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14600992 No.14600992 [Reply] [Original]

When I look at my grandmother's recipes and how my grandparents cooked, it's filled with large doses of butter, saturated fatty acids, beer/wine, cold cuts, eggs, etc.
And yet they never had any heart problems/obesity
Can you explain it to me?

>> No.14600996

Before the ketofags arrive: they also cook with sunflower oil

>> No.14601026

no flour or sugar? no crickets?

>> No.14601033


>> No.14601039

>very few cars. want to move? use your muscles
>no electric house appliances. want a clean house? use your muscles
>no fridge meant doing groceries every couple of days by foot
>no empty calories, far less processed food
People don't realize how lazy we've become.

>> No.14602228

>A number of clinical and experimental studies indicate that strong emotions, especially negative emotions, such as hostility, anger, depression and anxiety, precipitate coronary heart disease (2,3).
Society is a toilet

>> No.14602237

Because they had each other and kids.
Hardest thing on the heart is destruction of the nuclear family.

>> No.14602244

>empty calories
The rest of your post is fine, but this phrase is meaningless

>> No.14602279
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Also just less food in general. Most people didn't have big feasts. They had lots of kids to feed and very little wealth to do it with. When the family had porkchop night, you got ONE porkchop. And if you didn't like a meal, guess what? You either forced yourself to eat it or went hungry that night. And much of the food back then was really, really bad. Think seafood aspic level bad.

>> No.14602949
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just makes it easier to stand above the rest of the crowd. moderate exercise and a healthy diet makes u gigachad in a world filled with soibois

>> No.14602976

Eastern Gyro?

>> No.14602978

They had no Nestlé, Unilever, Coca Cola, .... making people addicted with sugar.

>> No.14602981

How fucking old are your grandparents for them to not have been surrounded by those things?

>> No.14602990

Learning how to cook, and avoiding processed food will give you a healthier live anyway. You do not have to follow any trends. Once you are no longer addicted to sugar/fat/salt overfilled processed food, your body will tell you what you need. And everybody needs a different diet.

>> No.14602991

because fatty food are high in calories so you eat less. they were also likely to eat once or twice a day.

>> No.14602993

Grandparents birn in the 30s. Most processed food was expensive af back then, compared to today.

>> No.14603001

Those brands were still around though. They just weren't riddled with HFCS yet.

>> No.14603013
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Science has actually now found the most healthy food. So its just to Trust the science and follow the advice.


>> No.14603017

Due to some grand(((conspiracy))) or just an accident of modern agriculture all of our food is less nutritious. I don't mean we eat less nutritious foods, I mean the way we fertilize, feed, breed, and engineer our food prioritizes macronutrient and neglects micronutrients. As a result, not only do you crave more food to try and make up for the deficit, but you are also less able to make use of those calories. Also stuff like sugar, activity level, and the fact that saturated fats aren't actually bad for you plays a role, but seriously half the people in the developed world are magnesium deficent and your body uses it for pretty much everything.

>> No.14603044

My grandparents ate similarly. My grandma was obese with heart problems and my grandpa had a ruined colon. I'd say yours had other factors in their life, or they had good genes+luck