useful advice would be trying to do meaningful research projects with as many highly renowned faculty as possible during your undergrad or masters, preferably resulting in 1st author top publications, so that they would give you great recommendations. You can try to do summer research internships with professors at other universities as well, if you fail to find ideal professors at your university. You should also deeply research faculty and labs you would want to work with during your PhD, and try to contact them (you need to google tips on how to contact them). They rarely answer though. The safest way to get to them is if you happen to know a professor who's had contact with them, or even better, recommended students to their departments. If they trust someone who knows you and can attest to your competence in any way, you are way more likely to get an answer from them. And if the professor at your target program mentions your name to the admission committee, your chances increase a lot. I failed at GTech, but I still managed to get into a decent program because my Master's supervisor had recommended previous students to their department and knew a professor there who recommended me to the committee.

>> No.14610535

Whites - 60% of population
Jews - 1% of population
If tomorrow morning you woke up and the overwhelming majority of the western world's CEOs, bankers, lawmakers, media personalities, journalists, etc. were all native American you'd be well within your rights to wonder why they control such a disproportionate amount of political, social, and economic power.

>> No.14610548

>There are companies that only hire from Target universities.
Can you give an example?

>> No.14610628
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Go back to some Tic-Tac-Toe server where you can only communicate to the other player by using a "Smiley Face" or "Sad Face" in the chat.

>> No.14610639
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The unironic jews that post on /pol/ openly talk about their shenanigans.
Some of them say "Yeah, it's kind of fucked up what those jews are doing.",
some of them say "Yeah, we're honestly just going to continue jewing, because that's literally what we do."

But you're not completely wrong about it's not 100% jews to blame. But overall, the people in Sandland are doing quite a bit of damage not only to the West, but the whole world(including themselves...).

>> No.14610829

>are considered to be prestigious
> only 1 of them is in the top 10 unis in the world
even if the ivy league ever was worth anything, right now it is only an overpriced joke

>> No.14610843

>But you're not completely wrong about it's not 100% jews to blame
White Americans are to blame for their lack of self-preservation instinct.

>> No.14610898

Getting into ivy league is literally meaningless beyond social brownie points. You receive the same level of education in your least popular state school's physics 101 course that you do in Harvard.

>> No.14611338
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im never going to college again, I will be self taught and do everything on my own.

>> No.14611559
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>went to state school and graduated without debt
>Asked around my department and got a fully funded masters without even needing to take the GRE
You guys are missing out

>> No.14611592

I got into university of Florida for a CS PhD and got it pushed back to fall 23. Would it be worth it to apply to other schools again if I already got rejected? (Thinking Stanford, UW, or UTAustin)

>> No.14611704

nigga, everyone who knows Oxford also knows Cambridge

>> No.14611756

you do realize that most, if not all of the ivys have guaranteed need-based financial aid? I also graduated without debt

>> No.14611809

Lmao nobody cares about any of these prestige-wise except Oxford and Cambridge. Dartmouth is ranked like 250 in the world but opens 1000s more doors than those Oxbridge reject unis with 70% acceptance rates

>> No.14611825

>2 mediocre London universities (see their alumni lists to see how few achievements they have) with 50% Chinese students in top 10
It is almost as if they know how to game the ranking criteria!

>> No.14611831

>went to state school and never graduated
>got hired to work on a government research program as a sophomore
the work hours conflicted with class schedules too much, i tried to apply for a degree on the basis of demonstrated ability via publishing original research but they shot me down.
t. i publish academic research with only a high school diploma

>> No.14611837

And if you don't believe me look at what % of front office investment banking and law hires are Oxbridge vs Everywhere else (tip: it's over 70%).

>> No.14611856

Went to Yale for graduate school. Dogshit school.

>> No.14611869

What's your take on ETH/EPFL?

>> No.14611874

Perform exceptionally well in University and get scholarships with networks to them.
That or come from a rich family.

>> No.14611894

When I didn't get into one :(

>> No.14611899


The truth lies between the two of these, with exceptions to the rule :^)

>> No.14611984

>Jewish people claiming to be white

How does this contradict anything?

>> No.14612060

It doesn't matter what I think
German-speaking native: interview
Non-German-speaking native: Oxbridge reject with rich parents = no interview

>> No.14612070

You probably just smelled like shit.

>> No.14612078

t. Literally never seen finance positions that famously only hire from the famous 10 American, 3+1 British (Oxbridge, LSE, London Business School), "2" French (Ecole Paris, INSEAD), 1 Spanish (ESADE), 1 Italian (Bocconi) universities
and auto-reject everywhere else.

kek so naive.

>> No.14612084

What do you mean?

>> No.14612161

Rich kids on a party in Zurich

>> No.14612257


>> No.14612436

Please post again when you sober up, I actually am interested in how these two unis are perceived

>> No.14612502

>I love CUM
Could have fooled me

>> No.14612517

>LIterally hebrew script in the coat of arms
From back in the day when their primary purpose was to train protestant ministers.

>> No.14612530

I thought that may have applied for undergraduates, but not graduate students. But my graduate work was at Cornell, which also houses the Ag school (good orchard and dairy), and I only did a postdoc at Yale.

>> No.14612535

erm, Cornell _is_ an Ivy. At least the part that isn't the Ag school.

>> No.14612594

I think that Anon meant, that they are prestigious if you are Swiss, but not if you are a foreigner. Not sure about French-speaking Swiss at EFPL.

>> No.14612735

No you didn't.

>> No.14612782

>no MIT
>no U of Chicago
>no Stanford

>> No.14612792

If your uni literally determines your job opportunities, I need a good explanation why they look at your uni and not just at ivy league. Good luck.

>> No.14612793

>your resume and your CV.
Not even that. They go straight to nepotism or some recommendation.

>> No.14612798

ITT: NEETs and retards who went to mediocre state schools try to cope with the fact that they never went to a top school

>> No.14612811

Important for what?
I went to a shitty state school that the pseudo-elitists on /sci/ would relentlessly mock for not being high status enough and now I make over 100K and live extremely comfy.

>> No.14612813

3 harvard bois flunked out of my state university's grad program because they couldn't do math

>> No.14612880

And they still get more interesting and better paid jobs as a function of going to Harvard kek

>> No.14612910

they were all arabs from rich families, i'm sure they got paid plenty for their contributions to the continued remission of muslim scientific dominance.

>> No.14613220

for grad or undergrad

>> No.14613559

Undergrad when the acceptance rates are almost zero. Masters is just pay to play. PhD is a mixed bag but the supervisor is more important than the brand desu as some are chads with contacts ranging from hedge funds to government high security work

>> No.14615966

Realistically how much does university prestige matter for a postgraduate student considering that they don't want to pursue research but want to become a corporate slave but with better wages.

Just rejected a T50 university for a T200 uni because I couldn't afford the former.

>> No.14616002
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When I didn't get into one. I had a 36 act, national merit scholar, straight 4.0 unweighted gpa, sports, etc.
I didn't get into any ivy or ivy tier. At least I go to a tier 2 school that's the best in my shitty state.

From then on though, my life has just gotten worse. Maybe not as a 100% direct result of this, but I think my life could have had a completely different trajectory had I been admitted.

>> No.14616007

MIT has become a woke trash can, yes they still lead in many areas but their selection process is basically picking negros, homos, and women. Go to their facebook page and look by yourselves, they basically said that giving opportunities to the most deprived/oppressed groups is the education of the future and that if you're white or east asian go fuck yourself. I tried to get in back in 2017, but apparently my video essay wasn't good enough. Thankfully i got into Caltech and i think it was for the best.

>> No.14616034

lmao you're retarded. 40-50% of the undergrad pop is asian and 30-40% is white.
stay mad craptech

>> No.14617619
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>tfw finish undergrad with a 2.6 and spent most of the last four years on IRAD
We're all gonna make it.

>> No.14619505
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bro doesn't even know what "nepotism" or "per capita" means

>> No.14619507

literally every group functions that way lmao. deciding to "not play the game" is how your group gets devoured. I'm sure being an enlightened individualist would save you if you were the only white person in a detroit ghetto, or zimbabwe where they literally boil white farmers alive though, right? absolute fucking retard.

>> No.14619513

When all the cheapass schoolteachers know about teaching is assigning homework aka. "Googleit" before they go back to sleep. Quality shit guys there's reputation for a reason

>> No.14620288

The true irony is that individualism requires an almost autistic neutrality towards other humans inside a society.

Yet reality indicates that the exact opposite is true.

>In-group preference is natural

>Higly beneficial to the members of the group?

Therefore beeing a genuine individualist is sign of

>Midwit IQ
>High naivety
>Low critical thinking

Whereas beeing a disingenuous individualist (ie. encouraging others groups to lower their in-group preference while keeping in group preference high among ypur own) is a sign of

>crooked nose
>low likelihood of possessing an intact penis
>high likelihood of schizophrenia

>> No.14620518

These institutions that you think are nepotistically favoring Jews had quotas that literally banned us from them only eighty years ago. Feynman couldn't go to Princeton because they had already hit their Jew quota. Einstein was passed up for jobs and had his work ignored by countless physicists for the same reason. Tribal morons literally slowed down the progress of science because they had a hate boner for Jews.

For thousands of years we were persona non grata in almost all Christian-dominated academic spheres because of some bullshit story about how we killed an itinerant Jew in the middle east. But sure, cherry pick the handful of cases where the larger trend line doesn't fit - all from the United States and all from recent history.

>> No.14621258
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>because of some bullshit story about how we killed an itinerant Jew in the middle east
that's why all the times you were expelled from nations throughout history it was purely on a religious basis, right? even though they had previously accepted you and given you guys high status jobs in finance due to usury being illegal for Christians to practice? it had nothing to do with your collective behavior, I'm sure.

also yeah in less than a century you guys have justified the previous banning of your kind with your own rabid, anti white hate propaganda which you spew all over the place on a daily basis. good job proving those institutions right I guess lol. you people are fucking vile.

>> No.14621489

Had the grades and SAT to do Ivy league, but it would've costed approximately 5x more than the state university, so I didn't even apply

>> No.14621929

>scroll down all the way to the bottom
>three comments about jews
what the fuck

>> No.14621935
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i regret falling for the ranking meme when my school isn't even top 20
It literally does not matter if your school isn't name recognized