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14586814 No.14586814 [Reply] [Original]

How do I generate infinite free energy for free (that is free btw)? I want to be independent from the jewish system.

>> No.14586826

Tom Beardon

>> No.14586843

What about him? Will he set me free?

>> No.14587001

live near a stream, get a peltric set and a generator. You can get infinite free energy, until government decides to build a dam upstream and kill the stream
Or try solar, wind

>> No.14587017

Solar panel. In order to produce more just create a bigger solar panel. Infinite energy

>> No.14587054

Who makes the solar panels though

>> No.14587073

>infinite free energy
You're slowing down mountain water streams, if anyone is influencing climate in this world, it's you.

>> No.14587077

He died recently, a good website on zero point energy and a couple of books

>> No.14587092

Some factory workers

>> No.14587120

the post that destroyed the EROI curve

>> No.14587124

>How do I generate infinite free energy for free (that is free btw)? I want to be independent from the jewish system.
nuclear steam turbine

>> No.14587151

>Build a dolmon
>leave seeds in it
>plant seeds in field
>get bumper yields

>> No.14587220

Raise trees like morus nigra

>> No.14587236

I too thought about this some years ago.
a magnetic powered generator.
yes, I am a genius.

>> No.14587244

with a turbine moved by opposing magnetic currents.

>> No.14587364


>> No.14587434

Wtf you talkin about

>> No.14587529

step 2: have the energy power something which generates energy

>> No.14587536

nitonol memory metal, searl effect generator, rodin coil

>> No.14587540


>> No.14587546


>> No.14587561

You can due to multiple laws of physics. Energy is neither created nor destroyed but transformed. And since all processes that transform energy are not one hundred present efficient and produce undesirable energy types it makes this idea impossible to have infinite energy. Could install solar panels for free energy though.

>> No.14587567

It's called building an actual dam. It's cheap enough to rent a cement truck and a bulldozer and divert the water temporarily while you damn the original path with cement. Then you put a turbine in and put a filter. I suggest a debris mesh and a fish tube. The advantages of an actual dam over a peltic set sitting in the water are immense.

>> No.14587649

what if the dam bursts? thats the worst thing that could happen, ever!

>> No.14587977

As long as my house isn't downstream I don't care.

>> No.14587989

Invent an engine powered entirely by jewish greed

>> No.14588124
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free infinite energy?
steal a solar panel

>> No.14588135

We call that "the economy" anon.

>> No.14588162

A solar powered solar panel maker obviously

>> No.14588164

This guy?

>> No.14588200


>> No.14588235
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salt ice and peltier modules
Thermite + steel and peltier modules

>> No.14588295
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>> No.14588306

typed on an electronic device full of dirty china components

>> No.14588309

that's free and working fusion power

>> No.14588364

Imagine how mad a libshit would be.

>> No.14588404

Aren't you become a libshit once you run solar panels?

>> No.14588459

There are some interesting examples and discussion here but you'll have to plug the url into archive.org as it's been down for a while

>> No.14589444

I am so intelligent, you cannot understand me.
yes, indeed, I am a genius.

>> No.14589449

this reminded me of this video, you are absolutely right about the dem, take a look at this:

>> No.14589516

You're only a libshit if your solar panels are positioned in a way that is suboptimal for power generation but perfect for everyone to see them. Libshits view personal solar as more of a virtue-signaling decoration than anything else. Escaping from the centralized power infrastructure is the least libshit thing you could do.

>> No.14589547

I had a lot bigger dam in mind than that. I'm talking about renting a backhoe and a cement truck and damming up a huge stream. The fact that that bong's little dam generates enough power for a 3 person family, is remarkable. I wonder how much power a dam + turbine across a 10 foot creek with a lot of water flowing would do.

>> No.14589628

Yes, and?

>> No.14589978

Take your pick, Stubblefield Coil ground "battery", Photonuclear Reaction ala Gustav Le Bon, churning up the Aether like Tesla did with his works, lots of ways really.

Sadly dude was a disinfo shill, anyone who says Tesla works was based off AC after the late 1890s gives away how much they understood Teslas work