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14601592 No.14601592 [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize covid isn't like the flu, it literally IS the flu?

>> No.14601600

When it was said to cause every symptom of the flu?
Flu is a disease, corona is a virus along with millions of other viruses that cause the flu

>> No.14601949
File: 269 KB, 1033x755, covid-pcr-flu-covid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suspicions arouse after academic literature reported high false positive and false negative rates on the testkits through bayes.

operating as tentative assumption began when superimposing flu data and covid data revealed no excess, just like one would expect if test kits were catching flu

bets placed on assumption after pic related

>> No.14601992

When I caught it and all I did just was sleep for two days and was fine

>> No.14601994


>> No.14602180

flu rapes you for 2 weeks at least

>> No.14602200

literally day one

>> No.14602206

The influenza disease is caused by influenza virus. However there is no covid, people had the flu.

>> No.14602308

I've always had a strong immune system. Flu's rarely take me out longer than a few days

>> No.14602313

if covid anything worse than a flu for you it probably means you're a fat slob and or smoke. reality. sorry.

>> No.14602317

Good thing I only smoke

>> No.14602320
File: 35 KB, 465x659, coronu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rip lungs

>> No.14602323

Yeah I'll quite sooner or later

>> No.14602328
File: 728 KB, 1483x1500, corona_chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's too late. everyones mental health is ruined permanently due to endless lockdowns, masks and catching coldvid 3 times a year. 2 years later and i still haven't got it (or if i did i didn't notice)

>> No.14602339

Lockdown has been some of the best times I've had. Local friends still hung out with me and all the friends who've moved elsewhere were always on to play games together

>> No.14602345


>> No.14602346
File: 43 KB, 797x1024, corona2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i guess i should be glad i dont have to go out now but at the same time i hate knowing the world will never be the same

>> No.14602667

Ah yes, a sample of one. We did it, boys! Time to close up shop and go home cuz this one is solved!

>> No.14602768

it isn't it. i had the flu, and covid, and i did not experience the phantosmia and altered sense of taste and smell with the flu like i did with covid. also got reinfected with covid three times while only had the flu few times in my life because i am vaccinated for the flu, not covid. i absolutely believe that covid was a bioweapon.

>> No.14602786
File: 89 KB, 780x734, troll-face-clipart-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>develops mild-strong respiratory illness that wrecks more secondary senses like taste and smell
>also comes after old and fat people first to cleanse some gov over strain of trillionaire debts
>develops vaccine to profit billions off the scared and helpless cattle
>years later...
>bioengineers hyperstrong brain eating disease that comes not only after secondary and primary senses but your humanity and agency

that's how i think it'll roll from now on, they're just testing resistance while cleansing those who no longer serve as a slave for them while profiting off the 'cure'

>> No.14602788

? Flu is literally *defined* to be caused by influenza.

Covid is caused by SARS COV 2, a coronavirus.

Covid =/= flu

>> No.14602802

I haven't realized yet, flu and corona viruses have a different structure. I don't see why everyone would suddenly decide to pretend that a flu virus is a corona virus.

>> No.14602803


>> No.14603408

My dad died from Covid. He didn't die of the flu.

>> No.14603438
File: 678 KB, 1245x828, dsc_7787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

co??d is co?d
only now we have some better name for it, because it isn't cold causing the disease.
But then walking out of bathroom and sitting wet on cold air can damage your health too, yet it is to be further researched, or maybe it is researched already and has to be found in the literature.

>> No.14603442

How do you know that he didn't die of maltreatment?

>> No.14603457 [DELETED] 

White people worship niggers and are puppets of their government. I do not respect white people as they are coward scums and also covid was faked by them

>> No.14605084

Thanks Rajesh

>> No.14607474

From the beginning. Its been compared to SARS, it was called a fucking cold, in addition to number of other things.

>> No.14607514
File: 84 KB, 720x682, Amish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When did you realize covid isn't like the flu, it literally IS the flu?
May 2020

>> No.14607538

>it literally IS the flu
this isn't reassuring. the flu in middle school was the worst i ever felt and i'm afraid of throwing up