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14578679 No.14578679 [Reply] [Original]

Can we actually reverse the damages of climate change at this point or are we all just irreparably fucked?

>> No.14578715

Climate isn’t caused by human activity bro.
The Earth naturally goes through warm periods and ice ages.
Si even if everyone did what the environmentalists said and sold their car to buy a bike it still wouldn’t do anything to change the weather.

>> No.14578718

Probably, but the retards are holding us back.

>> No.14578737

It really depends what you mean by 'we'.

Yes, from the perspective of the average worker drone, industrial society is fucked; perhaps 30-70 years hence, though it'll be a slow, constant decline through that time. But, if you're self-interested you should take solace that the industrial labor system will probably continue to exist with only reforms for your entire working career.

Is the human race fucked? No, humans will continue to survive for a very long time.

Are the rich fucked? Plenty of upper middle class college kids on /sci/ who will never know actual economic hardship or oppression in their lives, the rich will be completely fine as long as they stay rich.

Will those with knowledge of self be fucked? No, society will continue to exist, the economy will continue to provide goods and services, there is plenty of time to buy property in a rural area in a place well above sea level and insulated from the coasts where you'll be perfectly able to build a life for yourself, as long as you can remain free from attachments to wealth and industrial society.

Are dirt poor brown people in low lying coastal areas fucked? Fuck yeah they are, no way out of that one.

And, if you're just an average goy participating in the puppet-show of modern society in a developed country; yes, you can expect things to get continuously worse for the rest of your life, though almost certainly you'll still be provided with the food and shelter you crave more than freedom or a genuine human existence.

>> No.14578898
File: 151 KB, 977x867, Kes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Climate Change is just another ponzi scheme created by Nazi descendants.

A scam by the rich 1% to convince you to give them more money via "taxes" so they can "fix" it, and take away more of your freedom and possessions.

>> No.14579041

Yes it is obviously not too late.

>> No.14579048

I sure hope not.
Higher sea levels sound better than ice caps that reach european mainland.

>> No.14579052

>Can we actually reverse the damages of climate change at this point
We can, easily, but the solution wont be found in legislation or anything like that, though legislation will help. The solution to climate change will be found in technological advancement, creation of alternative energy sources, basically progressing technology to an absurd degree.

>> No.14579054
File: 43 KB, 1000x631, GISP210klarge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have not seen any compeling arguments climate change is man caused.
and guess what?
It was WAY WAY WAY hoter 4000 years ago, and humanity didn't die out
the biodiversity did just fine, the balance of predator and prey survived
so what damages are you talking about excactly?

>> No.14579064
File: 199 KB, 821x1071, chhahahfdjdls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy Chinese!
>You kill planet you no do as we say!
>Why you racist transphobe?!
>Do what we tell you and give us you money! >Pay more taxes to our installed political puppets!

>> No.14579068

It was possible but the green movement killed nuclear in the 80's. Not possible now without a complete shift in global thinking. Doesn't matter anyways the white western world will survive, it's the 3rd world that will starve.

>> No.14579072

>it's the 3rd world that will starve.
naw, they tougher and used to famines. They will survive a famine better than lazy fat westerners would survive a week without AC.

>> No.14579128

No, they are dependent on our food. When crisis hits we'll stop exporting and they'll starve. Like what is happening to the arab world now from the Rus/Ukraine war.

>> No.14581079

>Climate isn’t caused by human activity bro
It is currently.

>The Earth naturally goes through warm periods and ice ages.
Yeah, we had interglacial warming 10,000 years ago so we should be slowly cooling right now according to the natural cycle. But instead we are rapidly warming on top of the interglacial warming, 25 tones faster than the last interglacial warming. There's nothing natural about it.

>> No.14581091
File: 38 KB, 751x484, d41586-021-03011-6_19856670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It was WAY WAY WAY hoter 4000 years ago
Wrong. You're confusing GISP2, which only gives you the temperature at one location in Greenland, with global temperature.

>> No.14581450

>Fuck yeah they are, no way out of that one.
They already are. India ain't looking good in many parts.

>> No.14581897


>> No.14581900
File: 10 KB, 270x187, xxxxxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Climate isn’t caused by human activity bro
>It is currently.
wrong. you just fell for the psyop and are dumb.

>> No.14582205

When you say "climate change" are you referring to Al Gore's rediculous anti carbon dioxide campaign? There have been studies that have shown that plants grow faster and bigger in carbon dioxide rich environments. It is their air. The plants will become giants and absorb all that magnified solar heat in the greenhouse, which will result in an oxygen rich environment. As far as carbon pollution in the upper atmosphere; its removal has resulted in an increased intensity of solar radiation. If you're referring to water pollution, the earth's atmosphere is a gigantic solar still. If you're worried about deforestation you should solve the problem of downed trees damaging infrastructure; then the disincentive for growing trees would be removed. If you're worried about livestock flatulence, you should listen to Allen Savory.

>> No.14582366

Not an argument. Thanks for admitting current warming is not part of the natural cycle.

Here's direct observation that it's human CO2 emissions: https://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/174407/

>> No.14582389

>When you say "climate change" are you referring to Al Gore's rediculous anti carbon dioxide campaign?
Are you saying you don't know the definition of common phrases? Try googling it.

>There have been studies that have shown that plants grow faster and bigger in carbon dioxide rich environments.
That's only true when CO2 is the limiting factor for growth. Doesn't matter how much CO2 there is if the plant is in a drought.

>The plants will become giants and absorb all that magnified solar heat in the greenhouse
You mean absorb sunlight? Plants don't remove heat, and the sunlight they absorb for photosynthesis is negligible compared to the amount of energy increased CO2 sends back to Earth. The significant part of photosynthesis is that the plant sequesters some of the CO2 it uses in the soil. But this is not enough to stop our emissions from increasing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.

>As far as carbon pollution in the upper atmosphere; its removal has resulted in an increased intensity of solar radiation.
CO2 is doesn't absorb sunlight but it does absorb and emit heat. It let's sunight in which is then converted to heat by the Earth, and it stops some of that heat from leaving. Net warming effect.

>If you're referring to water pollution, the earth's atmosphere is a gigantic solar still.
How does this solve ocean acidification?

>If you're worried about deforestation you should solve the problem of downed trees damaging infrastructure; then the disincentive for growing trees would be removed.
You think that's the only reason why more trees aren't planted? What about land availability? What about cost and labor?

>If you're worried about livestock flatulence, you should listen to Allen Savory.
His theories have been refuted: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holistic_management_(agriculture)#Criticism

>> No.14582399 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14582401

Algae. I just destroyed your entire stupid theory.

>> No.14582402

Shouldn't have called you stupid but algae takes care of the chunk of CO2 in the world and it can scale because it's mostly in the sea. The earth balances itself. You're being played.

>> No.14582403

What about it?

>> No.14582409

>but algae takes care of the chunk of CO2 in the world and it can scale because it's mostly in the sea. The earth balances itself.
Then why is CO2 rapidly increasing? When is the Earth going to start fixing itself, exactly? Sounds more like a religious belief than a fact.

>> No.14582418

Climate change is literally the best thing that could happen to the human race. Compare an map of countries by IQ to a map of which countries will have their populations culled by climate change. We are inadvertently selecting for intelligence on a global scale.
>but muh climate refugees!
Literally not an issue. Safe countries will take in a few hundred thousand of the best from suffering countries and the rest will die off.
>muh resource wars!
Can't wait to see Algeria try to invade France lmao.

>> No.14582421
File: 547 KB, 720x545, Covid Nitrogen Dioxide china.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Covid break proves you wrong. The readings in this image are 1 month apart.

>One pound of N2O warms the atmosphere about 300 times the amount that one pound of carbon dioxide does over a 100 year timescale. Its potency and relatively long life make N2O a dangerous contributor to climate change.

>> No.14582431

we're totally fucked, but just in case, we should dismantle modern society and live in solar powered commie caves

>> No.14582718

There is no effective solution to climate change proposed by liberals at the moment and small things stacked on top of each other won't fix it. 70% of emissions are from corporations who are almost never regulated. They just want to fuck you over and it wouldn't even reverse it.
Nuclear is also the greenest energy and yet we see many ostensibly """environmentalist""" parties and countries opposing it.

>> No.14582767
File: 123 KB, 1160x770, 1619243297813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is no effective solution to climate change proposed by liberals at the moment

>> No.14582799

>There is no effective solution to climate change proposed by liberals at the moment

>70% of emissions are from corporations
Not exactly. The figure you're citing is actually that 100 companies are involved in 70% of emissions, not that they actually emit 70% of emissions. For example, a fossil fuel company sells fuel to many other companies and people. They then burn the fuel and emit CO2. The fossil fuel company is involved in those emissions but didn't emit them. So you could stop the fossil fuel company from producing the fuel, or the other's from burning it, or both. The 70% figure doesn't imply you have to regulate those corporations to stop emissions.

>who are almost never regulated.
Source? Every corporation is regulated.

>> No.14583608

Only real solution is Nuclear, but we're in a position where it's not possible to implement due to NIMBY and the fact that over 90 percent of uranium is in Russia who is at war with the western world in their mind.

>> No.14583628

Climate change is objectively a hoax by and for the fake left. You only believe in this garbage because you're a retarded leftist fully consumed by the Jewish left-right dichotomy. Your image is a selfie. :^)

>> No.14583666

nigger it's about resource prevalence and importance climate change is a fucking charade

>> No.14583744

>Climate change is objectively a hoax by and for the fake left.

>> No.14583755

Geoengineerig like aerosols in the stratosphere is the last hope. I think most governments acknowledge the problem is real, they just need more time to solve it. If geoengineering can tide us over to the 2060s, we will make it. That's when China predicts they'll go carbon neutral/negative.

>> No.14583776

Idk but sooner or later I'm gonna move somewhere Arctic where I won't have to deal with NWO bs.
Alaska, Norway, Finland, Siberia, somewhere in the mountains or Antarctica.