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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14598154 No.14598154 [Reply] [Original]

Friendly reminder: over 50% of what kids are taught in "science" classes is nigger government schools is not science at all, some examples:
>big bang
>critical race theory

>> No.14598167

you seem to have found the wrong board friend!, try /pol/

>> No.14598170
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Back to plebbit midwit soientist.

>> No.14598208

Imagine getting so asshurt at /sci/ existing that you stay up until 1AM to avoid the mods who deleted your last thousand threads

Now pay your taxes, my grants are funded by them :3

>> No.14598227

>no arguments
I accept your concessions

>> No.14598275

>Big Bang
Due to the absence of concrete data markers from that era, the Big Bang hypothesis should not be taught as fact. Framing it as "The most likely event according to our understanding" would be more prudent.
Can you name a different (not even better, just different will do) answer WITHOUT citing a religious text? Try it. You cannot.
What stops small changes from accumulating over time? What stops the death of organisms that don't fit their environment from making this process happen en masse in a species?
This. Fuck trannies.
Correct again. While Phrenology proved to be of little to no merit, the presence of biologically different races (and I'd argue subspecies even in some cases) is undeniable, unless you're blind.

2 for 5, 40%. 2.5 if I'm being nice (I am). So you're half right
Yeah that just comes off as needlessly smug. Not knockin ya for it tho. It's an anonymous forum after all. What field do you work in, fren?

>> No.14598294
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When you make big claims like man being an evolved monkey, you better have solid proof, not abstraction and garbage like "monkeys becoming humans takes millions of years".

>> No.14598317

No thanks glowie.

>> No.14598319

The Twin Paradox is horseshit.

>Your twin ages slower because he moves at the speed of light
I cant believe people are this retarded, it's a theory about perspective not actual physical changes.
it's literally
>if a man is far away he becomes the size of an ant
Just because our perspective makes a person seem relatively smaller doesnt make them smaller, same with the aging.
They arent younger after a trip, they are the same age, but during the trip we cannot observe any aging because the light doesnt reach us at the normal speed it would at a shorter distance and speed.

I fucking hate how retarded you have to be to believe this bullshit

>> No.14598327

>big bang
Something from nothing is logical, magic sky daddy is illogical because...?
People seem to forget you can infer a lot from observations and even be wrong in your explanation, doesnt mean your conclusion is false.
The Big Bang doesnt do anything against God's existence.
This is literally what happened.
We consist of a ton of non-living elements and chemicals and eventually became what we are.
Again doesnt undo God's existence
Same story, could just be God
A developmental disorder and Birth defect, there are many reasons for this illness
>critical race theory
A Marxist tool to create Chaos by weaponizing grievance.
There's a video on youtube with audio of Bertrand Russell explaining how much of a piece of Crap Lenin was.

>> No.14598331

>Can you name a different (not even better, just different will do) answer WITHOUT citing a religious text? Try it. You cannot.
Abiogensis is a religious belief taken on blind faith, hypocrite

>> No.14598334
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>Something from nothing is logical

>> No.14598355

There are no arguments to make. OPs post is a vacuous statement and therefore not an argument.

>> No.14598357
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Theories are not reality, they are science fiction, midwit soientist.

>> No.14598368

>Something from nothing is logical, magic sky daddy is illogical because...?

>> No.14598373

> :3
am I wrong to think most low iq basedience worshippers couldnt touch me despite me not having a degree in anything in college?
Why are colleges full of low IQ dummies?
I thought our best and brightest were supposed to go there?
Maybe thats why autists are the Deadliest mass shooters these days, we switched from giving them a purpose to vilifying them.

>> No.14598427

>Despite me not having a degree
Unrelated but some of the subjects still have a fair bit of rigor in and of themselves (not the way a lot of current year schools teach them). I'd recommend looking into learning about a real STEM field or two (Free stuff online obviously, fuck paying for a college degree that is frivolous these days). You'll either get good at math or give up real quick.
Worth a shot, you might find something you really like.

>> No.14598436

Oh I know, there are hard workers and intelligent people at college but the rate of idiots is just TOO DAMN HIGH! (epic ancient meme reference)

Am I wrong to assume there is a Marxist influence in Colleges trying to dumb down the country?