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File: 743 KB, 2000x1333, bug1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14577017 No.14577017 [Reply] [Original]

Would it be good idea?

>> No.14577021

>Would it be good idea?

But sadly, impossible. Megabugs were possible back in the carbonic (?) period because there was a lot more oxygen in the air.
>captcha: KSSMY

>> No.14577023

The bugs would suffocate due to not being able to breath in enough oxygen to support their frames.

>> No.14577029

we should make giant herbivorous snakes
imagine the amount of spare ribs and ribeye you could get from 20m long cow

>> No.14577035

How would you feed it? How would it reproduce? 20m snake would be ver

>> No.14577037

>20m snake would be ver
..y inefficient in terms of movement. Square cube law and all that.

>> No.14577129

energy requirements would be enormous.

>> No.14577137

That thing would probably kill people nonstop. Bad idea

>> No.14577612

>That thing would probably kill people nonstop.
>Bad idea
non sequitur

>> No.14577672

even during the carboniferous, insects only got about as big as a dinner plate (apart from that big ass millipede the size of an alligator)

>> No.14577966
File: 383 KB, 1632x1261, 1655400831664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, and you VILL eat ze bugs

>> No.14578195

Fpbp and extremely informed gj m8. /thread

>> No.14578213

Three dimensional upscaling doesn't work very well.

>> No.14578232

is there any quote from Schwab that actually encourages consumption of invertebrates?
or any WEF's document/study/pamphlet for that matter?

>> No.14578272

a quick search got me https://www.weforum.org/videos/21336-europe-has-approved-insects-for-human-food-uplink
I'm sure there's more

>> No.14578327

We will not get milk, eggs or fur from them. It remains to keep them as pets or for food.
If they taste just like prawns, the second option is fine with me.

>> No.14578335

Wouldn't the organs of a giant bug just crush themselves under their own pressure?

>> No.14578909

Already happened. Described in the bible and in gnostic texts.

>> No.14578917

No this is a terrible idea what is wrong with you people

>> No.14578925

Their legs couldn't support their own weight.

>> No.14579737

Make them big enough and they will eat us.

>> No.14579790

Why not read their agenda 2030? It's not hidden

>> No.14579870

OP, some universities literally do that kind of thing already in secret. They don't want the public to know they are making Franken Steins but they do it.

>> No.14581544

This plus Earth was both smaller and had less gravity back then.

If bugs tried to be that big nowadays, they would be crush by there own body weight.

>> No.14581584

>This plus Earth was both smaller and had less gravity back then.

>> No.14581609

Name literally one bad thing that could happen as a result. Go ahead, I'll wait.

>> No.14581720

if they eat trannies, jews, faggots and nigs sure

>> No.14581731

makes more sense than having cows. did you know that cows fart and destroy the climate with their farts?


>> No.14581761

It will happen in the future if we create a lot of CO2 which would mean lot bigger trees growth, which would mean lot more oxygen production