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14597185 No.14597185 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't we clone humans? I want to clone humans.
Is it all because of religious superstition and ignorant scaremongering? Will we able to clone now that the influence of religion is waning in the west?
I want to clone myself.
It's like a better version of mind uploading, you're literally seeing a copy of yourself, who's like you in every single way except experiences. Watching identical twins interact amazes me. They're basically the same person, and they recognize that in each other. Imagine having such a strong personal connection. They basically know everything about you, because they are you. You can help them by telling what you learned from your experience, and you know he will understand and vice versa.
I wouldn't mind dying if I knew I had a clone of myself growing up to whom I've imparted my own personal knowledge about myself and general advice.

>> No.14597768

Most people would tell you it's unethical because they find it creepy or unnatural or because they are religious, but I'm sure someone has valid arguments against it.
Suppose cloning becomes legal in the West. How do we regulate it? Is everyone allowed to make as many clones as they want, just by paying? Are people cloned selectively by the government? Can people with illnesses clone themselves?

>> No.14597811

i dont think cloning yourself to have a copy of yourself is a very good idea

being born in a different time, situation, country, house hold etc and not technically having a mother and father would make things quite different as a start

humans arent built in a day

>> No.14597927

We can and they do. How do you think Hillary Clinton is still around?? Clones.

>> No.14598725

they can't even design emergency vaccines without royally fucking up and giving the initial skeptics plethora of arguments to broaden their arguments instead of making them question their vicious convictions of of ragingly ibvious incompetence allover their pretentious and pathetically self-righteous scientific field of knowledge

>> No.14598726

This was a bad post

>> No.14598755

>Suppose cloning becomes legal in the West. How do we regulate it?
Why should you? Just regard clones as regular humans and apply the same laws.
>Is everyone allowed to make as many clones as they want, just by paying
Yes, the process should work the same as adoption.
>Are people cloned selectively by the government?
>Can people with illnesses clone themselves?
Of course.
I've seen stories of identical twins growing up apart, in totally different households and isolated from each other until adulthood. Then when they finally meet, they're still more similar than anyone they know, essentially almost the same person.
A person is basically his DNA. That's the truth.

>> No.14599109

i agree with you
i would love to clone myself
it's like having children but you know for sure that you will perfectly get along with your child throughout your entire life
hilbert had a son and surprise surprise, he was retarded. this was greatly disappointing to him, don't you think that it would have been better for him to get a clone?

getting a clone would be no different from adopting a baby or doing in vitro fertilisation, i don't see the moral issue

>> No.14599119


>> No.14599137

Your clone will never be like you. They will grow up in a completely different era, interact with different people, have different friends. All these things shape who you are.

>> No.14599140 [DELETED] 

>complains about religion and superstition
>starts another neo-religious pop-soi cult thread
>engages in the mind-bogglingly stupid magical thinking that mind upload/cloning/other cope will somehow save him from dying just like everything else

>> No.14599385


>> No.14599477

We should start a cloning advocacy group.

>> No.14599798

Politicians know very well that nobody would ever want to clone them since they provide zero value. Einstein, Mozart, Euler, now we are talking. And that is dismissed as elitistic.
Crabs in a bucket, essentially.
Of course China will see things differently.

>> No.14599830

clone's only share your body/genetics, which would influence thinking patters and personality in a similar vein to yours, but otherwise they are absolutely completely different people, even if they were born and raised alongside you as similarly as possible.

>> No.14599911

it's not unethical because it's creepy or because i'm religious

it's unethical because i don't trust google or amazon with that kind of power over humanity

>> No.14599921

i still enjoyed it

>> No.14599938

they would still be veeery similar
the architecture of your brain is laid out in the moment of conception

i am 100% sure that my key personality traits have been with me since my early childhood. source: memories

moreover, child indoctrination is a thing.

>> No.14599940

it locks in for good somewhere in the mid-20s

>> No.14599942

serious questions guys:

would you fuck your own clone?

>> No.14599949

depends on if that counts as incest or masturbation

>> No.14600040

In the ass no, but I would play with and masturbate each other.

>> No.14600043

>yes, the process should work the same as adoption
But that's not how adoption works, you have to prove you're a stable caretaker and everything

>> No.14600047

Slavery is illegal, Anon.

>> No.14600050

Who's talking about slavery? I would simply be a parent to my child with the same genes as myself.

>> No.14600054

>you have to prove you're a stable caretaker and everything
Seems like a reasonable requirement you'd need to meet before being allowed to clone yourself.

>> No.14600098

>clone yourself 20 times per year
>harvest the fetuses of yourself for stem cells
>jab the stem cells every day
>get stemmaxxed
>live forever

>> No.14600299
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>Why can't we clone humans? I want to clone humans.
You can clone humans. Have lots and lots of sex with different women and eventually by random chance you'll produce the same combination of alleles in an offspring twice with the same woman.

>> No.14601214

>A person is basically his DNA. That's the truth.

>> No.14601265

That's only 1 or the 3 parts. Another is the environment.
I'll let you guess the 3rd.

>> No.14601627

>A person is basically his DNA. That's the truth.
then why are twins often completely different people, retard

>> No.14601686

>then why are twins often completely different people
Legally they're different people, but psychologically they're pretty much the same person.

>> No.14601703
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>Why can't we clone humans?
>I want to clone humans.
you lack the necessary education to complete the task, this isn't hard to understand. you haven't bothered to learn the skills and information necessary to do what you want to do, thats why you can't do it. you're lazy, demanding and impatient like a baby.

>> No.14601707

Science fiction often deals with the complications of cloning oneself in a thought provoking way.
Identical twins will not grow up to be the same given differences in their environments and situations.
Who knows if your clone will even be compatible with yourself.

>> No.14601713

>Science fiction often deals with the complications of cloning oneself in a thought provoking way.
don't abuse your brain like that

>> No.14601715

This method won't work without immortality and an artificially strengthened penis.

>> No.14601858

You severely underestimate the role of genetics.

>> No.14601965

why wouldn't it work?

>> No.14601980

Theres no proof no reason to believe the human brain ever "locks in" anymore than you stop growing because your limbs don't grow inifintely.

>> No.14602662

when you're 25 or older you'll understand

>> No.14602670

>bro youre too young to understand youll get it
>what? Your older than me? Youre just a manchild/etc so your opinion is invalid

>> No.14602673

around 25 is actually the time when the brain locks in, so you'll have personal experience with it then, or at around 30 in retrospect

>> No.14602684

I just said, the brain doesn't "lock in" and this is pseud nonsense. The whole brain finishes growing at 25 is non-sense and just an ingrained popsci myth that fits neatly in to cultural aging norms.
It's the 2010s/2020 version of bro you only use 10% of your brain!

>> No.14602687

you'll see what i meant when i got older anon, good luck and have fun with your youth

>> No.14603574

I'm 36

>> No.14603607

I'd love to clone a gf just as much as the next guy but even if we are able to do it theoretically it's just not really efficient. From what we know about cloning of monkeys and cows we'd need a shit ton of fertalized eggs. From what I remember it took about 2000/2100 to make 1 monkey clone. Then you'd need to grow it for which we'd need either an artificial womb, which we don't have yet, or a someone to carry the clone which might be hard to convince someone to do it. You could pay some woman from a poor country but that is not viable on industrial scale.

Then you'd still need to wait the normal amount of time for the clone to grow up since we are not able to reliably speed up growth without messing up processes relating to cell division. Waiting for 18 years just to have an adult clone is not really worth it since it took all that initial investment of making it as well. Making children naturally is just more time and cost efficient and so it's not worth getting in the ethical and legal mess that might arise. Not yet at least

>> No.14603621

merely bad articulation
atrocious in fact yet truth nonetheless

>> No.14603648

So what is the reason why it suddenly becomes much harder to learn a new language?

>> No.14603673

Because youve spent years speaking 1 language. Learning a new language is not easier for 16yos than 25yos, or people exposed to multiple languages since birth (Non-Americans). Exposure time and intentional learning is all that matters, like everything else. It's not even easier for babies by much, they just have literally fresh neurons being exposed to these symbols 247. Feral children lose the ability to learn any language at all by like 10-12.

>> No.14603824

>Is it all because of religious superstition and ignorant scaremongering?
Yes. The Chinese have no such qualms. They're trying to make genetically engineered supersoldiers and superscientists, whereas the STEM departments in the United States are too busy trying to placate troons and niggers.

>> No.14603881

We can, it's been done with other equivalently complex animals. If we set aside different society's religious, social, and legal justifications for not having human cloning, in a purely pragmatic sense there are at least two issues.
First, with current technology cloning is radically less efficient than simply reproducing via having segs. Humans are already biologically equipped with a fairly reliable method to manufacture new humans which requires no specialist technology of any kind to succeed well over 50% of the time.
Second, if cloning were to become the norm populations would be much more vulnerable to disease and over the course of many hundreds of generations their ability to adapt to their environment through mutations would be greatly reduced. To reproduce via cloning at the large scale would introduce totally novel failure modes for our species which didn't previously exist.

>> No.14604247

it's actually a lot easier for kids to learn a language though, look it up, this isn't exactly a secret

>> No.14604257

this would be nice lol
i would die content if i had a clone with the exact same memory and thought process as me

>> No.14604275
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you have an inferiority complex because your little sissy cuntry is smaller and weaker than glorious USA. there is no good reason for anyone to be interested in learning your native language, your little sissy cuntry has nothing to offer, thats why everyone in your cuntry learns to speak American english and no Americans bother with learning your soon-to-be extinct foreign pissantmumble.
if your own native retard lingo was of any worth then you wouldn't be spending your time on American english language websites, your sissy little cuntry would've developed it's own online culture. it didn't, instead all of your fellow native speakers prefer American english language sites, your fellow losers all self identify as being too boring to be worth paying attention to and they focus on American media instead.

>> No.14604286

We can, it's illegal. In 2018 I was with a tall Mantis being and benevolent Reptilians. They took me to a massive laboratory inside a cave-like structure. There were thousands of incubators with hybrids in them. The Mantis told me 'they" were the "keepers of the universe." They have blueprints and DNA for every species on our planet. They populate planets (they find habitable planets and have a thing where they zoom in or blow up DNA where they can rearrange it where it can survive on said planet) with life-forms throughout the universe. They said they were proficient at genetically modifying humans.

>> No.14604300 [DELETED] 
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I wish to clone myself but replace the y chromosome with a donor x, then have sex with my loli clone. What would the consanguinity of any resulting offspring be?

Also presuming the Christian god impregnated his mother to create himself, what is the consanguinity of Jesus?

>> No.14604667

>the architecture of your brain is laid out in the moment of conception
do genetic determinists really

>> No.14604814

Again, this is because of exposure time and less pruned neurons. The children you mention are just that, children. Not under 25s.
I'm American you dipship. Super retarded post btw.

>> No.14604825

this is from a book

>> No.14604829
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It's called the bible.

>> No.14604844
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>I want to clone myself.
I want to close myself as a child of mine. I would remove the gene of lazy ass and add some longevity genes. I think we just should implement some political demand to be allowed opening such clinics. I heard that cloning consists of somewhat 200 copies of which many are damaged, but it was a journalist hear-say, I would like to hear somebody knowing why they consider it a contraversial technique. Knowing how those retarded politicians think, I suspect they were affraid of somebody making copies of them and thus substituting them. Maybe nobody explained to them that it's impossible, because the age difference will be aparent, but them maybe they already know of cellular rejuvenation techniques and think with that perspective. But then they just have to take care of preventing such crime not by prohibiting the tools to commit it, as we don't outlaw knives, but try not to make people want to use them against us or those who did hire security for example.

>> No.14604853
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>Is everyone allowed to make as many clones as they want, just by paying?
Just as today, you can have as many children as you can afford. And some n-words have as many as they have and let it be the government's problem.
>Are people cloned selectively by the government?
Technically, why not?
>Can people with illnesses clone themselves?
People with genetic diseases are allowed to have children, but why wouldn't they cure the genome by some bio-tech procedures, since they're now available.
But either way, simple cloning seems to be obsolete, since we can literally engineer our babies.

>> No.14604861

What power is that? They are not even in the business of reproduction clinics?

>> No.14605953

white blonde girls should be cloned and given to every person as a companion

>> No.14607294

>Because youve spent years speaking 1 language.
I was 30 when I sat down to learn Japanese. Before that I had learned Swedish, Spanish and English as foreign languages.
Your hypothesis is bunk.,

>> No.14607311

there is no lock in, they threw the idea away and even neuroplasticity can be trained. What actually happens is oldfags are harder to convince because they have a lot of experience. Like if youre 5 and never heard what a car is i can convince you easily the smart is the fastest car on earth. Granpa wont be fooled like that due his life experience but for same reason he wont believe you easily something that really happened if it contradicts his life experience.

And you do the same thing in machine learning, you dampen changes the longer you run your learning. Its still possible to flip weights later but it takes a lot more time.

>> No.14607317

>Watching identical twins interact amazes me. They're basically the same person, and they recognize that in each other. Imagine having such a strong personal connection. They basically know everything about you, because they are you.
A clone of you would be nothing like an identical twin. You'd be decades apart in age and raised in completely different conditions. It would be no different from having a child who just looks more like you than a normal child.