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14564798 No.14564798 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible covid was engineered in a lab? If so, how and why?

>> No.14564894

no, of course, such hoax on a planetary scale requires lots of power and money, it was engineered in CIA.

>> No.14564940

For the same reason they do testing to see if pain hurts. Scientists are autistic, it might not have been intentional to release it, but the ptb decided to capitalize on it. It is interesting that it seems to really hurt the brain, is it was intentional, the goal want to kill people, it was to create a dumbed down population with a really short memory. I caught the demo strain and it really fucked mine up, regularly I'll search videos or come across music that seems interesting only to realize halfway through that I've seen it, and it was one of my favorites just a year or two ago. I watched breaking bad and the last 10 or so episodes were completely new to me. I watched Twilight and thought they only made two movies, when I watched the "new" ones, they seemed vaguely familiar. It's fucked, this shit deletes memories, if you have enough intact they can be recovered somewhat, but how do you know you've forgotten something unless you happen to stumble across it again? It's fucked.

>> No.14565007
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boredom, believing thier own propaganda, every generation needs thier empire burned to the ground to remember their hubris, trying to force Gods hand and all of that

>> No.14565010

Nigger, that has been out of the question for any1 with a brain for literally years now
>Huh? Elaborate on that!
No, use your brain, nigger

>> No.14565747

Anything and Everything is possible however the virus itself is predictable much like its predecessor.

>> No.14567134

there's no virus, actually. still not isolated properly.

>> No.14567159

>Is it possible covid was engineered in a lab?
yes it's possible. no there's no way to tell.
>If so, how
with petri dishes probably.
gain of function research

>> No.14567175

no, impossible, disinformation shill. viruses don't exist.

>> No.14567211

So instead of sponsoring new shows they finally figured out a way to make watching reruns interesting?

Actually I've been thinking about this specific dilemma, my cat got bored at 6 years of age and would no longer play with toys, died at 17, so she lived 10 years of life not enjoying much besides laying in the sun. For me as a human, it's kind of become the same, I often times wish I could die and be reborn just so I can experience everything fresh.

>> No.14567262

>there's no virus, actually. still not isolated properly.
no, impossible, disinformation shill. viruses don't exist.

Everyone who's not an idiot knows that non-refuted status of the research. But 4chan retards think they are better than flat earthers because muuh science church said otherwise and ignore that. Forget it, this board is far more stubborn than any boomer grandpa ever can be.

>> No.14567272

3 gp120 inserts in the most virulent place on the spike and during cleavage site. It's probably more likely to win the lottery every week than for this to occur naturally in less then 3 years and then there's the gain if function patents and papers describing it

>> No.14567349

>do specialized research into how viruses in bats may potentially be transmitted to humans
>purpose of research is to be prepared in case it does happen and a new pandemic happens
>after outbreak happens, refuse to give information about patient zero
>outbreak occurs a few blocks from said research facility
>say reason we can't blame people "right now" is because we need to work together to combat the virus

It's more than likely, it's highly probable.

>> No.14568488

viruses don't exist, retard

>> No.14570205
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>Is it possible covid was engineered in a lab?
>If so, how and why?
See attached for how.

As to "why", well I think you already know that one.

>> No.14570211


>> No.14570337

Remember when Facebook and YouTube would ban your account if you even discussed the possibility that the virus leaked from a lab? And there was no accountability for that overreach? Good times!

>> No.14570360

>Is it possible covid was engineered in a lab?
> If so, how and why?
who cares

>> No.14570403

>who cares
People who don't want to go through this again.

>> No.14570418

please explain to me how exactly you're going to stop chinese infectious biologists from not using proper ppi?

>> No.14570439
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>who cares

>> No.14570447

yes. pokemon go fuck yourself

>> No.14570459
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nobody else would fuck her, so she is stuck fucking herself.

>> No.14570474
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I am 100% sure that Covid was engineered in a lab, probably for research into mass genome editing.

However, I believe the release onto the human population was accidental. The vaccines were meant to correct the unintended mass gene editing caused by the release of the virus, which itself was one of potentially thousands of different prototypes. I also believe the vaccine manufactures secretly had access to the original Covid culture which is why they were developed so quickly.

Everything is hushed by the Chinese and US government because god help them if the public found out how badly they fucked up.

>> No.14570509
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>However, I believe the release onto the human population was accidental.
Event 201 October 2019
vaccines for the virus already made prior to the "event".

it was a planned event to oust Trump and other elected officials, steal elections in several countries, and implement the 1% elite's agenda via the WEF/Soros/Gates.

>> No.14570517
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>because god help them if the public found out how badly they fucked up
Some of us have known for a looooooong time >>14570211

>> No.14570526


>> No.14570600

and plenty of them.

>> No.14570607

"Plum Island research facility. Sounds charming."

"Oh but there are beautiful views, lovely beaches, turns nests...."

"Oooh, Turns? If I help you it will be turns with us. Quid Pro Quo."

>> No.14570618


>> No.14570654

Mmmmmmmm Chianti wine with liver! good!

>> No.14570656
File: 62 KB, 622x708, PP_2020.11.20_post-election_3-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it was a planned event to oust Trump
Looked to me, like Trump was in on it, and wanted it to spread. Downplaying it to the public from day one, gawking at agencies & professionals and their advice, rallying his fans in crowded events, and flights from china stopped two months after covid was announced & a month after it was confirmed in the US.
You even have a theory as to why he'd want it to spread.
Consider his claims that mail-in ballots were illegitimate. He even told Republicans to vote in person. And in the end, Democrats we're significantly more likely to vote via mail.

>> No.14570669
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>Looked to me, like the Democrats were in on it, and wanted it to spread, with Pelosi telling people it is not dangerous and to attend the New York China Celebration parade and "hug an asian" in Feb 2020.

>Downplaying it to the public from day one, gawking at agencies & professionals and their advice, rallying Democrats/Antifa in crowded events and "peaceful protests",

>and not wanting flights from China stopped after covid was announced & for months after it was confirmed in the US.

>Democrats helped import 10 million "refugees" from Carribean/Central/SouthAmerica that were never tested for covid, and not given vaccines.

>> No.14570673
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>> No.14570702

He wasn't in on it. He's just dumb, and thought he could bluff his way through a viral pandemic the way he bullshits through everything else.

I'm not a liberal or a Biden supporter, but people who haven't caught on that Trump is barely midwit IQ level by now are probably room-temperature IQ themselves.

>> No.14570714

No intelligent or honest person wants to run for office.

That's why ALL politicians are worthless and why all their positions need to be dissolved. Government is useless.

>> No.14570780

Where's that "world wide police state?" Australia and the UK aren't the world, last time I checked.
Why did the Trump administration create riots to (affectively) take away my right to protest?

>> No.14570901

>Why did the Trump administration create riots to
You needs meds. Recommend cyanide in your case.

>> No.14570907
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>> No.14570986

served fresh on anthrax island

>> No.14570992

that brookyln dad account was exposed as a literal DNC shill bot account paid to shitpost on twatter by the DNC, like confirmed not speculation

>> No.14571016
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100% Lab made.
made as bio weapon. got out by mistake.
once it was out, pharma companies used the opportunity to make billions from a nothing burger.

It wasnt a planned leak, but the vaxx response became planned once they realized the money to be made after.

>> No.14571093

>brookyln dad account was exposed as a literal DNC shill
Most leftists on Twitter are/were bots.

There are not many real leftists in real life, which is why they must continue to steal elections, even in their corrupt areas.

>> No.14571125
File: 56 KB, 1000x675, smelon buttsk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when will smelon buttsk holocaust the bots?

>> No.14571157

IF he ever buys Twitter he might. Twitter's value keeps plummeting as more revelations about how 40%+ of Twitter accounts are bots, and might go bankrupt before he does buy it though.

>> No.14571507

100% you are a government shill. viruses don't exist.

>> No.14571509

I am 101% sure you are a government shill scum

>> No.14572896

Yes, but not as a weapon
Scientists cross and mutate viruses in labs constantly for gain of function research
Its supposed to help understand the virus better

Wuhan lab of virology was working with the corona virus, they published papers on covid even years before the outbreak
The genetic code for covid gas been sequenced and is available online
You can check for yourself that it contains parts of the genetic code of the aids virus
They have been partly spliced together

The virus was released due to poor security standards
The security flaws and issues at wuhan lab of virology were publically known and also discussed in a new york times article in early 2020 that discussed the lab leak theory

>> No.14572947

I wonder what the public would do if they were really aware of what our government is doing.

>> No.14574273

Dude... You've posted this almost exact same post like 10 times.

>> No.14574335

What is our government doing and what do you want the citizens to do?

>> No.14574349

Sort of, yes.

It's not totally engineered because coronavirus' were already a thing beforehand. But perhaps they found this strain, or were studying a modified strain, and it ended up leaking from containment.

I dont think it's a weapon or anything, because out of all countries, China has been fucked up by COVID the most probably. It's not like they would do that to themselves on purpose.

>> No.14576090

it was american research

>> No.14576112

Ching Chong

>> No.14576120
File: 751 KB, 1280x1775, coronavirus_outbreak__2019__non_colorized_by_mati0la_ddr4coq-fullview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she escape

>> No.14576133

>got out by mistake.



Major Bullshit

>I believe the release onto the human population was accidental.


>such hoax on a planetary scale requires lots of power and money

The top 1% rich leftists got Trillions of dollars richer in 2020-2021, while everyone else got Trillions of dollars poorer.