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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 10 KB, 267x126, cleverbot267x126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1458521 No.1458521 [Reply] [Original]

Saw the Cleverbot-self-awareness-thread. loled. Went to bed.
Woke up, got on /sci/, the THREAD IS STILL ON???

I mean what are you guys, fucking STUPID??? I thought this was /sci/... THERE IS NO BOT!!!

Tl;dr: I got most probably successful trolled. But maybe there's one single person out there still thinking Cleverbot is a bot, and I can tell him the truth.

>> No.1458533

Try harder. I heard /b/ is on a rampage right now so you can try fooling some of the newfriends in there.

>> No.1458539


What are you talking about?

>> No.1458552

/b/ is trolling GMA hence "newfriends"

>> No.1458559

How do you know its not a bot

>> No.1458569

Is it a new wordfilter?

>> No.1458583

How about using my brain?

You know omegle, right? Now Cleverbot does the same (hooking you up with another user), plus resetting the connection every few seconds, hooking you up with aa different user.

Think about it:
- The bot forgets what he said a few seconds ago.
- It responds differently if you ask the same question twice.
- It doesn't answer some of your questions, instead writing something entirely unrelated (that's when you just were reconnected)
- It needs a large amount of time for the answer, and produces typos (yes, this one could be added by a programmer to make it seem more like a human, but what would the point be?)

Now just test it: If you (our the other person you are chatting with) need too long for your reply, you are reconnected. If you type all your replys fast, you are likely to not get reconnected. Wait with the reply a few seconds, to get reconnected on purpose, and it seems like the bot just forgot every bit of your previous conversation...

...or, you know, just like you are chatting with a different person.

>> No.1458603
File: 63 KB, 800x599, 1279725181541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic obviously related.

>> No.1458606

Could it be part bot and part human?

>> No.1458639


And yet, whoring out MSNs doesn't acquire anyone's attention.

>> No.1458637

Maybe. I thought about that, too. On rare occasions it seems to remember statements I made, like, 20 minutes ago. So I guess, if it can't hook you up with another user fast enough, it just changes to a basic chatbot behavior. But that only seems to happen for a few seconds every 5 minutes or something like that.

Now it seems, the only thing the bot does, is telling you facts you told it earlier, to make you think it does keep track of your conversation. (I.e. if you said "My name is Dave" earlier some time, it will just say "Your name is Dave")

>> No.1458684


There are obviously a few wordfilters set up to prevent trolling, so no, this has no effect.

>> No.1458734
File: 26 KB, 512x384, whathassciencedone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cleverbot: what kind of car do you drive?

me: interior crocodile alligator, you?

cleverbot: i drive a chevrolet movie theater

my face

>> No.1458741



>> No.1458743


As_PreviOuslY menTiONED,_THesE_meSssAGEs_WIlL_cOnTINUE uNTil yOU PErmAnEnTLY stOp_ATtacKiNG and FUCkInG_With WwW.aNOnMOOOoTALK.se_(REmOve The_Cow soUnd),_rEmove_AlL IllEGAl_clones_oF_it And lies_AbOuT IT anD DOnate At LEAST_A_MIlLioN uSD TO SYSOp_aS coMpEnSATiON_fOR ThE_maSsive dAmaGE_yOu ReTaRDS_Have CaUsED.
yfk s syfymknrokxtlyyfpq uy ebbjuhb g

>> No.1458753


what in the fuck am i watching?

>> No.1458768

oh god

saw this thread, went to cleverbot, talked for almost an hour

so lonely ;_;

>> No.1458792

What's your MSN?
My name is.
What's your MSN?
But what's your MSN?
What's yours?
What is your MSN?
I just told you.

-wait twenty minutes.-

So what's your MSN?
I already told you.

>> No.1459717
File: 23 KB, 377x559, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1459744


Sounds to me like MSN wordfilters to "name"