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File: 238 KB, 1311x1810, lmao at poor ppl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14584552 No.14584552 [Reply] [Original]

The Supreme Court has announced that scientists are financially responsible for the economic damage that they've caused to commercial establishments. Do scientists have enough money to cover their debts or are they now financially wrecked to go along with their morally bankrupt?

>> No.14584558

Based, scientists who supported these measures should be publicly shamed and made to pay damages yes

>> No.14584560

>Implying it won't just be our taxes

>> No.14584568

I don't live in Louisiana and the shutdowns were all state based.

>> No.14584571

Do you mean actual scientists or the bureaucrats LARPing as scientists who actually had the power to implement the shutdowns? Because if it's the latter they'll just squeeze it from the taxpayers and then generously give it back to them.

>> No.14584579

The vast majority of scientists supported the shutdowns or refused to speak up on the matter. The few who said anything were quickly shutdown themselves and shunned by their fellow scientists.

>> No.14584596

It was scientists like Fauci who advised for this lockdowns. In my city alone main Street, which used to be booming with tons of local restaurants, had over half of them close down over the pandemic and weren't able to reopen.

>> No.14586792
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>> No.14588274

>their fellow scientists
sheboons and scientists are now synonyms

>> No.14588545

My fellow scientists, we must pay reparations for our crimes. It is the right thing to do.

>> No.14588552

Can someone please stop the heckin scientisterinos already?

>> No.14588778

yes, confiscate their coats! throw them out in the cold!

>> No.14588867

Your town didn't need those businesses, they did however need alive townspeople, which lockdowns and vaccine mandates helped to keep. You can open a new business, you can't just open a new family member after one dies of COVID.

>> No.14588875

Literal fucking shill. There's no covid. Thanks for ruining people's lives.

>> No.14589245

Oceana is the restaurant that also sued Gordon Ramsey for being featured in a negative light on Kitchen Nightmares. In fact, you can't even find the episode officially anymore on any mainstream site. They're a terrible restaurant with shit food and shit owners.

t. Ate there once

>> No.14589274

How good their food & service is not relevant to their case; even if they are shit shutting them down over a bad cold was fucking retarded.

>> No.14589283

the supreme court announced you can suck my fat fucking nuts

>> No.14589331
File: 35 KB, 399x305, Seriousbidness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not supreme court, but Louisiana appeals court.
Not scientists, but Lloyds insurance company.

>> No.14589346
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Can't sue if they're dead from their next batch of pharma product targeting them.

>> No.14589352

You think Lloyds will just allow this to happen?
They're insanely good at diverting the blame beyond the scope of insurance contracts.

>> No.14589439

The screencap you posted has nothing to do with what you wrote.

>> No.14589565
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>> No.14590403

In the early months, nobody had any idea that COVID was primarily a vascular disease and that future "vaccines" wouldn't prevent infection or spread.

SO there was certainly a grace period when nobody knew what the fuck was going on and to what degree this wasn't a repeat of the 1918 Spanish flu.

However, fairly soon it became apparent that the majority who died were either ancient or immuno-compromised. We should have changed strategy at that time,

Clinging onto the initial mistake was unforgivable by science. Trashing the economy is going to have lasting effects well beyond the worst outcomes of COVID.

As a closeted scientist, this opened my eyes as to how corrupt science had become.

>> No.14590863

>louisiana appellate court makes a ruling
>OP: guys the Supreme Court ruled that blah blah. etc.
>also OP: *gargles cum*

>> No.14591001

I'm sure way more business died than people. It means the economy died, which will kill people (more than covid)

>> No.14591008

>Asking money from scientists
Trolololo, what's next? Giving money to rich people?

>> No.14591014

Less than half of the excess deaths during the pandemic period have been "with covid". The pandemic response killed far more than covid's effects, even in the most expansive and permissive definition, did. And to make things worse, like >>14590403 points out, once it was realized this wasn't what the doomsayers and ICL claimed it to be, instead of there being a course correction, there was endless doubling down for political reasons. But even now most can't admit this, which means this will continue to happen in the future, probably worse each time.

>> No.14591022
File: 305 KB, 1711x975, ICL Sucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next should be public executions, especially for the bozos at ICL whose negligent reckless faulty analysis was used to justify all of this excess. Death, in public, with international coverage, should be the first step on the road to changing how the world responds to this type of thing. Scientists should be allowed to make mistakes but they shouldn't be allowed to make reckless mistakes they don't try to correct. A painful gruesome death with billions watching is what's needed to get scientists off their pedestals of arrogance and back into the real world of those who are supporting them and their resources.