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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14594251 No.14594251 [Reply] [Original]

I've had a pretty rough personal life and I won't ever achieve more than a Bachelor's in mathematics but there was potential. Assuming my future children are near my ability, what's the best way I can teach them to give them the best chance at success? I believe public school is essential for social development but is absolute dogshit for involved academics. What's a good plan from birth up to age 16?

>> No.14594286

The kids in school who already know whats being taught suffer negative affects in their social development because the NPC kids get angry at the kids who know more. Furthermore, if you teach a kid real math and then they go to school and school teaches them different math, thats going to cause problems. They'll need to know the school math to pass tests and they might end up resenting having been taught something different by you. Government schools are intent on ruining family relationships in order to focus students' loyalties outside the home, one of the ways they do that is by leveraging discrepancies between their enforced dogma and reality to their advantage.

>> No.14594303
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>> No.14594315

doesn't really seem like an option to regress them to the typical public school student. Most parents are lazy as shit and leave EVERYTHING up to the school. So is homeschooling plus lots of team sports a better option? Even I was 5 years advanced or so in 1st grade math and I was raised by a single mother.

>> No.14594959
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>> No.14594992

school doesn't teach kids anything anymore. If you want them to learn how to multiply, divide, work with fractions, decimals, etc., youll have to personally see to it that they're taught by teaching them yourself. Hell, even basic addition and subtraction you'll have to do it yourself. Glorified daycare is all it is, and if you want your kids to have any chance its completely up to you.

I am a dad who taught my kids everything in the last few years.

>> No.14595024

Electric floor for wrong answer. Food pellet for right answer. Take too long, you get electric floor. You do calculus now! Đi đi mau!

>> No.14595058

>Government schools are intent on ruining family relationships in order to focus students' loyalties outside the home
That's if you have an already functional family, which most of us don't have.
Most of the angry kids in school are like that because of home problems. Then they go to school and that translates to school problems. Rinse and repeat.

But hey, considering that before this the reality for children was chimney sweeps and coal mines, it's an improvement.
Before public schooling, the natural behavioral sink of the increasingly overpopulated machine was turning people into monsters more and more, which I am convinced lead people to taking it out on their kids in the form of horrifically bad menial labor positions such as the chimney sweep. It's quite clear that it was perceived as abusive in the past as we perceive it now. Furthermore, it's clear people used to satisfy themselves by treating kids this way, even though they weren't aware of themselves doing it.

Public schooling was the first time we took a hard look at ourselves as abusers of youth and took a stance to eliminate it.
Just look at 3rd world countries and how they treat their kids, they treat them like shit. That's what the machine does to the mind of people.

>> No.14595063

>I believe public school is essential for social development but is absolute dogshit for involved academics.
If you're American then I know you went to a school that had sports teams, and teams have rivalries. If you went to one of the shitty schools, then I'm sure you're already well aware of it. Send your kids to a good public school.

t. went to the lowest end schools in one of the top 50 public districts and often find it hard to believe how shitty other peoples educational experiences were. I had a lot of really good teachers and I think its no mystery as to why, good teachers want paid well and only good districts can afford them. Send your kids to good public schools and they will get a good education.

>> No.14595085

Public school is the opposite of essential for social development. As to the math question, Saxon Math.

>> No.14595088
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I went to a prestigious boys school.
Turns out the culture there was rapidly becoming a quagmire of bullying for entertainment because more and more of the students were either raised by liars in admin or flat cartel related individuals (such as biker gangs, gambling rackets, con artists, etc).

What it taught me was that success in this world is not success at all. It's just treading on others until you have leverage on others.
The success of the past in my books was clearly not that though, so I thought "we why has this changed".

Then I realized Rome was falling again. This pattern has occurred time and time again, even in the soviet union and chinese state. There was no escape.
And being a catholic school, seeing Jesus in the chapel was a horror that clearly nobody but my group of friends (dorks who were all into metal and jazz and were pretentious as fuck, but were together because of the culture of that particular school) realised and it's stuck with me ever since as a reminder of our hellish state of affairs.
The doctor just called it "depression" in high school but I knew damn well the problem was a socialpolitical and philosophical one and the diagnosis is a cover we use to pretend that it does not exist. There was nothing wrong with me, there was something wrong with this world.

>> No.14595121

how did you teach them? what learning materials, curriculum etc.

>> No.14595138

>why has this changed
Because you have been rewarding the behavior of midwitism and low IQ due to some sicko christian fantasy of inclusivity which you have forced upon those with talents.
This leads to midwits learning they have no true value but the social network they amass and the credentials they collect so they naturally learn to behave psychopathically.
The grift only lasted so long because despite starving the talent of natural born americans, you can import talent from the world willing to listen to psychopaths for a visa.

>> No.14595168
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>Because you have been rewarding the behavior of midwitism and low IQ due to some sicko christian fantasy of inclusivity which you have forced upon those with talents.
I agree, I should just kill anyone that disagrees with me.

I should never had listen to Christians and their obsession with progress.
I should just listen to secularists, scientists and other cultists and their obsession with progress.
I should just beat others until they are my dog, right?
What a lovely world that would create, right?

I think you've missed the nihilistic catharsis of what I was saying. The pointlessness of it all.
Sure we could try another round of checkers, but still just a game of checkers right?
All you've made is a change of mood in the game of checkers really, you've just covered it in blood in a different pattern than others before.

What I'm talking about is the core of the universe itself, the relentless antagonism of it.
The inability of us to resist death.
Even if we prolonged our lives much much more, say millions or billions of years, the universe will inevitable bring the party to an end.

I must have been a teen when I first listened to this.

>> No.14595195

No, all you have to do is stay in your lane as the midwit that you are.
You cannot find answers because you were born mentally deaf and your silly attempt at nihilism reveals your midwitism.

>> No.14595202
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Why u mad tho?

Why are you so dependent on your hierarchy of wit?
Is this some wit contest?
Or are you just mad because you don't like dealing with a harsh truth?

>> No.14595669

If you're worried about social and intellectual development, why not put your kids in a Christian (you don't have to be Christian but they have good values and are cheaper than private) or private school where they can still socialise with other kids but also have a higher quality education? Some private/Christian schools will try to help lower income families get their kids through school by providing alternative payment plans and each extra child you put through their school gets a cheaper tuition. My MIL was poor and she was helped by the local Catholic schools to keep her three kids there.

>> No.14595673

Homeschooling (can get a private teacher if you want) is also an option if you are able. Just take the kids out to make friends and make them play with others so they develop socially.

>> No.14595814

i didn't read your subtext, I saw RR and your question
best way is to not teach them
just like you won't teach them to eat junk food

>> No.14596093

A Bachelor's in mathematics is pretty good anon

>> No.14596112

No the christians only argue that all our equal before god.

>> No.14596170

Learning any new subject requires at minimum 4 hours a day (it tapers off). Have your kids make mistakes at home before they make em at school

>> No.14596196

Just join the mafia bros, at least you get to lose your virginity.
Btw, jesus was not his real name, you were taught by idiots whose god cannot get the believers to say his name correctly, wtf bunch of dumbasses.

>> No.14596201

Because nuns are evil bitches who have dehydrated vaginas and the male priests have repressed paedophiliac tendencies.

>> No.14596554

oh no, how dare I be attracted to attractive women