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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 101 KB, 623x710, thank you california, very progressive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14571973 No.14571973 [Reply] [Original]

didnt they already do this in new zealand or some place?

>> No.14571988

I mean Evolutionism is basically a religion because you have to have blind faith, adhere to the strict evolutionist dogma, and trust in the Prophet Darwin

>> No.14572024

California (a democratic shithole) will not allow this to pass, because making denial of evolution a crime also means making it illegal to deny divergent evolution that led to their pet hispanic and negro voterbase being less intelligent because of selective environmental pressures, and not systemic racism, etc.

They want this so you can't deny transgenderism with woke psuedoscience psychological bullshit, but it will bring unintended consequences that will be the undoing of their oppression narratives.


>> No.14572047

No, in nz high schools they now teach maori mythology in science like creationism. You unironically have to learn what a taniwha is (they claim it's a spirit which watches over rivers and shit but if you notice nearly the exact name word is used in Samoa and Tonga it becomes obvious it just means a big shark).
At the university of Auckland the physics and maths books used to have 15 shelves combined. Now they have only 2 each. The rest were basically tossed out or put in "storage" and replaced with "Matauranga Maori" (Maori knowledge) or just replaced with nothing at all. Architecture books were outright thrown away.
I wish I were exaggerating a single part of this story.

>> No.14572052

Another case where you're better off homeschooling your sons to protect them from today's world.

>> No.14572057

Also, Toby Hendy's uncle, Shaun, spearheaded a letter opposing the former Dean of Science's statement that indigenous knowledge should not be considered equal to science, and the political term "western science" was pointless anyway since the scientific method is supposed to be universal. The guy resigned because of the political pressure. You may know Toby Hendy better as Tibees.

>> No.14572065

Does that mean denying the existence of Zeus, and Ra and Jah and Yahweh and Allah is prejudice, intolerance or abuse?

>> No.14572220

>less intelligent because of selective environmental pressures
Retard take. Just because something sounds good/right doesn't mean it's correct... like out of Africa theory for instance. Black low IQ is just genetic drift. Native Americans are dumb as fuck but they would have needed to transit arctic lands to get here etc. They didn't get smarter due to natural selection and they didn't need to.
Not getting these facts strait and relying on /pol/ takes is why they will be able to selectively apply this law and forbid hate facts like blacks having lower IQ.

>> No.14572229
File: 45 KB, 600x599, frodo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Americans really?
Do christcucks really?

It is sad how someone can stand up and say "I believe in God, the Bible teaches me all there is to know" no one bat's an eyelid.

Yet if someone stands up and says "well actually, I don't believe in God. Here is all the scientific evidence that disproves everything mentioned in the bible" they get treated like shit and looked down upon.

I hope it gets passed so I can abuse christcucks by shouting 'blackhole', 'evolution', 'big bang' at them.

>> No.14572233

>Not getting these facts strait and relying on /pol/ takes is why they will be able to selectively apply this law and forbid hate facts like blacks having lower IQ.
How many muscles did you tear when tying yourself up in knots to blame /pol/ for leftist insanity? This is one of the most convoluted sentences I've seen in a long time.

>> No.14572241

! homo alert !

>evidence that disproves the Bible
there unironicaly isnt any

>> No.14572243

Ok Jesus.

>> No.14572259

>>evidence that disproves the Bible
>there unironicaly isnt any
Just an interesting observation: Jupiter was sometimes referred to as Jove.
Say "Jove" out loud.
Use correct classical Latin pronunciation. Sound familiar to someone else's name?

>> No.14572272

This is what happens when you have low IQ zealots congregated in one area. Instead of arguing for Christianity like they would have 400 years ago they’re arguing for “science”, whatever that means. The first right in the bill of rights is by far the most important. The freedom of ideas and the spread of ideas. You make that illegal and society quickly turns into a dystopian shithole

>> No.14572282

Ok this just settles that modern science is fake and made up on little rope that easily breaks. Thanks for clarification.

>> No.14572308

>Ra Jah Yah Allah

>> No.14572343

>t. smartest atheist
Tell me what language Jesus spoke and now explain how youre retarded.

>> No.14572350

Jesus spoke Aramaic and Hebrew. I think the point that poster is making is that Jove in Latin is pronounced “yo-vey”. Not sure how that disproves or proves anything though. Judaism predates Roman Gods by many centuries.

>> No.14572355 [DELETED] 

Nondisprovable theories are outside the scientific method, if its illegal to question the big bang, then the big bang is no longer part of science, enforcing it by law makes it officially becomes religious dogma.
That means we can permanently ban big bang discussion from /sci/

>> No.14572360 [DELETED] 

>Judaism predates Roman Gods by many centuries.
theres no evidence which backs up that grandiose claim, not in the dead sea scrolls or anywhere else

>> No.14572369

This kind of prospal should only ever really apply to scientific subject matter such as germ theory where actual demonstrable consequences can be observed. Applying this to the big bang is completely out of bounds while applying it to evolution when we still haven't identified alien life else where is cart before the horse tier.

Again Germ Theory is fairgame though.

>> No.14572399

the politicization of science is the reason why we need to establush a monarchy.
all this cultural smorgasbord is going to bring us to the new world order.
i think we need to start lynching sociologists.

>> No.14572400

actual smartest atheist here guys

>> No.14572406


Idk about new zealand but this isn't in PBS Twitter and I cannot find a single article referencing it anywhere.

>> No.14572409 [DELETED] 

Nondisprovable theories are outside the scientific method, if its illegal to question germ theory, then germ theory is no longer part of science, enforcing it by law makes it officially becomes religious dogma.
That means we can permanently ban germ theory discussion from /sci/

>> No.14572410

how is a denial of anything infringing religious freedom? Do these people understand what religious freedom is??

>> No.14572415

>"We'll fight science denialism by making science into a religion and sending jackbooted thugs to punish the non-believers"

And thus there was much rejoicing by...creationists. They've been spreading this "science/atheism/evolution is a religion" argument (nevermind all of the Christians who believe in evolution) in order to invalidate evolution as an actual science and relegate it as a religious belief. And now the California state government just gave creationists all of the validation they need.

Thanks for nothing, California.

PS this is also a violation of the First Amendment and the establishment clause that says there can be no state religion. Last I checked, it was okay to be a Baptist and disagree with Catholic theology and vice versa since you can't be a member of a religious sect without opposing at least some of the doctrines of other religious sects and giving a special privilege to any single sect is creating A STATE RELIGION.

>> No.14572418

Since when has rejection of religion been considered prejudice or abuse? I hate leftists so much it's unreal bros.

>> No.14572430

Okay. How does it disprove the Bible either way? You’re saying there’s no way to tell if Jove or YHWY came first.

>> No.14572474 [DELETED] 
File: 141 KB, 744x1333, solz meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they don't care about your constitution, your constitution has been burned up and thrown in the garbage ages ago, you stood by and did nothing while it was happening

>> No.14572477

Religion is a cult, you are either part of the cult or an enemy of the cult. You are not allowed freedom within the cult, you must only believe what the cult tells you to believe. Science is a threat to destroying the cult, this makes the cult experience extreme cope so they have to find ways to block it out.

>> No.14572535

>this makes the cult experience extreme cope so they have to find ways to block it out.
You did read OP's image, right?

>> No.14572573

Yes, because that is what they are trying to do.

>nnnnnnooooooo you can't say big bang it is abusive reeeeeeeeeee
>shut it down

>> No.14572654

What the fuck are you talking about? The headline is literally the polar opposite of what you're saying.
>nnnnnnooooooo you can't deny big bang it is abusive reeeeeeeeeee
>shut it down

>> No.14572762 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 680x847, cringe soyence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14572763

I quick search hasn't come up with anything recent but in 2016 California did try to make it illegal to deny the accuracy of climate change theories.
>Senate Bill 1161, or the California Climate Science Truth and Accountability Act of 2016, would have authorized prosecutors to sue fossil fuel companies, think tanks and others that have “deceived or misled the public on the risks of climate change.”
UC Berkeley did recently publish a paper on science denial, so the pieces are all there, which makes this plausible but I'd like to see a link to the actual bill under consideration, if it exists.

>> No.14572798
File: 229 KB, 768x719, 1654836700312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blame /pol/ for leftist insanity?
Show me a leftist source that says blacks have lower IQ because of environmental pressures ROFL. It's a complete /pol/ take invented out of thin air you dumbass. "Denying" that will never be considered "denying science."

>> No.14572800
File: 551 KB, 681x829, 1655237836480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are those the same people who ruled that bees are fish?

>> No.14572820

the bill is not up for consideration, legislators 'are mulling' it which means they said some bullshit to reporters that they cant even figure out how to make into a law

>> No.14572977

brought to you by the people who can't tell a vagina from a penis

>> No.14573142

Who cares? There are popsci theories made for NPCs to give them a current thing they can support. They are not interested in that, neither did I. All easy to refute, but knowledge needed to grasp that they don't have and never wish to.

Discuss that BS is useless, it's made for their beliefs, not for any one who is off or against mainstream.

>> No.14573143
File: 89 KB, 580x718, Neo-Leftist-Nazis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didnt they already do this in new zealand or some place?
nazi Germany.
Fun fact, Woodrow Wilson and FDR were both sympathetic of Hitler's goals, and quite jealous of him. Hitler also got most of his ideas for his eugenics programs and his economic programs from the Democrats.
Democrats also modeled much of their post WWII platform to fit the NSDAP's, and many ex-"Nazis" defected or emigrated to the USA and became major DNC donors and influencers.

>> No.14573178

Just glad I'm out of this state and living in northern euro.

>> No.14573185

Sounds similar to when they had the idea of taxing former residents for a decade after they moved to another state.

>> No.14573512

>I think the point that poster is making is that Jove in Latin is pronounced “yo-vey
Yo wey
Similar enough to yahweh they may have same root
They're the same god, the god of the hebrews was just the god of thunder to the romans

>> No.14573782
File: 136 KB, 517x426, glowie_says2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they don't care about your constitution, your constitution has been burned up and thrown in the garbage ages ago, you stood by and did nothing while it was happening

>> No.14573818

Out of the frying pan and into the fire.

>> No.14573882

Shut the fuck up boomercon faggot.
National socialism would fix almost all of the main problems western societies have nowadays.

>> No.14573910

I don't believe an intelligent designer would have created someone as retarded as yourself and stlll made you in his own image.

>> No.14573916

It's Yo-wey. Latin used to have the initial "w" sound. For example, "wine" is an early Latin word borrowed into proto-Germanic that kept the sound.

>> No.14573919

Well, I guess the "wey" part isn't initial, but I'm snockered so forgive me.

>> No.14573924

all science comes from satan.

>> No.14573938
File: 221 KB, 828x499, lol_@_pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The freedom of ideas and the spread of ideas. You make that illegal and society quickly turns into a dystopian shithole

>> No.14573949

National Socialism with Libertarian Characteristics would be based and redpilled. Teddy Roosevelt and Franklin Roosevelt were the two best presidents we had.
The first did trust busting and created the national park system, and the second created one of the strongest middle classes in world history with the New Deal.
Modern day neoliberal soience is pozzed as fuck and has nothing to do with national socialism, or FDR.

>> No.14573958
File: 193 KB, 797x1024, 1636384872224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>denial of science an infringement of religious freedom
More proof that satire and parody are obsolete.

>> No.14574010

>fascism works
this but unironically

>> No.14574011
File: 409 KB, 582x565, t1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the holohoax was real

>> No.14574216
File: 605 KB, 2147x1412, hawking-paolovi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems we shouldn't have ridiculed religions. Because now all religious morons flood the science. I would say that it's Vatican's agents directly corrupting science (as it seems to be the case in the case of the big bang theory) but evolution is probably another case, so that it's whether what I've told or a screen to cover their hand trying to enforce their big bang hoax in the light of real astronomers discovering objects closer and closer to their imaginary boundaries of the world and public being sceptical about the expansion happening faster than speed of light.

>> No.14574283

Jesuit minions everywhere

>> No.14574323

the catholic church has been funding scintific endeavours for over 1500 years you retarded amerimutt

>> No.14574334

> ban all the scientific societies
> allow only yours
> look, goyim, we invented science and established all the universities!
Why though?

>> No.14574344

>established all the universities
yeah literally what they did

>> No.14574351

Where do I begin.. let's begin at what I consider the beginning of the catholic church. At the founder of the homosexual secret society catholicism is a branch of:
> Aristoxenus in his Historical Notes affirms that Plato wished to burn all the writings of Democritus that he could collect

>> No.14574354

>american schizo ramblings
yeah thats what I thought

>> No.14574376

two question to our muzzo friend:
Was there freedom of thought in medieval Europe?
What was the main opposition to free thought at that time?

>> No.14574382

Yeah it's pretty awful.
Even about 10 years ago, I had a maori mate from work, a real good guy, just a normal dude. He went to uni to study to be a physiotherapist and every time I saw him after that he was always preaching to me about evil capitalism and anti white stuff. He turned racist as fuck against whites and we kinda fell out.
From what I heard he basically turned into a piece of shit and just sits on unemployment now.
I'm old enough to have been taught about maori cannibalism at school, by a fijian teacher. Can't imagine the re-write of history kids are getting now.
Seems to me every university these days only pumps out leftist radicals and complainers

>> No.14574383

It's not a real screenshot. You're all such astonishingly gullible retards.