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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14580121 No.14580121 [Reply] [Original]

Can I continue to grow taller during adolescence despite taking SSRIs?

>> No.14580156

Go back

>> No.14580162

>drug that’s literally responsible for most mass shootings and causes more suicides than it prevents
>fucks you up in too many ways to list
>still shilled by ameritard doctors so that pharma can collect its sheckels

>> No.14580166

Are you 18 years or older?

>> No.14580168

No. Once a manlet, always a manlet.

>> No.14580172

No. You have permanently weaker bones and a clavicle about 15% smaller than it otherwise would have been (this and BMI matters more than anything other than the face for perceived attractiveness).


If SSRIs "worked" for you, it's a sign you didn't have depression in the first place. Good job failure Mom and Dad with your munchausen by proxy diagnosis.

>> No.14580189
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>I can't get laid because my collarbone is too small! Damn you Pfizer!

>> No.14580583

Sorry you're a manlet.

>> No.14580847

If you need a drug to make you not depressed you’re ngmi

>> No.14580862

Kill yourself twitter tourist

>> No.14580870

dilate you queerjob

>> No.14580884
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>> No.14580892

Kill yourself twitter tourist

>> No.14580910
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Anime website.

>> No.14580932

>You have permanently weaker bones
Can this be counteracted by consuming enough calcium?

>> No.14580935

Back to twitter or discord or reddit or wherever you cartoon watching freaks came from
Let the adults discuss Science and Mathematics, you can talk about your comics and cartoons that are specifically made for Chinese children back there

>> No.14580941

no, if you try to overdose yourself with calcium then you'll become nutrient poor in other important categories because of calcium induced nutrient lockout

>> No.14580942
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4chan was an anime image board only retard
>Let the adults discuss Science and Mathematics
holy fucking reddit
get out weasel

>> No.14580954
File: 54 KB, 297x217, 1654132318437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And how am I supposed to deal with this problem? SSRIs became a part of me, sadly.

>> No.14580962
File: 42 KB, 1280x720, 1654758423947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lurk more, you retarded nigger.

>> No.14580968

Anime website you tourist. Hang yourself.

>Let the adults discuss Science and Mathematics,
You are a child