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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14577981 No.14577981 [Reply] [Original]

Post good guys of /sci/

>> No.14577997
File: 80 KB, 900x750, isaac-newton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>full on autismo
>died a virgin because "forget bitches attain science"
/sci/ personified

>> No.14578017
File: 187 KB, 362x479, Edward_Teller_ID_badge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a boy

>> No.14578054
File: 31 KB, 270x348, LeonhardEuler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By far the most important..

>> No.14578059
File: 68 KB, 525x360, JamesClerkMaxwell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he began the modern era

>> No.14578060
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>> No.14578065
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he challenged the impossible.. (white hat)

>> No.14578075
File: 41 KB, 565x358, GeorgeGabrielStokes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he sought an equation for the smoothness of flow.

he would be very proud today.

>> No.14578085
File: 27 KB, 456x355, Pythagoras.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he challenged his students to argue against his theorem.. and ofter refused to speak with those who merely sought his praise.. the Pythgorean Theorem was never meant to be a foundation for geometry.. but rather a challenge in finding the lone exception.. the search for that exception became known as the Delian Problem..

>> No.14578109
File: 35 KB, 501x352, Plato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

though he would not be credited for it, Plato had found the solution to the Delian Problem.. but due to his being wanted for the murder of Dionysus I, he was forced to hide his solutions in the Timaeus and Theaetetus.. the Delian Problem would continue to be regarded as unsolved, even in the modern era.. if only because the modern era lacked the focus to study him.. in the Timaeus, Plato called it the most beautiful of all the triangles. the formula for doubling the cube and squaring the circle would be hidden with Theaetetus, the youth whom Socrate was accused of corrupting.. Theaetetus escaped to Cyrene with Theodorus, author of the spiral.. some say this is why Socrates refused an offer to bribe his way out of prison, using donations of money from Crito, Cebes, and Simmias the Theban. had Socrates run, then perhaps General Lysander would have sent in a team to capture Theaetetus.. Plato was an ardent follower of Pythagoras, and is known to have sought three of his books from Philolaus, in exchange for a hundred minae.

>> No.14578118
File: 28 KB, 332x341, ibnSina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ibn Sina, often known under the Romanized version of his name as Avicenna, was the first propose a grand unified theory.. derived from his study of the levitation of the sun, ibn Sina wrote that from the depths of the black earth to the apogee of Saturn, he had solved all things.. his writing was later interpreted to have foreseen today's grand unified theory, that levitation of the sun is wrought by equal and opposite forces of magnetic black hole and propagating electrical field.

>> No.14578132
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>> No.14578149
File: 44 KB, 406x357, GalileoGalilei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Galileo Galilei was a fugitive of the Catholic Church, and was sought mercilessly by Pope Paul V; who so far as to shut down a monastery where Galileo was said to be in hiding.. that monastery, was called Saint Peter of Lo.. Like Plato before him, Galileo preferred the use of dialogues for his writings.. his most famous work being the Dialogue of the Three Friends Concering the Two Chief World Systems.. The title alone was cryptography, with Galileo embedding the formula for a Perfect Fifth, or 3/2.. he would not live to see the Perfect Fifth become the formula for Universal Field expansion.. But more importantly, it was Galileo who first proposed the concept of a Five Dimensional Universe, though casual readers of his work would never notice.. this is because Galileo was censored by the Church, and could not produce a writing that ran afoul of Copernicus.. he draws the reader's focus to the number Three.. saying there are dimensions of length, height and breadth.. but if you look closely, Galileo makes an intentional mistake, and alludes to ascension, as the fourth dimension.. Pope Paul V said the monastery was located at the Ospelato Lodigiano.. which means a Piece of the Valley Ascends.. Galileo "blames" Johannes Kepler for discovery of the expanding fifth dimension, by construction of the telescope.. he tells the story of Kepler falling into a well, from which he had gained knowledge of refraction, through lenses of morning and evening fog.. But what Pope Paul V did not know, was that Aesop's fable of the Astronomer had been the password of Pythagorean schools for some two thousand years.. Plato's character of the Eleatic Stranger makes reference to the well, saying Theaetetus had been trapped inside.. Galileo was therefore the first to write the theory of a Five Dimensional Universe having measurements of length, breadth, height, ascension (hypotenuse), and field expansion.

>> No.14578170
File: 6 KB, 281x330, Phaedaionios17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Φαιδεώνιος draws his pseudonym from the location of the holy grail.. though did not know the name of the town, before he wrote it. Φαιδεώνιος is the first scientist to prove the existence of foreknowledge.. he is said to be an American, and an authentic follower of Justus of Nazareth.. though he claims to have found such truths, through his devotion to Islam.. he writes of his discovery of the holy grail in his dialogue treatise on Julius Ceasar's theft of the Library of Alexandria, and his own mission to see the works returned.. his words are as follows;

During his teaching at the synagogues, Rabbit Justus would read and interpret the scrolls of the Prophers; but these scrolls, were the only writings he possessd; and it was known to us, that Rabbi Justus also read in Greek ||

We knew this, because the little village he had chosen to gather the Five Thousand, was at one time a part of Greece; and they had called the village PHAED, to which Plato had added an O, for on; meaning On the Soul ||

This village never had a need to become large; because they were a part of the Decapolis, an aread known as the Ten Cities; and during the time of Israel, the Ten Cities were a kibbutz, or a farming cooperative; it was a community, called Ein Gev ||

Together, the Five Thousand would decide to name the resting place of the holy grail, in Greek; they would name it for PHAED, the soul with no beginning and no end; that description in Greek, was spoken as Aionios; so they linked the two words together, as Φαιδεώνιος ||

>> No.14578224
File: 234 KB, 640x719, 1655406794183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>solves metaphysics
>explains spacetime, quantum mechanics and evolution
>unifies formal languages with cognitive neuroscience
>isn't understood by <190 IQ plebs
Hehe, nothing personnel kid

>> No.14578329

there is no curvature to space.. the sphere is without faces..

Vertices cubed minus Edges squared plus Zero = 2

Euler; V - E + F = 2

>> No.14578338

Theaetetus -> first to state the importance of the Three and the Five

Applied: (3*3*3) - (5*5) + 0 = 2

Only the Three and the Five can solve the equation of a sphere without faces.. this is how we know there is no curvature to the Universe, and thus no spacetime..

>> No.14578342

tell me about Leonhard, why does he wear the hat?
if I pull it off will he die?

>> No.14578385

>Applied: (3*3*3) - (5*5) + 0 = 2

real fucking earth shaking stuff

call up harvard and mit, we're gonna need to rewrite mathematics from the ground up with this new and insightful revelation

>> No.14578653

I used to love a girl. But I could never Edward Teller

>> No.14579929

The hats of /sci/

>> No.14580531

I used to fuck yo bitch. But first I'd Euler asshole.

>> No.14580548

Your mom has lopsided tits. I ignore the small one and give the Heaviside all the love.

>> No.14581095

Well not to Bragg but I Moseley fucked your sister.

>> No.14581208
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>> No.14581242
File: 37 KB, 200x319, landau_lev_a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, my name is Lev and I make brainlets seethe.