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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14570707 No.14570707 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine the quality of this board if the captcha was replaced with solving trivial integrals

>> No.14570718

You can just remove the odd part of the integral leaving half of the integral over a half circle with radius 2. So the end result is pi.

>> No.14570720

Would certainly weed out the leftist scum.

>> No.14570729

/pol/ threads would drop to 0%

>> No.14570732

bots can solve these integrals easily. so, we'd replace all the lefties with bots. basically, nothing would change.

>> No.14570733

If the password is the result, it'd take a wifi bruteforce solver like 0.00000000000002 seconds. I assume they give the students the real password after they say it's pi. If this is real and not a meme. But it's not.

>> No.14570734

>implying they don't have access to a graphing calculator such as desmos

>> No.14570741

Lots of retards can't operate a search engine so it'll weed a bunch of them out

>> No.14570748

>Here look at my secret knowledge, straight from ancient aliens, you shall not pass!
ill plug in wolfram alpha with image to text conversion and it's solved in microsecond, your math science is useless just like you are jobless pseud.

>> No.14571028


>AP high school level math
>secret knowledge

I think you just under estimate how dirty public education did you

>> No.14571036

I think it would be cute, but most people can follow simply written instructions to work through these problems. The very next thing you would see is a script to guide or automate doing so once you type in the function and select the solution. Doesn't really help anything.

>> No.14571058

you need wifi to use that

>> No.14571062

> Chinese Students have to Solve This for the wifi password
No they don't. One student solves it and the rest cheat off him.

>> No.14571072
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Considering most with the ability to solve these skew left, you would then change the discourse to almost exclusively leftist ideals overnight.

This is why you fuckers need philosophy. You really don't think things through.

>> No.14571078

I mean YES from a certain point of view precluding /pol/tard nutjobs would "shift the overton window leftward", but that leaves the sane people not "the left". Also this is a science board not a politics board who the fuck cares. The only thing true in politics is that everyone IN politics plays "hide the definitions" to lie with statistics.
Granted this will never happen so it's kind of a moot point.

>> No.14571163

square root of [4-(2)^2]

>> No.14572019

*whips out pirated Matcad*
nothing personel, kid

>> No.14572346

reminder that when 4Chan introduced their own Captcha to replace google's there were XX% of posters that kept complaining about how hard it was and how they genuinely struggled to make posts

>> No.14572393

Would allow fart huffing pseuds or mentats to be the only people posting on this board. Anyone working in their field and not remembering the list of rules wouldn't be able to post.

>> No.14572408

I took calc back in high school. I can do linear algebra better than I can solve integrals at this point. Why would I remember this shit?

>> No.14572420

This post mainly serves as an ego boost. "Look at me I can do integrals, everyone should do it otherwise they are below me"

>> No.14572439
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>> No.14572511

I can use ethernet.

>> No.14572591 [DELETED] 

>4chan is not good enough for me
>i don't like the content on this board at all
why are you here? just leave if you don't like it, problem solved. theres a million other imageboards out there, there is even one with the style of captcha that you describe. you will never see any of those other sites because instead of looking for them, you insisted on forcing yourself and you demands to change the site more to your liking on 4chan.
if you want to manage an imageboard, you can make your own imageboard real easy, its just a drag and drop install and editing a few variables on one master file.
this is a meta thread, its not even about science at all, yet here you are complaining that the other posters aren't making scientific enough posts to satisfy your demands.

>> No.14572710

/sci/ wasn't always like this you election tourist

>> No.14574280

>an integral that can be solved in your mind

>> No.14574291

you mean copy paste it to wolfram alpha?

>> No.14574293

pi is not a number

>> No.14574308

It would become monodisciplinary as well.

>> No.14574329

You mean like Stephen Jay Gould the guy who forged racial cranial measurements for ideological reasons when he found the original to be upsetting to his ideology?

>> No.14574341

>forged racial cranial measurements for ideological reasons

>> No.14574364

>implement this in Chicago
>niglets just come to school with a gun and force the teachers to hand over the password
Problem solving comes in all shapes and forms.