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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14572918 No.14572918 [Reply] [Original]

Nobody made another one and I always thought this was the most useful thread in here so here it goes.

Welcome to STEM Career General!
This thread exists to ask questions regarding careers associated to STEM.
> Discussion on academia based career progression
> Discussion on penetrating industry from academia
> Or anything in relation to STEM employment or development within STEM academia!

Resources for protecting yourself from academic marxists:
>https://www.thefire.org/ (US)
>https://www.jccf.ca/ (Canada)

Information resource:
>*The Chad author is seeking additional input to diversify the content into containing all STEM fields. Said author regularly views these /scg/ threads.

No anons have answered your question? Perhaps try posting it here: >https://academia.stackexchange.com/

An archive of all the previous editions of /scg/:

NOTE: Any useful resources relayed in this thread will be included in future /scg/ threads.

>> No.14573259


>> No.14573295

Nah, it’s a slow general. Like you motherfuckers career hahahahaha

>> No.14574048

Masters student in Germany here, want to get a student job at one of the research institutes and I see some good looking ones but none of them are exactly what I want.
The actual problem is, I dont know what I want exactly, I just know what fails to suffice.
I think I am looking for some kind of intersection between systems and signals, numerical methods, Simulation and machine learning.
What should I look for?

>> No.14574055

Anyone know what university labs in Europe get to work on space stuff and might be looking for doctoral students? Looking for a PhD position right now and I'd much prefer it if I could find one where I can do space-related things.

I can do FPGAs, robotics, ML. The ones I can find (TUM, KTH, Delft) don't seem to be looking for people right now.

>> No.14574101

I know TUB has a good Aerospace dept, you might want to check it out

>> No.14574209
File: 687 KB, 1204x1710, cvcvcv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls rate cv

>> No.14574385

>C1-C2 English
>Near native

I'm high CPE score certified C2 and I would be really hesitant to use the word native referring to my language skills anon

>> No.14574407

I got a 110 on the toefl without any preparation, does that count? Also my native english speaker friends always tell me to just put "native" on my cv haha. (i learned at a very young age)

>> No.14574426

From what Google tells me 110 TOEFL score is barely C1
There's also this whole debate about how claiming native level of language proficiency implies being well versed culture-wise which is why L2 speakers probably shouldn't use this term even at high C2
Overall I'd just put C2 followed by the name of the certificate if verified and end it at that when it comes to CV
The people that judge your CV know what C2 means anyway

>> No.14574430

>110 TOEFL score is barely C1
No, what the fuck? Max score is 120.

>There's also this whole debate about how claiming native level of language proficiency implies being well versed culture-wise which is why L2 speakers probably shouldn't use this term even at high C2
Thats kinda dumb, many different cultures have English as their language

>> No.14574441

110/120 is still barely C1 because TOEFL is an easy exam, if you want to take a more challenging one take CPE, it's designed specifically to check how well you handle C2 level English
As for the culture thing I'm on the fence a bit
I guess getting popculture references somewhat qualifies as a dimension of language proficiency, be it speaking American English (so e.g. knowing what Ivy League universities are or getting the Kool-Aid catchphrase reference) or any other variation of English that some culture developed in

>> No.14574446

What can i do with a biomed degree that isnt limited to lab?

I'd do lab but the pay is shit

Should i branch out to public health epi or bioinformatics?

>> No.14574458

>CPE, it's designed specifically to check how well you handle C2 level English
Im looking at it right now, may actually take it at some point, seems like a good thing to have.
However, Im currently working mostly on my german.

>> No.14574461

Are you willing to settle on a $35,000 salary?

>> No.14574471


>> No.14574502

Btw why German?

>> No.14574516

I live in Germany

>> No.14574521

Oh you're studying at TUM
How is it?
I've been thinking about going there for CS master's
Are there opportunities to do research being a master's student?
Any tips for an international applicant?

>> No.14574523

>Oh you're studying at TUM
Nope, im not. Im in TUB

>> No.14574990

Judging by the fact that you haven't made any obvious spelling mistakes you're already ahead of the average American poster.

>> No.14574998

>Any tips for an international applicant?
NTA but I'm in the process of applying to various places, including a bunch at TUM. Right now what I've done is build a spreadsheet of vacancies/calls for applications by scouring the websites of the chairs ("profesür") and looking for places I might fit. Each has different guidelines on applying but generally they want transcripts, a research statement, 2 references. Hard to say how effective my approach is gonna be, only sent the first one today but I got like 6 more in my list.

Anyone actually at TUM care to comment?

>> No.14575010

I've got a BA in physics with a GPA of 2.96 and an MS in secondary education with a GPA of 3.6. I want to move from teaching to engineering. Is it possible to transfer my undergrad credits for a BS? Am I qualified enough to get into an MS program?

>> No.14575022

Would it be possible to study physics in your undergrad+master's and then handle med school + a PhD simultaneously? I'd like to become a surgeon and a researcher, and I think the MD-PhD path would be perfect for this (yes, I know it's bound to be incredibly difficult, but I'm initially interested in its feasibility)

>> No.14575040

has anybody done it?

>> No.14575058

of course, the internet is full of stories about individuals who've taken the MD-PhD path. i'm quite concerned about majoring in physics. in theory, it is the field i'm most passionate about, but in practice, being a surgeon would make me more fulfilled.

if you are interested, look up the story of David St. Jacques

>> No.14575059

I'm going to be moving to a different part of the country and all of the positions (typically mechanical/electrical motion engineering) are asking for experience with PLCs. What's the best way to learn how to use PLCs? Anything I can buy for home use and getting my feet wet without breaking the bank?

>> No.14575088

Download schneiders zelio soft for free st their website and practice bdf and ladder programming. Theres tons of youtube tutorials and its easy as fuck.

>> No.14575106

>David St. Jacques
>He later graduated in 1998 with a PhD in astrophysics,
>He also holds a Doctor of Medicine from Université Laval completed in 2005[15]
I don't think you're on the right track here, anon.

I don't know what it's like in the west, but my (ex-ussr) family is full of doctors, and the way they talk about their university days makes it seem like there was simply no time in the day left for anything else. And a PhD position is a full time job itself.

>> No.14575117

I got an Allen Bradley micro820 back in the day, but didn't end up using it very much. Learned the most by building out a thing for a family friend with a cheap shitbox controller

But really it's piss easy. If you can read an electrical schematic you can program ladder. If you can program in any modern programming language you can program structured text. PLC jobs tend to attract extreme brainlets who think it's some sort of highly complex profession when really it just boils down to knowing how to make a state machine and write code that isn't completely retarded for the thing you're doing.

What matters more is that you have a solid understanding of the electromechanical components the PLC is gonna be driving so you know what is and isn't kosher.

>> No.14575175

Oh I've no doubts I can do it. I do relay logic (hardwired) at my job which is pretty similar. It's just a gate I have to go through for job applications and getting to know the UI/UX/quirks of the software.

>> No.14575195

Quit STEM and go into finance. This is the best advice anyone will ever give you

>> No.14575248

why not fintech then

>> No.14575253

what the fuck is with all these "pre-assessment screeings" the big companies are doing now?
basically before they even talk to you, you have to go on your webcam and record yourself answering a bunch of questions.
i'm guessing this is for diversity shit? like oh this is a white male *application deleted*

>> No.14575262

What if we are seeing the return of great power competition, necessitating real economic production and less focus on finance capitalism? Finance was notoriously 'boring' between the New Deal reforms up to the 80s when it was deregulated.

>> No.14575327

the software is like half a day of work to get a hang of depending on just how nasty it is, just do some stuff on some PLC so you can say you've done it before and wing it.

>> No.14575333

>go from competitive, oversaturated field to an even more competitive, oversaturated field
you won't hear back unless you've got a PhD from MIT or some shit

>> No.14575373

It's shit advice. Finance is full of turbonormie bugmen. If you wanted to do it you should have done something besides STEM. They're not interested in most STEM grads anyway, just the ones who are particularly focused on the right kind of maths or programming for some jobs. It's not the sort of shit you apply to as a grad school lab rat with no prior exposure, rather you grind their internshits as an undergrad and hope they'll hire you for a graduate program after.

>> No.14575639

11/2021: you mention DSP but you don't state the platform.
05/2021: "X-11 Census from time series analysis", should that be "from" or "for"?
Also "currently curating" when the job is over seems strange, what is the status here?
01/2021 "planing lectures" seems like a typo, kind of grates in a CV in general, and in particular when you claim near native "english" which also should be capitalised.

>> No.14576278

Demoralized with the actuarial situation here in Canada. Any other jobs revolving around mathematical finance or even f*ntech that doesn't require a masters? My last option would be going to the US.

>> No.14576790

>11/2021: you mention DSP but you don't state the platform
This is actually a particularity of the job, I work mostly on a library that other components in a distributed system call, and given the systems architecture, this code doesnt really exist a dsp. But is is used to simulate a dsp (in this case an fpga) so I have to do stuff like fix point arithmetic Implementation of filters and so on.
If this sounds weird and convoluted its cause it is.
>05/2021: "X-11 Census from time series analysis", should that be "from" or "for"?
Both work and mean different things, im probably going to completely re do thar section to something way more general like "models and methods for time series analysis". What I mention is too specific and ends up looking like word salad to me.

>Also "currently curating" when the job is over seems strange, what is the status here?
Oh, completely missed updating that, that's just a mistake, I dont work there anymore.

>01/2021 "planing lectures" seems like a typo, kind of grates in a CV in general, and in particular when you claim near native "english" which also should be capitalised.
Thanks hadnt noticed these

Also, im totally unconvinced by my description of my current job, do you have any suggestions there?

>> No.14576818

>Max score is 120.
A native speaker would easily be scoring 120 or very near in any case so writing near native for 110 is likely an overestimate of your ability. Not being mean, but I used to help people with English exams

>> No.14576820


I've met lots of MD PHDs. Just pick a medschool programme that allows it. As far as I'm aware there are many in the UK and Ireland

>> No.14576902

FPGA is not mentioned in your CV but this can be valuable. Also, if you programmed specific FPGAs it will for some potential employers be relevant to know which FPGA families your know and if you used VHDL and/or Verilog.

>> No.14576907

What is worth more in a PhD: high ranking university or big name lab/project?

Say, would you rather do your dissertation at CERN with some meh university from an irrelevant commie country, or go for a regular lab placement at a more prestigious western euro one?

>> No.14576917

>FPGA is not mentioned in your CV but this can be valuable. Also, if you programmed specific FPGAs it will for some potential employers be relevant to know which FPGA families your know and if you used VHDL and/or Verilog
Well I dont do any of that but rather emulate with a c++ program what happens in an fpga. Its just for testing.
So I feel like adding that to the cv would be very disingenuous.

>> No.14576920

>What should I look for?
Connections to people instead of topics.
You will probably learn to enjoy most topics in your general field, given enough time.
It seems to me that the connections you make will be much more relevant to your success.

>> No.14577152

>It seems to me that the connections you make will be much more relevant to your success.
This is actually a very good point and I hadent thought about it.
Indeed, ill use this criteria from now on. Thanks

>> No.14577163

based kubo

>> No.14577297

I've talked to this guy about 3 times on the phone and today I'm going to meet him. He said he's going to give me a tour of the facility and introduce me to the engineering manager.
Does this sound like I've already got the job or is this another round of interviews?

>> No.14577362

What is the context? Is this your first contact or have you already passed a bunch of interviews and gotten a signed job offer?

>> No.14577367


Got a bit more context, could get to work physically at CERN for about half the time, but with some courses in my home country at first and then dissertation defense there also.

I wonder if getting to work at a prestigious international institution like that would make up for the university being noname shit tier. How much does it matter when doing doctoral research?

>> No.14577385

He's just talked to me on the phone several times.
All he said is today was a "tour" to give me a better idea of what they do and introducing me to the engineering manager. I have no idea if it's just to check me out and make sure I'm not a purple haired freak or what. I'm really hoping it's not a sit down interview or else I'm boned.
It's for a government agency and one thing he said is that he can't hire me directly, he can only recommend me to HR. So I know I'm not hired yet. I just wish I knew what we were doing today because I'm driving 4 hours to get there.

>> No.14577392

>I'm really hoping it's not a sit down interview or else I'm boned.
sounds like exactly that, though they might not sit you down.
>make sure I'm not a purple haired freak or what
yeah the general vibe check is one of the main reasons people want to meet. but in this case he might also be looking to see if you look like you understand the job and wing it.
> can't hire me directly, he can only recommend me to HR.
definitely sounds like a screening interview in that case

>> No.14577399

For the people who know what you do, what matters is the quality of your work and not who you did it for. That said, the top groups tend to consistently put out great work and will have an easier time getting into top journals. But if you have 0 publications then it doesn't really matter if your group is hot shit.

However, the vast majority of people will not know what you do, and even those that do are not totally impervious to prejudice. In these cases there are very few institutions whose name provokes a reaction. CERN is one such, for universities only the top few are really like this.

Rather than these factors, I would consider what it is you want to do afterwards and how these places would help you get there. If you want to work outside your commie country it will be easier if you've made connections in a western university. If you want to stay in academia your publications are most important and I'd go with whatever place puts out more and better research. The further you stray from your research niche in employment the less your PhD topic, content and publications will matter and I'd maybe consider other factors, reputation being one.

>> No.14577403

>help a roastie through her engineering degree
>pair up with her in 5 undergrad classes and 1 lab
>basically do all the work while she sat there eating her starbucks sandwhich every day
>both graduated a few years ago
>she got a nice job, i'm looking for work
>already have an interview at the place she works that i got on my own
>message her on facebook, not even asking her for a job, just to put a good word in with the dude who is interviewing me
>left on read and ghosted
jesus christ

>> No.14577406

ok sounds like i'm fucked then, thanks

>> No.14577409

>helping a roastie who isn't choking herself on your cock in return
you should have known better

>> No.14577420

i didn't think it was this bad. i mean even if you don't want to help me, how much would it cost to just send a message acknowledging that i exist as a person and say you don't have any control or influence like that but good luck on the interview?
god dammit
people get into these positions and develop superiority complexes or something

>> No.14577425

>If you want to work outside your commie country it will be easier if you've made connections in a western university.
Hmm, so being at a place like CERN is not actually that good for making connections abroad? I was talking to the potential supervisor and he suggested that once you find the niche you're gonna focus on for your dissertation you tend to hang out with other people in that niche, less the people from your own country/university's research group. Don't know how much I can trust him on that, however.

This is also a really weird case because if I pick this option I get to do high energy physics which is different from my current prospective direction (robotics/ML).

But really I'm scared of getting duped into wasting 4 years of my life on something that doesn't pan out. I want to work in research and be taken seriously by people internationally, not just here.

>> No.14577428

>help a roastie through her engineering degree
>>pair up with her in 5 undergrad classes and 1 lab
>>basically do all the work while she sat there eating her starbucks sandwhich every day
nigger she doesn't even remember you.

>> No.14577476

perhaps you should get her fired.

>> No.14578038

Serves you right enslaving yourself for a STEM-Mid chick

>> No.14578180

You're a fucking retard.

>> No.14578206

if she isnt fucking you she isnt worth your time dumbass

>> No.14578454

Can somebody answer?

>> No.14579744

Many possibilities:
- you can transition into management, either with an MBA or join a consultancy (see the FAQ)
- you can enter the intellectual property profession, either as an Examiner or a patent agent/attorney
- you can enter teaching (I would not recommend this)
- you can become a journalist reporting on this specific field (this is even close to prostitution, but hey, this is a possibility)
- you can enter politics (seems things are getting worse...)

>> No.14579983

The FAQ is always looking for more input.

>> No.14580153


Bioinformatics is great and can carry you to other fields if you want. Get a Bioinfo job or qualification, learn stats and computation and you'll have interesting jobs for the rest of your days. Being a biologist with computational skills is great and still pretty rare

>> No.14580620

How long should I wait before I consider a PhD application "timed out" (rejected with no response)? Currently I'm using a term of 1 month, but I suspect I could cut down on stress by making the period shorter.

Basically, I just want to know when I can stop waiting for a reply and mark the application as rejected in my spreadsheet.

>> No.14581348

EE here
should I take a job with the federal government?
this is my first job so I don't know what to look for

>> No.14581417

Isn't EE pretty much a meme degree outside of Germany? I'd take the job just to get some relevant job experience.

>> No.14581420

electrical engineering?
it's not a meme degree outside of germany as far as I'm aware.

>> No.14581782

Electrical? No. It's one of the big 4 in the US.

>> No.14582222

GS job or contractor?

>> No.14582256

I utterly bombed my interview.
I scheduled it in on short notice because I had another interview at the same complex the same day.
When I got in, he said we'd go into the conference room and he would ask me some technical questions. Immediately I felt blind sided because he seemed so casual over the phone and the 1st interview had been very casual, more of a tour really.
He asked me basic questions and I couldn't answer any of them. Sometimes he would say "ah yeah that's ok" but whenever I answered he had this shocked look on his face like he couldn't believe what he was hearing. I mean mouth agape, eyebrows raised, looking down at the table. Like a horrified expression. Holy fuck dude.

>> No.14582519

lol yeah, it feels like shit when you fall pry to the fundamental attribution error

I've had times when I got put up against technical questions without expexting it too. Dude asked me to do a bunch of load calculations - not very complex, but also not immediately straight forward - at an ME interview. I had done them years before in school but had recently mostly been focusing on controls/EE type roles, so I didn't remember shit. Had I known I could've looked that shit up in an hour or so because it's just math and I've done way more complicated shit before.

But alas, he probably assumed I was a total retard and fraud because he lives and breathes that shit in his everyday life.

>> No.14582522

*fall prey

>> No.14582894

Anons, how do I politely refuse a professor who's been bugging me to write a paper based on my undergrad project? Said professor was the advisor for that project. I personally believe that the work I did in that project isn't worth being published and would only be a waste of time. And I have better things to do now.

t. just finished my undergrad

>> No.14582952

Just say as much. What is he gonna do? The
>I have better things to do now.
suggests you are not continuing in academia and thus he has zero power over you.

If you're planning to go to grad school then having a paper is definitely a big advantage so you should consider it.

>> No.14582990

Yeah I mean I have a job that starts soon and am on vacation right now, but he sent me an email anyway with an urgent tone. Also, he planned on sending it to a paper mill conference.
As for grad school, I do have plans but my project really isn't worthy enough to be published, I don't know why my prof wants me to write a paper

>> No.14583002

Should I study maths or mathematical statistics in undergrad? I feel like pure maths is more interestong for me, but people say that you get basically 0 good jobs if you study pure math.

>> No.14583024

The top guys in pure maths get sweet jobs in places like Jane Street and OpenAI straight out of undergrad. Idk what the average guy does though.

>> No.14583104

Max Planck Institute of Intelligent Systems seems pretty cool and aligned with what you want. Try cold-emailing some labs you like and see if you can get a job as a research assistant (or volunteer if you can afford it).

>> No.14583118

If they exist in your country, you can always go for an MD/PhD program, sure. But I'll give it to you raw: it's becoming increasingly harder to be a researcher and physician at the same time. Consider that universities are mass-producing Masters and sharting out fresh PhDs every year, who will take whatever academic job is available for a small fraction of your salary (if they have a salary at all lmao). Then there's you: someone with very long training requirements, a very high salary (not likely to become a grant-enslaved lab monkey) and a hospital administrator wanting you to slave away for the clinic.
Then your physician colleagues will see you as less invested in medicine, your clinical superiors will not want to give you time for researching, and your fellow scientists will see you as less of a "scientist", with some resenting you for intruding on their turf.
Don't know what type of research you want to do, but most "physician scientists" do more clinical/epidemiological things, not so much basic science. I can tell you that the only MDs I know who are actively working as basic scientists had to give up their physician career, every single one of them.

>> No.14583408

My dad and I are in two different fields: biochemistry vs. ecology, but I think it would be really cool to do some kind of joint project with him and publish together.

>> No.14583557

What does being a "top guy" in pure maths in undergrad look like?

>> No.14583565

>Me and my friend go through chemical engineering.
>It was pure hell for the both of us.
>I get fucked over by advising and forced to change majors to chemistry.
>I graduate and friend is still left behind in grueling chemical engineering courses.
>He graduates just recently
>I ask him about job prospects and we both notice a trend where process engineering jobs want both chemical engineers and mechanical engineers.
>Also notice extremely small amount of listing for chemical engineering jobs, notice said listings barely want actual chemical engineers.
Is this the future? Is mechanical engineering just going to over take every engineering field?

>> No.14583701

>I can tell you that the only MDs I know who are actively working as basic scientists had to give up their physician career, every single one of them.

May i ask in which kind of fields are they in? I know epi is a commom one like you listed. Dunno about others.

I'm an MD from eastern europ that has yet to do a recidency and before doing that I'm thinking of trying out something else first before clinical practice

>> No.14583818

Does the US hire for teaching jobs from abroad?

>> No.14583865

mechanical and electrical are the big dawgs, anything else is more like a niche field
look into semiconductor manufacturing, that's a big area that hires chemies.

>> No.14584176

>apply to intel
>a week later get a personalized email inviting me to apply for jobs at intel
kek wtf

>> No.14584453

Which BS has more bang for your buck in terms of transferability, Physics or Mechanical Engineering? Which degree employs greater use of technology I wouldn't be able to acquire to self teach with?

>> No.14584680

What are the core skills/tools/knowledge to get a signal processing job? Is it possible for someone without an EE degree? Asking as a mathfag with minors in CS and statistics

>> No.14584739
File: 43 KB, 612x408, istockphoto-1165561132-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Graduated EE 2 years ago but I suck at everything. What's the easiest EE job out there that is impossible to fuck up?

>> No.14585407

chem e is dead as a doornail anon, you're looking at literally like 18 new grads per open position so they can afford to be hyper selective with what skillset they're looking for

>> No.14585444

You posted it, controls.

>> No.14585533

Whats objectively the best thing to do after a math bachelor? Best math job?

>> No.14585762

Neuroscience and immunology are the ones I know of personally.

>> No.14585788

Bros does it get easier to find a job after your first intern as an engineer?

Finding an intern took over 2 years

>> No.14585792

I had a call to discuss a time for my interview. They asked questions and said we will let you know. After 3 weeks nothing. Is it safe to assume I didn't get in?

>> No.14585796

>Is mechanical engineering just going to over take every engineering field
Would this apply to aerospace too?
They are very similar, or would you be fucked if you cannot get any aero jobs

>> No.14585824

Landed Data Analyst gig w military Service and bachelors in Statistics. Doesn’t pay super well but it’s a great company that hires up fast and is constantly growing.

Im using GI bill to get my Masters in Stats and will make pitch to either get promotion to Project manager in analytics (essentially the data science position) or to become a head data engineer after.

What do you guys think?

>> No.14585984

Telecommunications or computer science engineering?
Currently doing cyber technology and don't know what i should master in.

>> No.14586209

>Near native English.
I've been living in Canada since I was 16, I learnt English when I was a kid, watched American movies, American cartoons, American shows, go to the U.S at least 3 times per year ever since I was 6 or so. People think I'm American/Canadian because my accent is so minimum people tend to think "it's the way he talks".
Yet, I would never say I'm a "near native" simply because I'm not. My mum speaks to me in my native language, I used my native language for more time than I used English, I went to Middle school and high school in my native language.
Just because you learnt a language since you were a kid or you speak it with barely any accent, you're still not a native, the words you use, the way you talk express yourself and how you think aren't the same of a native speaker in any language.
Just say that you speak English anon.
Plus, your Spanish accent will always be somehow present.

>> No.14586728

Why did this irk some many people? My American friends always tell me I should just say native, that's why I have that there.
Is it really that much of a problem when this cv will be addressed mainly to Germans?
Moreover, what about the skills I list or the overall impression the cv makes? Is it at least decent?

>> No.14586780


t. mechanical engineer who's worked as an electrical engineer, software engineer and now potentially going to pursue a high energy physics PhD

>> No.14586813

I will be 27 when I graduate with my BEng in civil engineering. Am I already a failure? I did a bunch of random construction jobs after high school because I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life. It seems like everyone else in my classes are fairly young, although I can blend in because I still look like I'm 20ish.

>> No.14586828

I'll graduate EE in a few months and I'm thinking about studying Civil Engineering instead of getting a masters degree and get more opportunities in construction. Would you do it?

>> No.14586839

Just get your P.Eng. and do stuff with transmission lines.

>> No.14586841

>doing another BEng
no, I wouldn't

as an EE you can probably get a job designing electrical installations or even HVAC for buildings, though it wouldn't be easy

what you can actually do is work as a code monkey like everyone else in EE who doesn't want to do EE

>> No.14586887

whats the equivalent for mechanical engineering

>> No.14586897

MEP shit

>> No.14586899

>Just get your P.Eng.
Not really a thing in my country
> can probably get a job designing electrical installations or even HVAC for buildings
I'm currently on that path, but feels weird to finally stop studying and I'm not sure on what to do next, or if what I have is enough

>> No.14586910

Not at all. If you go back to the construction industry your going to look like a “boot strapper” who wanted to level up from trades to engineering.

>> No.14586914

You have fucking crazy capitalization errors because you're too retarded to know what a proper noun is.
>Engineering mathematics, Statics and physics.
This gave me fucking AIDS.
You have really bad punctuation errors as well. You need to pay closer attention to the periods at the end of your bullet points. It's all over the place and you need to be consistent. Sometimes you have two periods, sometimes you have one, and sometimes you completely omit punctuation. Just pick something and stick to it.

>> No.14586936
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I work in the Federal sector. It depends on the GS payscale really. You will most likely come in as a GS7, but some agencies have special rates that pay significantly more and will bring you in at a different pay band.

It gets exponentially worth more if you get clearances and shit like that or you work in the defense sector like putting missiles or satellites up into the air where you can easily monkey branch to any company looking to go into space for triple your GS salary.

I work in the utilities part of the Federal sector as an EE. Made my first 100k at the job in year 4. It isn't bad, but it is maximum comfy working 20-30 hours a week working from home.

>> No.14587003

I work in the Fascist sector, here. It's not government work but the company is 2Big2Fail; it's difficult to fire an underperformer here.
The rule is the Soviet rule - pretend to work, they pretend to pay you. But there's benefits like healthcare.
Although like you I don't put in 40 real hours a week, I do have to put in a lot of fake hours. Shit like "equity" and "unconscious bias" training, which is anathema to an autist. And many many braindamaging meetings. I can mute all that crap and surf the web until my name is called but it is still stupid bullshit and a waste of my time, especially if I'm actually working a problem.

>> No.14587030
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>glownigger here

>> No.14587075

holy fuck no one cares
yes you are a failure you're an old faggot who tries to "blend in" with younger people like a creep.

>> No.14587081
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>talked about being an electrical engineer for the department of energy

must be a special kind of retarded

>> No.14587085

"I work in the Federal sector" is a weird way to phrase it. Are you a fed or a contractor?

>> No.14587096

I've been interviewing for an EE position for the FAA.
I've had several interviews so far. They gave me a tour and asked for references, but also mentioned they are seeing other candidates, so who knows. I think they like me but there's so many layers of HR and security shit that it's a crapshoot. We haven't gotten around to discussing pay, but I'm anticipating it will be quite low for an entry level EE. I'm thinking GS6.

>> No.14587121
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I am a federal employee as an electrical engineer. As an engineer, you can literally be anything in the Federal government so that is why I said sector cause I work in utilities.

No, you should be coming in at GS7, but the FAA has a different pay band so you should be asking for the higher end of the equivalent pay band.

You can't really negotiate the grade as an entry level engineer you come in at, but you can negotiate your step. Ask for the highest range of whatever the equivalent is.


>> No.14587125

>I am a federal employee
post proof or you're lying

>> No.14587134

Do you ask for proof if someone says they work at Netflix or Apple as an engineer?

>> No.14587141

I'm not negotiating shit dude, I will be thankful if I just get a job.

>> No.14587146

Pics or didn’t happen

>> No.14587153

you can do controls as a mech too lmao

or hvac, which falls under >>14586897 I guess

>> No.14587155

You really should.

>> No.14587157

>I'm currently on that path, but feels weird to finally stop studying and I'm not sure on what to do next, or if what I have is enough
what do you wanna do? if you want to find fulfillment in your life from work, hvac ain't gonna be it

most engineering jobs are for people who intend to start families, find hobbies and find purpose that way. if you wanna find something that will keep you going on its own you might want to get a phd and go into research or run a startup because nothing else will really cut it.

>> No.14587165

I'm working at a fast food place right now. GS7 step 1 would be a massive improvement to my life.

>> No.14587912

What do the social interactions look like in STEM degrees? What are the students like? Going from a teaching degree to bio and chem and I want to know what my chances of getting along with others are. Couldn't relate to anyone in teaching and it was very awkward.

>> No.14587930

>in person
Like anywhere else. Some people talk to each other and hang out, others mostly stick to themselves. I'd shoot the shit with my BEng class during breaks but haven't contacted any of them since.
0 outside the group whatsapp. my msc was 100% remote and I only got to meet some people at my thesis defense lmao

>> No.14588097

I'm starting a PhD in the fall. My advisor has a Wikipedia page but isn't well known in the field. Red flag?

>> No.14588247

pls help

>> No.14588291

Bros if it took ages to get an internship will it take ages to get a job too in Mech eng?

Or does it get worse?

>> No.14588329

internships are easier to get than entry level jobs by far

>> No.14588330

so its going to be worse when I try and get an entry level job?

How much experience/stuff do they want on the resume to make them happy?

>> No.14588335

yes, on average it will be worse

however there’s a shitload of luck and timing involved too, so you could end up finding something quite easily too

as far as experience, don’t worry too much about it, you’ll be competing with people that have more experience than you no matter how many internships or projects you did, so it’s a game of networking and numbers

>> No.14588340

Where can I go from here if I made 0 friends from uni and know no one?

>> No.14588349

it’s now a numbers game

Make several good versions of your resume for broad categories of positions, then tweak it slightly for positions you actually want and write a cover letter if needed (might be a waste of time)

Once you’ve done as many quality applications as you have energy for, move on to the jobs that you don’t really want that badly and just mass apply with a generic resume for whatever category of job that is (no cover letter for these, if the application is too time consuming skip it, just go for quantity here)

>> No.14588461

What if I'm the opposite and want to go from a CS Bachelor's to EE master's? I have done these modules for physics, the rest is CS:



https://www.ph.tum.de/academics/org/cc/mh/PH0003/?language=en (Optics only)


I was allowed to take those courses.

>> No.14588467

The students are either lazy unkempt slackers with video game addictions or type A hyper assholes.

>> No.14588501
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Guys, im quitting aerospace because
Im working in energy full time and just can't attend as required of me.
Im trying to pick between electrical, electronics and automation and CS.

CS is what suits most what I currently do at my job but has no professional attributions in my country.

Is is bad to become better at algorithms and worse as physics if Python and C# have been feeding me for 9 years now?
Are there too many CS grads?


>> No.14588507

link to wiki page or you're lying

>> No.14588536

made his own lmao
t. made his own

>> No.14588546

The problem with going the other way around is that engineering degrees are considered their own thing in many jurisdictions, with more stringent requirements for graduation like practical placements and having a capstone project with their thesis. I don't know what it's like in America, but in my commiecunt you get a professional qualification in addition to a university degree. Many jobs require that qualification. So I could go from ME to CS for a master's and now potentially physics for a PhD, but people wishing to do the opposite are sol

>> No.14588631

That factor is important specially in Europestan.
Also everyone from Philippines seems to he in IT, yet local CS grads dont want to code shit even for their own interests

>> No.14588649

post link or you're lying

>> No.14588683

Yes, this guy has it correct. Always always always get the engineering undergrad then go get a masters+ in w/e you want. Trying to do a masters in engineering from a CS degree undergrad is like having to start over.

>> No.14588712

Fuck me, I'm from Germany. At TUM CS Bachelor's is listed at the allowed degrees for an EE master's, I'll try I guess. Thanks anons.

Otherwise I'll just get a job as a codemonkey and do evening university in my free time for the heck of it.

>> No.14588806
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Guess ill just flip a coin

>> No.14588889

>software development is just bug fixing, googling and no actual development
i want a refund

>> No.14588896

hey man at least you get to go to TUM

I graduated my MSc with excellent grades, letters of recommendation and finna boutta get published but since I'm a second world subhuman the labs I sent PhD applications to will probably not even respond.

>> No.14588900

Would like some opinions on this.
What are the prospects of a MechE BS with a possible AE MS going into a Physics PHD program?

>> No.14588907

Git gud. You get to do actual development when you take on more senior roles. 2 ways to do that
>get xp and work up to mid-senior/senior dev
>get hired by a small team and thrown to the wolves

>> No.14588911

Engineering degrees typically come with more than just the degree

This is kind of an oddball situation but I'm a ME, just finished a CS MSc and got offered a PhD spot doing high energy physics at CERN (by a physicist), so transferability is definitely there.

>> No.14588946

What's the best path for engineering in the agriculture industry?

>> No.14588966

you own a farm?

>> No.14588992


>> No.14589060


>> No.14589144

Frfr. Who knows, maybe fate will make us luck out. When I sent out my applications I wrote a nice letter and never expected to be accepted into university. Fast forward 3 years and here I am.

Who knows anon, I still have hope that there is a path out there for us, no cap. No homo.

>> No.14589145

then if you wanna do agriculture you might wanna look into something agriculture-specific

people who already own farms can get whatever. I know a couple of farmers who did ME because why not

>> No.14589162

good to know it's viable. Thanks.

>> No.14589190

well I can't really say it's viable, just saying it's not entirely un-viable lol

not sure what the odds of this happening are but probably not very high under normal circumstances.

>> No.14589195

which is to say, if you wanna do a physics PhD you should really consider going for physics instead. they take some more advanced math and a lot more advanced physics classes, it's just that if you're smart as a ME you can probably catch up - and under some circumstances it might not disqualify you

take with a grain of salt and check with your own institutions, requirements for grad school admissions can vary wildly.

>> No.14589265

I was thinking of doing ME too, but I wanna live somewhere rural with a low crime rate and a low cost of living so I was wondering if looking into agriculture would be a good idea.

>> No.14589278

Anons, which uni do you think has a better global reputation for a PhD, the University of Bern or the Norwegian University of Science and Technology? The field is biomed engineering for Bern and mech engineering for NTNU.
Yes I know neither is prestigious, but these are my options.

>> No.14589429


>> No.14589521

>Try cold-emailing some labs you like
That won't work. Those research institutes usually have semi-associated universities which they use to recruit new employees. If you don't have connections from lectures of mandatory internships, your chances are extremely low.

>> No.14589533

The word is "Professur"

>> No.14589606

yeah, you're right. I have sexdaily

>> No.14589714
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This isn't exactly related to STEM, but for American graduates who took government loans, is it better to pay my loans ASAP or enroll in a payment plan and only pay the minimum every month before the loan gets forgiven at the 20/25 year mark?

>> No.14590119

I'm a new graduate and I'm getting a lot more attention than I thought I'd get. I thought the job search would be hopeless but I've already been invited to like 5 interviews.
I'm starting to get arrogant. I'm supposed to go to an interview tomorrow but I feel that it might be beneath me and it's 2 hours away so I don't feel like going now.

>> No.14590581

What field?

>> No.14590582

Did you graduate MIT or something?

>> No.14590597

I do need to do an internship for my degree.
I was looking at https://www.scai.fraunhofer.de/
And it looks extremly appealing, they are recruiting and they seem to be encouraging unsolicited apps.
I am also thinking on applying to https://www.hhi.fraunhofer.de/
As I have a bachelors in EE, tons of experience in DSP and im taking a lecture by a prof doing very cool research there. My plan is to approach him after the lecture and ask if he has something I could work in.

>> No.14590599


>> No.14590767
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As a future mechanical engineering student, It is my interest to know how much math, physics and 'computer' knowledge is needed in freshman year engineering courses. I am an 18 year old high school student and am worried about the very real possibility of not being prepared enough for university concerning a lot of things:

Advanced math courses: I have mastered algebra 1-3 using a textbook. Poor background in Geometry and Trigonometry. No background in Vectors.

Physics courses: Absolutely no background aside from what school taught me(to which I attentively paid attention to and got high marks from). I need to develop background using SELF-TAUGHT knowledge.

Programming: Absolutely no knowledge at all.

I still have 2 years to prepare (going to enter senior high school, 11th grade in 2 months)

>> No.14590806

Engies don't need strong math abilities. Just do your homework and course assignments and you'll do great.

Unless you're at MIT or some shit of course.

>> No.14590809

also, MODS

>> No.14590828

I'll be getting my bachelor's in physics soon, but I'm not cut out for teaching or academia and would rather go into an engineering/CS/data science direction.
Is getting a master's degree in computational science and engineering worth it for career prospects?

>> No.14591369

electrical engineering
a shitty state school

>> No.14591553

Oh definitely, I don't expect the idea to be easy. I'm currently enrolled in a MechE sliding into an Aerospace masters, I just like that I'm not completely blocking myself off in terms of transferability to other fields.

>> No.14591563

>, I just like that I'm not completely blocking myself off in terms of transferability to other fields.
Well I don't know. You might be. Find out specifically about the place you are interested in doing your PhD at.

>> No.14591602

The truth is that it really doesn't matter. The only advantage a big university or big lab brings is networking and a good travel budget.

The biggest warning I will say regarding working with large labs is that there's a much greater risk of project-sniping. When you've got hundreds of people working on the same shit it's just much more likely that people will come up with the same idea as you and beat you to publication. I knew a grad student who worked on one of the big fusion projects and had to restart his diss three fucking times because all his experiment and diagnostic ideas kept getting sniped before he could get anything published.

>> No.14591743
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Entering Junior year this fall and I haven't gotten my hands on any research or internships yet. Honestly don't know how the prospects are for my major (aero engi). I have got a lab assistant job part time now but in reality I just go and help them move tables and chairs. Just gonna write it down on future resumes and hope the employers don't ask too many questions. I am starting to be a little concerned now cause they say if you don't get anything by the end of Junior year you are just shit outta luck and it will be hard to get a decent job or get into graduate school.

>> No.14592003

do you know what it's like for people who get PhDs from noname universities? do they get treated the same as those who graduate top 100?

right now I'm extremely insecure about the fact that I have spent 7 years in university but don't have a degree from a REAL university, only two from my own country that are way down in the global rankings and probably way easier to get through than proper ones

>> No.14592052

STEM in Norway is a joke

>> No.14592286

Why? NTNU is ranked around 100 for mech, which isn't bad.

>> No.14592309
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I've studied ER for 5 years now and have only 2 years worth of credits.

Time to drop out and rope. Brainlets can't compete. I got no skills, no work experience, no credentials. I wasted my youth and life aiming too high, no one in my family has a university degree and neither will I.

I just can't or know how to study

>> No.14592311


Anyway, I flunked yet another basic bitch course so enough is enough. Sunk cost fallancy has gone too far.

I shouldn't have been let in in the first place

>> No.14593017


>> No.14593024

>need a job
>want to work in a neuroscience lab
>all i got going for me is being a decent software dev
>applied to 10 jobs so far
>rejection or no response
what do?

>> No.14593038

That would've been me too except I figured out early on that I hate wireless from a moral standpoint so I completely avoided EE.
You should become a fiber tech.

>> No.14593066

8 months in boys no job had about 10 interviews, think im gonna go back and get a masters in clinical psych or something, fuck engineering

>> No.14593186

How the fuck does this even happen?
Do you have like no study discipline at all? I know so many brainlets that graduated EE no problem, its an easy degree afterall

>> No.14593227

Keep applying. You may need to apply to hundreds of places before you get anything. Every opening posted online typically gets dozens or hundreds of candidates.

>> No.14593229

>hate wireless from a moral standpoint
are you a schizo?

>> No.14593421

I know it's a easy degree, my ability to study is just shot. I can't do it even for a hour a day and when I do it's the day before exams

I have ADHD but it's not medicated since no doctor wants to prescribe me anything

>> No.14593562

>I have ADHD but it's not medicated since no doctor wants to prescribe me anything

They prescribe it liberally in countries where it's legal. Have you even tried you dumb fucking nigger.
You don't know how good you have it. Where i am stims are illegal and people are just left to rot that actually need them.
If you can't even google "how to get adderall script" then yeah, you deserve to be a plumber.

>> No.14593566

>They prescribe it liberally in countries where it's legal
Just because it's legal doesn't mean they prescribe them. I live in a protestant country.

It took me a year to get a diagnosis
10 months later nothing and I've visited doc/psych couple of times

>> No.14593614

End of PhD theoretical physics student here (finished thesis, just waiting to defend).

I've published papers in prestigious journals (PRL, PRD, etc.) and applied to quite a few postdocs but was a bit late in the application process. I haven't really heard back from anyone and while I've accepted that I will have to wait for the next application round I'm worried there's something deeper that is wrong.

Any advice?

>> No.14593618

>Resources for protecting yourself from academic marxists:
Kek any good stories here?

>> No.14593964

>next application round
Isn't there pretty much always someone out there hiring PhD students and postdocs? You don't have to wait for some "next round", keep applying. That way at least you'll know if the problem is you or your timing.

>> No.14594091
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is doing a master on control and robotics as a computer engineer graduate economic suicide? or would I have the same pay and working conditions as if I had worked those two years?
Really getting paranoid lately, wish I was in the army fuck

>> No.14594095

depends entirely on what kind of job you're gonna try to land

but robotics is one of those fields where there is a heavy slant towards going further into academia. what exactly are you gonna do with a MSc like that in industry? robotics R&D is mostly the purview of people doing PhDs or having PhDs.

t. just did an MSc in CS/CE with a thesis in robotics

>> No.14594101

Fell for the STEM meme while Chad chilled through his humanities degree getting his dick sucked and got a job in private equity

>> No.14594295

>theoretical physics
Hey I'll hire you to theoretically work for me for a theoretical 100k a year lololololol

>> No.14594396

How do I unironically get a 1,000,000+ starting salary out of college?

>> No.14594439
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>> No.14594470

Do you have any work experience? Internships?

>> No.14594488

The only real job offers are in webdev. Everything else is some kind of tax fraud I think.

>> No.14594507
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M.Eng. in Chemical engineering
1 year working a water testing
2 years internship working in oil and gas
1.5 years running a metals laboratory
6 months working in covid testing

I'm Canadian, but I have sent out resumes all over Canada and USA.

I want chemical engineering... I have literally applied to so many companies

>> No.14594521
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I have a B.S.E.E. with a major in RF
Would "Antenna Test Engineer" at Northrop Grumman be a good first job or would it pigeonhole me into testing forever?

>> No.14594533

K I have no idea then, I only have 1 year's work experience but I got multiple job offers in 2 weeks. In pharmaceuticals though.

>> No.14594543

What city?

>> No.14594547

Or state?

>> No.14594557

Degree, experience, and GPA?

>> No.14594619

>no job had about 10 interviews
bro...i think the problem might be you

>> No.14594658

I graduated in May and I keep getting cold calls from people asking if I'm looking for work. It's pretty odd. I don't know how they are getting ahold of my contact information. I don't have any linkedin or professional profiles and I haven't applied. I think my university might be sending out my information on my behalf. Which is strange but pretty based if they are actively working on getting me a job. Do universities typically do stuff like this?

>> No.14594660

If you used Piazza for your classes then you might have accidentally signed up for the job outreach program

>> No.14594684

stop being a pussy and finish your degree.
yeah you don't "feel" like studying. neither does anyone else. stop letting your "feelings" control you and make a rational decision for once.

>> No.14594847

>Do universities typically do stuff like this?

Dude, almost every uni is going to have a career center that does exclusively shit like this along with resume reviews and interview practice sessions.

>> No.14595106

>I’m Canadian
Well there’s your problem

>> No.14595122

>Honestly don't know how the prospects are for my major (aero engi)
Aerospace is fucked.
There are WAYYYY too many fucking aero students and not nearly enough jobs
On one hand you have legions of le epic space NASA-merch wearing zoomers, and on the other hand you have whores that gravitate towards AE now instead of staying in their biomedical Egr containment zone.
There’s like a 90% chance your job title won’t say “aerospace”, and will instead be as a code monkey for a defense contractor.
While AE majors get unrelated jobs, the ones that double major in Aerospace and Ocean engineering are at like a 100% employment rate before graduation.
It’s like an extra 12 credits and engineering schools with big programs usually have an option for this.
The caveat is that if you do this option you better like designing warships and submarines.

>> No.14595204

bros I'm in the UK, nearly done with my 3 years bachelors in mechanical engineering.
Soon, I must decide if im doing the masters in mecheng too or not. Thing is, I'm considering doing the masters in computer science instead. Would this be dumb? Its about $6000 more to do the masters in computer science but I can just work over summer or something for this so financing isnt the issue.

I'm just scared if its a dumb leap to make, in hindsight I should've done computer science in the first place. even the programming modules we do are my highest scoring ones.

Other than engineering or software/programming jobs, uk engineers also go into finance, but I'm not the biggest fan (wouldn't mind though because im a money whore)

>> No.14595208

I should probably add, the uni said if engineering is not my main interest then im better of just leaving with the bachelors.
Engineers who want to become chartered go for the MEng as this makes the process easier down the line.

>> No.14595222

With my omniscience powers I know that you're Indian

>> No.14595234

good guess, im mixed (indian/white), my mother was bleached

>> No.14595265

you must be thinking of a different EE

>> No.14595288

make sure you have a basic understanding of calculus and vectors, even if that means you watch youtube videos. You're gonna want to have some experience, because your first semester is going to be hard, transitioning from family life to uni life, and if it's a good uni they will give you calculus classes from the first semester. It's best if you have s light clue, because right now you seem to have no clue. Also it would help if you didn't browse an imageboard all day like I did first semester.

>> No.14595325

The eternal kraut still thinks germany is the king of electronics

>> No.14595425

>you have whores that gravitate towards AE now instead of staying in their biomedical Egr containment zone.
Seriously what is the deal with this?
Every time I saw some vapid femoid in engineering college it was always doing aerospace.

>> No.14595623
File: 177 KB, 409x361, 04C2BCD6-B464-44E7-998C-093BAD3683B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is biology a viable field? What about computer science?
I’m about to enter a major university after taking several free years of community college. I used my free years of community college to build my level of mathematics up, earned general education credits, and tried to explore careers, but COVID 19 limited what I could take and the stuff that was available wasn’t that good

I’m entering as to get a degree in engineer but truth be told, I have no experience besides CAD classes and a simple beginners engineering course that just taught us the ethics and very basics.

How can I know if engineering is right for me? Ive never built something outside of school, my arduino has only been used for basic LED blinking stuff, and I am much more fond of 3D modeling things. I would pursue a career in modeling if I wasn’t mediocre in a field filled with 13 year olds producing better animations than me

I’m trying to self reflect and really find out if engineering is right for me. If it’s not, would one semester tell me that? Would I know for certain that I’m not cut out for engineering?

I mentioned biology because I’ve always wanted to study marine biology but I’ve always seen it as a hard field to find mediocre paying work in, and I mentioned CompSci because I like 3D modeling and the aspect of an office job, and I took two programming courses. It’s just that my modeling isn’t that great and I can’t seem to find any use for the coding outside of a compiler programming

>> No.14595647

Do universities take donations of random chemicals without asking questions? How can one dispose of, say, a strong acid without eyebrows being raised?

>> No.14595649

If you like bio and cs, consider looking into focusing on bioinformatics. You basically parse a metric fuckton of info, create models, etc.

>> No.14595667

I forgot to mention my position

I just passed calculus 2 and the farthest thing we learned was tests for divergence. I’ve never taken a chemistry class, nor have I taken a biology class. I just finished physics, which ended on thermal energy. I feel very lost and unable to explore a career without going into debt

>> No.14595702

>Is biology a viable field?
Just dump it in the woods dumbass

>> No.14595708

It's not my acid, I need to convince a retarded family member to get rid of it before my pending nephew gets a hold of it cause the idiot leaves it around in his mother's house who wants the baby around. Trying to find ways for them to get rid of it without getting in shit so the kid doesn't end up melting his face off.

>> No.14595717

Does anyone have any experience with nuclear engineering? What's it like?

>> No.14595787

Was it ever? First it was the US, then Japan, now Taiwan/Korea/US again

>> No.14595788

Just tell the mother and get rid of it.

>> No.14595792

Anon, it's none of your business. Why do you care so much? Are you some kind of pedo?

>> No.14595829

Here's a suggestion.
If you find yourself in a highly competitive environment - you're in the wrong field and should change it ASAP.

>> No.14595845

>if you find yourself in a highly competitive environment - you're in the wrong field
what the fuck does this even mean

>> No.14595883

It literally means you are in the wrong field and should quit and pick something else.
You will waste your energy on competing with other people instead of doing thing that you like.

>> No.14595956

Mix slowly and carefully with an alkaline material (such as lye) until it is neutral.

>> No.14595996

Should I apply for graduate entry level positions or for internships while postponing my graduation? Msc in physics and I want to go for software engineering or something similar. Never did any internships before.

>> No.14596017

>software engineering or something similar
soul crushing, i wouldn't recommend.
I recommend jumping from one internship to another, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that (free conferences, travel and nobody expects you to perform).
And once you exhaust the possibility to do so - either find some topic that satisfies you and work there while basically chilling or quit academia/science alltogether and make sure to write down all those internships in your CV.
You'll get a job almost anywhere easily like that, just act cofident and like you don't give a shit on an interview.

Also don't bother reading the requirements for the position, just mass spam people and companies. It's not inconvenient for the HR to read your CV even if it does not match the description for the person they're looking whatsoever. It's their fucking job to sit there and read it.

>> No.14596084

>My plan is to approach him after the lecture and ask if he has something I could work in.
That is probably the best way.

>> No.14596263

Do you know which kind of acid this is?

>> No.14596695
File: 467 KB, 2048x1152, 1655909038082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M.S Chemistry here with a solid background in biochemical techniques. I'm looking for a job and having a rough time like anyone who's applied to a dozen dozen jobs in a specific skillset field.
I fucked up my last job at a specialty chemical manufacturer at the end of my introduction period. Not in the laboratory, but in my laboratory notebook. I'm fairly young but nearing 30, Boomers with decades of experience liked me and told me I knew what I was doing in the laboratory. I even have a strong recommendation from one of my former coworkers. I am good with bench chemistry and working through chemical problems thinking on my feet and performing good benchtop experiments. What I am NOT good at, and what cost me my job was obsessing over details, slowing down, and treating my laboratory notebook too delicately. I was too fearful of making mistakes to progress at pace and it cost me my position. I was told to "absorb everything like a sponge" from my manager, and while it may not have been the best advice for someone like me, it was still ultimately my fault that I was terminated.

I'd take any advice from someone who isn't clouded by my personal biases. My main question, however, is how I can go about engaging research in an obscure field I am deeply deeply interested in. I have an opportunity that a university near me has a center for Astrobiology under NASA (oof). Specifically, I want to know how I can effectively and professionally approach relevant PI's in abiogenesis (chemical study of pre-life chemistries) in order to either be accepted into a graduate program in the future or find a laboratory in need of someone to do benchtop work.

I know what laboratories I'm interested in, and I have had a strong interest in the field for years. Even after reading publications. It's cliche, but observing the science being done it falls into my "dream job" category.
Thank you for reading.

>> No.14597114

Are you actually supposed to do well on technical interviews?
I'm looking for entry level work and I just keep getting demolished. Even when the questions are relatively simple, they are still specific, and I can't remember the information off the top of my head just out of no where.
Every time I go into one of these I have to end up saying "Ah...uh...no, I don't know...sorry." then never hear from them again.
This feeling is so weird, it's like I graduated university somehow but now I feel too stupid to actually get a job.

>> No.14597198

"Well" is based on perspective, what field are you in? One of my past positions, as a chemist, had a few technical questions. One deceptively easy one was, "what is your favorite ground glass joint size?".

I told them "24/40" and gave a brief explanation why. We even talked shit back and forth about my answer. I got the job, it didn't end up working out for other reasons, but I got the offer and a few months experience and salary.

Now, depending on what question the interviewer(s) asks, the answer itself may less important than how you approach. They are looking to gauge your knowledge in your subject field! Unfortunately, and as you may suspect, "Uh.. Sorry I don't know" is a very negative answer for an interviewer.

Don't worry about trying to parse the "exact right answer"! You aren't "on the job" and solving the problem as you would in the intended position with the tools you would have. What they are looking for is an answer that demonstrates how much work and effort you've put into the field of study and your first-hand familiarity with it. Now, you will receive technical questions that need hard answers, but as you experience these it should give you a better idea of the base knowledge you should bring to an interview.
Hope that helps, interviews are tricky and no one company is the same. But you just need to overcome that barrier of acceptance and you've succeeded.

>> No.14597246

It's fucking demoralizing dude. I know these questions are easy and I could remind myself of them in minutes, but I always flounder because the field is so vast I can't keep it all in my mind 24/7. I'm working 2 part time shitty wageslave jobs trying to meet ends meet while I try to get an engineering job and it's like I work all day, come home exhausted, then do a phone interview and have some asshole ask me to explain these concepts to them and I can't. It's easy when you spend all day thinking about it but I don't have that luxury.

>> No.14597648
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I'm at the very end of my PhD. About to start a postdoc. Got some publications, not really enough to stand out. Basically neglected my well-being for a long while now just to get this piece of shit through. Academia is a massive shitfest and I've realized I probably don't have what it takes to make it there. Problem is, I don't really have any employable skills and most jobs just seem like complete ass.

I really want to die and I think I've made a huge mistake.

>> No.14597835

Is majoring in just plain geology worth it, compared to specializing more in the other majors offered in Geoscience programs, such as geochemistry, geophysics, hydrogeology, etc.
For just plain geology major we have to take college chem 1 + 2, physics 1+ 2, vector geometry, calc 1 + 2, linear algebra, vector geometry, and a bunch of geology courses like structural geology, mineralogy, etc. We also have the option to switch certain math classes out with computer science classes.

>> No.14597920

hey guys im a Canadian CS major in my 3rd year but my GPA got buttfucked due to laziness thanks to online school

am i fucked? I can't even get internships, i could probably fix my GPA by the time i graduate but i would have no internships by then . . .

what do i do?

>> No.14598284

>graduating with a 3.35gpa in industrial engineering
>need to start looking for jobs in the us

Am I fucked bros? Or is there hope for the imaginary engineer?

>> No.14598299

I think that's a great C.V. , anon

>> No.14598329

Is Mechatronics a good major? I'm pretty much done my first year in applied sciences and I gotta choose a specialization, and it's either this or mechanical engineering for me

>> No.14598336

>Problem is, I don't really have any employable skills and most jobs just seem like complete ass.
I'm about to start a PhD. I looked at some job advertisements and feel the same way. It seems most jobs just want a wrench monkey that has basic computer skills. Trying to make it in academia doesn't seem so bad now desu.

>> No.14598381

you're over qualified

>> No.14598384

Any physicists? What's your education, current occupation and what do you (generally) do in the workplace?

>> No.14598385
File: 102 KB, 360x524, image_2022-06-24_033644740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a mechanical and electrical mutt that is too diluted to be useful even in a job title that says "mechatronics"
kino major, the most math-heavy engineering field, and if your EE major is RF & Microwave then you will be a math chad

>> No.14598389

>It's not inconvenient for the HR to read your CV even if it does not match the description for the person they're looking whatsoever. It's their fucking job to sit there and read it.
lol. lmao.

Most applications get shitlisted by keyword search. A human won't even look at it if it doesn't pass the filters.

>> No.14598393

I did mechatronics. Couldn't find a job for 8 months so went back to do a CS master's. First job I got was as a code monkey, now doing robotics research.

Don't do mechatronics if you want a job. The only positions I was qualified out of school were PLC or CAD monkey type ones, and even those wouldn't hire me.

>> No.14598426

I always assumed employers would jump at the chance to employ someone that understands both mechanical design and electronics.

>> No.14598441

that would make sense if you were employed to design a toy remote control car by yourself
but in the real world you're working on multibillion dollar systems that have entire teams of Mechs, DSP electrical engineers, power engineers, controls engineers, and a legion of code monkeys, all working on a small piece of the overall system, with each team being competent in their specific subsystem

>> No.14598525

Not always. Not every company is a multi-billion dollar defense contractor.
Places like startups that want people with cross-domain expertise don't want to fuck around with recent grads.

>> No.14598526

which is to say, there are people doing "mechatronics" out there, but the usual career path to that kind of role is to start as mech or electrical and gain a lot of experience at the interface. for noob roles pure mech or pure ee is generally a better fit because noob roles are more specific.

>> No.14598567
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ANONS! I got my acceptance to the MSc programme. This feels so good. vgh...

>> No.14598688

Congrats amon, wgmi

>> No.14598705

I got a bunch of family/friends in pharmacy. I'm a CScuck, how is it like with you guys? I only worked a pharm tech job in college and I hated it so much, now I'm wondering how do you guys think of it? Use i live in a nigger city so that's probably why I hated the customers and the employees

>> No.14598706

I actually emailed him and he replied positibely
Im beyond stoked his research is fucking badass

>> No.14598712

No keep everything uniform
>Title at top
Removed. This is opencv or something, I know you can do it because I have done it.
Not enough accomplishments. Say what you did better: "Parallelized a DSP processing stack" vs "Parallelized a DSP processing stack for our [BLANK SYSTEM], which increased [GOOD METRIC] by X percent". Something like that.
>Languages: Native Spanish
BASED bellow brownie. Otherwised good shit: I'm not an EEfag sadly so I can't give insight on whether your bullet points are shit or not.
Yes I agree with him. English isn't that complicated: can you read technical docs and talk about your work? If so then you know English enough.
If it's an accent than it's just a non-issue.

>> No.14598728

thx, fren!

>> No.14598756

EE perspective: every bullet point under the degree is the same coursework that literally every EE at an accredited school has to do (except the Simulink portion)
It should ideally list the niche senior level electives you took, instead of the general requirements everyone else also took
In my case, I took three courses that each had like 9 students, and those really stood out to employers every time

>> No.14598763

>Removed. This is opencv or something, I know you can do it because I have done it.
You mean to say I should incluse opencv there? I mean, sure, ive used opencv. Have also use scipy ndimage and signal and so on. As well as stuff like Eigen for c++.

>Not enough accomplishments. Say what you did better: "Parallelized a DSP processing stack" vs "Parallelized a DSP processing stack for our [BLANK SYSTEM], which increased [GOOD METRIC] by X percent". Something like that.
Hmm sure, may sound better but I dont want to sound like im bragging or something

>If it's an accent than it's just a non-issue
At this point, i have virtually no accent when I speak. I also use english more on my day to day than any other language, id say the split is about 50% english, 25% german 25% spanish nowadays

>> No.14598769

>EE perspective: every bullet point under the degree is the same coursework that literally every EE at an accredited school has to do (except the Simulink portion)
>It should ideally list the niche senior level electives you took, instead of the general requirements everyone else also took
>In my case, I took three courses that each had like 9 students, and those really stood out to employers every time
2 things:
1) im not sure im really pursuing an EE path at all
2) I didnt have the option to take technical electives at my uni, thats one of the reasons I took so many math courses as an extra thing
Bonus) im >>14598706
But I actually cleaned up a bunch of things on my cv before emailing the man

>> No.14598788

>You mean to say I should incluse opencv there? I mean, sure, ive used opencv. Have also use scipy ndimage and signal and so on. As well as stuff like Eigen for c++.
No I mean, the dates should be aligned. It shouldn't be
2021 --
it should be 2021 -- current
>Hmm sure, may sound better but I dont want to sound like im bragging or something
You 100% want to be bragging. That's the main point of a resume: to make employees think you're the best.

>> No.14598792
File: 171 KB, 773x925, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 years ago I posted my resume and everyone made fun of me, I wonder how far I've progressed from then

>> No.14598802

>wrote latex in latex format

>> No.14598815

Based. It's the only way to write it.

>> No.14600019

Say youve been out of school for a year and just took a job in a field not relating to your degree. How fucked are you when trying to get back in your field? Would it be best just to build projects related to your field to get and get your foot back in?

>> No.14600026

Should I have a portfolio page to show some personal projects if I'm trying to leap from data analyst to data science gig?

>> No.14600180

I got a job teehee ^________^

>> No.14600375

Bros is finishing a engineering degree considered prestigious?

I've literally done a 4 year degree in 10 years how fucked am I?

>> No.14600417
File: 321 KB, 600x584, 1653408810643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've literally done a 4 year degree in 10 years

>> No.14601416

anon.. I am getting old, pushing25 this year
the master is two years so...
I just wanted to work in locomotion/slam/planning
it just seems like what i want to do, but not sure anymore if it's just what I want to believe that i want to do...

>> No.14602092

I'm 26, so basically the same boat as you. That's a pretty normal age to be doing an MSc, at least in Europe. Americans are the ones with the twisted expectations, usually graduating with PhDs at my age.

>> No.14602371

What about systems engineers?

>> No.14602489

pretty much the exact same scenario
Most systems engineers are ME/EE/CpE/AEs with years of experience, and not the people who got a bachelors in systems engineering

>> No.14603810

STEM generals cannot die.

>> No.14605146
File: 203 KB, 800x480, image_2022-06-26_223343476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the arts are just as important

>> No.14605669

Does everyone else actually hear back from employers/PhD positions? It feels like I'm blacklisted from life for some reason.

>> No.14605672

chemical engineering is insanely oversaturated, you're talking like 10 new grads for each opening that exists at any given time

transition to tech or something

>> No.14605687

sorry, but we found a pajeet willing to do it for half the pay in exchange for a visa sponsorship

>> No.14605729

I am a slav who will do it for half the pay in exchange for visa sponsorship tho

>> No.14605824


>> No.14605891

sorry we're full
Computer science

>> No.14605938

>Masters student in Germany
can you tell me more? Are you a thirdie? how costly is the university? how much is the living expense? Any bigotry you had to deal with from germans or refugees? sex any blonde germanic girls? what field are you in?

>> No.14605950

Got an interview with a Boston office of a major pharma company in a technical engineering role. How much salary is liveable in boston?

>> No.14606250
File: 9 KB, 228x221, dontfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been in this field for approximately 10 years in terms of university and work...

I don't want to switch fields.

>> No.14606265

chemical engineering is a settled science

>> No.14606283

Medicine :)))
The field where you are literally a servant to normies and their ills

>> No.14606312
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>> No.14606314

Every university in the world is shitting out computer "scientists" like there's no tomorrow.

>> No.14606358

>shitting out computer "scientists" like there's no tomorrow.
and every company is hiring code monkeys like there's no tomorrow
I work for one of the big 5 defense corps, it is known for its radars and RF systems, that's where a big portion of its billions in income comes from
and yet we hire 10-20 """software engineers""" for every 1 RF engineer

>> No.14606501

How do I transition into tech?

>> No.14607073

>can you tell me more?
>Are you a thirdie?
Yes but I also have a euro passport so I dont know anything about the visa process or whatever
>how costly is the university?
300 euro semester contribution that includes transport in the entirety of Berlin so pretty damn cheap
>how much is the living expense?
About 1k a month for me, sometimes more sometimes less, could probably do with 800 a month
>Any bigotry you had to deal with from germans or refugees?
No, what are you? A tumblr fag or something?
>sex any blonde germanic girls?
No I brought my gf with me so im not pursuing random women, however girls at partys have hit on me a fuck ton. Im not particularly attractive, girls here are just slutty as fuck
>what field are you in?
Read my cv

>> No.14607541
File: 517 KB, 756x744, 1656371836468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I just drop out of university? It's summerbreak and it would be easy not to signup for the next semester

I'm >>14592309 and I feel crushing embarrassment for failing a 1st year course for 4th time. Just didn't study, just didn't attend my exams until the last one which I then flunked. Not an excuse for being stupid but I was late for it too.

Thinking about getting adderal illegaly since prescriptions are hard to come by

>> No.14607953
File: 255 KB, 750x520, 2797-22187-4389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you're in your 40s working a repetitive shitty job that pays 50% what 22 year old college grads make, you'll look back and realize how much of a fucking idiot you were for not going to class and putting in the most bare effort
if women and 95 IQ minorities can make it through a science or engineering degree, you have no excuse

>> No.14608051

I looked at your resume (or CV) and here are my comments:

Simulink, Matlab, C++ and Python are all standard fare, I would expect to see this in first year students not MSc candidates.

I wouldnt hire you. And certainly not cold. If you are any good, direct contact or a much improved resume is needed.

There are some interesting courses in signal processing but without knowing the curriculum in more detail its impossible to make an assessment.

My advice would be to get a better application - specific skills and exploit an area. A list of courses would not impress me.

I hire an awful lot of people btw.

>> No.14608084

>Simulink, Matlab, C++ and Python are all standard fare, I would expect to see this in first year students not MSc candidates
What? What do you even mean? I shouldn't add the programming languages I know to my cv?

>I wouldnt hire you. And certainly not cold. If you are any good, direct contact or a much improved resume is needed
Well I did get hired yesterday for a pretty amazing place as a reasearch assistant so I guess im lucky you where not on the other end of the process lol

>There are some interesting courses in signal processing but without knowing the curriculum in more detail its impossible to make an assessment
This is why interviews exist? You expect people to list their course contents in detail on a 1 page cv?

My advice would be to get a better application - specific skills and exploit an area. A list of courses would not impress me.

>> No.14608188

>Should I just drop out of university?
You are obviously not keen to this course or field.
If you drop out, you will have to make some soul search to find what you truly want (based on research, market, etc).
This is one of the hardest things that you do in your 20s-30s, especially if you have to take national entrance exams all over again. I'm assuming it is something absolutely crazy like the gaokao in china
You're right.

>> No.14608377
File: 207 KB, 420x393, tiredofthisshitpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>math undergraduate
>realize this is all beyond retarded and useless
>drop out of college
so what do I do now?

>> No.14608489

>If you drop out, you will have to make some soul search to find what you truly want
Is there really any way to know what that is? I no passion to do anything, I can't even imagine it

>> No.14608512

>Is there really any way to know what that is?
No, you can't know what you don't know and most things end up reciprocating back to being a debt slave for... uh nevermind I don't want to be banned

>> No.14608529

>Is there really any way to know what that is? I no passion to do anything, I can't even imagine it
You just can't go blind into a degree.

>>Oh I am going to be an engineer!! heavy math and physics to build bridges and planes
reality: you need to know your fucking CAD, otherwise you are fucked

>>Oh I am going to be a computer scientist!!code is so cool, art, gamedev, web, le FAANG, le python universal language!!
reality: you're going to be watching endless e-learning courses on a routine basis, stressed, anxious, trying to fix stuff.. basically, can you endure browsing 4chan for the rest of your life ? because you will be always in front of your pc

>>I am going to be a scientist!!
Oh well.. "research".

And so on.

>> No.14608630


>> No.14608743

Yeah, that's the problem