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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14570997 No.14570997 [Reply] [Original]

>failed calc 1

>> No.14571017

I always knew soijack posters were low IQ

>> No.14571671

Look what formal education did to you , pathetic

>> No.14571695


>> No.14571763

What even is calc 1 and why do schools need 5 of them?
Intro to partial sums?

>> No.14571771

This is calc 1
-limits and continuity
-application of differentiation
-application of integration

>> No.14571787

oh so its calculus

>> No.14571805

like more than 50% fail that class because it's first semester

>> No.14571851
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>falied physics course
>failed again
I wish I was joking

>> No.14572325

>fail calc 1
>switch into data probability
>get an A
Either Probability is an easy course, or I simply spend too much time on card games and making small horse bets.

>> No.14572342

I mean, I know it is a bit late now, but did you at any point consider studying?

>> No.14572780

>data probability
wtf is that class? Some kind of stats course for business majors? obviously that's going to be easier than a calculus class.

>> No.14572785

yes I'm not sure what these peoples' thought process is, they are either retarded, have anxiety, are depressed, or aren't mature enough to care at all

>> No.14572876

what course?

>> No.14572883

Did you study?

>> No.14572895

You can be a genius but if you aren't in the right mental state, which is very likely given the situation, you can fail even basic algebra.

>> No.14573170

>failed calc 1
I failed Calc 1 3 times before I passed and then passed Calc 2 first time
It is literally only over if you give up easily like some chump op
If you want to give up that is on you, but it is possible to succeed if you do it again till success

>> No.14573634

Probability is easy.

>> No.14573673

Calculus in high school felt like I was learning fucking nonsensical gibberish and I ended up dropping the course halfway through because my monkey brain literally could not comprehend it. Then, I retook it at a community college and got a B+ so I dunno. I got a C+ in Calc 2, and now I have to retake Calc 3. I think it's just a matter of doing practice problems over and over again. I probably should have tried harder in Calc 3, but I got kind of cocky after making it through Calc 2 on my first try because everyone seems to bitch about it being literally impossible for some reason. Wish me luck, faggots.

>> No.14573814

I took Calc 4 and linear algebra with the same teacher (was working at uni but no phd). I dropped out of college that semester with no plans to return.

One night a few years later, I was drunk with friends and they wanted to see how bad my transcript was. When I checked, I saw I was given a c+ in both the classes despite only finishing half the semester.

I asked around and found out he massively fucked up teaching the classes when the head of the math dept. had to leave unexpectedly. The teacher was fired and everyone in his classes were given passing grades.

Because I passed those, I was able to be admitted to upper division classes and finished my degree 1.5 years later.

For the rest of my physics and math classes, I had all a's and b's. I legit might not have finished college if it wasn't for that night and the fluke.

>> No.14573837

>take calc 1
>fail again
>pass, take calc 2
>crammed 40 credits in senior year because upper level classes required calc 2
>graduated with 2.7 GPA

>> No.14573929

Who cares. In my Uni I failed every math course twice and yet now in masters i got top grades

>> No.14573947

In Calc I you have to learn how to learn higher math while still learning the basics. It's like not ever having hands, forcibly sprouting some on a whim, and then learning a sign language.

>> No.14573975

I'm a sophomore premed and got a B+ in calc 1 and C in genchem my first semester.
My prof was a self hating white and hated whites so maybe that had to do with it. Just kind of weird how I got A's on all the tests then I get hit with a test that I utterly fail

>> No.14574222

>Failing calc 1 3 times
how is this possible?

>> No.14574309

i failed calc 1 twice but did okay in calc 2 and destroyed calc 3
i blame the teachers

>> No.14574436

I'm almost certain i failed my engineering mathematics exam

>> No.14574478

Why and How?

>> No.14574494

You have all the ressources you need online or at the library, you only have yourself to blame brainlet

>> No.14574750

What did you think calc stands for? Calcium?

>> No.14574789

>take physics course
>fail on two exams because I wasn't learning
>take it again next year
>did not even tried the exams because I haven't learned
>take it for a third time
>get mad at myself why am I retarded and wasting my time
>actually start learning
>pass with the highest mark
Prof asked me why am I pretending to be this retarded. It was a fair question.

>> No.14574886

I'm getting filtered by a Data Science course, its over bros.

>> No.14574935

some kind of 1st year physics introduction
1st time I failed because I dropped the course from anxiety, you know, college freshman things.
>mid term
>studied for everything except 1 constant
>get low grade
>near the end, students with low grade could do something something to improve grade,
>thought the course is piss easy
>never listen to lecture, nor take those opportunity.
>final exam
>study material for 1 day
>very confident in my understanding
>obscure questions that didn't appear in material like blackbody radiation
>lose half total grade because I didn't listen to lecture
>make 1 mistake in calculation
>now my grade become so low its over

>> No.14574941
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I always knew posters that spell wojak as "wojack" were low IQ

>> No.14576228

>failed calc 1
Take it again. You will do better the second time.
Sometimes you need to take more than one run at this stuff, especially if you were maxed out on classes and exhausted the first time.

>> No.14576380

When I learned what Calculus and Linear Algebra were actually used for later in life it makes a lot more sense than when I was taking it in university

We were just dropped into doing these fucked up equations without clear explanations of all the conventions being used and what purpose they served and why I would need them to get my degree (I didn't need it for the rest of my degree).

>> No.14576398
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>fail calc 1
>retake it
>get a C
>move forward in life and get Progressively better at math
You just need a redemption arc anon.

>> No.14577471

what did you do to actually start learning?

>> No.14578936

Great, from now on you should categorize yourself euphemistically as
>coffee grinds

>> No.14579177

Just finished Calc IV, which was the final calc here. Done with calc, diffeq, and linear algebra. I am above the fucking moon right now that I never have to do a math class again.

That being said, calc I is stupid easy, m8. Try harder.

Also get a ti-nspire CAS edition if your professor is still behind the curve on those. They solve integrals n shit, plus they have a notepad that you can store notes in. Cheated my way through chemistry and math with that thing. They may be a little more strict about them in early calc where you're just learning to differentiate and integrate, but can get away with it.more in later calc's

>> No.14579209

>differential calc
>only 5 students
>prof is on the young side
>we would all just huddle up on his table during class
>he's disappointed that we're all fucking dumb, all of us absolutely failed
>but he's also part of the gang now, even hang out and drink with us
>gives us all passing remarks

>integral calc
>it's him again

God bless that man.

>> No.14579245

Lucky fuck
>Calc II
>Summer class condensed into 5 weeks
>24 Students
>Professor is some old Chinese guy who decided to add extra chapters on top on standard curriculum.
>Study group studies a minimum of 5 hours a day in library together
>Tells everyone it's their fault that they can't handle course work
>Only 3 students pass class.
>Everyone writes complaints to school about him
>Nothing ever happens

Fucking hated that guy so much. Had a 3.7 overall GPA till I took that fuckers class and lost my will to try and struggled through rest of calc. If I saw him burning in a fire, I'd die a happy man.

>> No.14579251

literally me

>> No.14579275


>> No.14579549

soijak posting outside of /qa/

do not reply to soijak posts
do not bump soijak posts

>> No.14579569

>Only 3 students pass class.
>Everyone writes complaints to school about him
>Nothing ever happens

Yep, this shit happens at my school too.

>> No.14579574

I took calc 1, did no studying whatsoever, got the highest on every test, passed with an 97%

absolute state of /sci/

>> No.14581117

lmao how much debt you in???

>> No.14581139

this was me
gps 8.3 in first year
8.6 in second
9.7 in third

>> No.14581162

bump to spite a tranny 5 posts above me

>> No.14581367

when you're a first generation college student (and there are a lot of those now that everyone goes to college) it can be difficult to figure out how to jump through the hoops
imagine your parents are retarded poorfag workerdrones. you get told you're "really smart" in high school. then you go to university, take out a huge loan, live in an apartment for the first time, surrounded with irresponsible drunk people, you likely have anxiety and depression, and try to pass a full semester load, when you aren't accustomed to mostly teaching yourself the material. it's a recipe for failure.

>> No.14581412

How do Americans even fail courses when their universities are nothing more than degree mills?

>> No.14581443

>pass calc 1
>retake physics 1 and pass
>retake calc 2 and pass
>doing well in physics 2 (for now)


>> No.14581801

Yes, I believe you are correct and it is indeed over

>> No.14581833

Stop posting pics of yourself.

>> No.14581903

>how is this possible?
being brown.

>> No.14582097

I'm currently on track to fail Calc 1. Who would've thought being a lazy fag doesn't work outside high school?

>> No.14582117

>currently at 48% for calc 2
I-I can still make a comeback, right anons???

>> No.14582135

high school or college? if high school, do your self a favor and take it at a summer session at a local college.

>> No.14582681
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>somehow manage to get A's in calc1-3 at CC
>take year off bc BPD mental health
>transfer and skip intro to proofs bc class was full (covid) and against the advice from math department chair enroll in analysis very first semester (cocky that i "self learned")
>raped in the ass week1 couldnt figure out latex couldnt figure out inline math mode
>pic below is week1 hw "proof' i submitted (this gives me PTSD at how atrocious it is )
>never stood a chance, shouldnt of even passed with a C but i guess professor felt bad for allowing me to jump into analysis without intro to proofs

PTSD from that for how awful my work was compared to calc in CC which dosent prepare you at all for transfer

>> No.14582684

I know this is a meme but failing math classes has much more to do with not understanding pre-requisite topics, not studying efficiently, and having bad work ethic than IQ (especially for plug and chug classes like calc 1/2), so try again if you feel that describes you.
What you will realize very quickly when taking quantitative courses is that while you may be able to pass the prereqs with say, a B or C or just by cramming, that is not sustainable and you will build up a deficit of knowledge that eventually leads to you getting Ds and Fs and having to go back and learn these topics properly anyways. Good luck.

>> No.14582687

everyone always makes fun of me for being stupid since I only have a BSCE... but I know that by having attained it I am smarter than >99% of people on earth.

>> No.14582690

As I said in >>14582684 , I think you should also avoid focusing on memorization and grinding as much as possible. You should try to fundamentally understand the topic, that will still require studying and you're going to want to do a few questions to make sure you understood it well, but just being able to mechanically do the problem has no real value and is a trap that will lead to you failing further quantitative courses.

>> No.14582700

studying is for gay retards

>> No.14582705 [DELETED] 
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They say the n word in the classroom way to much and their jewish marxist professors fail them on purpose. Can't let the chuds have access to become the part of educated elite with bachelor degrees.

>> No.14582707
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They say the n word in the classroom way to much and their jewish marxist professors fail them on purpose. Can't let the chuds become a part of the educated elite with bachelor degrees.

>> No.14582737

I've started explaining it to myself and making notes. Once you actually understand it and won't just memorize, it's gonna be much easier.
As for how I get myself to learn? I really just said that fuck it, I MUST do it, sat down and learned. It was shit because I'm lazy and it's kinda hard for me to concentrate on things that I don't actually want to do, but I bruteforced myself until I actually got immersed into the subject.

>> No.14582921

>failed Calc 3 again
Should I just sudoku?

>> No.14582953

>bayesian statistics exam next week
>it's either going to be the young nice professor or the cranky old one with no patience
>it's an oral exam
>probably with proofs
Kill me bros