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14582298 No.14582298 [Reply] [Original]

Someone smart please explain.

Race is a social construct and there are no differences between the biology of different races, everyone knows that so please don't go there.

>> No.14582299


>> No.14582313

Reminds me of the Perceptetron, an early A.I. that taught itself to "recognize" the composer just by looking at the sheet music. Turned out it wasn't looking at the notation at all, it just looked at the signature.
White people are more likley to go to fancier doctors because of money, maybe the difference between "Slumstown Community Medical Center" and "St. Bethany Advanced Care Campus" written somewhere on the imagery tells the A.I. what race they're more likley to be from?

>> No.14582315


>> No.14582317

The article says they ruled out that possibility

>> No.14582320
File: 36 KB, 600x267, rakim oakland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the more things change, the more they stay the same. computers were just as racist in the 1980s as they are today, no more, no less.

>> No.14582325
File: 174 KB, 1362x935, Age_Of_Orcs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Race is a social construct

Dude, there are obvious differences between the races.
Europeans and Africans have wet ear wax, Asians have dry ear wax
Europeans have double eyelids, Asians one eyelid.

A Bazillion differences between the races.

The problems come from mixed breeds.

>> No.14582328

Well duh? If the authors used further subdivisions for race like you see in subpopulations in Mexico or other places you'd have "hundreds of races" identifiable by this same thing.

I don't get what you don't get. You link the paper where it's explained. What don't you get?

>> No.14582337

>What don't you get?
Race is a social construct and there are no differences between the biology of different races. I literally learned that in college and its a fact. So how does this computer tell that a person is black just from looking at a chest x-ray? It's literally impossible.

>> No.14582338

No it doesn't, only that it worked even on imagery that wasn't recognizable as medical imagery.
>The team covered many bases in an attempt to explain the model’s behavior: differences in physical characteristics between different racial groups (body habitus, breast density), disease distribution (previous studies have shown that Black patients have a higher incidence for health issues like cardiac disease), location-specific or tissue specific differences, effects of societal bias and environmental stress...
How did they rule out what I proposed?
Either way, it's well known that A.I. generally works on what's called "cheating". And the more abstract explanation is basically "mutual entropy" which can be exploited by "boosting" multiple indicators.

>> No.14582343

>there are no differences between the biology of different races. I literally learned that in college and its a fact.

Insane. Forensic pathologist can easily tell a persons race just from the skeleton.

>> No.14582348

Oh, so you admit you're a retarded /pol/tard.

So what about "You'd get thousands of 'races' down to familial pedigree with enough detail" are you not understanding?

>> No.14582356

unlike you I actually went to college and had, you know, anthropology class. It is a fact that the human race is one race and that there are no biological differences.

>> No.14582360

It's just a chronic total misunderstanding of what the fuck "social construct" even means. To be fair, that misunderstanding was most popularized by retarded SJW's first.

The social construct is deciding "where the dividing lines are". That is, in the definition. You can draw lines however you like to get five, ten, a hundred, ten thousand, "races" that you can show all exist as independent populations with enough level of detail.

Sure buddy, so request a refund and stop being retarded with a strawman. I totally believe you are 100% genuine. Totally.

>> No.14582378

We have differences that go more than skin deep.

Radiologists have predicted race with 80% accuracy for years.

>> No.14582514

>unironically using the word AI
opinion discarded

>> No.14582526

Any autistic person could do that, the AI developed autism.

>> No.14582528
File: 91 KB, 862x471, Prevalence_of_Diabetes_by_Percent_of_Country_Population_(2014)_Gradient_Map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's actually not all that impressive. If the A.I. in question is being constantly fed indicators of disease and physiological behavior patterns. Then sorting those differences to predict the likelihood of the assorted medical image's racial makeup. Of course it will eventually become able to predict a patients race.

If the A.I. is fed information about about a patient with a lifestyle health issue such as diabetes. Then subsequently pairs it with indicators like bone density and regions of fat tissues it's going to most likely predict a black person, specifically African American. Because diabetes isn't a common lifestyle health issue for blacks outside the Americas (specifically US).

Same assessment could be done with something like the level of iodine consumption from the gut/blood then pairing it again with indicators like bone density and regions of fat tissues. If iodine level is high and bone density/regions of fat is low then its going to predict an Asian person specifically Japanese. Because high iodine contents in the body is a common lifestyle for Asians in Japan (since they consume the highest levels of iodine globally on average).

Maybe the average MIT researcher/ doctor wouldn't notice this. But a season Dietitian who works with patients of various races would since this is lifestyle behavior.