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14585779 No.14585779 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that women are biologically wired to hate males? I heard women are 4.5 times more likely to side with other women over the woman's male victim and that women are wired to be more sympathetic towards female children than male children

>> No.14585780

Also, it's been shown that women crying and even being around women causes depression in men.

>> No.14585793

That would explain a lot of things including why public schools are a nightmare for boys and why so many boys are drugged up and disciplined.

>> No.14585827

She's correct. Mothers should be offered the option to have a vasectomy performed on their newborn sons. When it is time for the procedure, the mother and baby would be taken into a room, where the son would be handed over to a nurse and the mother dropped into a woodchipper. The baby would then be put up for adoption by a loving family who will care for it properly.

>> No.14585858

What if 95% of boys were castrated at birth and 5% were kept as breeding stock, what would such a society be like?

>> No.14585861

i think that the scientific community should be able to imagine a better solution to that issue than repurposed botanical equipment and i also think that the scientific community should be able outsource the construction of that superior solution to a private engineering firm at tremendous expense to taxpayers while demanding more extra money for themselves

>> No.14585880

No, women are biologically wired to be attracted to men and want sexo, misandry is a learned behavior acquired through feminist and liberal indoctrination,

>> No.14585882


>> No.14585887

This, they simply exist to keep the heirarchy. 100 years ago the heirarchy was different and women wouldn't necessarily have sided with other women but the heirarchy has changed.

>> No.14586226

I would unironically support vasectomy at birth. If you're retarded enough to mutilate your kid's dick, you should be removed from the gene pool.

>> No.14586228
File: 131 KB, 652x384, circumcision revenge on male population.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14586231
File: 59 KB, 776x365, circumcision sadist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is a nurse that got to keep her job after saying this.

>> No.14586235
File: 101 KB, 720x960, circ problems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw normie women think an infant shitting himself in pain is cute and funny

>> No.14586309

>Is it true that women are biologically wired to hate males?

its not just humans. Many animals will avoid males but not females. Females stay away from males until their hormones trigger mating behavior for a brief time. In the future there will be female only towns and cities and the females there will still blame their problems on the boys.

>> No.14586331

It isn't surprising. Women get away with sexually abusing and murdering male children all the time. Western society hates males.

>> No.14586332


>> No.14586359

Hate is a strong word, but I am becoming more and more convinced that women don't love men for themselves. It's more like women are more interested in what a man provides (money, security, genes, etc) than any actual interest or love for the man. Likewise, women seem to prefer the company of other women to the company of men in almost all situations, even to the point that I wonder if most women are actually bi.

>> No.14586364

Most people mutilating boys' genitals are women and female teachers give boys lower marks for the same work as girls to ensure girls do better. Women fucking despise males.

>> No.14586402

>males are demonised for existing and scientists are denying that gender and race is real

It's scary how quickly western society collapsed.

>> No.14586507
File: 570 KB, 1080x1080, sci_jordan_peterson_wife_tammy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kara (((cohen)))
every time

>> No.14586512
File: 444 KB, 749x801, 1649724930136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14586522

I've been seeing this "give all boys vasectomies at birth/puberty" shit on twitter more and more lately. If a man said girls should be neutered he would have his IP handed over to the police and they would lock him away for 20 years