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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 6 KB, 330x370, bible3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1456086 No.1456086 [Reply] [Original]

christ will save you all

>> No.1456091


>> No.1456096

Heard he was dead.

>> No.1456101


>> No.1456106

niggers fucking niggers

>> No.1456108

I love you 4chan

>> No.1456113

Learn to put spoilers you inconsiderate fag.

>> No.1456121

Heard He died for our sins. Best to thank Him while you're still alive ;)

>> No.1456127


Heard there were different species of animals?

>> No.1456137

spoilers for what?

>> No.1456143


>> No.1456153

Not going to discuss with you, irrational atheist pig.
Your "argument" doesn't even make sense.

>> No.1456157


There's no argument. Evolution occurred. It's not a big deal really.

>> No.1456173

actually there is otherwise it would be accepted

>> No.1456179

Micro-evolution, maybe. Macro, no. And we will never observe it too.

>> No.1456181

>Implying that there is debate outside of the USA and undeveloped nations

>> No.1456185

so all developed nations aside from the USA agree that evolution happened?

Bull crap

>> No.1456191


>> No.1456193

It's true.

>> No.1456194

>Implying you have some method to distinguish between micro and macro evolution.

We had the "kinds" debate years ago, and no distinction which precludes descent exists. Learn to use induction bro.

>> No.1456204
File: 36 KB, 500x429, pokemon_evolution_chart_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1456198

you're in denial, saying shit like things will never happen

be rational you christfag

>> No.1456196

inb4 shitstorm

>> No.1456201

Gee, you sound like an awful evolutionist now.
"Where's your proof it happened?"
- "It's true!"

Learn to think for yourself, mate.

>> No.1456206

probably not, as any nation with a sizeable christian citizenship wont agree on evolution being fact

>> No.1456208

I read it on 4chan.

>> No.1456213

Just the US and developing nations.

>> No.1456217

Tell that to the Catholic church, which acknowledged evolution as fact years ago.

>> No.1456219


>> No.1456225

i said nation, not church

>> No.1456230

christfag fail

>> No.1456236

OP is a fag

>> No.1456239

no OP is a /b/ troll

>> No.1456240

Vatican City is a nation, bro.

>> No.1456243

yes but hes a successful troll

8/10 OP

>> No.1456246

No sci vs. Religion! You will be banned!

>> No.1456247

I hope he takes backups of the rest, I think he'll find that my data will utterly corrupt his computer.

>> No.1456248

you didnt say vatican city or even the vatican

>> No.1456253

>Implying /sci/ has mods

>> No.1456252
File: 17 KB, 262x313, successful_troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1456254
File: 33 KB, 240x249, cp1421_troll_thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, yall niggas posting in a TROLL THREAD

>> No.1456255

The Catholic church is extremely powerful in nations around the world. If the Vatican has agreed that evolution is a fact, that means most Catholics believe it's true. So your statement about no nations with large Christian populations agreeing on evolution is false.

>> No.1456266

implying catholics are devout and not observant only on sunday, if that much

>> No.1456270

get real not everyone blindly follows whatever their leader tells them too

>> No.1456286


Nobody but Christians

>> No.1456297

do american christians believe what obama says? no, thanks for playing though

>> No.1456299

this should have been /thread

>> No.1456318


lrn 2 logic

>> No.1456327

actually i pointed out an error in your thinking, go baaww someplace else failfag

>> No.1456336


>> No.1456346


spiritual leader =/= government leader

Go back to /b/

>> No.1456364

i know the difference jackass, but i said leader so technically speaking, the example worked

you're the one who needs to lrn2logic

>> No.1456380


Obviously talking about spiritual leader ITT

Maybe you're too stupid to follow

>> No.1456382

attn religiousfags and atheistfage

>> No.1456387


Since most christfags in the US are retards, and think that he isn't really our president for some shitty reason, no, your example didn't work

>> No.1456407

maybe you were but i decided to use a different example so shut up

>> No.1456409

trolled like a bitch

>> No.1456421


So you are saying that you were going completely off topic and introducing a concept that had nothing to do with what was previously stated?

Looks like you need to lrn 2 logic!

>> No.1456415

christians in america dont follow their spiritual leaders blindly either

ever hear of fred phelps? not a lot of christians believe the nonsense he spits out

you fail

>> No.1456426

not completely, i just used a different kind of leader to prove my point, theres no reason i had to use a spiritual leader as an example when leadership is the key variable not whether that leadership is secular or religious

>> No.1456429


Talking about actual "holy" leaders actually. People like jesus, the pope, etc.

>> No.1456447


Nope, their willingness to blindly follow is brought fourth mostly only by so called human gods, like jesus, the pope, etc

They think that listening to these people get them into heaven, which is the reason for their willingness to blindly follow. Muslims do this too, which is why they strap hot dog bombs to their chests and blow shit up

>> No.1456454

Jesus is the way, the truth, and the light. In a world full of confusion, you can find truth in Jesus.

>> No.1456467

Bitch is dead, motherfucker.

>> No.1456473


So I can find truth in a man who never existed?

I don't like Jesus' story. I think I'll make up my own, I think the guy's name will be Nester... Nester the Jester, yeah. He jested for the truth, and an alien spaceship took him up and told him the secrets of life and technology. He wanders around the rainforest telling tribes of people how to advance their technology and fly into space and colonize a planet light years away. This is why we see fewer and fewer people living in the rainforest, so we cut it down looking for the lost people...

Hey, it's more believable than christianity!

>> No.1456477

>christ will save you all
>46 replies

>> No.1456510

successful troll thread

>> No.1456525

Interesting that you flat out deny he existed. You must possess some sort of omniscience.

Even the Jews, Muslims, and historians admit he existed. Interesting how you think a religion was formed off of someone who never existed. Maybe you should take a look at yourself and realize how irrational you are being.

>> No.1456542


Even though there were numerous historians in the area at the time, there is not 1 who wrote about him. The only ones that Christians like to quote mine are highly disputed and believed to be falsified. Jesus wasn't real bro, most of his story is stolen from Horus

Also, many religions are based off of people who never existed, namely almost every religion ever

>> No.1456600

That's interesting cause I did a google search and immediately found secular writing that mention Jesus.

Also the Jewish Talmud records the earthquake and the tearing in two of the Temple curtain during the time of Jesus' death, and Josephus in his book, The Jewish War, also confirmed these events.

>> No.1456620


Wow... raptureforums is DEFINITELY NOT secular.

Also, Josephus was not a historian, so he doesn't count.

>> No.1456632



Here you go, watch the first 1/3

>> No.1456654

Get out.

Even those that use the documentary theory of interpreting the bible agree that there was a jesus. Its not that there being a jesus means anything, there was a mohamed too.

>> No.1456655

OP here, dont feed the trolls

>> No.1456658

It is a list or compilation of many of the writing that mention Jesus.

>> No.1456664

The good thing about these troll threads is that they are a good place to share skeptical material.

Foundational falsehoods of creationism (contains objections to biblical "evidences")

>> No.1456676

