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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14582717 No.14582717 [Reply] [Original]

Is it science fault? Or is it just some people washing their face using science and ruining its reputation?
What made it turn into another branch of religion?

>> No.14582722

Science became a religion to replce christianity

It claims to be based on teason so it applies to midwits, but all it teaches is blind belief in academics, same as any other religion

>> No.14582727

During ancient ages, religion and beliefs was were heavily separated from the material world. And it never was in war against each other, you could wonder about the fundamental grains of sand without this being against your beliefs or what you believe in.
This certainly changed, older religions were completely compatible with science.
Almost like modern religion isn't actually a religion but cult and controlling method

>> No.14582729

Humans have a brain that fundamentally requires a tribal affiliation and religion. When you remove those they will still have them, just with things we don't traditionally call tribal affiliation or religion. See sub-cultures and philosophy/politics/various other belief systems.
The hubris of the 20th century was assuming humans were evolved enough to drop these things without serious issues at every scale.

>> No.14582730

Religion is science of civlization

>> No.14582732

Yeah, if you're a dipshit who just reads bullshit they want to believe as "their own research" it is a pretty safe bet the consensus of a given field is more likely to be correct. But who cares about a reasonable position when you're a /pol/tard who wants to feel special.

Seriously, why are you people this retarded.

>> No.14582733

This. People now identify with sportsteams, viseogames, celebrity worship, their disability, their sexual degeneracy etc

Saying you want to cure retards or homosexuality for them is like saying you want to kill all jews

>> No.14582734

Science has been ruined by acadummia allowing every low IQ moron to get a degree. Science should be an exclusive club for high IQ geniuses.

>> No.14582736

Coverage of ww2, the founding fathers, and civil rights in history classes has more in common with religious teachings than actual study of history

>> No.14582792

Fundamental concepts of scientism like "keep it simple stupid" or "if you can't explain it to a child you don't understand it" has been completely lost.
Once you ask why scientist believes this or that best you can get is fluoride stare, they believe words and explanations, most of them lack any kind of imagination of these equations in any form other than math.
This also is the cause why maybe 1% of students can apply their knowledge in real life.

>> No.14582796

I don't blame them necessarily. We pretend that performance in high school has anything to do with performance in undergrad. It doesn't. Proof-oriented math has nothing to do with memorization plug and chug math, but these people are called smart and shoved into STEM.

>> No.14582801

>Retard detected
>But explain to a child!!
Some of us are capable of understanding things children cannot, and no matter how simplified one makes the explanation. Clearly that does not apply to you.

>> No.14582805

90% of physics concepts can be explained to a child.
You only think it's mature because of all the agenda around it, the equations and all of "high iq personas" in its history.

>> No.14582811

>90% of physics concepts can be explained to a child.
You can only believe that out of ignorance or obscene abuse of the term "understanding". You can give "an explanation" all you like, they won't understand most of it in the real sense of the term. Either way, you're a retard. Better to accept it sooner rather than later. Like all the flat earthers who can't do basic maths.

>> No.14582815
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lol no dip$hit I’m not going to such the cock of “establishment science” to make you feel better. Grow up and understand that anyone can use the scientific method L0$ER

>> No.14582819
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>Has no argument
>Throws toddler tantrum
Yeah that's about what I expected.

>> No.14582831

Haven't read the article I'm guessing you haven't either. However doing your own research really is a vague statement. Doing your own research could mean seeing what experts in a field say about something or reading studies or it could mean doing your own experiments. Typically when most layman slip up is in reading studies and doing their own "experiments." Which usually involves taking studies and doing their own "analysis" on the data. Obviously layman trying to into statistics when they are retarded does not give very good outcomes for the truth. Or if they are reading studies they read preprints made by meth heads. Take hydroxychloroquine fiasco turned out to be a nothing burger. You can go see double blind studies on it and how its ineffective. This fiasco was created by a preprints and layman reading preprints or not understanding the different types of studies like double blind.

For something you may agree with is a lot of vegan communities do the same. They butcher studies and talk about how milk is going to give you cancer or shit by not understanding anything about the study or doing their own "analysis" on the data. They are "doing their own research" with negative outcomes and probably should listen to experts because they are retarded

>> No.14582843

There it is
The flouride post

>> No.14582846

Doctors only take the equivalent of one semester of intro to stats w/ calc yet we suck their dick.

>> No.14582851

We shouldn't trust doctors on their ability to do anything science related. This is doubly true for nurses. Doctors aren't scientists.

>> No.14582856

Pic related is 100% right. Most people are too retarded to understand even the most basic philosophy or science. It's better for them to just sit back and be the cattle they really are.

>> No.14582858

Ok fair enough then, I agree. The unfortunate thing is we currently use docs to give advice on preventative healthcare when they can't even understand the studies on it. Healthcare will always suck because it's a blue collar field where no one knows math at every level.

>> No.14582875

The problem here is that we even call the medieval shit they do in clinical studies science to begin with. They are papers paid by pharma companies to get a certain result and the data is worthless and not reproducible.

Science = Some areas of Physics and Chemistry.

>> No.14582954

They won't understand your explanation, maybe. This may come as a surprise to you, but you're not smart. You're the person to mindlessly cite information without understanding it. You lack creativity. It's written all over your rhetoric.

>> No.14582975

"All hail the atom."




"After me; We are made of atoms."

"We are made of atoms."

>> No.14583221
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Its because it has become politicised and the scientists have to cuck to the government to get moneys. Its no longer about autists debating whats right or wrong, but people saying whatever gets them payed.


>> No.14583244

This is another good rundown


>> No.14583281

>I don't have arguments and can't defend my beliefs, so I make shit up about other people to recover my fragile sense of superiority
Yeah anon maybe you wanna get that narcissism diagnosed and treated.

>> No.14583318

Because people susceptible to confirmation bias are unable to do research correctly. When you're already a conspiracy nuts, all you'll do is fall into a rabbit hole and be even more schizo afterward.
I mean look at /pol/ look at the retarded shit they believe in. You don't want those people to do their own "research"

If you know how to read studies and how to differentiate the good ones from the bad ones, by looking for bias and limitations, it's perfectly ok to do your own research.
Don't blame science, blame people whose retardedness could cause harm to others. Like antivaxxers, germ theory deniers, pro-pseudosciences people.