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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 211 KB, 640x466, income-by-afqt-copy-w640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14594659 No.14594659 [Reply] [Original]

Whats the difference between someone that has an IQ of 80 and one with an IQ of 110? what are their life prospects?
assuming they don't have anything else like a learning disability or are autistic.

>> No.14594667
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>> No.14594675

one knows they are stupid and never tries to pretend that they are intelligent, whilst the 110 iq king of brainlets goes around bragging to the world that they have a college degree and know everything not knowing they are the peak of stupidity on the dunning kruger effect chart.
>t. 97 on the afqt

>> No.14594700

I'll never get /sci/s obsession with IQ tests.
its literally a test for midwits who accomplished nothing in life to feel good about themselves
The test wasnt even designed to measure intelligence, which most people equate it to today, it was designed to predict mental retardation with decent accuracy. Hence by design mainly 0-100 is what matters, everything above just basically means "you are good at this test, and almost certainly not a retard"

>> No.14594764

Why are what I am somewhat limited to calling the "left" so obsessed with debunking IQ or denying natural variation?

>> No.14594769

Where in my post did I deny natural variation?
I point out a mistake and a frankly idiotic assumption held by a lot of people on /biz/, do I need a reason for that other than the fact that Im simply pointing our how ridiculous it is?
I point out plenty of other flaws for your information, it just so happens that the topic of this thread is IQ.

>> No.14594775

It was a question you don't seem able to answer. My point in raising it was that it is brought up so much because it has become taboo.

>> No.14594780

Thats great, but thats a discussion you should have with someone who actually hold those views.
You cant pin views on people and then ask them to defend those beliefs even though theyre not even theirs, thats quite retarded and I wonder why you thought that was a good idea in the first place

>> No.14594804

The thing is that people who saw this graphical representation and were below the 50 mark
would kill themselves. Therefore in the graph they would be represented with a very low
lifetime income. So the diagram simply is maybe correct, but it is still based too simplistic assumptions.

>> No.14594838

>I'll never get /sci/s obsession with IQ tests.
You said this.
That was the motive of that reply the two are intrinsicaly linked

>> No.14594842

Yes, so the topic of the conversation is IQ tests, which I posted about. Nobody was talking about racial variations till you came in and tried to pin an opinion on me, as if somehow "my side" holds this belief and its my duty to defend it, even though its not my belief, and the entire thing is irrelevant to the discussion.

youre literally retarded, or at the very least incapable of thinking critically

>> No.14594879

You seem to be seeing racial arguments where none existed? Are you sure you aren't the retard here? But you seem to be trying "to pin an opinion on me".
>Why are what I am somewhat limited to calling the "left" so obsessed with debunking IQ or denying natural variation?
I didn't smear you or attempt to pigeonhole you into some predefined political belief system it was intended as an inquiry.

Also your argument claiming that the only purpose of IQ tests is revealing of retardation is quite disengenuous.

>> No.14594917

Good ol' /pol/ schizos shadow boxing.

>> No.14594924

Its a retarded and irrelevant inquiry. I can inquiry you about your opinion on trans rights but its irrelevant to the discussion, and you only went about it because you put me into the left camp based on your black and white world views.

Its not disingenuous either, thats literally its purpose. We might aswell be discussing astrology or MTBI tests

>> No.14594931

Well from what I know of it the military doersn't accept recruits with an IQ below 83 because they aren't able to fulfil tasks. which is quite damning.

There was an old piece I recall reading which described a carpet fitting exercise and what proportion of the population was able to complete different levels of this task and what IQ this correlated to.
I recall it being quite eye opening but depressing.

>> No.14594940

So why are they so obsessed with denying and debunking IQ?

>> No.14594947

yeah its an obsession for me, every waking moment of my life is dedicated to this cause.
Speaks volumes that you automatically assume this is about race. Perhaps that is why some of you are pro-iq tests

I call it out because its a retarded concept much like I do with similar retarded takes. Most IQ threads reek of insecurity and circlejerking, its good to get hit with reality sometimes

>> No.14594979

I haven't once mentioned your political ideology or anything related to race yet you seem overly fixated on them.

Retards overplay the importance of IQ but other retards seem to go to great lengths to deny their predictive powers.and statistical replicatability.

>> No.14594986

its just a correlation the same way the marshmallow experiment was
IQ tests similarly correlate higher scores with better environments
This way failures get to pad themselves on the back and people who were already going to be successful anyway get to feel its because of something they did themselves and they deserve it

>> No.14594996

>IQ tests similarly correlate higher scores with better environments
See this is where I start to question your motivations here.

>> No.14594999

So if I point out the flaws of the test its worrying? How much are the Golbergs paying you for this

>> No.14595023

Literally everyone accepts the impact of environment on IQ scores, it's the whole basis of the Flynn effect.
You arwen't really making much of a point here. What matters are questions around the degree of heritibality and training effects.
You are being much too nebulous, if you wish to point out flaws in the test you would argue that it's unfair because it doesn't discriminate between some illiterate and someone who has spent weeks spamming IQ tests to understand the testing mechanisms and push up their recorded scores and those taking these measures are claiming an undue superiority.

>> No.14595046

those are good points, the environmental one is just an easy opener, as is the one about its origins.

>> No.14595211
File: 66 KB, 1026x756, raven.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well from what I know of it the military doersn't accept recruits with an IQ below 83 because they aren't able to fulfil tasks. which is quite damning.

i dont think the military uses IQ tests anymore but they use the AVSAB which has about a 0.8 correlation with IQ score. thats how they decide which MOS (military occupational specialties) you can apply for. its kind of complicated how each one puts together the score but in general some minimum score is enough to be a grunt, and the higher score you get on the more difficult parts , the more intellectually demanding stuff from pilot to reactor engineer on a nuke sub you can choose, the idea being that even if the content of the test is pretty general (thats why its given in high school), it can predict if you're actually capable of being trained for that field. SAT scores have a similar correlation. when we talk about IQ we talk about pure problem solving "G" score or general intelligence, so the more verbal vs math the less useful it is in predicting actual IQ.

one of the most G-loaded IQ tests is Raven's progressive matrices which is totally culturally neutral, no language or knowledge needed, just pure pattern recognition. the first few questions are obvious enough for even very stupid people, but as they increase in complexity, by the 8th or 9th question or so many people will just have no idea - ie the bottom question, even if you removed the time limit and even if i "practiced" hundreds of such sequences like >>14595023 suggested, my biological hardware would just be insufficient to see a pattern that would be immediately (subconsciously?) obvious to a higher IQ person, who in turn would start struggling a few questions later.

thats how IQ is scored, and theoretically (assuming you could calibrate it properly for each case), the ideal G loaded test could be used to rank the intelligence from anything from a bird, to a human, to some super advanced alien or machine intelligence

>> No.14595284

Is the answer 4?

>> No.14595444
File: 30 KB, 499x676, 1598669002696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one knows they are stupid and never tries to pretend that they are intelligent
Have you never met a black person?

>> No.14595501

Depends on how tall they are. I would trade 20 IQ points for 6 inches of height. Tall people just get treated better in every way.

>> No.14596126

it's the other way around. i can tell you aren't smart and never been around people who are

>> No.14597006

says the person with shitty grammar. every person of average or sub-average intelligence that I have met knows they aren't the pinnacle of intelligence. people slightly above average, until about 120iq tend to smugly state how smart they are. at around 140iq, you run into people who don't proclaim their intelligence. they show it instead.

but, this is because I am rarely exposed to the less intelligent. maybe you have a better understanding of how they operate because you live among them. explain to me, speaker for the daft, how it truly is.

>> No.14597010

I am slightly doubtful of these tests. I'm certain that it correlates to some degree, but I'm very doubtful that it's actually a GOOD measure of intellect... Maybe one day we will invent a better test.

>> No.14597015

the asvab is definitely more about education than it is about intelligence, but in a lot of cases level of education tends to denote the level of intelligence, as smarter kids can soak up more information faster and therefore do better on the test.

>> No.14597503

>so the more verbal vs math the less useful it is in predicting actual IQ
verbal tests like vocabulary and association tests have as high g loading as raven's progressive matrices subtests. you do not know what you're talking about at all.

>> No.14597654

I have a feeling the answer should he 5 due to a clear and present rotation pattern but I can't figure it out completely.

>> No.14597660

Verbal can be quite a lot higher depending on the test.

>> No.14597726


>> No.14598642

Yeah, 5 makes sense to me but I haven't a clue why. I despise these matrix tests, they claim to be culturally neutral but they're so obviously not.

>> No.14598646

IQ isn't an actual measurement of intelligence, but a very slim and quick measurement of pattern recognition. There could be a completely normal person with an IQ of 70 and a retard savant with an IQ of 120

>> No.14599497

I dont see how they're not

I think its 5 too btw

>> No.14599507

According to krishna and vedas people with very low iq are about to be reincarnated as animals or were reincarnated animals who leveled up. This means that 50% of niggers are good and other 50% are bad

>> No.14599808

Like, we grew up with left to right, slotting things into place in children's toys, the world around us often being designed in repeating patterns, doing puzzles on the back of cereal boxes and that sort of thing. I remember instances where the solution involved the pattern wrapping around the grid, which is pretty bizarre if you've never encountered something like screen wrap in a video game. I kinda enjoy doing them, but they also give me the same feeling as cryptic crosswords, like the setter thinks they're way smarter than they actually are.

>> No.14599845

>tfw 98 AFQT
>tfw too smart to get tricked into going nuke
>not smart enough to not get tricked into going subs

I propose that there are in fact, TWO canyons, not just one. There is a hypothetical third and fourth on the area under the curve from 0 to 50, but it has never been observed.

>> No.14600071
File: 225 KB, 1630x794, image_2022-06-25_004150625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wonder if there's some major systemic, government-funded, socially pressured, SES-based, design-ingrained, PRACTICE MALLEABLE factor that affects this...

The more a test is susceptible to being trainable, such as verbal tests intrinsically are, and the less it's based in biology, I mean if you question that you're just retarded, the less g-loaded it is. Simple shit.

Scandinavia and the Jews are a very clear illustration of this. They are over-educated brainlets, and it's hilarious to look at their peak midwit bullshit, a phenomenon I attribute to overeducating morons. They actually understand very little, even if they can give you a hundred terms and references. More pronounced in Jews than Scandinavians though. In contrast, orientals, particularly the developed ones, are actually intelligent, because they're intelligent through RAPM, through pure real raw biological g, and this is ridiculously apparent in human culture. (e.g. "no matter what you do, asian better than you"; "asian maths"; "asians faring better than whites", though that disregards the relative stupidity of non-oriental Asia)

Not >>14595211 , but no YOU do not know what you are talking about. Go back to pretending your major about women envying men for their dick is worth any salt.

Also, stop posting fucking IQ threads on /sci/, those belong on /pol/.

>> No.14600099

I am familiar. I have several hypotheses for this phenomenon:
1) Jews deliberately fight high-g fertility to secure their cultural capital
2) Mercury poisoning actually increased intelligence back then through acting similarly to stimulants, the heightened poisoning being related to coal fumes released through the industrial revolution. (Of not is the fact in alchemy, mercury was associated with the mind, Paracelsus saw it as universal medicine, and Newton was found dead with mercury poisoning, whereas he was primarily an alchemist, not a physicist, with deeply theosophical views)
3) The behavioral sink. Essentially, the industrial revolution brought on an immense excess of resources, which degenerate whores exploited for welfare and continue to do so to this day, leading to impulsive, low-g sluts being the ones making children. Essentially, the evolutionary hypothesis.

It's really, really hard to determine which or if even any of these are the culprit. The reason I'm disinclined from no.3 being the obvious candidate is the incredibly slow rate of evolution, and the need for massive rates of reproductive failure or success, to make even a dent. Though now that I'm writing it out, it does make sense considering the population explosion.

>> No.14600101

>t. took a buzzfeed IQ test

>> No.14600106

The dunning-krueger effect is somewhat wrong. It's not the dunning-krueger effect it's something else. But it's very real. Additionally, midwits are not of average intelligence, they're slightly above average. So I genuinely think the midwit phenomenon is just the lowest possible intelligence people, which are however still intelligent enough to finish university education, leading to an overeducated moron.

>> No.14600115

Intelligence is the ability to adapt and succeed. Someone's giga high IQ score doesn't matter if they spend their years in a basement on the internet as a lonely failure at life. Nor would a person's low IQ score matter if they were born into poverty but cunningly made their way into high society and had offspring that started in a much higher place than they did. Between these two, the second person is much more intelligent than the first.

>> No.14600122

>I'll never get /sci/s obsession with IQ tests.
/sci/ is a bunch of testtaking orientals who don't understand that creativity is the true measure of intelligence and that it is also not easily quantifiable

>> No.14600143

I felt like university had plenty of literally retarded people
they could learn for and pass tests, but they never truly understood a single thing.
If anything they just had good, or above average memorisation skills.
I dont think that makes a person smart, it just makes them convenient

>> No.14600149

Well yes, but they'd need to score 75th percentile intelligence to get 110, which just about adds up with midwit. Remember, even if it would be the case you are perhaps not very intelligent, the mismatch between the incredibly high rote memorization skills and the rest of their cognitive profile is immediately obvious.

I mean, again, consequence of education. The only subject in school that isn't about memorization is math. Maybe physics, but that's a big fat maybe. All other subjects at school are literally rote memorization, at least here in western-central Europe, and that's just about the best education in the world. (mixed consensus on tertiary, but pre-tertiary it's actually rather apparent)

>> No.14600161

>at least here in western-central Europe, and that's just about the best education in the world.
theyve slowly been shifting to actual creative problem solving here in the netherlands, its great, but the issue it brings with it is that a lot of teachers dont know what is correct and what isnt so they lean on being too lenient.
The idea is right, I have little faith in its execution though. But it will make good universities even better. Although to be fair if you had good teachers with the old system they would also recognise your talent even if you didnt memorise the material

>> No.14600181

Not to brag, but to counter you, I was tested at 99.7th percentile, and education has been a lifelong struggle for me, precisely because I didn't buy other people's shit. I think that lies from gaining intellectual independence very, very, very early on somewhere in kindergarten or even before that,(I have distinct memories of autonomy going back to 2 year old) and then never buying anyone's bullshit after that. This made it one hell of a time dealing with my parents, with my psychologist diagnosing me as gifted(prior test to the 99.7th one at pubescent age) but having lacks in memory and dysgraphia, which you would sort of expect given my motivational profile after intellectual independence. Of course with their generation educated that way, and so on and so forth going back many, many generations, it does make sense why they're so suggestible. What I find particularly ironic, is that my father, although plausibly lacking in intellectual autonomy, has lead the path of self-education in his childhood, fostering all of his best domains of ability outside of school to an uncanny degree. And yet he still can't see the incongruence of the educational system, blaming my entire struggle with it on his lazy/idiot son.

I admit, just keeping my head down would've probably been for the best, but I'm paranoid of losing my sanity this way. There is a reason propaganda and information control is so powerful. Repeat revulsive lies enough times, and you might just come to believe they're true. I didn't want that to happen to me and I payed the price.

>> No.14600333

my measure of intelligence is how loudly they are talking when they tell me something absolutely fucking retarded. everyone thinks and says retard shit, but smart people know when something they are saying is potentially retarded, so they say it quiet and privately. retards announce it to the world.

>> No.14600951

The difference is that people with even in average intelligence can figure out that posting a military intelligence test has no bearing on the real world. The military encompasses a small portion of the population.

>> No.14601237

AFQT correlates, it's a fucking proxy. If you don't understand basic statistics, GTFO sci.

>> No.14601931

I've known others with an opposite view, constructing a set of inferences as you have but have decided it was best to play the game and make it fun by doing so by constructing challenges to stay engaged.

Your note on the psychologist also makes me think ADHD, which carries its own unique problems that can create feelings you describe as well. Emotional dysregulation has very diverse presentations in people, and virtually nothing is well understood about we "gifted" due to how rare it is. I've heard people do better on medication in that respect. I don't know if you've tried it lately, but it may help the motivation and inability to do what's required.

>> No.14601951

Someone that stupid isnt a human they are a wild animal that can mimic human speech but mentally speaking they are not really a person.

>> No.14602182

See the straight IQ doesn't necessarily convert to GDP or civilisational complexity, a lot of the asian scores are more visual while ability to argue verbally seems to enable knowledge sharing and better economies verbal Iq components correlate with national GDPs better

>> No.14602186

>be me
>High iq retard
>can’t keep a job because I’m so distracted
>can’t drive because I’m thinking about other shit
>I’m useless.

>> No.14602192

>the incredibly slow rate of evolution, and the need for massive rates of reproductive failure or success, to make even a dent. Though now that I'm writing it out, it does make sense considering the population explosion.
dumb sluts over breeding tends to be countered by smarter than average men being better able to breed due to selection factors, excliding autists.

Well what do you think about the mutaional load hypothesis? As mutational load increases defects int the system around Intelligence amongst others degrade. There have been reports on increased rates of idicators such as left handedness and facil symmetry?

>> No.14602202

So is literature the better indicator for these sorts of complex measures of intellect? Because given manga, manhua, and manha or their monstrous light novels and web novels with wuxia, murim, and isekai out the wazoo, their artistic skills often exceed creativity.

>> No.14602444

Christ sake people if your posts are the definition of ADHD like this go and get medication for it.

>> No.14603371

I actually performed an experiment on myself somewhat like that although it hadn't been entirely intentional, but I used the opportunity I had to test my hypothesis.
So I usually score around a 125 with various online tests. there was one time where I didn't sleep for 2 days but also got slightly drunk towards the end of it. Given the opportunity at my hands I thought I would test myself on one of the IQ tests I've done before. Although the memories are slightly hazy I believe I scored around an 87 which is about 2.5 SDs lower.

If you ever find yourself in similar circumstances I recommend you try it for yourself. It's quite blackpilling on the competencies of the rest of the population.

>> No.14604037

you should have tried doing other tasks, like working on a small project you left behind to see how it feels like in a "real" scenario.

>> No.14604578
File: 1.92 MB, 1200x800, image_2022-06-27_000008513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn to read
> Scandinavia and the Jews are a very clear illustration of this. They are over-educated brainlets, and it's hilarious to look at their peak midwit bullshit

You're wrong, kike shill bugman.



>> No.14604618
File: 96 KB, 630x443, adfzc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meth. but for children!

No, but thank you, anon.

>> No.14604753
File: 58 KB, 916x844, image_2022-06-27_010055808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>14600071 here

Let me give you another red pill.

>> No.14604820
File: 113 KB, 1666x884, image_2022-06-27_013321190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, to be fully accurate

>> No.14604822

You're the sort of dipshit who buys "all natural soap" with identical ingredients to every other soap because the word "chemical" makes you think "bad".

>> No.14604838

I lobotomized myself with hardcore under-researched nootropics, and did heavy acid, with very strong anti-mushroom limits, as I deemed them to make you a soft pussy and also inspired by this article https://tripzine.com/listing.php?id=dmt_pickover

But sure, strawman me on some basis of being a puritan, you namefag pseud Euler roleplayer.

>> No.14605197


so is this graph saying adhd has a strong correlation with intelligence? how did they measure intelligence?

>> No.14606095

>can't read a number line
Anon.... I wouldn't be worrying whether it even is in your case.

>> No.14606101

look at chemical formulas of meth, ritalin, aderall, all same thing with minimal change to qualify for a patent and that is the real difference meth is patent free so you cant monopolize it to make money.

>> No.14606157

What happens if you only count actual germanic europeans instead of lumping in meds and slavs?

>> No.14606162

I chose Germany and Poland because they had the highest scores amongst Europeans whilst still having large populations. For example Switzerland is at the level of USA(90 IQ) and Netherlands are quite low too. On the other hand, Finland fared well, but had a low population size. Migrating and cross-culturally identifying talent is an obstacle of its own.

>> No.14606184

baltic slavs are doing actually better
saw they had higher scores than europoor countries

>> No.14606190

>For example Switzerland is at the level of USA(90 IQ) and Netherlands are quite low too
How much of this is due to immigration?

>> No.14606199
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Probably a lot.

>> No.14606228

Maybe if you can find datasets from before 2010?

>> No.14607620


>> No.14607715
File: 836 KB, 1280x1811, BL_Royal_Vincent_of_Beauvais.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Literal retard tier.

t. 99

>> No.14607727

How good you do with changes in life is a good measurement

>> No.14608659

Does this apply to autists and social recluses?

>> No.14608782

I think the answer is 3. first plus second column: straight lines remain, but can be transposed; only duplicated circles remain, and they can be divided .
First row: Straight line remains. One duplicated circle, broken up.
Second row: 2 vertical and 2 horizontal lines transposed to make a square. No duplicated circles.
Third row: 3 lines. Could be a duplicated circle but the size difference invalidates. 3 lines -> triangle.

Tell us the official answer.

>> No.14608907

Switzerland has had uncontrollable immigration?

>> No.14608967

>IQ 80-89 — Below average
Above the threshold for normal independent functioning. Can perform explicit routinized hands-on tasks without supervision as long as there are no moments of choice and it is always clear what has to be done. Assembler, food service.
>IQ 90-99 — Average
Able to learn a trade in a hands-on manner and perform tasks involving decisions. Craftsman, sales, police officer, clerk. Studies involving some theory are possible from this range upward.
>IQ 100-109 — Average
Able to learn from written materials. Employable in senior positions.
>IQ 110-119 — Above average
Able to learn in "college" format. Bachelor degrees. Manager, teacher, accountant. Just capable of taking high-range I.Q. tests.

>> No.14608998

At that level, it depends greatly on the circumstances of birth; only below functional retardation levels (70-80IQ) and actual superior tier 130+ does intelligence play a determining factor in your life.

If the 80IQ is born to rich parents who make an effort to raise him properly, he will probably attend a private college and get a 6 figure job in an office somewhere in a corporation or the government. If his parents are poor or middle class he will probably end up as an average wagie, most jobs especially trades are accessible to 80IQ. If he's born in the ghetto somewhere there's a high risk of ending up in prison.

For the 110IQ guy, there's a lot less chance of going to prison if he's born into a poor environment as he will probably find it gratifying to work hard enough for a decent middle class lifestyle. On the flip side if he's born into a middle class environment, he's actually much more likely to get into drugs or sexual degeneracy as public school and most of society are setup for the 80IQ guy and he's not smart enough to do anything intellectual.
Of course, with rich parents such a middling distinction in IQ isn't going to make much difference as the kind of executive jobs they will get don't really scale with intelligence.

>> No.14609019
File: 317 KB, 800x1503, IQ cues.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14609064

I figure a lot of posters obsessed over it haven't gone far enough in academics to truly be humbled yet.

>> No.14609272

the same academia that's overwhelmingly leftist? Please.

>> No.14609405

Someone with an IQ below 120 is unable to graduate in a degree that actually pays your bills later in life.
t. 105 IQ college failure who studied 80 hours a week and is now a degreeless 30 year old virgin neet

>> No.14610340


Provide the source for that shitty data

>> No.14610862

Really? That's unnerving.

>> No.14610994

>muh country is low, so data must be shit
You're exactly like the r/mensa group on reddit that claims because RAPM deflates their exceptional scores to be less exceptional, it must therefore be due to poor methodology. Your inflated self-worth isn't a yardstick of quality of research.

>> No.14611006

Median IQ for ETH Zurich pure maths freshmen and Oxford Algebra PhDs?

Don't use IQ as an excuse. You had adult responsibilities and you flunked them. As much is apparent from your virginity and lack of employment. A true low IQ person would've gotten 10 kids with 4 different women and done manual labor by 30 to be able to feed them.

>> No.14611030

Again, see >>14611006

>> No.14612717


>> No.14615067

bumperine nigg

>> No.14615181

3 right? Number of intersecting lines equals number of curved objects.

>> No.14615209

At an IQ of 80 you can be a top athlete and have a gf who is a celebrity pop star,
or you can become president of USA and marry a celebrity model.
Actually those examples are for IQ 70. But close enough.

>> No.14615377

I wanna say 2 is the answer?
Row 1 you have one pic without a straight line, then two with a straight line
Row 2, one pic without a rectangle and two pics with a rectangle
Row 3, pic 1 doesn't have a "plus", pic 2 has a plus, solution 2 also has a plus.

Interesting how everyone who has replied to this has a different answer lol

>> No.14616167

STFU no one cares

>> No.14616239

At an IQ of 80 a human is too impulsive to do manual labor they would just rob people if they need money as their brain is that short sighted when it comes to gratification deterrence.

>> No.14616260 [DELETED] 

the former lives in the hood with the real niggaz

the latter posts on 4chan

>> No.14616728


How about instead of spewing your own nonsensical assumptive projections onto others, you shut your fuckin autistic mouth if you have nothing substantive to add. You’re no better than the people you supposedly denigrate in your moronic irrelevant rambling, you fuckin neurological shitlib. Now why don’t you go back to deconstructing anal sex since you seem to be an expert at deconstructing things and others individual psychology.

>> No.14617090

David Becker, Technische Universität Chemnitz, World's IQ, very first study done exclusively with RPM as opposed to the PISA-related tests done today.

Why didn't I tell you? Because I don't want low IQ mutts to misinterpret research.

Yes, like saying nigger countries and Amerimutts are dumb and Orientals smart unless they're malnourished and Europe right behind them is gonna score me any point with the trannies. This alone tells me I was right "about my [too many irrelevant adjectives] assumptions".

Now go back to wherever your sorry layman punk ass came from and leave discussions on science to men of science, sissy.

>> No.14617156

Well? What's the answer to the bottom one?

>> No.14617187

Retard-tier posters.

>> No.14618721

Biden married a celebrity model?

>> No.14618737

i don't know man, it seems like a military competence test would be a lot more applicable than the purely abstract puzzles they use in classic iq tests

not that i know what the fuck these military tests are about, but one has to presume a military information gathering organization can fuck around a bit less than civilian ones

>> No.14618742

>I'll never get /sci/s obsession with IQ tests.
>its literally a test for midwits who accomplished nothing in life to feel good about themselves
but you just answered your own question

i guess you're more humble than most of the midwits here, that's something

>> No.14618745

Military will take whatever they can fucking get, if they set a minimum acceptance bracket then anything below that probably can't be trained for anything they think is useful

>> No.14618746

yeah, but the criteria need to be applicable to some sort of actual competence in their case, while in civilian ones they don't

>> No.14618764

It's not like a simple iq test is the only test sat, you have the entirety of boot camp to sift through what you've been sent by the recruiters and figure if it's only good for mopping floors or commanding frontline troops?

>> No.14618768

the fact that THIS is how you interpreted the graph shows you're more or less a verifiable retard

>> No.14618775

Kinda depressing how little difference it actually makes on that graph outside of the outliers.

>> No.14618781

correlate against earnings but remove top and bottom 5%

>> No.14618845
File: 18 KB, 440x124, image_2022-07-02_004859620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking wojak cunt parroting JBP. lmfao KYS, seriously. You're not wrong, but can you bring anything to the table OUTSIDE of Jordan's redpills? You aren't original, the secret's out, find a new out, rotbrain.

>> No.14618856

It's still not a great correlation when the error bars at both ends significantly overlap. Maybe 100 isn't that great a score.

>> No.14618860

I don't honestly care about Jordan Peterstein, I was referring more to the results of mccnemara's morons

>> No.14618863

Wrong vid sorry.
Kind of heart breaking to listen to.

>> No.14618867

It works better if you can break it down by field.

>> No.14618895 [DELETED] 

You can have tinntus without any hair follicle damage, err look at the people that can hear EM signals.

>> No.14619432

A someone with an IQ of 90 stuck between being retarded but smart enough to recognize I'm retarded it's fucking hell on earth.

>> No.14620384


>> No.14620422

What is having an IQ of 90 like? What can you identify as proof of your own sub average intelligence?

>> No.14622128
File: 228 KB, 701x632, test-iq-champion-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 right? Number of intersecting lines equals number of curved objects.
thank you
disc in name if want talk more iq

>> No.14622295

What do you do for entertainment?

>> No.14622308

Cope, seethe, and die b8 fag

>> No.14622572

IQ tests test logic ability, specifically non-formal, ad hoc, innovative logic with a visual/geometric/pattern element to it.
People that fare well with this, also fare well with having the kind of dynamic and unprejudiced big-picture thinking when it comes to everyday (or not) things, traits that are highly prized by /sci/ons.
Now, you might not value logical intelligence, but don't act as if it isn't the queen of categories to denote actual intelligence.

>> No.14622633
