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1458993 No.1458993 [Reply] [Original]

I didn't really know who else to ask but maybe you /sci/entists can help, so here goes:
I want to know whether or not I have a psychological disorder, if this is common and anything else anyone happens to know about this.
Basically, for all of my life I've felt like I'm a boy, but I'm a girl. I know it doesn't make much sense, since I also think that gender doesn't really matter with how people think, but aesthetically I feel boyish.
I'm bi-romantic asexual because I can't imagine myself having sex as a woman. Every time I remember I have a vagina it seems weird to me, and I wish I didn't. I can almost never identify with female characters in fiction.
The thing that seems weirdest, and that hinders me in my romantic life, is that I don't want to date someone who sees me as a girl. I've flirted with guys before (no girls that I've liked have liked me, vice versa, so far) and as soon as they make it apparent I'm a girl I'm immediately turned off.
I don't look or dress particularly boyish, but I don't imagine people would treat me any differently if I did. I'm always going to be a girl and there's nothing I can do to change that.

What is wrong with me, /sci/?

>> No.1459005

Gender Dysphoria or some type of Gender Identity Disorder.

Do you want to change your gender?

>> No.1459009

Firstly, /sci/ hates Psychologists and the Philosophy of Psychology. So you came to the wrong place for adivce.. maybe try /adv/? But in my opinion, an undergrad Psych student. There is nothing wrong with you, you just have different turn off's and different turn on's. If it really bugs you explore you sexuality a bit more. But never ever ever should you try anything that mutilates your gender because you are who you are. Hope that helped.

>> No.1459012

No. It would be weird changing something like that when I'm so close with my immediate family.
Also, I know I could never fully change my gender anyway. Sex change operations seem so futile to me.

>> No.1459011
File: 2 KB, 126x102, 1254121954413s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're transgendered; your brain is male, your body is female.

An MRI scan of a transgendered person's brain shows that it resembles the brain structure of someone of the opposite gender more than one of their own.


>> No.1459014

You are me in reverse.

Nothing wrong with you.

>> No.1459020

We can't help you, because we can't analyse your condition in this environment, even if there were experts here to begin with. If you really want to know, go see a psychologist, preferable more than one and have them give you their expert opinion. If you don't want to do that, just learn to live with it and adapt your social life in accordance with what you feel most comfortable with. That may require you put in more work into relationships than you may wish to do, but that's the only way you can go without further diagnosis.

>> No.1459021

How does this even happen :(
Even if I do have this gender identity disorder, it doesn't make sense to me.
I was always of the opinion that only the physical body matters when it comes to gender, not how the person thinks. I'm sure I could be wrong, but
the brain having a gender seems rather farfetched.

>> No.1459022
File: 303 KB, 2048x1536, 0907081302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say you are just gay. It happens. I only know one lesbian, and she's really hot. Here are her tits. I wouldn't worry too much about having a vag instead of a dick because they make strapon dicks you can use on other females. You should check out some dating sites or maybe MAYBE craigslist if you are a slut, but I don;t get that impression from your post. Unless you're a troll in which case you are some fat loser in his mother's basement that just saw some nice tits. I took this pic, btw. :D

>> No.1459023


The brain is not always different.

>> No.1459025

Not one impolite post?

Goddamn, /sci/ is such a nice board. If this was posted anywhere else, half the posts would be "TITS or GTFO" and the other half would be calling OP a freak.

>> No.1459026

How do you deal with it?

>> No.1459027

It's fine I'd do you either way.

And it's fine you can grab a strap on and fuck me, I'm quite happy with that.

>> No.1459030


Nope that's just /b/

>> No.1459031



>> No.1459033


Not always, but often enough for it to have a very strong correlation.

>> No.1459040

I don't.

Or better, I deal with it by having no social or romantic life whatsoever and spend all my time on the Internet.

It sucks, yeah.

>> No.1459043

Absolutely not, the brain has a gender for sure. Enough openly gay people have died and willed their bodies to science for us to find out that a straight man's brain has imperfect symmetry - the right hemisphere is on average 6% larger than the left hemisphere, and a straight woman's brain is equally divided - the hemispheres are the same size.

The opposite is true of gay people. A gay man's brain is equally divided, while a lesbian has a 6% larger right hemisphere.

Here's a link, hope it helps.


>> No.1459045

Everyone from /b/ realized it wouldn't be deleted, so I think they all fled back.
I figured I was rather gay. The reason for that is I don't feel like I like guys like girls like guys. It's hard to explain, though.

>> No.1459056

>>1459040 Or better, I deal with it by having no social or romantic life whatsoever and spend all my time on the Internet.

Yep, sounds like a guy's brain to me.

>> No.1459057

I figure you're being facetious, but...
I don't deal with it, either, hence thread.
I have friends and as I've said I'm close with my family, but among them it never really comes up.
There's no romance I have to deal with, either, since I'm quiet and keep to myself. I don't want to be that way, though. It's mostly because I don't have much confidence.

>> No.1459063
File: 1.07 MB, 300x237, flapp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very interesting.

>> No.1459066

Wait, what? /sci/ hates psychology? Why?

>> No.1459071


At least on 4chan there are people I can relate with.

And elsewhere I can pretend to be a girl and people will be none the wiser about it. Honestly, for someone shy and unassertive like me, it's the best way to deal with it.

>I figure you're being facetious

I get that a lot. Not taking stuff too seriously has worked in keeping me sane up till now.

>> No.1459078

I wonder what this means for transgendered people, though.

this article was a good read

>> No.1459081

Comical evolution of the belief that psychology is for the most part a soft science. Not really helped by most people that go into psychology though, but that's another matter.

>> No.1459085
File: 11 KB, 265x297, ohnoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, anon.

>> No.1459087

Well pfft. The notion of "soft" and "hard" sciences is tarded anyway.

>> No.1459092
File: 44 KB, 308x396, pfspspfpt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The study of the human brain is such a soft science.
That's why we barely know anything about it.

>> No.1459098

If you feel like your body doesn't match your mind, you might be transgender. Classic signs. And there is something you can do. HRT can work wonders on women who want to be men. testosterone is a powerful thing. Can change your voice, grow body hair, toughen up your skin, redistribute body fat in a male pattern, grow muscle.

Go to 420han's /cd/ and ask there. It's labeled crossdressing, but it's mostly inhabited by transgender and it's mostly used for discussion.

>> No.1459103

The feeling never goes away. It will just grow until it's unbearable. Always live for yourself. If you feel that being a guy would make you happier, go for it. Your family won't be around all your life, but you will.

>> No.1459106

Gender is between the ears, sex is between the legs. Your sex can be very fluid Your gender cannot. As far as your brain goes.

>> No.1459109

Wat? Odds are he is trans. He should go to a gender psychologist to dig a bit deeper.

>> No.1459110

I had a female to male friend who said exactly the same thing. I really think you are some sort of trans.

>> No.1459112
File: 15 KB, 430x320, americanpsycho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks everyone for the input/advice.
I really don't know what I'm going to do about all of this right now, but I'll definitely think about what everyone has said.

>> No.1459114

Sooo... you want buttsex exclusively?

>> No.1459118

Indeed, it's a bad concept, but it persists, unfortunately here it is just easier to take on the most extreme and absurd form of that belief.

It's just a difficult research matter that requires the input from multiple specialities working together in a transdisciplinary way to get ahead. And because specialisation is so high, that transdisciplinarity is hard to achieve as it is with so many other problems that require it, even multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary methods are hard to do in such circumstances.

>> No.1459122

It's sort of hard for me because I do live so much for myself. I want to keep what I have with my family and friends. But I feel like I might eventually start taking testosterone or something and see how that goes.
Thanks, I'll check it out.
Probably. I don't want to do anything too drastic to my body, though. A lot of trans get operations, but I love my body, even if it's female. I'm a little narcissistic.

>> No.1459123

I'm sorry if this offends you, but your post really turns me on.

>> No.1459125
File: 43 KB, 540x962, ftm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like most female to males. Most are uncomfortable with using their vagina. As are most male to females. Gender dysphoria can be a bitch. Some take testosterone and look like manly men, some decide not to and keep the bishi look.

Look at the pick, female to male. Amazing what a little testosterone will do.

>> No.1459131

No, actually. I don't want any sex right now. I've never really had a sex drive.

>> No.1459132

If you don't like how things are, but you love your body too much to mutilate it, then all I have to say is find someone you love. And trust me, when you do, it'll be a lot easier.

>> No.1459136
File: 9 KB, 320x240, whowhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1459140

I just took that brain sex test posted a bit earlier. I scored more male points than the average male on every single test, and then because I associated more words than either the average male or the average female , it shoved me way back towards the female side. Fucking test is skewed against men whose brains process words well.

>> No.1459144

That's what I just wanted to ask. I mean, sorry if I come across like a pervert.
But it would be really interesting to know what you are into and how it differs from a woman that feels like she is in the right body.

So you don't really have sexual urges/fetishes?
I imagine you being a really cool bro - do you behave boyish without wanting it? Or do you still prefer the company of women?

>> No.1459145

All are me, by the way.

Yeah, seems like most feel like you do and never want to go the way of surgery, aside from breast reduction. As a male to female, I don't plan on getting an surgery either. I don't see the point, myself.

If your family really loves you, they will love you no matter what. If not, then fuck them. You need to do what makes YOU happy.

That board, /cd/, was what made me realize that I could do what I'm doing now and not look like a man in a dress. I started to self medicate for the first six months and haven't regretted a second of it.

>> No.1459146


You might want to look into transitioning without SRS, then. Y'know, just appearing outwardl male without undergoing surgery. It works for many people.

Just know that there's nothing wrong with you, and there's no wrong way to be trans, just like there's no wrong way to be a man or a woman. You are what you are and you should always do what makes you happy, provided it doesn't hurt anyone else.

>> No.1459149

I suppose.
Perhaps dressing more manly but generally keeping myself gender-ambiguous would be the best.
I don't think I would mind too much being a reverse trap.

>> No.1459150

I guess I have a thing for males-in-female-bodies. Maybe because I'm the exact opposite.

>> No.1459152 [DELETED] 

AS PREvIOUSLY_mentIOnED,_tHeSE_meSsSAGeS WIlL_cONTiNuE_UnTIl_YoU PErmANentLY_stOp_AttAckIng_and fUCkING wiTH wWw.anonmooOotalK.sE_(rEMove_THe_coW souND),_reMOVe aLL_IllEGAL_ClONES_oF it AND liES_AboUt It_anD DoNaTE at_leaSt A miLLioN Usd to SySoP_AS COmPEnSation FOr_ThE MaSSIve_damage YOu_RetaRdS_have cAuseD.
fxsn erf zms ulnyuwdt nhvgnep xpmu fyh c

>> No.1459161

>aside from breast reduction
Oh now you just went selfish bitch right there. There are people out there that would love a great set of knockers(both on them and in their hands), and you wanna get rid of yours? Shame on you.

>> No.1459165

I smell a perfect couple.

>> No.1459169

I say the reverse-trap idea is perfect for you. No need of altering your body at all, and with some creative dressing, you'll look like a guy easy.

>> No.1459171

If you are so unhappy with your body, change it. HRT work magic some times. I never thought that I could ever pass. Looking in the mirror now and it's like another person is staring back at me.

>> No.1459174

lol she wouldn't want me. I'd want sex too much.

>> No.1459175

So, you believe you are psychologically impaired because you are different from the current projected norm?

Fear not! There're many like us!

I recommend you do some research about the topic of sexual differences, and explore the topic experientially. It takes time - I've been at it since I was four, and every now and then my tastes change. So confusing, but I've had some really good sex along the way.

I'm physically male, but feel female. I considered a sex change, and still do, but when I checked out the issues and maintenance of the operation, I realised that what I like more than being me is coming home and relaxing. Not continuous maintenance.

Best of luck with your exploration!

>> No.1459177

It's not another person. It's the same one, except mutilated. Congratulations, you're a freak.

>> No.1459180

And those same female to males out there would kill for your flat man chest. Men tend to not want huge tits. Kinda gets in your way of passing.

>> No.1459185

What about hormones. They go a long way.

>> No.1459188

That's fucking disgusting. No man would want a mutilated woman chest, especially as their own.

>> No.1459191

Meh, I was a freak before. Call me what you will, I pass perfectly, even when trying my hardest to be a guy for the day. And I'm happy. Freak, not a freak....who cares.

>> No.1459197

I never said I was getting a breast reduction, dude.
The other anon merely mentioned it in a sentence.
Besides, I'm pretty flat to begin with. I also love my body too much to mutilate it. I think I'm pretty good-looking and I don't want to change that.
Well, if I do I've really never looked into it. I've been "attracted" to people before, but the feeling I get is in my stomach or "heart" than in my pubic region. I have a thing for brunettes with blue eyes, though.
I don't really prefer the company of any gender, but the only friends I have right now are guys. It's just a coincidence, though.

>> No.1459198

yeah - that's what I mean about maintenance - I dont wanna have to take hormones for the rest of my life. I'm too lazy for that! ;)

Besides, I do love dick, and having my own means I can access the stupid thing whenever someone isnt looking.

>> No.1459203

No, freaks are mutilated bodies, not backwards brains. Kill yourself now.

>> No.1459210

You're the perfect girl for me~

>> No.1459219

I wouldn't mind a little maintenance, like taking hormones for example. Surgery I mind, though. I don't want any bad pain, or scarring.
I already have some immune system problems that I'll have to deal with for the rest of my life anyway. What's another pill.

>> No.1459222


Not taking stuff seriously is how I maintain sanity too!

>> No.1459233
File: 7 KB, 100x100, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Secks?!! What's that?!

Tbh, I wouldn't mind giving sex with a strap-on.

>> No.1459241

Yeah, my mother told me she was always hanging out with boys when she was younger, too.

Also, a general question; how does an transgender surgery work? I mean, I can't quite believe that you'll have a working/feeling penis/vagina at the end of it, eh?

Also girls, leave your breasts the way they are. No, really. I'd rather have a flatchest than a bitch that went under surgery. That's fucking uncool. Big titties yes, but they have to fit to your looks.

All natural looks are best, I'd say.

>> No.1459247

If you want testosterone, google inhouse pharmacy. They have the cream you just rub over your body.

>> No.1459252

Is your mother transgendered?

I don't know much about it, but I hear it leaves bad scars.

>> No.1459257

To some trans people they feel like it's a birth defect. Would you tell a cis guy that he shouldn't get a breast reduction if developed man tits? Same thing, just more extream.

>> No.1459270

> I don't identify with female characters in fiction
Well, most of them are written by men.

>> No.1459272

No, my mothers pretty small and feminine.

And I just like titties the way they are. If you want big jugs, great, but they only look good as long as you don't see them naked. And they fucking ruin your back.

I can't believe women carry like 2 kilos on their chest just to look 'better' when they fuck up their back. Same goes for high heels, but that may be because I don't really find them sexy.

I hate it when my girl wears them in the streets and has to sit down every half hour to complain her feet hurt. I even think some fucked-up sneaker would be sexier, but as a women you seem to be under pressure to be as omni-attractive as you can - by standarts forced through media.

No one finds the fashion-models sexy. We've seen enough of them. They are boring.

>> No.1459278
File: 15 KB, 250x250, carol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why did you mention your mother?

>> No.1459280

It's not a birth defect. A perfectly male or perfectly female body isn't flawed just because their brains are different.

>> No.1459282

Your point?

>> No.1459285

I'm looking around inhouse and I don't see a lot of testosterone things. It seems like it mostly has mtf.
The one patch I did see was pretty expensive.
Thanks for the link, though, bro

>> No.1459303 [DELETED] 

I agree with some people in this thread. Don't mutilate yourself at all! Sex changes or breast implants/reduction. Your body is beautiful and you should be proud of it. No one's telling you to conform, but be who you feel like being! Just because you're of one gender don't mean you have to live a certain lifestyle. And there are people out there that WILL accept you for who you are. Trust me, I know.

But whatever you decide to do, OP, good luck, and don't let anyone get you down. Hope you have a good life.

>> No.1459310

I agree with some people in this thread. Don't mutilate yourself at all! Sex changes or breast implants/reduction included. Your body is beautiful and you should be proud of it. No one's telling you to conform, but be who you feel like being! Just because you're of one gender don't mean you have to live a certain lifestyle. And there are people out there that WILL accept you for who you are. Trust me, I know.

But whatever you decide to do, OP, good luck, and don't let anyone get you down. Hope you have a good life.

>> No.1459317
File: 16 KB, 334x330, Iloveyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, dude

>> No.1459321

I mean you>>1459310

>> No.1459327

No problem. :)

I tried to ninja an edit to my post up there, sorry about that.

>> No.1459328

Written by men or women, it doesn't matter, honestly.

>> No.1459334

I think this has more to do with people's perceptions on what gender is, hoestly....
you probably dont really want to be a man but want to be treated equally or something..
but your culture restrains that...

>> No.1459380

Anyone know anything about taking testosterone?

>> No.1459636
File: 30 KB, 398x450, toadily-insane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I didn't really know who else to ask but maybe you /sci/entists can help, so here goes:
I want to know whether or not I have a psychological disorder, if this is common and anything else anyone happens to know about this.
Basically, for all of my life I've felt like I'm a tall black man, but I'm a short caucasian guy. I know it doesn't make much sense, since I also think that race doesn't really matter with how people think, but aesthetically I feel negroid.
I speak ebonics or not at all because I can't imagine myself talkin as a white guy. Every time I remember my skin is white it seems weird to me, and I wish I didn't. I can almost never identify with white characters in fiction.
The thing that seems weirdest, and that hinders me in my romantic life, is that I don't want to date someone who sees me as a white guy. I've flirted with girls before and as soon as they make it apparent I'm a short white guy I'm immediately turned off.
I don't look or dress particularly whiteish, but I don't imagine people would treat me any differently if I did. I'm always going to be a short white guy and there's nothing I can do to change that.

>> No.1459644

>An MRI scan of a transgendered person's brain shows that it resembles the brain structure of someone of the opposite gender more than one of their own.
Welcome back Phrenology, I don't think we've missed you even a little bit.

>> No.1459655

Male hormones in your body. Giggity

>> No.1459660
File: 35 KB, 308x410, PFBob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't really know who else to ask but maybe you /sci/entists can help, so here goes:
I want to know whether or not I have a psychological disorder, if this is common and anything else anyone happens to know about this.
Basically, for all of my life I've felt like I'm a robot, but I'm a human being. I know it doesn't make much sense, since I also think that molecular composition doesn't really matter with how people think, but aesthetically I feel robotish.
I'm bi-romantic asexual because I can't imagine myself having sex as a human being. Every time I remember I have an organic body it seems weird to me, and I wish I didn't. I can almost never identify with human characters in fiction.
The thing that seems weirdest, and that hinders me in my romantic life, is that I don't want to date someone who sees me as a human. I've flirted with guys before (no machines that I've liked have liked me, vice versa, so far) and as soon as they make it apparent I'm a human being I'm immediately turned off.
I don't look or dress particularly humanish, but I don't imagine people would treat me any differently if I did. I'm always going to be a human being and there's nothing I can do to change that.

>> No.1459682
File: 49 KB, 453x604, lol_vampire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I didn't really know who else to ask but maybe you /sci/entists can help, so here goes:
I want to know whether or not I have a psychological disorder, if this is common and anything else anyone happens to know about this.
Basically, for all of my life I've felt like I'm a vampire, but I'm a human being. I know it doesn't make much sense, since I also think that what you eat doesn't really matter with how people think, but aesthetically I feel vampirish.
I'm bi-romantic asexual because I can't imagine myself having sex as a human being. Every time I remember I have an living body it seems weird to me, and I wish I didn't. I can almost never identify with human characters in fiction.
The thing that seems weirdest, and that hinders me in my romantic life, is that I don't want to date someone who sees me as a human. I've flirted with girls before (no vampires that I've liked have liked me, vice versa, so far) and as soon as they make it apparent I'm a human being I'm immediately turned off.
I don't look or dress particularly humanish, but I don't imagine people would treat me any differently if I did. I'm always going to be a human being and there's nothing I can do to change that.

>> No.1459701


You are this crazy:

>> No.1459720

To each their own. Myself, I have male-xx syndrome. I have female chromosomes, but I was also born with a penis and balls, and the testosterone damage that comes with it. With as many trans people who I know that are intersexed as well, I just wonder if there most trans are intersexed in some way that we don't know about.

>> No.1459725

I've always been schizophrenic with multiple personalities, deep down inside I know that I would really function better as two midgets operating together inside of a single person machine body.

Hopefully one day medical science will allow me to transfer my personality into a couple midget bodies and I can be the two dudes I've always had to hide inside.

Fuk yeah.

>> No.1459733

You are just not happy with yourself. If you woke up one day with a male body you'd find some other excuse to hate yourself. I understand if you like girls, but what you want is not to be yourself.

>> No.1459745

Yeah, all I remembered was that they did have an option for testosterone. I don't know too much on the subject, myself, being mtf. But I have heard of places that do sell the cream.

>> No.1459747

Just find yourself a femboy.. and then wear the pants around the house.. there is plenty of femboys out there these days.. Problem solved.. you get to be the boy.. he gets to be the girl.. its about finding your polar opposite in another person.. short of getting a sex change, turning lesbo, or staying solo for the rest of your life.. this is your only option..

Nothing wrong with any of these options tho btw.. at least you have them :D

>> No.1459758

You can't say that for sure. I know I felt the same, but opposite. I was miserable trying to live as a guy with the body of a guy. Two years on hormones and at the end of my transition, I can say I am way more happier than I have ever been. I haven't felt depression since.

You do realize that HRT is the standard treatment for GID, right? It works in most cases.

>> No.1459799

This is the smartest post I read so far and I doubt I will read anything better.
Please listen to this good anon.

Also, for all those people saying "do not mutilate your body, we are okay with it" this is futile if the owner of the body is not happy with it. For someone who is unhappy with their genital organs removing them might be equal to removing a pimple or a mole. Although it is necessary to think about such a decision thoroughly, everyone should do what they want to if that is what they think they need to do in order to be happy.

>> No.1460242

you have a psychological disorder; if your chromosomes indicate you are a female, then you are. If you don "feel" or "think" that way, then the problem is in your head.