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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14579658 No.14579658 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14579685

"we didn't know"
What the fuck is he on about? Almost anyone could've told you that from the initial stats during the first wave..

>> No.14579786

that the vaxcattle have been marked and audited by his team

>> No.14579873

>what did he mean by this
That he's the same moron as ever. Creator of the Windows shit, same blatant never stable working peace of shit that started to be useful as he left daily operation.

>> No.14579895
File: 230 KB, 319x358, 1630412876266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oopsie we accidentally burned the world down over the flu but we promise it won't happen again (unless it suits us politically), please don't take this as a sign that you should stop trusting us or that the repressive globalist technocracy we're installing might not be such a great idea

>> No.14579902
File: 1.70 MB, 1x1, NTI_Paper_BIO-TTX_Final.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we promise it won't happen again
ctrl+f "may" in this pdf that was released last november
and then ctrl+f "gates"

>> No.14579920

It would be more awesome if he said that it was a prank bro relax

>> No.14580088

"Psych nigga!"

>> No.14580091

"You know, new niggas really are so fucking stupid bruh I swear to god ahahaha"

>> No.14580237

Whats the sayings,
knowledge consists of known-knowns known-unknowns unknown-knowns and unknown-unknowns.
science is the belief in the ignorance of experts
the golden rule of crisis management is never create more damage attempting to rectify the crisis than the crisis itself.
twenty years after the printing press was the witch burnings, whats going to happen 20 years into the internet?

Its the wisest course of the interface of science and public policy to be earnest in their perceptions of the data set over the long term, but in the short term, when you run functions that are supposed to return true or false, but come back undefined, one than has to interpret that undefined by means of nessissity and sufficiency. This is not a clear, cut and dry problem, and will step on at least one groups toes.

I'm glad there seems to be a movement towards reflection and rationality, we need scientists to be comfortable saying we dont know, and we need public policy experts not to degrade the institution of science. Seems like a step in the right direction to me

>> No.14580289

>interviewing a stupidly rich softwarefag about medical issues
yes, what did they mean by this?

>> No.14580314

I don't know, non-retarded people don't use twitter screencaps as sources.

>> No.14580331

Name a medical fag that didn't say the same thing

>> No.14580344

He's a science denying anti-vaxxer now?

>> No.14580395
File: 128 KB, 1024x1018, sci_on_covid_scientists_totalitarian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we didnt understand it has a low fatality rate
>mainly kills older people and these with comorbidities
except that was clear and obvious from the beginning
exactly what these people that cattle like gates have been calling anti-vaxxers have been propagating from the start

the info wasnt secret but voicing publically available data meant you had to get cancelled
gates is part of the toxic shitfest that is western culture and its dialog that is dominated by state propaganda, echoed by all media outlets

>> No.14580542

>except that was clear and obvious from the beginning
Only racists and white supremacists saw that

>> No.14580549


>> No.14580686

non-retarded people are able to use the information in the screencap to find the video clip

>> No.14581226

>Sorry we used the power of the state to make your life a living hell just because you weren't making the same mistake we were. But we're good, right? Haha, doesn't matter, we'll still use the power of the state to punish you if you don't make our mistake again.
They haven't even asked for forgiveness but if they did, it shouldn't be granted.

>> No.14581230

Dr. Robert Malone